Apprentices progress at their own pace – they demonstrate
competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
Highway Maintenance Specialist

Colorado (OA)
Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Road Surface Treatment - MPA 150 Series
Road Surface Treatment - MPA 150 Series
- Patching Explain the factors that determine when surface patching is required Define and perform each job function as part of Patching Operation (Temporary, ie 1-2 man crew vs Permanent, ie full crew) Identify defects in roadway surface Identify appropriate repair process and material to include repair size, product type Calculate repair to include material Complete the repair Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Inspect work to ensure proper surface patch and fix as necessary
- Crack Sealing Explain the factors that determine when crack sealing is required Define and perform each job function as part of Crack Sealing Operation (Blow Wand, Tar Wand, Squeegee) Demonstrate competent task completion for each job function (Blow Wand, Tar Wand, Squeegee) Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Inspect work to ensure proper seal and fix as necessary
- Rotomilling Explain the factors that determine when rotomilling is required Understand components of equipment being used and safe operation and adjustment of all components Conduct proper pre/post trip inspection for all equipment involved in operation Ability to identify when maintenance is required on equipment (changing blades/teeth, etc) Define and perform each job function as part of Roto Milling (Equipment Operator, Guide Person) Define and establish proper communication with all crew members Ability and awareness of how to set depth of mill head Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Inspect work by measuring final depth cut is accurate and unstable/poor material is fully removed
Drainage Structures - MPA 200 Series
Drainage Structures - MPA 200 Series
- Drainage Structure - Clean & Repair Explain when drainage structure cleaning and drainage structure repair is needed Conduct a full structure inspection and be able to identify the different assets Define and perform each job function as part of drainage structure inspection, cleaning and repair Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Inspect work to ensure structure is clear of debris and structural defects
- Slope Repair Explain when slope repair is needed Ability to inspect and identify root cause for slope failure Explain the process to be taken to mitigate the root cause Understand the appropriate equipment to use and follow through with safe operation. Conduct proper pre/post trip inspection for all equipment involved in operation Demonstrate competent task completion for each job function (Slope stabilization, material replacement, erosion mitigation, re-establishing vegetation) Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Inspect work to ensure slope is stable and root cause has been mitigated
- Road-kill Clean-Up Explain proper traffic control measures for road-kill clean-up Identify which animal hits require that Department of Wildlife (DOW) be notified Identify and use the appropriate and available equipment Identify available disposal sites according to the procedural directive Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Explain how disposal of carcass meets guidelines
- Litter & Trash Clean-Up Explain when litter and trash clean up is needed Verbalize the definition of planned and unplanned work Verbalize the definition of a prepared and unprepared employee Explain the guidelines for litter and trash pickup for category of highway (Category 1, category 2) Explain proper traffic control measures for litter and trash pickup Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Inspect work to ensure no residual litter or trash are present
- Sweeping Explain the factors that determine when sweeping is needed Explain proper traffic control measures for sweeping operations Understand the appropriate equipment to use and follow through with safe operation. Conduct proper pre/post trip inspection for all equipment involved in operation Ability to identify when maintenance is required on equipment (Washing, greasing, broom change) Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Inspect work to ensure that highway is clear of dirt and debris
Roadside Appearance - MPA 250 Series
Roadside Appearance - MPA 250 Series
- Vegetation Control Review and explain what the Level of Services (LOS) triggers are for vegetation control Explain proper traffic control measures for vegetation control Understand the appropriate equipment to use and follow through with safe operation. Identify the different “Zones” associated in vegetation control operations Verbalize points of awareness in environment when properly operating a weed whip Identify the proper vegetation cut-height Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Inspect work to ensure vegetation meets LOS requirements
- Trees Explain when trees are impeding safe travel roads and highway Explain proper traffic control measures for vegetation control Verbalize points of awareness in environment when properly operating equipment (chainsaw, woodchipper, bucket truck, saws, etc) Verbalize points of awareness in environment to ensure cuts land in safe pre-designated area away from vehicles, road, people etc Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Inspect work to ensure tree hazards have been fully mitigated and line-of-sight is clear for traveling public
Traffic Services - MPA 300 Series
Traffic Services - MPA 300 Series
- Traffic Control Successfully complete Traffic Control Tech Endorsement Demonstrate knowledge of location for resources available to determine proper traffic control (PD’s, Lane Closure Strategy, MUTCD, M&S Standards) Identify available traffic control devices and explain appropriate use Be able to define what determines a rural or urban highway and the corresponding traffic control regulations Be able explain specific traffic control regulations for an interstate highway/expressway Be able to define what determines a low speed or high speed highway and the corresponding traffic control regulations Understand the appropriate equipment to use and follow through with safe operation. Build a Method of Handling Traffic (MHT) that is approved by a Traffic Control Supervis
- Signpost Maintenance Explain when signpost maintenance is needed Identify the different types of sign posts (P2, Posi lock) Describe the height requirements associated with sign installation Explain proper traffic control measures for signpost maintenance Understand the appropriate tools and equipment to use and follow through with safe operation. Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Inspect final installation meets M&S Standards
- Delineator Maintenance Explain function of delineators including hazard identified by retroreflective button color Identify when delineator needs maintenance Verbalize M&S Standards regulating delineator installation Explain proper traffic control measures for delineator maintenance Understand the appropriate tools and follow through with safe operation. Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Complete proper delineator installation or maintenance and ensure it meets M&S Standards upon completion
- Cable & Metal Guard Rail Able to identify guardrail/Cable rail systems and their corresponding parts Recognize guardrail damage category (category 1, 2 or 3) Demonstrate knowledge of location for resources available to determine guardrail maintenance and installation (Manufacturer’s Manual and M&S Standards) Demonstrate competent task completion for each job function (Locates, post replacement, cable tension and height) Explain proper traffic control measures for guardrail maintenance and installation Understand the appropriate equipment and tools to use and follow through with safe operation. Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Inspect work to ensure guardrail/cable rail meets M&S Standards and Manufacturer’s Manual
- Energy Attenuator Maintenance Able to identify attenuator systems and their corresponding parts Demonstrate knowledge of location for resources available to determine attenuator maintenance and installation (Manufacturer’s Manual and M&S Standards) Explain proper traffic control measures for attenuator maintenance and installation Understand the appropriate equipment and tools to use and follow through with safe operation. Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Inspect work to ensure attenuator maintenance and installation meets M&S Standards and Manufacturer’s Manual
- Courtesy Assistance Recognize when courtesy assistance is needed (disabled vehicle, assisting local agencies, etc) Verbalize how to assess the situation and follow through with appropriate response Demonstrate proper and necessary communication with all entities involved (Traffic Operations Center, Dispatch, local agencies, supervisors, traveling public, civilians being assisted) Explain proper traffic control measures for courtesy assistance Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Ensure scene is safe and secure and situation is completed in full before departing
Bridge Structure Maintenance - MPA 350 Series
Bridge Structure Maintenance - MPA 350 Series
- Bridge Cleaning Ability to identify components of a bridge (a structure 20 feet in length or greater) and distinguish which components require cleaning Explain proper traffic control measures for bridge cleaning Understand the appropriate equipment and tools to use and follow through with safe operation. Ability to identify any environmental impacts related to bridge cleaning Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Knowledge of which accomplishments are tracked during bride cleaning. Inspect work to ensure all required components have been cleaned satisfactorily
- Bridge Repair and Maintenance Ability to identify components of a bridge (a structure 20 feet in length or greater) and distinguish which components require repair and maintenance Explain proper traffic control measures for bridge repair, sealing, etc Demonstrate knowledge of process to maintain superstructure components Demonstrate knowledge of process to complete structure painting Demonstrate knowledge of process to repair bridge deck Identify bridge joint type and demonstrate knowledge of process to clean and maintain bridge joints Demonstrate knowledge of process to repair structure bearing Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Ability to identify any environmental impacts related to bridge repair and maintenance
Snow and Ice Control - MPA 400 Series
Snow and Ice Control - MPA 400 Series
- Snow Removal Successfully achieve safety snow operations endorsements Demonstrate knowledge of CDOT snow operation procedures as outlined in the snow Standard Operating Guide (SOG), PD 1055, applicable Regional memos, Safety Preseason Exercise and Snow Plow Operator Training Ability to identify components of the snowplow vehicle Understand components of equipment being used and safe operation and adjustment of all components Conduct proper pre/post trip inspection for all equipment involved in operation Maintain snowplow before, during, and after snow event Demonstrate knowledge of snow removal route and identify and avoid hazards within the route Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Ability to hand-off equipment to next shift to include Fueling the equipment Propper clean Communication of conditions Ability to provide hours worked, miles driven, type and amount of material used to the patrol lead
- Ice Control Understand CDOT’s material sampling program Discern the difference between anti-icing and de-icing material functions Understand and demonstrate ability to follow recommended material function application and rates Ability to load material or unload excess material into equipment Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
- Snow Removal Special Equipment - Front End Loader Understand components of equipment being used and safe operation and adjustment of all components Conduct proper pre/post trip inspection for all equipment involved in operation Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Successfully achieve safety snow operations endorsements Ability to load material into equipment and and stockpile material into storage building Demonstrate ability to utilize the front end loader in assistance with preparing snow equipment for snow removal Maintain front end loader before, during, and after snow event Demonstrate ability to utilize all available attachments
Material Equipment & Buildings - MPA 450 Series
Material Equipment & Buildings - MPA 450 Series
- Equipment Maintenance Identify defects and wear on equipment and proactively act to reduce damage to equipment Conduct preventive maintenance on equipment Regularly clean equipment for shared use and strive to keep equipment to near-new condition Understand how to and perform service intervals on equipment Understand when and how to create an F5 Notification in SAP Knowledge of annual inspection dates and proactively follow through to notify mechanics of upcoming due dates Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
Tunnel Maintenance - MPA 500 Series
Tunnel Maintenance - MPA 500 Series
- Tunnel Operations Understand the components of the main traffic control operations room Ability to identify and process restrictive loads and other operations Demonstrate ability to operate the CCTV to surveil traffic volumes Demonstrate ability to dispatch resources over the state radio using proper radio etiquette. Demonstrate ability to communicate with outside agencies Demonstrate ability to clean and maintain components within the building to include: floor drains, tool and equipment storage areas, personal storage area (locker), common areas, bathrooms, workbench and surrounding area. change out lightbulbs, stock supplies (cleaning products, paper towels, soap etc) Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Demonstrate ability to ensure containment of material stockpiles
- Tunnel Operations- Emergency Conditions Recognize when courtesy assistance is needed (disabled vehicle, assisting local agencies, etc) Verbalize how to assess the situation and follow through with appropriate response Demonstrate proper and necessary communication with all entities involved (Traffic Operations Center, Dispatch, local agencies, supervisors, traveling public, civilians being assisted) Explain proper traffic control measures for emergency event Understanding of the various fire control and suppression systems and equipment Completion of the CPR and First Aid certification course Completion of Fire and Extraction training provided by Gypsum Fire Department
- Tunnel Washing Explain proper traffic control measures for tunnel washing operations Understand the appropriate equipment to use and follow through with safe operation. Conduct proper pre/post trip inspection for all equipment involved in operation Ability to identify all components of a tunnel that require washing (curbs, walls, cameras, ect). Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
- Tunnel Snow Removal and Sanding Successfully achieve safety snow operations endorsements Demonstrate knowledge of CDOT snow operation procedures as outlined in the snow Standard Operating Guide (SOG), PD 1055, applicable Regional memos, Safety Preseason Exercise and Snow Plow Operator Training Conduct proper pre/post trip inspection for all equipment involved in operation Ability to hand-off equipment to next shift to include Fueling the equipment Propper clean Communication of conditions Ability to provide hours worked, miles driven, type and amount of material used to the patrol lead Demonstrate safe and proper operation of specialized equipment when removing snow from inside tunnel Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
- Tunnel Structural Maintenance and Repair Explain the factors that determine when structural maintenance or repair is required Identify defects in tunnel structure (Tiles, air ducts, ceiling panels, etc). Identify appropriate repair process and material to include repair size, product type Calculate repair to include material Understand the appropriate tools and equipment to use and follow through with safe operation. Conduct proper pre/post trip inspection for all equipment involved in operation Complete the repair Inspect work to ensure repair was completed properly Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
- Tunnel Mechanical and Ventilation Explain when mechanical and ventilation maintenance is needed Find, review and follow through with associated Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Ability to identify all components of mechanical and ventilation systems (generators, drainage and pumping, water treatment, ect). Understand components of equipment being used and safe operation and adjustment of all components Conduct proper pre/post trip inspection for all equipment involved in operation
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