competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
CAD Drafter

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Applied Mathematics
Applies basic concepts in geometry, trigonometry, and algebra to design.
- Calculates unit conversion. Converts fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions. Uses algebraic operations accurately to create technical drawings and/or models. Uses geometry and/or trigonometry accurately to create features such as tapers, cones, and arcs. Understands the mathematics behind complex drawings.
Project Management
Plans, documents, and completes personal work activities to meet drafting project objectives and deadlines. Communicates effectively with supervisor regarding personal work activity plans.
- Manages file organization on company network. Manages calendar to attend meetings and complete tasks on-time. Adheres to project schedule for assigned tasks and provides appropriate updates. Manages daily workload under direction and supervision. Communicates work schedule and progress to supervisors and others on the project team. Plans weekly schedule to meet project deadlines and goals. Collaborates with colleagues to give status reports and determine priorities. Adapts to changing priorities, tasks, and schedules. Anticipates project issues/delays and plans accordingly.
Technical Drawings
Reads and interprets technical drawings.
- Reads technical drawings and identifies basic components and standard views. Understands assembly and exploded assembly drawings. Identifies section views. Visualizes connection between views on simple drawings. Understands common drawing symbols and notes. Visualizes connection between views on complex drawings. Identifies correct view to place dimensions. Communicates information on company drawings effectively. Reads and interprets the full spectrum of company and customer drawings.
Primary Drafting Software
Uses company’s primary drafting software to create technical drawings.
- Understands and navigates drafting software. Completes revisions of existing technical drawings. Completes title block and applies reference information. Imports simple parts into a drawing and establishes correct drawing views. Uses basic tools (e.g., lines, simple shapes, etc.) Creates technical drawings with substantial support. Uses more tools within software application and with increasing complexity (e.g., patterns, arrays, blocks). Adds correct tolerances to dimensions. Creates technical drawings efficiently and accurately. Uses advanced features within software application (e.g. shortcuts, custom settings, templates). Troubleshoots drafting issues within software. Completes advanced drafting projects independently. Creates drawings with minimal revisions and that are easily revised. Draws complex geometric shapes (e.g., helix, multi radius curve). Provides guidance and coaching to other employees on the drafting software.
Business Context
Incorporates knowledge of related business activities (ie. upstream or downstream of drafting) to drafting work and decisions.
- Understands basic work process flow and scope of projects. Asks questions of colleagues in adjacent departments when their input is relevant to a project. Makes drafting decisions that adhere to project scope requirements. Understands how design affects production and implementation. Understands how cost/budget impacts design decisions. Positively impacts cost and/or operations with drafting decisions.
General Engineering
Understands the relevant engineering discipline(s), such as mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, or structural engineering.
- Has a basic understanding of the role of engineering in the design process. Takes direction from engineering to complete drafting tasks. Understands when to seek input from engineering staff. Collaborates with engineering staff to get feedback and make correct revisions. Applies basic knowledge of design engineering principles to drafting projects. Checks specifications and identifies potential errors.
Industry and Company Design Standards
Understands and adheres to the relevant design standards.
- Replicates standards in basic drawings. Researches and knows where to find standards when needed. Applies company standards to technical drawings (e.g. drawing size, scale, annotations, tolerances). Applies industry standards to technical drawings (e.g. views, symbols, precision) Recognizes when standards are appropriately used or not. Draws conforming to appropriate standards. Draws consistently with other professionals in the company and the field. Explains distinctions between standards and reasons for them.
Business Technology Application
Uses Microsoft Office and/or G-Suite business applications to accomplish work functions.
- Uses basic features of Microsoft Word and/or Google Docs (copy, paste, bullets, spell check). Uses basic features of Microsoft Excel and/or Google Sheets (ie.sorting, filtering, data formats, basic formulas). Responds promptly to email and voicemail messages. Accurately manages work calendar including setting work hours, sending calendar invites, and accepting and declining calendar invites. Reproduces drawings in shareable formats (.pdf) for presentations and technical writings. Uses intermediate features of Microsoft Word and/or Google Docs (ie. headers, footers, comments, tracking changes). Uses intermediate features of Microsoft Excel and or Google Sheets (ie. creating and manipulating graphs, pivot tables, text to column). Uses advanced features of Microsoft Word and/or Google Docs (ie. automated documents, table of contents pages, hyperlinks within documents). Uses advanced features of Microsoft Excel and/or Google Sheets (ie. macros, advanced formulas)
Secondary Drafting Software
Uses company’s secondary or more specialized drafting software to create technical drawings.
- Understands and navigates drafting software. Completes revisions of existing technical drawings. Completes title block and applies reference information. Imports simple parts into a drawing and establishes correct drawing views. Uses basic tools (e.g., lines, simple shapes, etc.) Creates technical drawings with substantial support. Uses more tools within software application and with increasing complexity (e.g., patterns, arrays, blocks). Adds correct tolerances to dimensions. Creates technical drawings efficiently and accurately. Uses advanced features within software application (e.g. shortcuts, custom settings, templates). Troubleshoots drafting issues within software. Completes advanced drafting projects independently. Creates drawings with minimal revisions and that are easily revised. Draws complex geometric shapes (e.g., helix, multi radius curve). Provides guidance and coaching to other employees on the drafting software.
Modeling Software
Uses software to create models.
- Manipulates basic models in 3D environment Constructs rudimentary objects using modeling tools. Queries company models for information on part features. Uses modeling tools related to company designs. Manipulates and edits existing company models. Creates model configurations on company parts/assemblies. Creates basic models that can be used by the company. Creates complete models from component drawings (e.g. vendor parts)
Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) Systems
Understands the structure and operation of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical, and plumbing systems.
- Understands basic MEP system structure and components. Can identify symbols used in MEP technical drawings. Creates MEP technical drawings that meet design specifications. Uses correct symbols, features, and layouts. Troubleshoots MEP design issues and makes suggestions for improvement. Creates elegant, simple MEP technical drawings that are accurate and easy to read.
Manufacturing Equipment & Processes
Understands manufacturing equipment and the manufacturing processes used to create finished products.
- Has a basic understanding of company manufacturing processes and capabilities. Distinguishes between products that are made by the company vs. products that are sourced from vendors. Understands what type of equipment is used for different manufacturing operations. Understands the sequence of manufacturing operations necessary to create a given product. Understands limitations of manufacturing equipment and processes and how this impacts design. Incorporates input from manufacturing production into drawings. Troubleshoots errors or challenges in drawings related to manufacturing production processes.
Manufacturing Quality Control
Understands quality control tools and devices and how quality is ensured in manufacturing.
- Understands basic measurement principles and instruments (e.g. tape measure, ruler, scale) Has a basic understanding of the company quality system. Understands dimensions, tolerances, and specification limits. Can use precision measurement tools (e.g. calipers, micrometers). Can check measurements against specifications accurately. Identifies geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) symbols. Can identify, use, and operate gauges and other inspection equipment. Incorporates feedback from quality control into technical drawings. Applies correct tolerances and GD&T to drawings. Understands company quality systems and how they impact designs. Makes suggestions to designs to improve quality.
Entrepreneurial Skills
- Recognize that problems can be identified, and possible solutions can be generated Define the problem using a variety of strategies Make connections between information gathered and personal experiences to apply and/or test solutions
- Demonstrate curiosity, imagination and eagerness to learn more Build on personal experience to specify a challenging problem to investigate Engage in novel approaches, moves, directions, ideas and/or perspectives
- Recognize and describe cause-and-effect relationships and patterns in everyday experiences Investigate to form hypotheses, make observations and draw conclusions Test hypotheses/prototype with planned process for getting feedback
- Demonstrate a willingness to try new things Demonstrate flexibility, imagination and inventiveness in taking on tasks and activities Innovate from failure, connect learning across domains and recognize new opportunities
Personal Skills
- Accurately recognize one’s own emotions, thoughts and values and how they influence behavior Appropriately express one’s own emotions, thoughts and values and identify how they influence behavior Assess personal strengths and limitations, with a well-grounded sense of confidence, optimism and a ‘growth mindset’
- Recognize personal characteristics, preferences, thoughts and strengths Pursue opportunities to engage and learn interests Apply knowledge to set goals, make informed decisions and transfer to new contexts
- Recognize emotional response to ideas that differ from one’s own Regulate reactions to differing perspectives Look for and value in different perspectives expressed by others
- Resist distractions, maintain attention, and continue the task at hand through frustration or challenges Set goals and develop strategies to remain focused on learning goals Focus on learning goals by employing motivation and familiar strategies for engagement and evaluate progress, making necessary changes to stay the course
Civic/Interpersonal Skills
- Recognize how personal actions have had a positive or negative impact on others with feedback as needed Recognize how members of a community rely on each other, considering personal contributions as applicable Follow a process identified by others to help generate ideas, negotiate roles and responsibilities, and respects consensus in decision making
- Articulate personal strengths and challenges using different forms of communication to express oneself Consider purpose, formality of context and audience, and distinct cultural norms when planning content, mode, delivery and expression Establish goals for communication and plan out steps accordingly
- Compare attitudes and beliefs as an individual to others Identify and explain multiple perspectives (cultural, global) when exploring events, ideas and issues Plan and evaluate complex solutions to global challenges that are appropriate to their contexts using multiple disciplinary perspectives (such as cultural, historical and scientific)
- Takes great care with organizational data Does not disclose any kind of personal or sensitive organizational information; understands that all data is confidential Demonstrates honesty and integrity in all interactions. If an error is made, prioritizes minimal impact to the organization over their own reputation
Professional Skills
- Articulate task requirements and identify deadlines Develop and utilize basic task and time-management strategies effectively Demonstrate task-management attributes associated with producing high-quality products including the abilities to: 1) Work positively and ethically 2) Manage time and projects effectively 3) Multi-task 4) Clearly communicate with others
- Appropriately express a range of emotions to communicate personal ideas/needs Ask questions to develop further personal understanding Demonstrate confidence in sharing ideas/feelings
- Complete tasks with ongoing support Seek clarity on tasks and needs occasional support Demonstrate skill in assigned tasks and completes with little or no support
Academic Skills
- Begins to use math and literacy skills to inform work Uses math and literacy skills to perform job tasks with frequent checks by supervisor Independently and consistently use math and literacy skills to perform tasks (with occasional checks for quality)
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):
Apprenticeship Orientation
Introduction to career-readiness to prepare students for working in a professional environment: apprenticeship and workplace expectations with a focus on growth mindset.
Workplace Essentials
Skills in common computer applications, effective workplace and business communication, time management, and conflict resolution.
Employer Onboarding
Orientation training provided to new employees by the employer.
Applied Mathematics
Prepares students for CAD through learning basic concepts in geometry, trigonometry, and algebra.
Project Management
Prepares student to manage timeline of project completion. Understands the process required for specific work tasks, determines if and how the process is working and how changes in conditions, operations, and the environment will affect outcomes. Understands how design affects production and implementation. Understands how cost/budget impacts design decisions. Positively impacts cost and/or operations with drafting decisions.
Technical Drawings
Teaches students how to read technical drawings, identify basic components, adds correct tolerances to dimensions, complete revisions of existing technical drawings, imports simple parts into a drawing and establish correct drawing views, creates technical drawings efficiently and accurately.
Drafting Software
Teaches students how to understand and navigate drafting software, utilize drafting software tools, edit existing drawings, troubleshoot drawings, and create advanced digital drawings utilizing industry-standard software.
General Engineering
Teaches student the relevant engineering discipline(s), such as mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, or structural engineering.
Design Standards
Teaches the student to recognize and apply industry standards to technical drawings, replicates and utilizes standards, draw consistently with standards.