using a minimum and maximum range of hours for each major job
function and the successful demonstration of identified competencies.
Advanced Home Health Care Aide
United Homecare Workers of Pennsylvania

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Role of Advanced Home Care Aide
- Can explain the role and scope of work of the Advanced Home Care Aide when working as a member of the health care team
- Can explain the role of the Advanced Home Care Aide in relation to the consumer receiving services
- Dress appropriately, punctual, and observe agency policy regarding emergency absence from work
Consumer Rights and Confidentiality
- Respect the rights and observe the preference of the consumer in their own home
- Demonstrate ways of protecting client’s privacy and promoting independence
- Respect the confidentiality of client information and adheres to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and agency confidentiality guidelines
Communication and Problem Solving Skills
- Can explain the term “communication” including the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication
- Demonstrate effective communication, including active listening
- Demonstrate ability to resolve conflict
- Demonstrate respect and cultural sensitivity in communicating with others
- Demonstrate the use of effective problemsolving skills
- Promptly notify supervisor related to client’s needs, concerns and/or problems encountered
- Serve as an advocate for the client and treats the client and his/her significant other with courtesy and respect
- Provide report to designated staff according to procedure
Individualized Personal Care Skills
- Assist clients with bathing according to client preference and plan of care
- Provide clients with bed baths according to proper procedure when indicated
- Shampoo clients hair in bed when indicated
- Assist clients with oral hygiene and care according to individual needs and plan of care
- Assist clients with fingernail and toenail care
- Shave clients using proper procedure
- Turn clients in bed according to proper procedure
- Provide clients with back rubs according to proper procedure
- Assist clients with eating
- Assist clients with dressing
- Assist clients with the use of elastic support stockings
- Make an occupied bed and/or unoccupied bed
- Assist clients with toileting needs including demonstrating proper use of bedpan, urinals and/or commode
- Provide Pericare as indicated in plan of care
- Assist clients with use of condom catheters and daily catheter care
- Demonstrate proper lifting technique and use of lift equipment
- Clean and ensure appropriate function and care of appliances such as glasses, hearing aids, prostheses and assists with application as indicated by plan of care
Health Related Tasks
- Accurately measure and record temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure
- Collect routine urine, stool and sputum specimens according to proper procedures
- Prepare and assist clients with complex modified diets
- Assist clients with prescribed exercise programs, including walking, standing
- Transfer and passive range of motion exercises
- Assist clients with lung disease with postural drainage
- Assist with the use of prescribed medical equipment, supplies and devices
- Assist with special skin care to prevent decubitis ulcers; observes, records and reports skin conditions
- Assist clients with ileostomy, colostomy, gastrostomy and tracheotomy care and observes, records and reports as appropriate
In-Home and Nutritional Support
- Assist with meal planning, food preparation and serving, food shopping, storage, and handling
- Assist with the preparation of simple modified diets · Assist clients with family spending and budgeting
- Assist clients with care of the home and personal belongings
- Assist client with fluid intake, measures and records when indicated on plan of care · Assist and encourages clients to consume nutritional supplements/snacks as indicated on plan of care
Infection Control
- Demonstrate proper hand washing procedures
- Apply the principles of infection control in all activities
- Implement standard precautions as indicated
Safety and Emergencies
- Use proper body mechanics at all times and incorporate safe transfer and lifting techniques
- Is knowledgeable about procedures in case of emergencies in the home
- Check equipment before use and notifies supervisor of any problems identified
Understanding the Needs of Various Groups of Clients
- Can describe the special needs of physically disabled clients, and how to address those needs
- Can describe the special needs of the aging clients and how to address those needs
- Can describe the special needs of patients who are dying, assist their families, and address their needs
- Can describe the special needs of patients who are cognitively impaired or mentally ill, and how to address those needs
- Use knowledge of disease processes in understanding clients’ needs
Self Care
- Recognize signs of burnout in self and others, and identify stress reduction techniques
- Demonstrate use of time-management and organizational skills
- Identify resources to maintain personal health and well-being
- Identify options and strategies to respond to abusive behavior directed toward direct-care workers by consumers
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):
Qualities of a Direct Care Worker
Apprentice learns to explain the importance of the relationship between the consumer and the directcare worker for quality of care Apprentice learns to define the role of the direct-care worker in relation to other members of the service team in various long-term care settings Apprentice learns to explain the role of the directcare worker in relation to the consumer receiving services in various long-term care settings
Work Settings, Teamwork, and Professionalism
Apprentice learns to demonstrate professionalism and responsibility, including in timeliness and appearance Apprentice learns to explain the purpose of the care plan
Key Concepts of Direct Care
Apprentice learns to listen to and observe the preferences of the consumer Apprentice learns to respect the consumer’s right to privacy, respect, and dignity Apprentice learns to demonstrate ways of promoting the consumer’s independence Apprentice learns to explain the philosophies of consumer direction and independent living Apprentice learns to respect the confidentiality of consumer information, adhere to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), and follow employer confidentiality guidelines
Consumer and Worker Rights
Apprentice learns about consumer rights and worker rights.
Respecting Differences
Apprentice learns to work within large groups Apprentice learns to tell story Apprentices learns about affirmations
Communication: Listening and Talking Skills
Apprentice learns to listen well Apprentice learns about the skills of paraphrasing: saying it in your own words Apprentice learns about asking open-ended questions Apprentice learns about communication skills
Abuse and Neglect
Apprentices learn to recognize and report abuse and neglect
Supporting Consumers’ Dignity While Providing Personal Care
Apprentice learns about overview of personal care and supporting consumer’s dignity Apprentice learns about bathing with dignity Apprentice learns about bed bath with Pericare demonstration
Activities of Daily Living: Bathing, Personal Care, Making a Bed, Dressing, Toileting, and Eating
Apprentice learns to demonstrate bath, shower, hair care, and shaving Apprentice learns to demonstrate proper care of the skin, hands, fingernails, feet, and toenails Apprentice learns to assist a consumer to stand, transfer, and use assistive devices for ambulation Apprentice learns to make a bed Apprentice learns to assist consumer to stand, transfer, and ambulate Apprentice learns to assist consumer with healthy toilet practices Apprentice learns about bedpan, urinal, portable commode, and catheter care Apprentice learns to assist consumers who are reluctant to do Activities of Daily Living Apprentice learns about building relationships with the consumer’s family Apprentice learns to dress consumer with dignity Apprentice learns about eating for health and enjoyment Apprentice learns to assist with eating and exploring options approach to problem solving
Body Systems and Common Diseases
Apprentice learns about body systems Apprentice learns background information about common diseases Apprentice learns how to read and record temperature, pulse and respiration Apprentice learns about congestive heart failure causes, symptoms, and body effects Apprentice learns about caring for a consumer with congestive heart failure and when to call for medical assistance Apprentice learns about diabetes and how it effects on the body, type of diabetes, management plan, blood sugar tests and insulin Apprentice learns about caring for a consumer with diabetes, including diet, foot and skin care, low blood sugar signs and treatment, and red flags Apprentice learns about high blood pressure, taking measurements, and body effects Apprentice learns about high blood pressure causes and symptoms, caring for the consumer, lifestyle changes, medications, and red flags Apprentice learns about cancer, how it effects the body, and signs and symptoms Apprentice learns about cancer treatments, side effects, and coping strategies Apprentice learns about asthma key terms and how it affects the body, symptoms and attacks, managing medications, self-management, and red flags
Specialized Diseases
Apprentice learns about fibromyalgia, causes and symptoms, diagnosis and body effects Apprentices learn about fibromyalgia treatments and prevention Apprentice learns about spinal cord injuries, treatments, red flags, and coping mechanisms
Supporting Consumers at Home
Apprentice learns about assisting with selfadministered medications Apprentice learns about care of eyeglasses, hand earing aides, prostheses Apprentice learns about types of wounds, phases of healing, factors influencing healing, complications, infection, and surgical factors Apprentice learns about ulcers, symptoms, care, complications, and red flags
Consumer at Home
Apprentice learns an introduction to a consumer living at home Apprentice learns about care of the home Apprentice learns about supporting the diet and nutrition of consumer
Care for the Consumer with Oxygen, Portable Ventilators and Tracheostomies
Apprentice learns about oxygen therapy and the consumer’s feelings Apprentice learns about oxygen delivery, care of equipment, safety measures, and suctioning Apprentice learns about tracheostomy and care, potential complications, and red flags
Infection Control
Apprentice learns an overview of infection Apprentice learns about infection control strategies, standard precautions, and consumer education Apprentice learns about hand washing, using gloves, and mixing universal solutions Apprentice learns about disposal of wastes
Body Mechanics
Apprentice learns to mirror exercise Apprentice learns about good body mechanics and lifting an object Apprentice learns about good body mechanics and positioning a person
Consumer at Home
Apprentice learns about general safety and emergency procedures in the consumer’s home Apprentice satisfactorily completes CPR and First Aid, qualifying for certification
Working with an Independent Adult with Physical Disabilities
Apprentices learns an overview to working with consumers with physical disabilities Apprentice learns an overview to working with selfdirecting consumers Apprentice learns to respond to sexual behavior of the consumer
Working with Elders
Apprentice learns about building empathy Apprentice learns about physical changes as we age Apprentice learns about experiencing sensory changes Apprentice learns to help consumers to manage physical changes of aging
Working with a Consumer Who Is Depressed
Apprentice is provided an introduction to consumer who is depressed Apprentice learns about changes in how people feel and relate to others as they age Apprentice learns about understanding depression, including types and symptoms Apprentice learns about depression and other illnesses Apprentice learns about medications and side effects Apprentice learns about various depression therapies and exploring options to solve problems
Working with a Consumer with Alzheimer’s Disease and Cognitive Impairment
Apprentice learns an overview of a consumer with Alzheimer’s Disease Apprentice learns about understanding Alzheimer’s Disease Apprentice learns to work with challenging behaviors Apprentice learns about cognitive impairment and cognitive coaching Apprentice learns about different levels of cognitive disabilities, behavioral problems, cognitive coaching and care Apprentice learns about managing agitation and communication tips
Mental Illness and Developmental Disabilities
Apprentice learns about working with consumers who have a mental illness or a developmental disability Apprentices learn about cerebral palsy, causes, early signs, behaviors, and treatments Apprentices learns about caring for a consumer with cerebral palsy: bathing and personal hygiene, exercise and nutrition, suction, toilet training, sleeping, seizures, and vision, and education Apprentices learn about spina bifida, possible causes, early treatment, hydrocephalus, and shunt care and complications
Working with Consumer with Addiction
Apprentice learns about drug addiction as a disease and stages and treatments Apprentice learns about alcohol addictions, stages and treatments Apprentice learns about red flags in caring for consumers with addiction
Managing Time and Stress
Apprentice learns about managing time Apprentice learns about managing stress
General disease process
Apprentice learns in greater depth about specific disease processes that will be particularly relevant to his/her work\