in on-the-job training and related instruction.
Correctional Officer
Urban Institute

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Maintaining constructive interpersonal relationships and communication
- Uses positive and respectful verbal, nonverbal, and written communication with coworkers and incarcerated people
- Demonstrates relationship-building communication with coworkers and incarcerated people
- Understands and maintains ethical boundaries when interacting with coworkers and incarcerated people
- Demonstrates effective communication and confidentially when interacting with coworkers and incarcerated people of all backgrounds
- Shows cultural understanding when working with coworkers and incarcerated people
- Maintains positive contact and collaborative relationships with other support organizations, coworkers, and incarcerated people
- Preserves incarcerated people's privacy and professionalism when using social media
Supervising incarcerated people
- Escorts incarcerated people internally within a facility or institution
- Transports incarcerated people to various destinations (e.g., court, medical office, transfer using a vehicle)
- Records incarcerated people's movement in and out of cells or facilities using a daily log
- Uses awareness to identify changes in incarcerated people's behavioral patterns noise level, incarcerated people interactions, etc.)
- Visually monitors incarcerated people attending various programs (e.g. meals, religious services, Alcoholics Anonymous, education, vocational training, etc.)
- Supervises incarcerated people assigned to work and education programs (e.g. culinary workers, yard, maintenance clerical, etc. using timesheets and rosters
- Conducts emergency counts of incarcerated people against rosters, logs, photos, or computer-listed numbers
- Performs visual security checks and patrols inside or outside the perimeter of the facility (e.g. cell. common area, fence lines, yard, recreational area, dormitories. etc.)
- Supervises incarcerated people during meals in the dining hall, housing area, or food service area; monitors and maintains control; and verifies tr and utensil counts
- Performs physical counts of incarcerated people to ensure accountability and prevent escape through visual observation and tracking
- Identifies indicators of gang affiliation (e.g., tattoos, insignias, written materials, photographs, etc.) for identification, validation, and tracking of incarcerated people
- Recognizes mental health and behavioral characteristics of incarcerated people to maintain safety (e.g., prevent suicides, harming others, etc.)
Maintaining security and safety
- Applies various restraint devices such as leg restraints, handcuffs, waist restraints, etc. to incarcerated people
- Provides written and oral instructions or directions to incarcerated people
- Performs cell and housing area inspections for prohibited items, working order of cells, breaches of security, and cleanliness (e.g., windows, doors, bars. locks. etc.) to maintain safety and security using security check forms
- Operates a video camera to document crimes and or actions taken (e.g. critical incident, interviews, surveillance, etc.)
- Performs clothed and unclothed body searches of incarcerated people to prevent unauthorized introduction of contraband, using vision, pat downs, and metal detectors
- Performs security checks of transportation vehicles entering and leaving the institution for weapons, contraband, narcotics, etc. using vision and physical searches
- Accompanies and ensures safety of staff and contractors (e.g., maintenance, plumber, medical personnel, etc.) within the institution using observation
- Directs incarcerated people in their work assignments (e.g., cleaning, preparing meals, maintenance, etc.) to ensure overall operation of the institution, using effective communication
- Physically subdues incarcerated people with or without the help of additional staff to gain compliance with orders using strengths and holds, as required
- Pursues incarcerated people to make an arrest, obtain contraband, prevent escape, etc. to ensure the safety and security of staff, incarcerated people, and the public
- Defends self against a person with a weapon, using necessary equipment and actions to ensure the safety and security of staff and incarcerated people
- Searches for missing or escaped incarcerated people inside or outside the institution using patrol, surveillance, radio communication, etc.
- Arrests incarcerated people and visitors who commit crimes using restraints and search warrants
- Corrects incarcerated people regarding rule violations (e.g., behavior, conduct, actions) through formal or informal counseling and documentation
- Searches and reads incarcerated people's mail to identify and seize contraband or other unauthorized material
- Understands and uses approved intervention and de-escalation techniques to resolve a crisis
- Seeks help when appropriate during a crisis and maintains own personal safety
- Uses firearms and other nonlethal weapons safely
Conducting administrative duties and responsibilities
- Verifies incarcerated people’s identification and intake documentation (from transporting unit) for intake processing, using standard operating procedures
- Reviews incarcerated people’s court documents for accuracy, completeness, and time limits
- Completes intake screening forms for classification and housing using incarcerated people’s records
- Records dispositions of incarcerated people’s property (e.g., clothing, money, etc.) on the appropriate logs from intake processing, cell searches, incarcerated people transfers, and releases
- Photographs incarcerated people (incoming and appearance changes) for identification cards, using digital imaging equipment
- Finger prints incarcerated people to verify their identification, using appropriate equipment (e.g. finger print identification card and live scan
- Issues clothing, bedding. commissary, and supplies (e.g. soap and toiletries) for housing needs
- Assigns proper housing to ensure safety and security by reviewing incarcerated people's documents
- Verifies the identity of incarcerated people to ensure accurate release by reviewing photos, fingerprint identification cards, social factors, etc.
- Completes necessary documents for incarcerated people's transfers to other facilities using their records
- Verifies incarcerated people's identity and classification using documents (e.g., temporary release, transfer, work assignment, medical, court, etc.) for escorting outside of the facilities
- Maintains daily incarcerated people's documents (e.g. roster, housing cards, or personal data cards) to ensure consistency and accuracy of program needs
- Records noninstitutional personnel (e.g., attorney, contractor, visitors, civilians) entering and leaving the facilities
- Prepares correspondences and reports (e.g. incident, disciplinary, memorandum) using standard forms and computer
- Processes evidence (e.g.. collect. photograph. log. etc.) to secure preserve and maintain a chain of custody
- Recognizes and reports concerns about abuse and knows how and when to make appropriate referrals to supervisors and others in authority
Supporting the function of facilities and programs
- Performs equipment inventory (e.g., keys, tools, weapons) for accountability and proper working condition using inventory sheets and inspection logs
- Operates manual or electronic gates leading into and out of the facility to allow staff, incarcerated people, and noninstitutional personnel access and to maintain safety and security
- Completes work orders (using the proper documentation) to notify the appropriate individual(s) or department(s) regarding repairs needed
- Responds to noninstitutional personnel requests (e.g., overview, available programs, and visiting operation) by providing information, using institution facts
- Provides orientation to incarcerated people regarding facility rules and procedures (e.g., meal schedules, daily programs, counts) to ensure consistency and order
- Instructs incarcerated people in the safe use of tools and equipment, using safety procedures and guidelines to prevent injury
- Attends and participates in on-the-job training programs, classes, and seminars to maintain professional status and be in compliance with current policy and procedures
- Performs emergency evacuation of staff and incarcerated people by being familiar with evacuation routes to ensure accountability
- Follows daily written or electronic directions from internal memos, correspondence, emails, activity logs, court or legal documents, etc.
- Facilitates training for haircut or cosmetology services and maintains the health and safety of staff and incarcerated people
- Effectively communicates using various methods (e.g., radio, telephone, email, text messaging and other electronic communications, intercom, Public Address system, meeting, briefing) to relay information or address staff or incarcerated people
- Recognizes unsafe conditions and inadequate safety procedures in incarcerated people’s environments using visual observation and communication
Responding to emergencies and special circumstances
- Responds to emergencies (e.g., disorder, melee, medical, fire, riot, natural disasters, etc.) to maintain safety and security, using proper equipment as directed
- Maintains confidentiality of sensitive information (e.g., medical information, investigation, criminal justice history, etc.) to maintain safety and security, by not disclosing it to unauthorized people
- Responds to incarcerated people’s written requests for interviews and to formal or informal grievances, using forms following guideline or policies for accountability
- Prepares incarcerated people for court, work detail, and medical appointments using verbal communication to ensure proper attire and timeliness; applies restraints if necessary
- Performs cell extractions of noncompliant incarcerated people to ensure safety, with a team of officers, using cell extraction equipment (e.g., protective equipment, restraints, baton, shield, and video equipment)
- Disarms an incarcerated person with a weapon, using the necessary equipment and taking the appropriate actions to ensure the safety and security of staff and incarcerated people
- Performs medical aid (e.g., CPR and/or first aid) to those in need of medical attention to prevent injury or loss of life, using first aid equipment
- Operates fire suppression equipment (e.g., fire extinguisher, fire hose, etc.) to prevent the spread of a fire
- Defuses crisis situations by counseling, subduing or referring to medical or mental health services etc., to prevent injury and maintain safety and security
- Recognizes sexual misconduct in an institution (to maintain the health and safety of incarcerated people and staff) using visual observation and communication
- Carries out risk assessments on incarcerated people who pose higher levels of risk with complex needs, including sex offenders, domestic abuse perpetrators, and individuals who resort to violence and extremist activities
- Applies de-escalation techniques in situations where individuals are eliciting anger but not posing a safety or security risk
Supporting inmate rehabilitation
- Supports the rehabilitation of incarcerated people through strengths-based approaches such as motivational interviewing techniques and person-centered work
- Motivates and encourages incarcerated people to improve their attitudes and behavior to help them to build social capital and reintegrate in the community
- Connects individuals with the services they need, including accommodation, substance abuse, mental or physical health, education, training, and employment services
Performing other critical job functions
- Investigates activities (e.g., disturbances, crimes, safety concerns, threats) to ensure the safety and security of the facility, using situational awareness (e.g., reports and informants)
- Testifies in court by giving accurate testimony to uphold the criminal justice system, using reported evidence and memory of the event
- Preserves a crime scene to maintain integrity by isolating, photographing, documenting, preserving evidence, etc.
- Recommends changes in local policies, procedures, or rules to streamline processes through memos, verbal communication, etc.
- Develops “Sentence and Risk Management Plans” that promote positive change
- Contributes to quality assurance arrangements to achieve best practice
- Proactively manages own continuous professional development and responds to and implements feedback
- Provides professional advice and guidance to colleagues to achieve targets and quality outcomes
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):
Principles of Corrections and Structure of Corrections Systems
Sample learning objectives: Identify the different kinds of penal institutions and juvenile justice facilities, their missions, the services they provide, the types of offenses committed by the individuals they incarcerator serve, and the level or levels of security provided by those institutions. Identify the authorities that can incarcerate individuals, determine types and lengths of sentences, make parole decisions, and transfer and/or release incarcerated individuals. Identify and explain key statutes regarding the incarceration of individuals, the rights of incarcerated individuals, and the responsibilities of correctional facilities. Explain the goals and methods for rehabilitating incarcerated individuals. Explain the roles and responsibilities of correctional officers.
Personal Protection, Professionalism, and Stress Management for Correctional Officers
Sample learning objectives: List sources of personal health and safety risks, including occupational stress that correctional officers typically face, and describe mitigation strategies used to reduce or eliminate risk (including protective equipment, preventative vaccination, and population management techniques). Describe the characteristics of a professional and the elements of professional conduct important to maintaining a collegial and safe work environment, serving incarcerated individuals appropriately, supporting one’s colleagues, and advancing one’s career. Demonstrate appropriate written and verbal communication techniques for providing instructions, recording observations, voicing concerns, and advocating for the needs of others. Complete reports accurately and using appropriate corrections-related vocabularyDescribe the tools available to correctional officers to protect themselves and incarcerated individuals from physical harm, the indications for their use, the precautions needed to protect others from undue or collateral harm, and techniques used to ensure that incarcerated individuals cannot access or take tools or weapons from correctional officers, as well as limitations on the use of weapons based on the role and location of a correctional officer within the detention facility. Identify sources of bias that might discourage certain individuals, based on race, gender or ethnicity, from pursuing a career or continuing their career as a correctional officer and discuss strategies for removing those biases.
Basic Psychology, Mental Health, and Positive Behavior Reinforcement Techniques
Sample learning objectives: Define cognitive ability and explain ways to assess an individual’s cognitive abilities or function. Describe cognitive dysfunctions or disabilities seen commonly among inmate populates and explain techniques that can be used effectively to communicate with and manage the behavior of individuals with these challenges. Explain the role of positive behavioral enforcement in a rehabilitative corrections environment and demonstrate examples of using positive behavioral techniques to de-escalate negative situations, encourage positive behavior among incarcerated individuals, and advance the goals of rehabilitative incarceration. Explain the rights that incarcerated individuals have to privacy, including medical privacy, and how a correctional officer can appropriately obtain and use the information provided by correctional counselors or psychologists to execute their duties. List the signs and symptoms of mental illness or a psychological crisis and describe the actions a correctional officer would take if they identified these signs in an incarcerated individual.
Corrections Facility Security Techniques
Sample learning objectives: Explain the indications for and demonstrate effective use of physical restraints and use of force, such as when admitting individuals; moving individuals within the corrections facility; moving individuals to another location or facility (such as court, a hospital, work release, family visitation, exercise, meals, etc.), responding to a threat, fight, or crisis; or releasing individuals from the facility. Demonstrate the effective use of self-defense techniques. Explain the techniques used to maintain security at gatherings of incarcerated individuals, such as during meals, exercise, group sessions, education and training programs, and visitation periods. Explain and demonstrate the effective use of de-escalation and riot prevention techniques in situations where a single incarcerated individual or a group of incarcerated individuals are showing signs of potential violent action toward themselves or others. Explain the characteristics of prison gangs and demonstrate the ability to identify members of prison gangs correctly. Explain how prison gangs compromise prison security and describe the techniques and methods used by correctional officers to counter the negative influence of prison gangs.
Admitting, Releasing, and Transporting Incarcerated Individuals
Sample learning objectives: Describe the process for admitting newly incarcerated individuals or individuals transferred to a new penal facility, including forms to be completed, the process for securing personal property, the process for performing searches, and the process for restraining and properly moving an individual within the penal facility. Describe and demonstrate the ability to conduct an effective search. Demonstrate the ability to create, maintain, and properly store important records including upon admission, transfer, or release of an incarcerated individual. Explain and demonstrate the ability to follow the process used to prepare an incarcerated individual for transfer or release, including completing necessary documents, returning personal property to the individual, ensuring that the individual understands the terms of his or her release or parole, identifying the social services benefits to which an incarcerated individual is entitled upon release and providing information about how to access those benefits, and properly notifying key individuals or officials about the release (i.e., next of kin, parole officers, courts, victims, etc.). Explain and demonstrate the process for receiving individuals via transfer, including processing individuals, conducting searches, managing restraints appropriately, assigning individuals to living quarters, explaining facility rules and policies, and moving individuals to holding or permanent cells or rooms.
Incarcerated Individual Health Care, Crisis Management, and Working with Special Needs
Sample learning objectives: Explain the medical services available to incarcerated individuals and how they can access them. Describe how correctional officers monitor the health status of incarcerated individuals, identify those in need of treatment, and facilitate the receipt of treatment among those in need. Describe policies and protocols for isolating incarcerated individuals who pose a health risk to others and explain strategies for reducing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases within a prison population. Use triage techniques to identify the level of care needed by individuals in the event of a catastrophic event that results in illness or injury to many individuals. Explain and demonstrate how to respond to emergencies such as choking, heart attack, fractures, puncture or stab wounds, head injuries, self-harm, seizures, infections, sexual abuse, shortness of breath, and choking. Explain fire prevention techniques as well as emergency plans in response to an actual fire, including the use of fire extinguishers, the notification of appropriate authorities, the emergency evacuation or relocation of incarcerated individuals, and techniques for assisting and securing the safety of first responders who may need to enter the facility.
Safe Handling, Use, and Storage of Weapons
Sample learning objectives: Describe the types of weapons used by correctional officers to maintain order and safety and specify the locations where each may be used and the conditions that warrant such use. Demonstrate proper use of weapons based on state or federal justice department requirements. Demonstrate proper cleaning, maintenance, and storage of issued weapons. Complete the necessary hours of range training and practice, as dictated by state or federal justice department requirements.