competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
Employment Opportunity Specialist

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Demonstrates principles of human resources
- Displays a basic understanding of the labor market in the organization’s sector and locations
- Demonstrates a basic understanding of relevant wage and labor laws and regulations, as well as the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972
- Exhibits awareness of the organization’s mission, place, and role in the local economy
- Performs a job analysis, including workflow, business process, job design, person-job/job-person fit, job characteristics, job description, and performance standards
- Exhibits understanding of the organization’s employees and their job descriptions
Utilizes equal employment opportunity principles proactively
- Builds trust with employees and communicate with them so they feel empowered to raise concerns
- Promotes transparency in operational and organizational processes and events when possible
- Verifies that all job descriptions are submitted for review and that descriptions meet regulatory standards
- Provides information, technical assistance, or training to supervisory personnel on topics such as employee supervision, hiring, grievance procedures, and staff development, including the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) hotline
- Guides supervisors in responding to employee complaints, concerns, and harassment allegations
- Recognizes and take steps to mitigate personal or systemic biases in the workplace
- Provides appropriate resources or references to employees experiencing EEO-related violations
- Responds quickly and appropriately to reports of inappropriate behavior or conflicts (among employees or contractors) per organizational policies
- Recommends, coordinates, monitors, and/or revises complaint procedures to ensure timely processing and review of complaints
- Addresses internal inquiries regarding civil rights and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) law and regulations, as appropriate to the level of expertise
- Refers any EEO or civil rights concerns beyond personal expertise to appropriate organizational management or legal staff
Implements EEO compliance for human resources
- Demonstrates knowledge and use of federal, state, and local regulations, policies, or procedures to employees as they relate to all levels of an organization
- Coordinates with internal or external Employment Law counsel to provide employees or management with updates to EEO laws, rules, and policies
- Researches and analyzes data related to workplace environment or sustainable business practices
- Develops guidelines to revisit nondiscriminatory employment practices— including Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) policies—and proposes new practices
- Monitors the implementation and impact of new or existing guidelines for nondiscriminatory employment practices
- Assists legal in review of company contracts to determine if action is required to meet regulatory EEO provisions
- Assists in the coordination of enforcement of laws and regulations as appropriate
Demonstrates principles of human resources—recruitment and hiring
- Meets with search committees or coordinators to explain the provided resources and hiring processes following DEIA policies
- Helps develop and update recruiting strategies and relevant job descriptions in consultation with management to meet anticipated staffing needs
- Liaises between placement agencies and employers or between job search committees and other organizational administrators
- Provides verbal and written information about an organization’s EEO requirements in hiring new employees
- Demonstrates use of diverse recruiting strategies (e.g., networking events, apprenticeships, workforce boards, cultural organizations, various advertising methods, referrals, targeted outreach) to search for prospective candidates
- Demonstrates understanding of how to review employment applications and job descriptions to find qualified applicants
- Demonstrates how talent selections are made in adherence to an organization’s policies and procedures of the review and selection process
- Completes hiring by processing all related paperwork
- Conducts interviews with selected applicants to learn more about their skills and experiences utilizing standard methods such as Situation, Task, Action, Result (known as STAR), the behavioral method, or other techniques
- Refers qualified applicants to managers (hiring authorities) with appropriate recommendations
- Performs background checks and contact references to verify applicant information
Demonstrates principles of human resources—employee compensation
- Assists with research and implementation of employee benefit programs
- Develops and oversees employee compensation programs per organizational policies
- Effectively communicates employee compensation and benefit policies to all levels of the organization
- Informs employees of changes to benefits, pay, or work environment
- Prepares required state and federal financial documents in collaboration with organization’s fiscal entity
- Develops an equitable promotion and performance management process (with management) and communicates the plan with staff
- Assists managers in conducting the performance and promotion process
Demonstrates principles of Human Resources—employee relations
- Conducts new employee orientations and provides onboarding services and information and documentation
- Organizes HR data and information across various human and financial resource management systems relating to management, operations, and employee performance
- Utilizes data confidentiality practices and analyzes data to understand employee trends
- Uses positive and respectful verbal, nonverbal, and written communications with coworkers and external stakeholders
- Trains managerial staff on interviewing, performance management, counseling, and other managerial duties
- Informs management on relevant changes in personnel performance, local, state, and federal policy, procedures, and regulations
- Identifies and shares opportunities to improve personnel and/or operational processes
- Provides regular training to share HR materials and guidance
- Analyzes and discusses with management notable employment patterns and solutions to issues such as retention and training
- Assists supervisors in organizing and facilitating employee training
- Compiles and analyzes feedback from employees to research topics for relevant training opportunities
- Conducts surveys to gather data and evaluate to determine if systematic discrimination exists
- Provides management with tools to handle employee issues on their own when appropriate
- Conducts exit interviews for departing employees and ensures appropriate paperwork is completed
- Exhibits awareness of how to facilitate a “downsizing or right-sizing” event and when a Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) notice is required, including severance packages
Demonstrates use of technology in human relations
- Uses technology in talent acquisition (recruitment), especially social media and online hiring sites
- Promotes employee engagement by using a variety of platforms and apps to keep employees focused, including gaming and other strategies
- Leverages technology in continuous performance management to improve retention, productivity, work/life balance, and documenting the employee cycle from hire to retire
- Effectively uses technology in training employees and stays current in the latest advances in their occupations
- Uses Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) to track employment metrics, including EEO inquiries and investigations
- Demonstrates the use of technology with employee scheduling and tracking
- Ethically employs Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and demonstrates an understanding of how AI can impact human resources practices both positively and negatively
- Stays updated on trends and policies around human resources technology
Conducts EEO compliance investigations
- Documents and investigates EEO complaints to clarify issues and meet with persons involved in EEO-related complaints to mediate the dispute (if possible)
- Identifies and requests evidence and statistical data from all relevant internal and external sources
- Ensures sufficient information relevant to the issues of EEO complaints is included and documented
- Analyzes assigned claim(s) and facts, applies relevant EEO policies, and writes investigative plans which include witnesses to interview, questions to ask of the interviewees, and documents to request to complete a thorough and complete investigation
- Prepares and submits reports related to research and investigations for EEO-related complaints
- Ensures timely processing and review of EEO complaints by coordinating, monitoring, and streamlining EEO complaint procedures
- Makes exploratory investigation of potential EEO claims per organizational policy to be used to inform management of potential violations
- In support of legal counsel, conducts data collection, obtains sworn testimony, depositions, and interrogatories of witnesses and other parties relevant to the EEO investigation
- Prepares legal documentation from EEO investigation(s) in support of requirements by legal counsel (internal legal or outside counsel)
- May perform EEO Final Agency Decisions (FAD), counseling, or mediation, if qualified
Conducts compliance investigations (non-EEO compliance)
- Prepares and submits reports related to research and investigations for non-EEO related complaints
- Investigates employment practices or alleged policy violations to document and collect information and data
- Meets with persons involved in human resource-related complaints to clarify issues and/or mediate the dispute
- Identifies and requests relevant evidence (direct, circumstantial, documented, hearsay, etc.) and statistical data from all relevant sources in an investigation
- Ensures sufficient information relevant to the issues of a complaint is included and documented
- Analyzes assigned claim(s) and facts and applies relevant policies
- Writes investigative plans, which include witnesses to interview, questions to ask of the interviewees, and documents to request to complete a thorough and complete investigation
- Maintains accurate and complete investigation records and all data related to the investigation in a secure system and/or database for a time recommended by organizational policy (in coordination with legal counsel)
- Ensures timely processing and review of complaints by coordinating, monitoring, and streamlining complaint procedures
- In support of legal counsel, conducts data collection, obtains sworn testimony and interrogatories of witnesses and other parties relevant to the investigation
- Performs Final Agency Decisions (FAD), counseling or mediation
Engages in professional development
- Stays updated with human resources news, trends, and policy changes
- Exhibits proficiency and complies with company policies about inclusivity and equity
- Seeks feedback on performance to improve skills and abilities
- Develops a personal, adaptable program of professional development that can follow local, regional, and national labor market conditions
- Collaborates with and learns from internal and external HR colleagues
- Acknowledges and adapts to setbacks and learns from mistakes
- Proactively seeks out professional learning opportunities
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Introduction to Business Communication
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Equal Employment Opportunity Act: Legislation and Regulations
Sample learning objectives: * Explain the history of the EEO Act and discuss its importance to expanding opportunity. * List and explain the significance of the key elements of the EEO Act. * Discuss how the Act has been successful in meeting its original intent and how it has failed. * Discuss the changes made to the EEO Act over time. * Discuss the composition and role of the EEOC. * Locate and interpret statements, policies, and regulations of the EEOC. * Discuss the role of pre-employment testing and the methods used by the EEOC to evaluate the permissibility of specific kinds of pre-employment tests. * Describe the interaction between federal and state employment laws and the mechanisms available to resolve instances of discrimination. * Discuss how labor and employee unions leverage the opportunities and meet the challenges created by the EEO Act and EEOC policy. * Describe the EEOC’s role in enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). * Discuss the process an employer must go through to accommodate a worker’s disability reasonably or to prove that doing so would be an undue hardship to the employer and is therefore not required by the EEOC. * Prepare documents and manuals that explain to employees in plain language their rights resulting from the EEO Act and the processes available to them to seek remedies when their rights have been violated. * Explain strategies employers use when reprimanding or terminating employees while maintaining compliance with the EEO Act. * Discuss the concept of protected classes and explain how protected group members are identified and supported through good HR practice. * Discuss the limits of protected class laws, regulations, and actions.
Federal, State, and Local Human Resources Laws and Regulations
Sample learning objectives: * Describe federal, state, and local laws that provide worker protections in addition to the EEO Act. * Describe the history of the ADA and its requirements, including the employer’s obligation to provide a “reasonable” accommodation. * Review case studies to determine whether employers in the studies provided necessary accommodation and, if not, what should have been done to meet the law’s requirements. * Discuss the obligation of employers in the rare case that ADA accommodations cannot be made due to the nature of the accommodation requested or the nature of the job performed. * Describe the role of the Department of Labor in providing employee protection. * Compare and contrast state and local laws regarding hiring, firing, and lay-off practices. * Describe the impact of the Fair Labor Standards Act on employer practices. * Discuss the requirements of the Family and Medical Leave Act. * Review the significance of the Migrant and Seasonal Worker Protection Act. * Discuss the significance of the Immigration and Naturalization Act in terms of employer responsibilities, the types of visas available to foreign nationals who wish to work in the US, and the process by which those visas are distributed. * Discuss the relevance of H1-B visas to the science and technology sectors and the challenges employers face when relying on them to hire workers who meet workforce needs. * Analyze the relevant laws and regulations regarding wage garnishment. * Discuss the significance of the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act. * Review state laws regarding notice to employees being laid off, furloughed, or terminated.
Preventing and Responding to Prohibited Workplace Behaviors and Practices
Sample learning objectives: * Describe the actions, activities, and practices that reduce worker productivity and retention and explain ways to identify, prevent, and mitigate these activities among the workforce. * Explain the practices managers should use when meeting and communicating with employees to prevent prohibited, uncomfortable, or unlawful practices and protect individuals and the organization from accusations of mistreatment or legal action (including allegations of actions that did not occur). * Explain the importance of clear policies regarding worker behavior, punctuality, recordkeeping, and chain of command. * Describe and demonstrate strategies for helping employees deal with difficult colleagues or supervisors and to improve the performance of employees and managers who are causing harm and distress to others. * Discuss laws and regulations related to sexual harassment and develop an effective education and training program to eliminate instances of sexual harassment in the workplace. * Review and demonstrate strategies for preventing or responding to incidents of bullying. * Discuss strategies for helping employees and managers productively manage anger and frustration.
Dispute Resolution
Sample learning objectives: * Discuss the role of mediation and dispute resolution in protecting employers and employees from wrongful acts. * Demonstrate the ability to engage in effective dispute resolution. * Explain the importance of documentation and recordkeeping in a comprehensive talent management strategy. * Discuss the kinds of information that should be recorded and how it should be recorded to protect employers against false claims of discrimination or wrongful conduct. * Review the kinds of information that employees should record if they believe they have been the victim of discrimination or harassment. * Discuss strategies for creating a work environment that supports all workers and provides growth opportunities to all employees. * Discuss the employer’s role in settling disputes between employees or between employees and management. * Explain the purpose of labor unions, the methods they use to protect workers, the challenges employers face in working with labor unions, and strategies for maintaining effective relationships between union leaders, employees, and management. * Review how labor unions negotiate contracts and cite examples of successful and failed contract negotiations. * Discuss the importance of employee manuals in maintaining a positive workplace and helping employees follow appropriate procedures when disputes arise.
EEO Investigations* *For designers of Registered Apprenticeship programs, it should be noted that this course does not meet federal requirements for those who wish to serve as EEO investigators
Sample learning objectives: * Describe the requirements one must fulfill to become a certified EEO investigator. * Discuss the role of EEO compliance professionals in supporting EEO investigators. * Discuss the strategies used by EEO investigators to discover whether employees and employers are being truthful in their claims. * Prepare documents that could be important to supporting or fighting claims of discrimination/EEO violations. * Discuss how EEO claims are investigated, adjudicated, and enforced. * Demonstrate techniques in interviewing * Discuss how to provide testimony or participate in a deposition.