Hybrid programs blend both competency- and time-based strategies,
using a minimum and maximum range of hours for each major job
function and the successful demonstration of identified competencies.
using a minimum and maximum range of hours for each major job
function and the successful demonstration of identified competencies.
Electrician & Residential Wireman

North Carolina (SAA)
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Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Level 1
Level 1
- Demonstrate safe working procedures in a construction environment.
- Explain the purpose of OSHA and how it promotes safety on the job.
- Identify electrical hazards and how to avoid or minimize them in the workplace.
- Explain safety issues concerning lockout/tagout procedures, personal protection using assured grounding and isolation programs, confined space entry, respiratory protection, and fall protection systems.
- Identify the methods of hand bending conduit.
- Identify the various methods used to install conduit.
- Use math formulas to determine conduit bends.
- Make 90° bends, back-to-back bends, offsets, kicks, and saddle bends using a hand bender.
- Cut, ream, and thread conduit.
- Identify and explain the use of threaded fasteners.
- Identify and explain the use of non-threaded fasteners.
- Identify and explain the use of anchors.
- Demonstrate the correct applications for fasteners and anchors.
- Install fasteners and anchors.
- Recognize what atoms are and how they are constructed.
- Define voltage and identify the ways in which it can be produced.
- Explain the difference between conductors and insulators.
- Define the units of measurement that are used to measure the properties of electricity.
- Explain how voltage, current, and resistance are related to each other.
- Using the formula for Ohm’s Law, calculate an unknown value.
- Explain the different types of meters used to measure voltage, current, and resistance.
- Using the power formula, calculate the amount of power used by a circuit.
- Explain the basic characteristics of a series circuit.
- Explain the basic characteristics of a parallel circuit.
- Explain the basic characteristics of a series-parallel circuit.
- Calculate, using Kirchoff’s Voltage Law, the voltage drop in series, parallel, and seriesparallel circuits.
- Calculate, using Kirchoff’s Current Law, the total current in parallel and series-parallel circuits.
- Find the total amount of resistance in a series circuit.
- Find the total amount of resistance in a parallel circuit.
- Find the total amount of resistance in a series-parallel circuit.
- Explain the operation of and describe the following pieces of test equipment: Ammeter Voltmeter Volt-ohm-milliammeter Ohmmeter Megohmmeter Wattmeter Power factor meter Voltage tester Frequency meter Continuity tester Cable length meters Recording instruments
- Explain how to read and convert from one scale to another using the above test equipment.
- Explain the importance of proper meter polarity.
- Define frequency and explain the use of a frequency meter.
- Explain the difference between digital and analog meters.
- Explain the purpose and history of the NEC.
- Describe the layout of the NEC.
- Explain how to navigate the NEC.
- Describe the purpose of the National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association (NEMA) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
- Explain the role of testing laboratories.
- Describe various types of cable trays and raceways.
- Identify and select various types and sizes of raceways.
- Identify and select various types and sizes of cable trays.
- Identify and select various types of raceway fittings.
- Identify various methods used to install raceways.
- Demonstrate knowledge of NEC raceway requirements.
- Describe procedures for installing raceways and boxes on masonry surfaces.
- Describe procedures for installing raceways and boxes on concrete surfaces.
- Describe procedures for installing raceways and boxes in a metal stud environment.
- Describe procedures for installing raceways and boxes in a wood frame environment.
- Describe procedures for installing raceways and boxes on drywall surfaces
- Recognize safety precautions that must be followed when working with boxes and raceways.
- Explain the various sizes and gauges of wire in accordance with American Wire Gauge standards.
- Identify insulation and jacket types according to conditions and applications.
- Describe voltage ratings of conductors and cables.
- Read and identify markings on conductors and cables.
- Use the tables in the NEC to determine the ampacity of a conductor.
- State the purpose of stranded wire.
- State the purpose of compressed conductors.
- Describe the different materials from which conductors are made.
- Describe the different types of conductor insulation.
- Describe the color coding of insulation.
- Describe instrumentation control wiring.
- Describe the equipment required for pulling wire through conduit.
- Describe the procedure for pulling wire through conduit.
- Install conductors in conduit.
- Pull conductors in a conduit system.
- Explain the basic layout of a blueprint.
- Describe the information included in the title block of a blueprint.
- Identify the types of lines used on blueprints.
- Identify common symbols used on blueprints.
- Understand the use of architect’s and engineer’s scales.
- Interpret electrical drawings, including site plans, floor plans, and detail drawings.
- Read equipment schedules found on electrical blueprints.
- Describe the type of information included in electrical specifications.
- Identify and state the functions and ratings of single-pole, double-pole, three-way, fourway, dimmer, special, and safety switches.
- Explain NEMA classifications as they relate to switches and enclosures.
- Explain the NEC requirements concerning wiring devices.
- Identify and state the functions and ratings of straight blade, twist lock, and pin and sleeve receptacles.
- Identify and define receptacle terminals and disconnects.
- Identify and define ground fault circuit interrupters.
- Explain the box mounting requirements in the NEC.
- Use a wire stripper to strip insulation from a wire.
- Use a solderless connector to splice wires together.
- Identify and state the functions of limit switches and relays.
- Identify and state the function of switchgear.
- Describe how to determine electric service requirements for dwellings.
- Explain the grounding requirements of a residential electric service.
- Calculate and select service-entrance equipment.
- Select the proper wiring methods for various types of residences.
- Explain the role of the NEC in residential wiring.
- Compute branch circuit loads and explain their installation requirements.
- Explain the types and purposes of equipment grounding conductors.
- Explain the purpose of ground fault circuit interrupters and tell where they must be installed.
- Size outlet boxes and select the proper type for different wiring methods.
- Describe rules for installing electric space heating and HVAC equipment.
- Describe the installation rules for electrical systems around swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs.
- Explain how wiring devices are selected and installed.
- Describe the installation and control of lighting fixtures.
Level 2
Level 2
- Calculate the peak and effective voltage or current values for an AC waveform.
- Calculate the phase relationship between two AC waveforms.
- Describe the voltage and current phase relationship in a resistive AC circuit.
- Describe the voltage and current transients that occur in an inductive circuit.
- Define inductive reactance and state how it is affected by frequency.
- Describe the voltage and current transients that occur in a capacitive circuit.
- Define capacitive reactance and state how it is affected by frequency.
- Explain the relationship between voltage and current in the following types of AC circuits: RC Circuit RL circuit RLC Circuit LC circuit
- Describe the effect that resonant frequency has on impedance and current flow in a series or parallel resonant circuit.
- Define bandwidth and describe how it is affected by resistance in a series or parallel resonant circuit.
- Explain the following terms as they relate to AC circuits: Apparent power True power Power Reactive power
- Explain basic transformer action.
- Define the following terms: NEMA design letter Ampacity Nonautom Branch circuit Overcurrent Circuit breaker Overload Controller Power factor Duty Rated full-load speed Equipment Rated Horsepower Full-load amps Remote control circuit Ground fault circuit interrupter Service factor Interrupting rating Therman cutout Motor circuit switch Thermal protector
- Describe the various types of motor enclosures.
- Describe how the rated voltage of a motor differs from the system voltage.
- Describe the basic construction and components of a three-phase squirrel cage induction motor.
- Explain the relationships among speed, frequency, and the number of poles in a threephase induction motor.
- Describe how torque is developed in an induction motor.
- Explain how and why torque varies with rotor reactance and slip.
- Define percent slip and speed regulation.
- Explain how the direction of a three-phase motor is reversed.
- Describe the component parts and operating characteristics of a three-phase wound rotor induction motor.
- Describe the component parts and operating characteristics of a three-phase synchronous motor.
- Define torque, starting current, and armature reaction as they apply to DC motors.
- Explain how the direction of rotation of a DC motor is changed.
- Describe the design and characteristics of a DC shunt, series, and compound motor.
- Describe dual-voltage motors and their applications.
- Describe the methods for determining various motor connections.
- Describe general motor protection requirements as delineated in the NEC.
- Explain the purpose of grounding and the scope of NEC Article 250.
- Distinguish between a short circuit and a ground fault.
- Define the NEC ground-related terms.
- Distinguish between system grounding and equipment grounding.
- Use NEC Table 250-66 to size the grounding electrode conductor for various AC systems.
- Explain the NEC requirements for the installation and physical protection of grounding electrode conductors.
- Explain the function of the grounding electrode system and determine which grounding electrodes must be used.
- Define made electrodes and explain the resistance requirements for made electrodes using NEC Section 250-52.
- Use NEC Table 250-122 to size the equipment grounding conductor for raceways and equipment.
- Explain the function of the main bonding jumper in the grounding system and size the main bonding jumper for various applications.
- Size the main bonding jumper for a service utilizing multiple service disconnecting means.
- Explain the NEC requirements for bonding of enclosures and equipment.
- Explain the NEC requirements for grounding of enclosures and equipment.
- Explain effectively grounded and its importance in clearing ground faults and short circuits.
- Explain the purposes of the grounded conductor (neutral) in the operation of overcurrent devices.
- Explain the NEC requirements for grounding separately-derived systems, including transformers and generators.
- Explain the NEC requirements for grounding at more than one building.
- Explain the NEC grounding requirements for systems over 600 volts.
- Describe the process of conduit bending using power tools.
- Identify all parts of popular electric and hydraulic benders.
- Avoid excessive waste when working with conduit systems.
- Bend offsets, kicks, saddles, segmented, and parallel bends.
- Explain the requirements of the NEC for bending conduit.
- Compute the radius, degrees in bend, developed length, and gain for conduit up to six inches.
- Explain how to correct damaged conduit and modify existing bends.
- Describe the different types of nonmetallic and metallic boxes.
- Understand the NEC requirements for box fill.
- Calculate the required box size for any number and size of conductors.
- Explain the NEC regulations for volume required per conductor in outlet boxes.
- Properly locate, install, and support boxes of all types.
- Describe the NEC regulations governing pull and junction boxes.
- Explain the radius rule when installing conductors in pull boxes.
- Understand the NEC requirements for boxes supporting lighting fixtures.
- Describe the purpose of conduit bodies and Type FS boxes.
- Install the different types of fittings used in conjunction with boxes.
- Describe the installation rules for installing boxes and fittings in hazardous areas.
- Explain how boxes and fittings are selected and installed.
- Describe the various types of box supports.
- Describe the various methods of installing conductors in conduit.
- Plan and set up for a cable pull.
- Understand the importance of selecting the proper location for cable pulls.
- Describe how cable reels are transported to the pulling site.
- Set up reel stands and spindles for a wire-pulling installation.
- Explain how mandrels, swabs, and brushes are used to prepare conduit for conductors.
- Properly install a pull line for a cable-pulling operation.
- Explain the operation of power fish tape systems.
- Prepare the ends of conductors for pulling.
- Describe the types of cable pullers.
- Describe the process of high-force cable pulling.
- Explain how to support conductors in vertical conduit runs.
- Describe the installation of cables in cable trays.
- Explain the importance of communication during a cable-pulling operation.
- Calculate the probable stress or tension in cable pulls.
- Describe the components that make up a cable tray assembly.
- Explain the methods used to hang and secure cable tray.
- Describe how cable enters and exits cable tray.
- Select the proper cable tray fitting for the situation.
- Explain the NEMA standards for cable tray installations.
- Explain the NEC requirements for cable tray installations.
- Select the required fittings to ensure equipment grounding continuity in cable tray systems.
- Interpret electrical working drawings showing cable tray fittings.
- Size cable tray for the number and type of conductors contained in the system.
- Select rollers and sheaves for pulling cable in specific cable tray situations.
- Designate the required locations of rollers and sheaves for a specific cable pull.
- Fabricate an offset for a cable tray.
- Describe how to make a good conductor termination.
- Prepare cable ends for terminations and splices.
- Install lugs and connectors onto conductors.
- Train cable at termination points.
- Explain the role of the NEC in making cable terminations and splices.
- Explain why mechanical stress should be avoided at cable termination points.
- Describe the importance of using proper bolt torque when bolting lugs onto busbars.
- Describe crimping techniques.
- Select the proper lug or connector for the job.
- Describe splicing techniques.
- Describe the installation rules for parallel conductors.
- Explain how to use hand and power crimping tools.
- Describe various types of electric services for commercial and industrial installations.
- Read electrical blueprints and diagrams describing service installations.
- Calculate and select service-entrance equipment.
- Explain the role of the NEC in service installations.
- Install main disconnect switches, panelboards, and overcurrent protection devices.
- Identify the circuit loads, number of circuits required, and installation requirements for distribution panels.
- Explain the types and purposes of service grounding.
- Explain the purpose of ground fault circuit interrupters and where they must be installed.
- Describe single-phase service connections.
- Describe both wye- and delta-connected three-phase services.
- Explain the necessity of overcurrent protection devices in electrical circuits.
- Define the terms associated with fuses and circuit breakers.
- Describe the operation of a circuit breaker.
- Select the most suitable overcurrent device for the application.
- Explain the role of the NEC in specifying overcurrent devices.
- Describe the operation of single-element and time-delay fuses.
- Explain how ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) can save lives.
- Replace a renewable fuse link.
- Calculate short circuit currents.
- Describe troubleshooting and maintenance techniques for overcurrent devices.
- Describe the operating principles of contactors and relays.
- Select contactors and relays for use in specific electrical systems.
- Explain how mechanical contactors operate.
- Explain how solid-state contactors operate.
- Install contactors and relays according to the NEC requirements.
- Select and install contactors and relays for lighting control.
- Read wiring diagrams involving contactors and relays.
- Describe how overload relays operate.
- Connect a simple control circuit.
- Test control circuits
- Explain how the human eye works.
- Describe the characteristics of light
- Recognize the different kinds of lamps and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each type: Incandescent Halogen High-intensity discharge (HD) Fluorescent
- Properly select and install lamps into lighting fixtures.
- Recognize and install various types of lighting fixtures: Recessed Surface-mounted Track-mounted Suspended
Level 3
Level 3
- Calculate loads for single-phase and three-phase branch circuits.
- Size branch circuit overcurrent protection devices (circuit breakers and fuses) for noncontinuous duty and continuous duty circuits.
- Understand and apply derating factors to size branch circuits.
- Calculate ampacity for single-phase and three-phase loads.
- Use load calculations to determine branch circuit conductor sizes.
- Use NEC Table 220-19 to calculate residential cooking equipment loads.
- Select branch circuit conductors and overcurrent protection devices for electric heat, air conditioning equipment, motors, and welders.
- Select electrical conductors for specific applications.
- Calculate voltage drop in both single-phase and three-phase applications.
- Interpret and apply NEC regulations governing conductors.
- Understand and apply NEC parallel rules.
- Understand and apply NEC tap rules.
- Size conductors for the load.
- Understand and apply NEC Tables 310-16 through 310-19.
- Derate conductors for fill, temperature, and voltage drop.
- Select conductors for various temperature ranges and atmospheres.
- Explain the importance of overcurrent protection.
- Understand the key NEC requirements regarding overcurrent protection.
- Check electrical drawings for conformance to NEC sections that cover short circuit current, fault currents, interrupting ratings, and other sections relating to overcurrent protection.
- Determine let-through current values (peak and RMS) when current-limiting overcurrent devices are used.
- Select and size overcurrent protection for specific applications.
- Size raceways according to conductor fill and NEC installation requirements.
- Size and install outlet boxes according to NEC installation requirements.
- Size, select, and install pull and junction boxes according to NEC regulations.
- Size conduit and conduit bodies using tables in NEC Chapter 9 and Appendix C.
- Calculate conduit fill using a percentage of the trade size conduit inside diameter (ID).
- Calculate required bending radius in boxes and cabinets.
- Determine when cable must be racked in pull or junction boxes.
- Select wiring devices according to National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA) classifications.
- Size wiring devices according to NEC and NEMA requirements.
- Select the proper box or enclosure for wiring devices.
- Follow NEC regulations governing the installation of wiring devices.
- Explain types and purposes of grounding wiring devices.
- Determine the maximum load allowed on specific wiring devices.
- List the voltage convention classifications used in the industry.
- Describe the purpose of switchgear.
- Describe the basic physical makeup of a switchboard.
- List the four general classifications of circuit breakers and list the major circuit breaker ratings.
- Describe switchgear construction, metering layouts, wiring requirements, and maintenance.
- List NEC requirements pertaining to switchgear.
- Describe the visual and mechanical inspections and electrical tests associated with lowvoltage cables and medium-voltage cables, metal-enclosed busways, and metering and instrumentation.
- Describe a ground fault relay system and explain how to test it.
- Describe an HVL switch.
- Describe a bolted pressure switch and its maintenance requirements.
- Describe a typical switchgear transformer and list its testing and maintenance requirements
- List the safety precautions associated with instrument transformers and describe their maintenance requirements.
- Describe transformer operation.
- Explain the principle of mutual induction.
- Describe the operating characteristics of the various types of transformers.
- Connect a multi-tap transformer for the required secondary voltage.
- Explain NEC regulations governing the installation of transformers.
- Compute transformer sizes for various applications.
- Explain types and purposes of grounding transformers.
- Connect a control transformer for a given application.
- Size the maximum load allowed on open-delta systems.
- Describe how current transformers are used in conjunction with watt-hour meters.
- Apply capacitors and rectifiers to practical applications.
- Calculate the power factor of any given electrical circuit.
- Recognize incandescent, fluorescent and high intensity discharge (HID) lamps and describe how each type of lamp operates.
- Recognize ballasts and describe their purpose for use in fluorescent and HID lighting fixtures.
- Explain the relationship of Kelvin temperature to the color of light produced by a lamp.
- Recognize basic occupancy sensors, photoelectric sensors, and timers used to control lighting circuits and describe how each device operates.
- Use troubleshooting checklists to troubleshoot fluorescent and HID lamps and lighting fixtures.
- Size branch circuits and feeders for electric motors.
- Size, select, and install overcurrent protective devices for motors.
- Size, select, and install overload relays for electric motors.
- Calculate and install devices to improve the power factor at motor locations.
- Size motor short circuit protectors.
- Size multi-motor branch circuits.
- Size motor disconnects.
- Protect motor circuits with transformers.
- Properly store motors and generators.
- Test motors and generators.
- Make connections for specific types of motors and generators.
- Clean open-frame motors.
- Lubricate motors that require this type of maintenance.
- Collect and record motor data.
- Select tools for motor maintenance.
- Select instruments for motor testing.
- Describe the operating principles of motor controls and control circuits.
- Select motor controls for specific applications.
- Connect motor controllers for specific applications.
- Explain NEC regulations governing the installation of motor controls.
- Follow NEC requirements when installing motor control circuits.
- Interpret motor control diagrams.
- Size and select thermal overload relays and other protective devices for motor controls.
- Connect control transformers in conjunction with motor control circuits.
- Describe the basic operating principles of air conditioning systems.
- Explain how refrigeration systems operate.
- Interpret nameplate data on heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment.
- Describe the various types of heating systems used in residential and commercial applications.
- Explain the role of the NEC in HVAC power and control wiring.
- Describe the operating principles of compressors as they relate to refrigeration.
- Troubleshoot HVAC systems.
- Explain NEC air conditioning requirements for computer rooms.
- Install electrical circuits and related components to HVAC equipment in accordance with NEC Articles 220, 424, and 440.
- Identify the various classifications of hazardous locations.
- Select and install branch circuits and feeders in specific hazardous locations.
- Select seals and drains for specific hazardous locations.
- Select wiring methods for Class I, Class II, and Class III hazardous locations.
- Follow NEC requirements for installing explosion-proof fittings in specific hazardous locations.
- Size feeders and services in accordance with NEC requirements.
- Calculate loads and ampacities for single-phase and three-phase feeders.
- Understand and apply derating factors to size feeders.
- Size feeder overcurrent protection devices (circuit breakers and fuses) for non-continuous duty and continuous duty loads.
- Understand and apply tap rules.
- Calculate loads for a retail store with a show window.
- Calculate loads for an office building.
- Calculate loads for both single-family and multi-family dwellings.
- Calculate loads for a restaurant.
- Calculate loads for hotels and motels.
- Calculate loads for schools and other institutional projects.
- Perform feeder and service calculations for farms.
- Calculate the power and supply feeders for marinas and boatyards.
- Calculate electrical circuits for motors.
- Calculate loads for a small industrial establishment.
- Explain how the lighting terms lumen, candlepower, and footcandle relate to one another.
- Classify lighting fixtures by layout, location, fixture type, and type of service.
- Identify the basic design configurations of incandescent, fluorescent, and HID lighting fixtures and describe the general lighting pattern (direct, indirect, etc.) produced by each type.
- Identify the main lighting requirements associated with lighting systems used in selected applications such as office buildings, schools, theaters, etc.
- Identify the special wiring and dimming system components used with incandescent, fluorescent, and HID lighting systems.
- Use manufacturer’s lighting fixture catalogs to select the appropriate lighting fixtures for specific lighting applications.
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