competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
Polysomnographic Technologist
Northern Light AR Gould Hospital

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Study Preparation
- Assess physician’s order to assure appropriateness in conjunction with reviewing of patient’s medical records
- Determine & accommodate the patient’s age-specific needs, disability and/or other special needs
- Determine the need for additional physiological monitors
- Determine the possible need for emergency intervention
Recording equipment integrity
- Perform an all-channel & montage calibration
- Recognize & correct recording equipment malfunctions observed during calibration, including polysomnography amplifiers, ancillary equipment & audiovisual equipment
- Perform a post-calibration procedure to verify the integrity of recorded data
Patient and Family Interaction
- Verify patient identification using tow identifiers
- Interview the patient to obtain any additional information
- Answer questions related to sleep disorders testing
- Provide appropriate patient and family education including expectations of technical procedures
- Determine the possible need for emergency intervention
Follow established protocols for placement of ECG, EMG EOG and other recording electrodes & sensors used in polysomnography using standards precautions during patient preparation
- Follow established protocols for placement of ECG, EMG EOG and other recording electrodes & sensors used in polysomnography using standards precautions during patient preparation
Obtaining Accurate Patient Recordings
- Acquire, verify and document biological calibrations prior to ‘lights out’ to document integrity of the physiological monitors
- Recognize & minimize artifacts so that sleep stages & all monitoring channels are clearly visible throughout the recording
- Recognize & document relevant data such as body position changes, life-threatening events, EEG and ECG abnormalities, etc.
- Document routine changes periodically throughout the recording to include notes on observed behavior, parasomnias, notations of montage and equipment settings
- Recognize the need for clinical interventions (Oxygen, Positive Airway Pressure Titration, CPR, etc.) and perform them according to established guidelines
Concluding the PSG
- Perform a post-calibration following ‘lights-on’ to document integrity of the recording
- Remove electrodes & sensors from the patient
- Document a summary of the polysomnography & clinical observations in order to assist with the interpretation (clinically significant behavior, significant cardiac arrhythmia, etc.)
- Prepare patient data and chart for score
- Clean and disinfect electrodes and other reusable equipment according to manufacturer’s guidelines and/or established department
Comprehensive Reporting to the Physician
- Include observations of snore quality
- Document therapeutic levels, modes of therapy and accessories utilized
- Differentiate between potentially lethal and non-lethal ECG patterns with documentation
- Document relevant sleep/wake behaviors
- Summarize the therapeutic intervention
Patient Education and Support
- Follow department protocols to assist the patient in receiving follow-up care
- Provide positive airway pressure support and education on equipment as needed to patients
- Monitor ongoing contact with the referring physician when his/her positive airway pressure patient is seen to issues with treatment
- Recognize the role of the technologist versus the role of the physician in the treatment of the positive airway pressure patient and know when to refer the patient back to the physician
- Participate in community awareness health and education programs to provide information on sleep disorders
Perform positive airway pressure titration in accordance with established protoco
- Perform positive airway pressure titration in accordance with established protoco
Perform oxygen titration in accordance with established protocol
- Perform oxygen titration in accordance with established protocol
Perform multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) in accordance with established protocol
- Perform multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) in accordance with established protocol
Demonstrate knowledge of processing patient charges
- Demonstrate knowledge of processing patient charges
Demonstrate knowledge of office flow procedures
- Demonstrate knowledge of office flow procedures
Conduct direct patient recording - clinical experience on-site polysomnography
- Conduct direct patient recording - clinical experience on-site polysomnography
Attend AASM Training in Atlanta Georgia
- Attend AASM Training in Atlanta Georgia
Complete AASM CME modules
- Complete AASM CME modules
Complete TAMC Frontline Leadership Training
- Complete TAMC Frontline Leadership Training
Complete TAMC Orientation
- Complete TAMC Orientation
Complete TAMC EMR training
- Complete TAMC EMR training
Complete EMHS Healthstream training
- Complete EMHS Healthstream training
Attend and participate in 12 TAMC monthly meetings
- Attend and participate in 12 TAMC monthly meetings
Participate in 1:1 training with Medical Director
- Participate in 1:1 training with Medical Director
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):
AASM – One Step Introductory Course
The role of the polysomnographic tech Hookup procedures Electrode placement Instrumentation Tech documentation Artifact recognition & correction CPAP – critical interface and titration Sleep stage snoring Normal sleep Limb movement disorders Sleep disordered breathing CPAP & bi-level titration & compliance Surgical approaches for sleep disordered breathing Upper airway resistance syndrome Recording & scoring of respiratory activity MSLT/MWT; technique, indication & interpretation DC amplifiers & Infection control workshop Narcolepsy Insomnia Parasomnias Nocturnal seizures Pediatric sleep disorders Review of Polysomnograms Home sleep testing Finding your first sleep job Overview of the registry exam process