competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
Graphic Designer

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Performs general practices for business operations and client engagement
- Demonstrates a working understanding of the organization’s structure, personnel rules, policies, responsibilities and general understanding of work ethics, interpersonal communications, and related policies
- Practices safety procedures and rules
- Adheres to stated goals, mission, and vision of the employer
- Works independently within administrative, production, and postproduction communications and workflow
- Adapts to agreed-upon practices for specific client interactions and social media
Generates creative and innovative graphic concepts
- Conceptualizes and develops unique visual solutions to complex design problems
- Stays updated with the latest design trends and incorporates them into work while maintaining originality
- Encourages brainstorming sessions to explore various creative possibilities
- Transforms abstract concepts into compelling visual narratives
- Proactively seeks inspiration from diverse sources to fuel creativity
Conducts pre-production activities
- Brainstorms visual content for specific themes and campaigns
- Displays meticulous attention to every aspect of visual communication, ensuring that all design elements are precise, polished, and consistent with the intended message and brand identity
- Recognizes and documents all phases of multimedia graphic design project workflow
- Clearly presents concepts to superiors or stakeholders, and incorporates their feedback into next steps
- Uses computers, tablets, printers, and other related hardware
- Uses graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Creative Suite) to create models and prototypes
- Creates multiple design assets for independent projects and social media
- Reads production log and call sheets
- Plans complex projects and manages staff
Produces image, animation, and video-based content, and related campaigns
- Creates high-fidelity design deliverables utilizing Adobe Creative Suite and other design software
- Applies layout, typography, and color theory
- Demonstrates understanding of standard formats, as well as media and asset management practices on Mac/Windows platforms and networked environments
- Recognizes and applies appropriate language/wording conventions based on design project context
- Creates draft design products based on ambiguous or underdeveloped ideas or concepts
- Explores concepts through sketching and other analog techniques
- Demonstrates basic fluency with animation production process and motion graphics
- Produces design assets in diverse styles and genres
Assembles project deliverables into cohesive final format
- Coordinates technical design production process
- Communicates professionally and manages relationships with artists/creatives, clients, and stakeholder collaborations
- Interacts effectively with creative director, project manager, visual, and UI designers on a team
- Combines multiple media elements to build creative stories for a range of platforms
- Edits and synthesizes finished products across multiple formats
Maintains constructive interpersonal relationships and communication
- Attends team discussions/meetings and documents meeting outputs
- Collaborates with others, contributes ideas, and solves design problems during team discussions/meetings
- Receives and accepts constructive and critical feedback, and pivots/adapts design products based on input from peers, clients, and other stakeholders
- Presents concepts to multiple stakeholders
- Communicates professionally in both group- and one-on-one settings
- Demonstrates trust, honesty, and integrity
- Works in both supervised and unsupervised settings
Incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) tools into work procedures and products
- Applies key concepts in artificial intelligence (AI) and creativity studies in creative work
- Uses AI-assisted design tools in art and design work
- Uses AI-based image editing to develop and update human-developed products as well as human and AI-generated product drafts
- Uses AI tools to resolve product challenges
- Adheres to legal, industry, and employer-based ethical standards in the use of AI-assisted product design
Performs general business management practices
- Plans, prioritizes, and executes tasks efficiently and effectively within set time frames
- Creates, understands, and manages budgets, financial statements, and cash flow
- Targets market and customer needs, and develops effective marketing strategies
- Implements marketing campaigns, conducts sales, and manages customer relationships
- Sets, communicates, and completes short-term and long-term objectives
- Prioritizes tasks, manages multiple projects, and meets deadlines consistently
- Creates efficient workflows, maintains organized systems, and manages resources effectively
Adheres to high ethical standards
- Demonstrates understanding of, and adheres to, copyright laws and intellectual property rights
- Respects client confidentiality and privacy
- Avoids conflicts of interest and maintains professional boundaries
- Demonstrates cultural sensitivity and avoids offensive or discriminatory content
- Prioritizes accessibility and usability in design to ensure inclusivity for all users
- Cites use of stock images, fonts, Al generated content, and other licensed materials
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):
Computer Basics
Sample learning objectives Demonstrate the ability to use desktop computers, laptop computers and smart devices to send an email, schedule a meeting, share a document, participate in group editing, use track changes to edit a document, maintain version control of documents, convert Word documents to PDF format, create e-fillable and esignable forms, and create/verify electronic signatures. Describe the purpose of network computing and demonstrate the ability to connect devices such as computers, printers, telephones, and tablets to a secure network. Explain the significance of document security and the use of passwords and other document storage strategies to maintain document privacy and security. Explain the importance of Internet security and identify examples of cybersecurity threats, such as malware, Trojan horses, phishing, botnet, spyware, and social engineering. Describe effective strategies to prevent cyberattacks, to create and maintain secure passwords and to take the appropriate action when potential cyber threats are identified. Explain the significance of HyperText Markup Language (HTML) for tagging text files on webpages to achieve the desired graphic or design effects. Demonstrate the ability to use HTML code to develop a web landing page.
Business Writing (optional)
Sample learning objectives Identify parts of speech used to communicate information. Identify appropriate sentence structure. Use proper rules for capitalization and punctuation. Use proper grammar to write clear and concise messages. Compose an email that clearly communicates instructions and/or information using the appropriate rules of grammar, capitalization and sentence structure. Differentiate between the use of established vocabulary and slang in communicating to a target audience. Differentiate between technical and stylistic writing. Create a memorandum using appropriate format and structure, and accurately communicating important information. Demonstrate the ability to name and store documents properly. Demonstrate the ability to diffuse anger and resolve a lack of understanding in written documents and messages, including through emails, instant messaging and text messaging. Explain the importance of active listening to improve the effectiveness of business communication. Describe the modes of communication used by businesses or organizations to share information, solicit clients, sell products and influence behavior.
Visual Concepts
Sample learning objectives Explain the basic components of a work of art, including subject, content, form, and context. Explain the important elements of form that shape a work’s impact and meaning. Explain how tonal contrast is used to create focus. Explain how color can be used to create focus and mood. Explain how balance, definition, proximity, contrast, proportion, scale, focus, emphasis, movement, direct, and depth all contribute to using images to convey a message.
Fundamentals of Graphic Design
Sample learning objectives Explain the purpose of images in communicating messages connotatively and denotatively. Discuss the range of analog and digital image making techniques and create basic images to convey a set of predetermined messages. Properly use the terminology of typography, identify typography styles, and create a novel typography monogram. Describe the role of shape, color, and perspective in building a graphic design and make an abstract design from shapes. Explain how visual contrast, cropping, hierarchy, and direction are used to create simple and complex images that convey information and feeling relevant to the goal of the image. Demonstrate the ability to create and manipulate basic shapes using Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator. Explain the importance of a portfolio and set up a print and an electronic portfolio system.
Sample learning objectives Identify the most commonly used typographic styles and fonts. Explain the significance of typography in graphic design. Properly use the terminology of typography. Make accurate graphic typographic measurements. Use Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator to make a typographic poster. Use appropriate materials and techniques to hand-letter in various typographic styles. Select and use appropriate typography to represent various periods in history and specific design styles.
Motion Design
Sample learning objectives Explain the principles of 2D and 3D design. Compare and contrast motion design with animation. Use 3D/motion design software (such as Unity) to create motion design products for websites and smart devices. Explain the importance of script development and storyboarding in the development of motion design advertisements. Develop scripts and storyboards for several different products and services. Explain the significance of style frames and develop style frames for one or more storyboards.
Branding and Product Identification
Sample learning objectives Explain the importance of brand or product identity. Describe the elements of an effective brand or product identity. Explain the principles of logo design, including the use of color and typography to create a logo that attracts a targeted audience. Explain the role of typography and slogans in graphic design. Develop logos for an assortment of organizations and products. Develop a suite of materials that communicate brand identity. Develop a web-based and print-based advertisement for products and services.
Principles of Website Design
Sample learning objectives Explain and demonstrate the use of good principles of web design, including identifying the website’s purpose; using effective color, typography, and imagery; easy navigation; F-shaped pattern reading; using visual hierarchy to establish a focal point; identifying or creating good content; creating a grid-based layout that improves the user experience; quick load time; and mobile friendly. Describe the principal elements of effective User Interface Design. Explain the principles of User Experience Design. Describe the key components of the user experience. List and explain the requirements of federal legislation regarding web accessibility. Explain the importance of designing websites that are accessible to individuals with disabilities, including blindness, color blindness, deafness, or hearing impairment, impaired or limited vision, and limited hand and finger mobility or dexterity.
Design Using Adobe Creative Suite
Sample learning objectives Demonstrate the ability to manipulate photos using editing tools in Photoshop. Use and manage layers while editing images in Photoshop. Use photoshop tools to select or hide portions of images, to make adjustments and to perform masking. Create text in Photoshop. Explain the principles of using vector shapes to create images. Create, scale, rotate, flip and transform objects in Adobe Illustrator. Demonstrate the ability to import, manipulate, and export bitmap graphics in Adobe Illustrator. Demonstrate the ability to use drawing tools, coloring tools, special effects, gradients, and other editing tools to modify images. Demonstrate the ability to manipulate text in Adobe Illustrator. Demonstrate the ability to use Adobe InDesign to create an advertising suite, including a flyer, a brochure, a business card, a postcard, a sticker, and a poster. Create a text-based and image-based logo using InDesign. Import and manipulate photos using InDesign. Demonstrate the ability to create multipage documents using InDesign.