in on-the-job training and related instruction.
International Brotherhood of Boilermakers Iron Shipbuilders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers and Employers in the Field Erection and Repair Industry and the Boilermakers National Joint Apprenticeship Board (Boilermakers)
Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Care and Maintenance of Tools and Equipment
A. Learning names of Tools and Equipment B. Learning the use of Tools and Equipment C. Care and Maintenance D. Handing out tools and inventory
Rigging and Bull Gang
A. Unloading and Handling B. Use of Hoisting Equipment 1. Come-along 2. Chain falls 3. Erection and dismantling derricks and cranes 4. Working with derricks and cranes 5. Use of signals and safety C. Use of Tackle 1. Block and tackle 2. Chokers, cables and slings 3. Proper use of knots and splicing 4. Proper use of clamps 5. Safety D. Moving Pieces 1. Rollers 2. Levers 3. Use of tackle, come-along and chain falls 4. Safety
General Erection
A. Steele Erection in our jurisdiction 1. Designating location of members 2. Raising in place 3. Use of spud-wrench, bull, and drift-pins, wedges, clips, and saddles 4. Alignment Use of level, plumb, tape and rule 5. Connecting a. Drilling, reaming, chipping, caulking and grinding b. Bolting up c. Welding (tack) d. Riveting B. Setting Drums and Headers 1. Use of hoisting equipment and tackle 2. Use of water level, plumb, and measuring devices
Tube Installations
A. Entering 1. Use of come-along and entering devices 2. Lipping B. Setting and Aligning 1. Use of spacers 2. Use of strong backs C. Getting Proper Stock 1. Signals (sound and light) 2. Come-along 3. Piece of stock 4. Boiler code D. Rolling 1. Use of erectors’ guides, or 2. Proper selection of the following: Expanders, rollers, pins, and mandrels 3. Use of rolling machines a. Pneumatic, electric and ratchet b. Lubricants 4. Use of gauges and signals 5. Heavy tube sheets 6. Entering and connecting baffles 7. Testing a. Visual b. Water (Use of hydrostatic pump) c. Air d. Use of gauges
Use of Blueprint and Layout
A. Use of prints to designate the following 1. Locating parts and unloading 2. Moving parts to job location 3. Parts to be hoisted into position 4. Use of benchmark 5. Symbols B. Layout 1. Use of precision measuring devices 2. Marketing for correction, re-cutting and fitting 3. Directing, cutting, and fitting of parts 4. Geometric measuring of parts, tube holes, etc. 5. Working with foreman
Welding and Cutting
A. Any and all forms of electric welding 1. Proper adjustment machines 2. Application and use of electrodes on all metals, ferrous and non-ferrous 3. Metal spraying and hard facing B. Acetylene 1. Proper adjustment, gauges and torch 2. Selection of tips 3. Handling of torch and application Ferrous and non-ferrous metals C. Cutting 1. Acetylene 2. Arc (cutting and gouging) 3. Machine Methods 4. Adjusting and operating of equipment a. Ferrous b. Non-ferrous
Nuclear Plant Construction-Reactors
A. Theory-Types 1. Power 2. Propulsion 3. Heating B. Research C. Problems peculiar to Atomic Energy 1. Those elements which would not be covered in other sections, i.e., radiation, radiation protection, 2. Requirements for joints of high integrity
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):

Year 1
I. Rigging and Boilermaker Safety – Lesson 1-1 A. Protective Clothing B. Safety with Lifting Equipment C. Safety with Ladders and Staging D. Safety with Tools E. Fire Preventions and Control II. Applied Math I – Lesson 1-2 A. The Language of Math B. Counting C. Place Value D. Addition and Subtraction E. Multiplication and Division F. Multiples and Factors G. Negative Factors H. Other Number Concepts I. Operating with Signed Numbers J. Axioms and Laws III. Applied Math II – Lesson 1-3 A. Fractions B. Types of Fractions C. Operations with Fractions D. Decimal Fractions E. Equivalent Decimals F. Operation with Decimals IV. Applied Math III – Lesson 1-4 A. Proportion B. Percentage C. Changing a Percent to a Decimal D. The Three Percentage Cases E. Fractural Percent’s F. Calculating with Approximate Numbers G. Prime Numbers E. Exponents and Radicals V. Applied Math IV – Lesson 1-5 A. Basics of Algebra B. Multiplication C. Division D. Basics of Plane Geometry E. Basics of Solid Geometry F. Triangulation (Trigonometry) VI. Applied Math V – Lesson 1-6 A. Measuring B. Review of Decimals C. Angular Measurements D. Formulas and Equations in Review E. Signs of Operations F. Graphs G. Math Aids VII. Applied Metric Math – Lesson 1-7 A. Metrics (SI) in the United States B.Advantage of Metrics C. Metric (SI) D. Conversions Metrics (SI) in Shop or Field E. Metrics for the Boilermakers/Welder F. The Transition Period and the Future of Metrics VIII. Rigging: Basic Principles – Lesson 1-8 A. Basic Rigging Concepts B. Simple Tools IX Rigging: Ropes – Lesson 1-9 A. Wire Rope B. Fiber Rope C. Chains X. Rigging: Tools – Lesson 1-10 A. Slings B. Rigging Hardware C. Reeving D. Hoists and Winches E. Skids, Rollers, Jacks and Cribbing F. Ladders and Scaffolding XI. Rigging: Cranes and Other Lifting Equipment Lesson 1-11 A. Mobile Cranes B. Tower Cranes C. Monorails and Underhung Cranes D. Derricks E. Hoists F. Overhead Cranes G. Helicopter Cranes XII. Rigging: Equalizing and Distributing Loads - Lesson 1-12 A. Distributing Weight to the Rigging B. Basic Methods of Equalizing and Distributing Loads C. Strength and Stability During Operation
Year 2
I. Mechanical Drawing: Tools and Lettering Lesson – 2-1 A. Equipment B. Drafting Materials C. Basic Techniques of Drafting D. Lettering E Styles of Lettering F. Characteristics of Good Lettering G. Tools of Lettering II. Mechanical Drawing: Geometric Construction – Lesson 2-2 A. Methods of Bisecting a Straight Line B. Bisecting an Arc C. Drawing Perpendicular Lines D. Drawing a Parallel Line to Another Given Line E. Methods of Dividing a Line into Equal Parts F. Drawing and Bisecting an Angle G. Trisecting an Acute Angle H. Finding the Center of a Circle I. Bisecting an Angle with an Inaccessible Vertex J. Constructing a Triangle Given its Three Sides K. Polygon Construction Tangency L. Constructing Tangent Lines and Arcs M. Geometric Solids III. Mechanical Drawing: Orthographic – Lesson 2-3 A. Theory of Projection and Drawings B. Theory of Orthographic Projection C. Multi-View Line Projection D. Surface Projection E. Line Description F. Orthographic Drawing Techniques G. Projecting the Views on Paper H. Sections I. Reading Orthographic Drawings J. Conventional Procedures on Orthographic Drawings K. Accepted Violations of True Projection L. Treatment of Unimportant Intersections M. Aligned Views N. Conventional Procedure for Radially Arranged Features O. Representations of Fillets and Rounds P. Conventional Breaks Q. Conventional Method of Alternative Positions R. Conventional Representation S. The Orthographic Drawing Plate IV. Mechanical Drawing: Isometric and Oblique – Lesson 2-4 A. Pictorial Drawing B. Isometric Projection C. Isometric Drawing D. Oblique Projection E. Oblique Drawings V. Mechanical Drawing: Dimensioning – Lesson 2-5 A. Theory of Dimensioning B. The Language of Dimensioning C. Units of Measurement Used in Dimensioning D. Standard Dimensioning Practices E. Dimensioning Application F. Dimensioning Special views G. Limit Dimensioning H. Welding Symbols VI. Mechanical Drawing: Field Sketching – Lesson 2-6 A. Sketching Materials B. Sketching Guidelines C. Beginning Line Exercises D. Multi View Orthographic Sketches E. Orthographic Projection for Sketching F. Pictorial Sketching G. Oblique Sketching H. Perspective Sketching VII. Layout Procedures and Techniques – Lesson 2-7 A. Hammers, Sledges and Mauls B. Struck or Hammered Tools C. Cutting Hand Tools D. Taps and Dies E. Screwdrivers F. Holding Tools G. Miscellaneous Hand Tools VIII. Boilermaker Hand Tools – Lesson 2-8 A. Layout Tools B. Layout Work IX. Boilermaker Power Tools – Lesson 2-9 A. Electric Powered Tools B. Air (Pneumatic Tools) C. Tube Tools and Their Functions X. Construction Materials I – Lesson 2-10 A. Basic Construction Material B. Metal Production C. Metal Processing Methods XI. Construction Materials II – Lesson 2-11 A. Mechanical Properties B. Chemical Properties of Metal C. Physical Properties of Metals D. Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics XII. Blueprint Reading: Structural – Lesson 2-12 A. Structural Steel B. Structural Drawings C. Drawing Structural Steel Shapes D. Connectors E. Connections
Year 3
Boiler Systems and Components I – Lesson 3-1 A. The Boiler B. Fire Tube Boilers C. Water Tube Boilers D. Water Tube Boiler Components E. Fuels and Fuel Burning Systems II. Boiler Systems and Components II – Lesson 3-2 A. Boiler Circulation B. Shop Assembled Boilers C. Systems for the Pulp and Paper Industry D. By Product Fueled Boilers E. Waste Heat Boilers III. Nuclear Power – Lesson 3-3 A. The Principles of Nuclear Energy B. Nuclear Fuels C. Nuclear Reactors D. Health Physics and Radiation Protection IV. Tanks, Vessels, and Other Components – Lesson 3-4 A. Field Erected Storage Tanks B. Basic Construction Techniques C. Stacks and Liners V. Blueprint Reading: Boilermaker – Lesson 3-5 A. Erection Plans B. How Blueprints are Made VI. Boiler: Installation – Lesson 3-6 A. Field Inspection B. Shop Fabrication C. Site Preparation D. Erecting Structural Steel Supports E. Installing the Steam Drum F. Installing the Upper Headers G. Installing the Down Comers H. Installing Super-heater and Re-heater Modules I. Installing Water Walls J. Installing the Wind-Box K. Installing the Suction Manifold L. Installing the Pre-heater and Economizer M. Installing Ductwork N. Installing Lower Water-Walls O. Additional Construction P. Preparing the Boiler for Testing Q. Cleanliness of Boiler Components R. Hydrostatic Testing S. Installing Insulation and Casing VII. Boiler: Repair and Maintenance Lesson – 3-7 A. Repairs B. Alterations C. Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics VIII. Welding and Cutting: Basic – Lesson 3-8 A. Weld-able Metals B. The Welding Process C. Oxyfuel Gas Welding D. ARC Welding E. Resistance Welding F. Thermit Welding G. Brazing and Braze Welding H. Soldering I. Electron Beam Welding J. Laser Beam Welding K. Cutting Processes L. Welded Joint Design M. Types of Welds N. Welding Position O. Welders and Welding Operators IX. Welding and Cutting: Blueprint Reading – Lesson 3-9 A. Welding Symbols B. Non-preferred Symbols C. Nondestructive Testing Symbols X. Welding and Cutting: Safety – Lesson 3-10 A. General Welding and Cutting Safety B. The Welding Environment C. Fire Prevention and Protection D. Tool and Equipment Usage E. Other Safety Considerations F. Safety in Welding and Cutting Processes G. Gases Used in ARC Process H. First Aid XI. Metallurgy: Welding – Lesson 3-11 A. Fundamentals of Metallurgy B. Structure Metal C. Metallurgy and Heat Training D. Metallurgy of the Welded Metal E. Welding Stresses, Warpage, Distorting, and Cracks XII. Metallurgy: Weld-ability of Metals – Lesson 3-12 A. Classifying a Code Systems for Metals B. Identification of Metals C. Filler Materials D. Welding Characteristics of Metals and Alloys
Year 4
I. ARC Welding: Equipment – Lesson 4-1 A. Power Sources B. ARC Welding Consumables II. ARC Welding: Shielded Metal I – Lesson 4-2 A. SMAW Procedure B. Weld Joints III. ARC Welding: Shielded Metal II – Lesson 4-3 A. Heat Effects in Shielded Metal ARC Welding B. Shielded Metal ARC Welding of Ferrous Metals C. Shielded Metal ARC Welding of Nonferrous Metals D. Troubleshooting when Welding with the SMAW Process IV. ARC Welding: Gas Tungsten (TIG) – Lesson 4-4 A. GTAW Welding Techniques B. Metals and Gas Tungsten ARC Welding V. ARC Welding: Gas Metal ARC (MIG) – Lesson 4-5 A. Process Variations-Metal Transfer B. Gas Metal ARC Welding Equipment C. Consumable Used GMAW D. GMAW Process Variables E. Weld Bead Characteristics F. Welding Procedures G. Welding Conditions H. Mig Weld Defects-Their Causes and How to Correct Them I. MIG Spot Welding J. Vapor Shielded ARC Welding VI. ARC Welding: Other Processes – Lesson 4-6 A. Submerged ARC Welding B. Flux Cored ARC Welding C. Plasma ARC Welding VII. Cutting: Oxyfuel I – Lesson 4-7 A. Equipment and Supplies B. Manual Cutting Procedures C. Cutting in Steel Plate D. Machine Torch Cutting VIII. Cutting: Oxyfuel II – Lesson 4-8 A. Quality of Cutting B. Miscellaneous Uses of the Oxyfuel Gas Flames C. Oxyfuel Gas Welding IX. Cutting: ARC – Lesson 4-9 A. Air Carbon ARC Cutting (AAC) B. Carbon ARC Cutting (CAC) C. Oxygen ARC cutting (OAC) D. Plasma ARC Cutting (PAC) E. Metal ARC Cutting (MAC) X. Welding: Special Applications and Techniques – Lesson 4-10 A. Stud Welding B. Tube and Pipe Welding C. Field Erection of Pressure Vessels and Boilers D. Field-Welded Storage Tanks E. One-Side Welding F. Underwater Welding and Cutting G. Weld Repair and Surfacing XI. Welding: Design, Testing, and Inspection – Lesson 4-11 A. The Design of Welded Joints B. Testing XII. Welding: Performance Qualifications Codes and Specifications – Lesson 4-12