in on-the-job training and related instruction.
Elevator Constructor Mechanic

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

- Identify job hazards
- What proper safety equipment to wear and use
- Cornmon sense safety around elevators and escalators
- Fundamentals of first aid & MSDS information
- Avoiding electric shock, GFCl's
- Codes that apply to the elevator industry
- Read prints
- Survey the hoistway for new installation and modernization
- Convert to meter equivalents
- Safety Procedures
- Properly handle and store elevator/escalator equipment
- Tie and identify knots, bends and hitches
- Safety procedures for hoisting heavy equipment
- Building a safe working platform & scaffolding
- Use all safety devices
- Safety Procedures
- Introduction to the pit components and their purpose
- Install pit equipment: buffers, compensating sheaves, compensating ropes and chains
- Testing of pit equipment for proper operation
- Safety Procedures
- Prepare rails and rail runs
- Build templates, drop lines and plumb hoistways of single, multiple or corner post installations
- Install guide rails
- Use a rail gauge and align rails
- Safety Procedures
- Layout and properly align & set equipment
- Properly align sheaves, tracks and gears
- Offset roping
- Calibrate and test
- Proper inspection and maintenance procedures for the equipment
- Safety Procedures
- Assemble car and counterweight sling
- Why elevators use counterweights
- Proper handling & storage of wire ropes
- Plan a rope run and learn other methods of installing and reroping
- Safety Procedures
- Terminology for various tools and electrical equipment
- Plan and install raceway and conduit
- Bend conduit
- Plan wiring and pulling wires safely and efficiently
- Accurately prepare and install traveling cables
- Bonding and grounding equipment
- Prepare the elevator/escalator for running operation
- Safety Procedures
- Proper terminology for doors and relating equipment
- Install car and hoistway entrances and door equipment accurately
- Install & adjust elevator doors, gates for passenger, freight & dumbwaiter
- Safety Procedures
- Drill a hole for a hydraulic jack
- Properly install and plumb the casing & jack with specific tools
- Layout a pipe run and connections to power unit and jack
- Hydraulic theory and valve operation
- Adjust the valves for proper operation
- Troubleshoot and isolate system problems
- Procedures for working safely with electricity
- Principle on which all electrical concepts are based
- What is electricity and where does it come from?
- Safety Procedures
- Terminology and safety equipment used on electronic devices
- Binary & hexidecimal systems are related to digital circuitry
- Capacitors and capacitance are used on elevator equipment
- Inductance and inductors are used in circuits
- How a semiconductor works
- Diode, zener diodes, photodiodes and light emitting diodes
- Understanding transistors and how they operate
- How SCR’s are operated and used in elevator circuits
- Various digital gates and their function
- The functions of integrated power supplies
- Different configurations and uses of the Op Amp
- Relay logic
- Safety Procedures
- Read a wiring diagram symbol and apply it to the equipment on the job
- Sequence of operation of individual circuits such as starting, stopping car and hall call cancellation and direction selection
- Troubleshoot particular circuits that are malfunctioning
- Locate and repair electrical problems such as ground, opens, defective contacts and coils
- Troubleshoot electrical problems with confidence
- Safety Procedures
- Inspecting for defective rope, selector tape & cable
- Staging and routing ropes, tapes & cables
- Shackling and socketing
- Safety Procedures
- Passenger & freight door, gate repairs and replacements
- Door Operators, repair, replace and adjustments
- Door protective devices and troubleshooting
- Safety Procedures
- Repair and replacement of traveler in existing hoistways
- Safety Procedures
- Cleaning and lubrication
- Testing and replacing motors, generators, bearings, sheaves and drivers
- Turn and undercut a commutator
- Test shunt and series field coils
- Learn how to check bearings and replace
- Safety Procedures
- Repair/replace equipment
- Clean and lubricate
- Maintenance on equipment
Related Instruction Content
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Tools for Success
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NEIEP Module
1. Safety for Elevator Constructors Unit 1. Introduction to Safety a. Video with class Unit 2. Safety during Construction and Modernization a. Video with class Unit 3. Safety during Maintenance and Repairs Unit 4. Alcohol and Other Drugs
NEIEP MTRS: Customer Relations Series
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NEIEP Module 5. Guide Rails
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NEIEP Module 6. Machine Room and Overhead Installation
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NEIEP Module 7. Car and Counterweight Assembly and Roping
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Review of Year 1 Work
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Basic Electricity Introduction
Understanding the Relationship between Voltage, Current, and Resistance
Basic Electrical Circuit Components
Series and Parallel Resistive Circuits
Magnetism and Electromagnetism
DC Generators and Motors
Alternating Current Theory
AC Motor Theory
Measuring AC and DC Voltages
Measuring AC and DC Current
Measuring Resistance
Generator and Motor Theory
Components of DC Generators and Motors
Types and of DC Generators and Motors
Maintenance and Service
Comprehensive Industry Construction Training
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Circuit Tracing Lab #1 Unit 1. Introduction to Circuit Tracing a. Checking Resistance with a Meter b. Measuring Voltage with a Meter c. Measuring Current with a Meter d. Video with class Unit 2. Relays and Timers a. Basic Relay Components b. Simple Relay Circuits c. Set/Reset Relays d. Electrical Interlocking e. Relay Control Using Diodes f. Self Holding Circuits g. Off Delay and OnDelay Timing Circuits h. Video with class Unit 3. Power and Power Control a. Video with class Unit 4. Logic Controls a. Logic Reasoning Applied to Circuits b. Troubleshooting from Common Point on a DeEnergized Circuit c. Troubleshooting Using Point to Point Voltage Checks on an Energized Circuit d. Understanding Relay Logic e. Troubleshooting Faulted Circuits f. Video with class Unit 5. Constant Pressure and Single Automatic Push Button Systems Unit 6. 4 Stop Hydraulic Controller Lab a. Collective Systems b. Fundamental Troubleshooting Methods c. Five Step Troubleshooting Model d. Circuit Descriptions with Normal Lab Operation and Faulted Lab Operation e. Power Control f. Selector Circuits g. Call Registration h. Direction Selection i. Starting and Acceleration j. Stopping k. Door Operation l. Call Cancellation Unit 7. Variable Voltage SelectiveCollective Control Systems
NEIEP Module 15. Basic Elevator Solid State Electronics
Unit 1. Capacitors and Capacitance a. Capacitor Charge and Discharge b. Capacitor Time Constants c. Capacitors Appear to Pass AC Current d. Video with Class Unit 2. Inductors and Inductance a. Current Lags Voltage in an Inductive Circuit b. An Inductor Impedes AC but Passes DC c. Video with Class Unit 3. Diodes a. Testing Diodes b. HalfWave Rectifier c. FullWave Bridge Rectifier d. Zener Regulator Experiment e. Video with Class Unit 4. Transistors and Thyristors a. Biasing a Transistor b. Infrared Light Ray Detector c. Testing Transistors d. Testing SCRs e. Using SCRs as a Switch f. Video with Class Unit 5. Analog Integrated Circuits a. Regulated Bipolar Power Supply b. Adjustable 12Volt Bipolar Power Supply c. Universal OpAmp Board Experiments d. Video with Class Unit 6. Digital Integrated Circuits a. Gate Logic b. Door Open Pilot Logic