Apprentices complete a required number of hours
in on-the-job training and related instruction.
in on-the-job training and related instruction.
Information Technology Generalist (IT)

National (OA)
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Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Generalist Practices (GP) Foundational (GP0)
Generalist Practices (GP) Foundational (GP0)
- Know: Organization's structure, rules, responsibilities, work ethics and related policies. Organization's safety policies.
- Do: Demonstrate a working understanding of the organization's structure, personnel rules, responsibilities and general understanding of work ethics, interpersonal communications and related policies. Understands and practices safety procedures and rules.
- Exit: Review validates an understanding of the organization's structure, personnel rules, responsibilities and general understanding of work ethics, interpersonal communications and related policies. Understands and practices safety procedures and rules.
- Ability to effectively follow the organization's rules, responsibilities as well as basic workplace ethics and policies. Ability to explain basic principles of work ethics, interpersonal communicatio n and the organization's basic structure and functions to other employees. Ability to work safely and follow established safety procedures.
- Know: The organizations goals, mission and vision as well as the concepts of "best practices", benchmarking and mechanisms for sharing innovative ideas.
- Do: Demonstrate a working understanding of the organization's goals, mission and vision and how "best practices" and benchmarking can be used by the organization.
- Exit: Review validates an understanding of the organization's goals, mission and vision and how "best practices" and benchmarking can be used by the organization.
- Ability to integrate organizational mission/goals & vision into work practices and use benchmarking and "best practices" to improve performance.
- Know: Employee benefits, recognition, awards and employee development programs.
- Do: Identify the organization's benefit, recognition an awards program and how they apply to employees. Learn the organization's em ployee development programs and how they are applied. Participate in selected programs as appropriate.
- Exit: Review validates an understanding of applicable programs. Active participation in applicable program selected by apprentice
- Ability to engage and utilize employee benefit and development programs.
- Know: Basic use of organization's office SW tools such as Word and Excel and office HW such as copiers, fax machines etc.
- Do: Demonstrate the ability to use common office tools to produce documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Produce one or more work products using the organization's common office tools such a MS Power Point, Excel and Word. Basic proficiency is demonstrated.
- Exit: Produce one or more work products using the organization's common office tools such a MS Power Point, Excel and Word. Basic proficiency is demonstrated.
- Ability to use common office tools to produce documents, spreadsheets and presentations.
- Know: Organization's system of process and procedure development, improvement and control.
- Do: Explain the organization's process for development, improvement and control of work processes. Select, review and update a simple process used by the organization or develop a new simple process or procedure.
- Exit: A less complex process or procedure is developed or modified and approved for implementation.
- Ability to develop or update work processes or procedures in accordance with organization's standards.
- Know: How to prepare and deliver effective oral presentations.
- Do: Prepare and present three formal oral presentations to an audience. (Note: Presentations required by other Qualification Cards can help to fulfill this requirement). The presentations should effectively convey information, concepts and ideas.
- Exit: Three formal oral presentations are prepared and effectively delivered to an appropriate audience.
- Ability to prepare and deliver oral presentations that effectively convey information, concepts and ideas.
- Know: Basic principles of technical writing and how to prepare formal technical reports.
- Do: Produce a formal technical report on an IT related subject that is complete, accurate and convincing. Use standard company formats and workplace office tools. (Note: A formal report required by another Qualification Card can be used to meet this requirement)
- Exit: Completion and acceptance of a formal technical report that is complete, accurate and effective and is produced using standard formats and office tools.
- Ability to prepare and complete, accurate and convincing formal report on a technical subject using standard formats and office tools.
Generalist Practices (GP) Resource Management (GP1)
Generalist Practices (GP) Resource Management (GP1)
- Know: Processes and concepts of the organization's budgeting and planning practices.
- Do: Assist in the organizational planning and budgeting efforts. Demonstrate an understanding of the organizational planning, budgeting, and approval processes and how funding flows within the organization.
- Exit: A review validates an understanding for the organizational planning, budgeting, approval processes and how funding flows within the organization.
- Ability to assist with development of organizational plans and budgets.
- Know: Concepts and techniques for conducting, documenting and presenting a Business Case Analysis (BCA).
- Do: Participate in assessing an "AsIs" environment and then exploring alternatives for a "ToBe" environment that improves effectiveness or efficiency of the "AsIs" environment. Document the assessment and analysis efforts and present results to management along with appropriate recommendations for change.
- Exit: Assessment, analysis, results and appropriate recommendations are presented and convincing.
- Ability to conduct and document a convincing Business Case Analysis for less complex business areas.
- Know: Concepts and practices for IT asset management including acquisition, inventory, management and disposal.
- Do: Participate in requesting an IT asset from existing inventories, and development of specifications and requisitioning of new IT assets. Participate in the organization's IT inventory efforts and in preparing and disposing of IT assets.
- Exit: Show successfully processed IT asset requests, procurement requests and completed IT asset disposal process documents.
- Ability to develop IT procurement specifications, process requisitions, and prepare IT assets for disposal.
- Know: Concepts and practices for evaluating existing, emerging or new technologies and assessing business opportunities.
- Do: Participate in the research, evaluation and assessment of an existing, emerging or new technology for use in a business function. Document and present results of the study (including research, evaluation, and business benefits for use of a new technology) with recommendations for adoption.
- Exit: A successfully documented and presented study including research, evaluation, and business benefits, for use of a new technology.
- Ability to conduct research, evaluations and assessments, including documenting and presenting the benefits of using existing, emerging or new technologies to improve a business function.
Generalist Practices (GP) Operations Management (GP2)
Generalist Practices (GP) Operations Management (GP2)
- Know: Standard operating procedures and practices for the organization.
- Do: Define and discuss the organization's standard operational procedures. Develop a written outline of the organization's standard operating procedures.
- Exit: A written outline for organization's standard operational procedures that is accurate and complete.
- Ability to define and discuss the organization's standard operational procedures.
- Know: Operations performance measurement concepts and practices.
- Do: Describe how the organization measures operational performance. Successfully develop an operational performance metric for an area of the organization's operation.
- Exit: Successfully develop an operational performance metric.
- Ability to select, develop and maintain effective operational performance metrics.
- Know: Organization's practices and procedures for communicating operational status of IT infrastructure systems and services.
- Do: Accurately describe the organization's procedures for documenting and communicating operational status of IT infrastructure systems and services. Successfully implement a number of operational status communications.
- Exit: Successfully implement a number of operational status communications.
- Ability to document and publish operational status communicatio ns.
- Know: The value of customer communications methods and practices.
- Do: Describe how the IT organization how the organization communicates with its customers. Practice these concepts in communicating with customers. Create a short paper or presentation on effective customer communications or on a new technique for improving communications
- Exit: Short paper or presentation on effective customer communications or on a new technique for improving communications.
- Ability to communicate effectively with customers and to develop effective customer communicatio ns techniques.
- Know: Understand general team building concepts, the value of teamwork and general principles of high-performance teams.
- Do: Successfully practice teamwork principles. Participate as a member of 2 or more teams conducting different efforts.
- Exit: Effective participation as member of 2 or more teams.
- Ability to participate as an effective member of a team.
Generalist Practices (GP) Project Management (GP3)
Generalist Practices (GP) Project Management (GP3)
- Know: Nationally recognized basic project management concepts and the basic project management practices used by the organization.
- Do: Accurately describe the nine areas of PMBOK. Identify how these concepts are applied by the organization. Develop a short paper or presentation describing how basic project management concepts are applied in the organization.
- Exit: A short paper or presentation on how basic project management concepts are applied in the organization.
- Ability to explain, discuss and communicate the fundamental concepts of project management.
- Know: Basics of Project Management requirements gathering, analysis and project time and activity plans.
- Do: Develop a project plan as a member of a project team or independently for a simple project. The plan should accurately identify work activities, a schedule and responsibility assignments for achieving a project objective.
- Exit: Successfully develop a project including a time and activity plan for achieving the project objective.
- Ability to gather requirements and develop a plan for a simple project.
- Know: Basics of tracking and reporting project status.
- Do: Participate in tracking the conduct of a project as a member of a project team or independently manage a simple project. Assist in or independently track and report project status accurately.
- Exit: Project status is accurately tracked and reported.
- Ability to manage, track and report the status of a simple project.
- Know: Basics of project outcome analysis and lessons learned.
- Do: Analyze the outcome of a project as a member of a project team or independently for a simple project. Present the outcomes of the project with supporting analysis and lessons learned.
- Exit: The outcomes of a project are formally presented along with supporting analysis and lessons learned.
- Ability to analyze the outcome of a simple project and develop lessons learned.
Generalist Practices (GP) Helpdesk (GP4)
Generalist Practices (GP) Helpdesk (GP4)
- Know: Organization's practices and procedures for customer helpdesk calls.
- Do: Review, learn and successfully practice organization's helpdesk procedures and practices. Participate in responding to customer helpdesk calls effectively using the organization's practices and procedures. Staff the organization's help desk on multiple occasions.
- Exit: Staff the organization's helpdesk on multiple occasions.
- Ability to staff the organizations helpdesk for fielding and responding to customer assistance calls.
- Know: Organization's practices and procedures for monitoring operation and performance of IT infrastructure services.
- Do: Successfully practice the organization's procedures for monitoring service quality including recognizing and responding to service abnormalities. Develop a short paper or presentation describing what the organization monitors, the indicators of expected service quality, potential performance abnormalities, and how to respond to abnormalities should they occur.
- Exit: Short paper or presentation describing what the organization monitors, the indicators of expected service quality, potential performance abnormalities and how to respond to abnormalities if they do occur.
- Ability to monitor organization's IT service quality and recognize and respond to service quality abnormalities.
- Know: Organization's practices and procedures for providing remote customer assistance.
- Do: Successfully practice the organization's procedures for proving remote customer assistance such as walking a customer through an operation, showing a customer how to configure a setting, helping a customer to install software, etc. Successfully provide remote customer support including how to obtain customer approval and to deliver several aspects of remote assistance from a helpdesk, service center, or personal work station.
- Exit: Successfully provide remote customer support and obtain customer approval. Deliver several aspects of remote assistance from a helpdesk, service center of personal workstation.
- Ability to provide customers remote technical assistance from the helpdesk or personal workstation.
- Know: Organization's procedures for analyzing customer assistance call trends and systemic problems.
- Do: Review, analyze and identify systemic trends in customer assistance calls, including identification of potential remediation actions. Develop a short paper or presentation on customer assistance call trends and possible remediation actions.
- Exit: Develop a short paper or oral presentation on customer assistance call trends and possible remediation actions.
- Ability to review and analyze customer assistance calls, to locate systemic trends and develop alternative remediation actions.
- Know: Organization's practices and procedures for providing desk side customer assistance with personal computer operations.
- Do: Successfully execute the organization's procedures for providing desk side IT support to customers. Make successful field calls to deliver desk side IT support for customers.
- Exit: Make successful field calls to deliver desk side IT support for customers.
- Ability to provide personal computer operations desk side IT support for customers.
- Know: Organization's practices and procedures for desktop computer hardware and software baseline configurations.
- Do: Successfully execute the organization's procedures for personal computer hardware and software baseline configurations.
- Exit: Successfully develop and publish a personal computer hardware and software baseline configuration recommendation.
- Ability to install and configure basic personal computer hardware and software configuration baselines.
- Know: Organization's practices and procedures for desktop computer hardware and software baseline configurations.
- Do: Successfully execute the organization's procedures for personal computer hardware and software baseline configurations.
- Exit: Successfully develop and publish a personal computer hardware and software baseline configuration recommendation.
- Ability to install and configure basic personal computer hardware and software configuration baselines.
- Know: Organization's practice and procedures for implementing personal computer hardware upgrades.
- Do: Successfully execute the organization's procedures for implementing hardware upgrades such as; memory, disk drives, CD's, floppy drives, network cards, sound cards, CPU's, etc.
- Exit: Successfully upgrade various hardware components for a significant number of personal computers. Obtain A+ hardware certification.
- Ability to install, configure and test personal computer hardware upgrades.
- Know: Organization's practices and procedures for developing and publishing customer selfhelp guidance and informational documents.
- Do: Successfully execute the organization's procedures for developing and publishing customer selfhelp and informational documents.
- Exit: Successfully develop or revise a number of customer selfhelp or informational guidance documents.
- Ability to assess needs, develop and communicate customer selfhelp and informational guidance documents.
- Know: Organization's practices and procedures for backup and recovery of end user disk files.
- Do: Successfully execute the organization's procedures for backingup and recovering end user disk drives and files including; manual backups, automated scheduled backups, making ghost images, etc.
- Exit: Successfully assist customers in using backup procedures and in recovering lost files. Develop a short paper or presentation on alternatives procedures for enduser personal computer disk and file backup and recovery.
- Ability to assist end users in establishing backup and recovery of personal computer disk drives and files.
- Know: How to configure and provide assistance to customers in using common office software tools.
- Do: Successfully execute installation, configuration and customer assistance in using common office software tools such as; Word, Excel and Power Point.
- Exit: Provide a short training session on the basics of configuring and using the organization's office software tools.
- Ability to install, configure and provide instruction on basics of using common office software tools.
- Know: How to configure personal computer operating system features.
- Do: Successfully install and properly configure a personal computer operating system (DOS and Windows) features.
- Exit: Successfully install and configure personal computer operating system software on a number of computers. Obtain A+ Operating system certification.
- Ability to install and configure personal computer operating system software.
- Know: Practices and procedures for installing, configuring and maintaining network operating systems and controllers.
- Do: Successfully install and configure network operating system components such as; Domain Name Servers (DNS), Windows Internet Network Servers (WINS), Primary and Backup Domain Controllers (PDC/BDC), etc.
- Exit: Successfully install and configure various network operating system components used by the organization.
- Ability to install and properly configure basic network operating or control systems.
- Know: Practices and procedures for connecting end user devices to the network.
- Do: Successfully install and configure enduser network devices including servers, workstations, printers, plotters, scanners, IP phones, etc.
- Exit: Successfully install and configuration various end user network devices.
- Ability to install and properly configure common end user network devices.
- Know: Practices and procedures for connecting remote users.
- Do: Successfully install and configure remote user connections such as; Remote Access Server (RAS), Virtual Private Network (VPN), Outlook Web Access (OWA), etc.
- Exit: Successfully install and configure various remote end user network connections.
- Ability to install and properly configure remote end user network connections.
Generalist Practices (GP) Web Services (GP5)
Generalist Practices (GP) Web Services (GP5)
- Know: Practices and procedures for connecting wireless devices and users.
- Do: Successfully install and configure wireless connections such as; Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), networked pagers, networked cell phones, RF wireless device connections, etc.
- Exit: Successfully install and configure various wireless devices and end user network connections.
- Ability to install and properly configure wireless end user network devices and connections.
- Know: Organization's general purpose web based services such as Intranet and Internet primary services.
- Do: Review and discuss the basic elements of the organization's general purpose web services including; hardware and software technologies employed, system architecture, system administrators, web masters and roles, etc. Develop a short paper or oral presentation on the organization's general purpose web services.
- Exit: A short paper or oral presentation on the organization's general purpose web services.
- Ability to explain, discuss and communicate general information about the organization's general purpose web services.
- Know: Organization's practices and procedures for developing and publishing web pages.
- Do: Review, learn and successfully practice the organization's procedures for developing, approving and publishing web pages including; using the standard web page development software, developing the standard look and feel, assuring security requirements are addressed , etc.
- Exit: Successfully develop new or revised general purpose web pages.
- Ability to develop and publish basic web pages.
- Know: Organizations practices for assuring web service survivability, backups and recovers.
- Do: Review, learn and successfully practice the organization's procedures for assuring survivability/availability of web services. Successfully execute web services backups and recoveries. Implement, configure and test web services survivability features.
- Exit: Successfully execute web services backups and recoveries. Implement, configure and test web services survivability features.
- Ability to explain and independently install, configure and support web service survivability, availability, backup and recovery procedures.
Generalist Practices (GP) Information Assurance (GP6)
Generalist Practices (GP) Information Assurance (GP6)
- Know: Organizations' practices and procedures for development of web based application systems.
- Do: Successfully execute the organization's procedures for incorporating web technologies into application systems. Participate in a project to develop an application system that uses web technologies.
- Exit: Successfully develop a smaller less complex application system that incorporates basic web technologies.
- Ability to develop smaller less complex application systems incorporating web technologies.
- Know: The "language" of security terms and acronyms.
- Do: Study and learn security terminology and common security acronyms.
- Exit: Ability to understand and explain security and Information Assurance terminology.
- Ability to understand and explain security and Information Assurance terminology.
- Know: The roles and responsibilities of the Information Assurance Organization.
- Do: Correctly identify the IT organization structure, roles and responsibilities including roles such as; System Administrator, Information Assurance Manager, Information Assurance Officers, Network Security Manager, Network Security Officers, and Designated Approval Authority. Provide a complete and accurate short presentation or paper on the organization's security roles and responsibilities.
- Exit: A complete and accurate short presentation or paper on the organization's security roles and responsibilities.
- Ability to explain and discuss the IA organizational titles, roles and responsibilities
- Know: Password Security Concepts
- Do: Become familiar with password policy and characteristics (length, complexity, age, etc…) associated with domains.
- Exit: Demonstrate the ability to configure password characteristics for a domain.
- Ability to configure password characteristics for a domain.
- Know: Common information security risks and threats.
- Do: Review, discuss and learn the importance of Information Systems Security. Understand the importance of protection mechanisms.
- Exit: Completion of video training and a monitored discussion with organization security personnel on the importance of IT security practices.
- Ability to explain, discuss and communicate the importance of Information and Systems security including common risks, threats and vulnerabilities.
- Know: Organization's security policies and practices.
- Do: Identify the organization's security policy and practices and how they combine to implement due care and due diligence within an organization. Develop a short presentation or paper to a security audience demonstrating a working knowledge of the organization's security policies and practices.
- Exit: A short paper or presentation to a security audience demonstrating a working knowledge of the organization's security policies and practices.
- Ability to discuss, explain and communicate organizational security policies and practices and supporting rationale.
- Know: Organizational security ethics and federal ethics statutes.
- Do: Demonstrate a working knowledge of the organization's security ethics, applicable National security ethics, statutes and organizations acceptable use policy. Provide a short presentation to a group on security ethics of the organization.
- Exit: A short presentation to a group on security ethics of the organization and federal statutes.
- Ability to explain, discuss and communicate the organization's security ethics policies and fundamental federal security statutes.
- Know: Organization's practices and procedures for installing, configuring and maintaining workstation and network firewalls.
- Do: Successfully install, configure and maintain firewall services such as; workstation firewalls, subnet firewalls, organizational firewalls, etc. Participate in installing firewall block and exception lists. Participate in firewall log analysis and reporting of anomalies.
- Exit: Successfully conduct firewall installations, configurations and maintenance activities.
- Ability to install and properly configure basic workstation and network firewalls.
- Know: Basic concepts, configurations and policies related to the organization's firewall services.
- Do: Accurately describe the organization's firewall policies, configurations and general concepts. Deliver a short paper or presentation to a security audience demonstrating a working knowledge of the organization's firewall concepts, policies and practices.
- Exit: A short paper or presentation to a security audience demonstrating a working knowledge of the organization's firewall concepts, policies and practices.
- Ability to discuss and communicate basic information about the organization's firewall.
- Know: Practices and procedures for monitoring network Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS).
- Do: Accurately describe procedures for monitoring, assessing and reporting incidents detected by the organizations IDS. Participate in the establishment of IDS alerts, IDS log analysis and incident reporting practices. Conduct IDS monitoring, analysis and reporting activities.
- Exit: Conduct IDS monitoring, analysis and reporting activities.
- Ability to monitor network IDS; to configure IDS alerts and to perform IDS log analysis and incident reporting.
- Know: Practices and procedures for network services backup and recovery.
- Do: Execute successful network services backups and recoveries. Validate that backups work properly in a lab environment.
- Exit: Execute successful network services backups and recoveries.
- Ability to perform network services backups and recoveries.
- Know: Practices and procedures for obtaining and installing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) user certificates.
- Do: Successfully execute activities related to obtaining, installing and testing PKI certificates for enduser workstations and servers.
- Exit: Execute activities for user account management and management of access privileges such as PKI.
- Ability to obtain and assist in installing and configuring PKI software certificates on a workstation or server.
- Know: Basics of the organizational antivirus practices and tools.
- Do: Successfully install, configure and maintain antivirus software on organizational servers. Successful and complete participation in operating and maintaining organizational virus perimeter systems and workstation antivirus definition servers.
- Exit: Successful installation, configuration and maintenance of organization's antivirus services.
- Ability to support and maintain organizational antivirus services.
Generalist Practices (GP) Networks & Infrastructure (GP7)
Generalist Practices (GP) Networks & Infrastructure (GP7)
- Know: Practices and procedures for user account management and access privileges.
- Do: Successfully demonstrate the ability to maintain user accounts and access privileges. Participate in establishing, updating and disestablishing user accounts and access privileges (infrastructure access passwords, account rights, system level passwords, strong passwords, etc.)
- Exit: Successfully demonstrate the ability to maintain user accounts and access privileges.
- Ability to establish, update and disestablish user accounts and access privileges.
- Know: Basic understanding for organization's network architectures and technologies.
- Do: Participate in document reviews and discussions on organizational network architecture and supporting technologies. Develop a short paper or presentation that accurately explains the organizational network architecture and supporting technology.
- Exit: A short paper or oral presentation that accurately explains the organizational network architecture and supporting technologies.
- Ability to explain basic organization's network architectures and supporting technologies.
- Know: Organizational GP safety procedures and policies.
- Do: Successfully complete safety training for network topics such as chemicals, confined spaces, electrical hazards, falls, ladder, lifting, lockouts, PPE, tools and fiber optics.
- Exit: Successful and complete participation in safety training for network topics such as chemicals, confined spaces, electrical hazards, falls, ladder, lifting, lockouts, PPE, tools and fiber optics.
- Ability to maintain a safe working environment.
- Know: Basic operational concepts of Internet Protocols and the Internet.
- Do: Complete training and discuss observations. Provide a demonstration of basic knowledge.
- Exit: Completion of training and a demonstration of basic knowledge.
- Ability to explain basic operational concepts of Internet Protocols
- Know: Common concepts and practices of Local Area Networks (LAN) and architectures.
- Do: Participate in classroom training, document reviews and discussions of LAN architectures. Participate in reviews of organizational network documentation of technical approaches and designs for these architectures. Deliver a short presentation or paper describing the concepts and practices related to LAN and how these architectures are employed by the organization.
- Exit: A short paper or oral presentation describing the concepts and practices related to LAN and how these architectures are employed by the organization.
- Ability to define requirements, common technologies and appropriate uses of LAN.
- Know: Basic understanding of network cabling technologies such as copper and fiber optics.
- Do: Participate in the design and installation of cabling technologies including; calculating cable lengths accounting for bend and termination requirements, pulling cable through conduits, terminating cables, conducting continuity checks, applying final dressings and placing the cables into production. Successfully install, terminate and test copper and fiber optic cables.
- Exit: Successfully install, terminate and test copper and fiber optic cables.
- Ability to install, test, dress and place cable systems into production.
- Know: Basics of common network routers and switches technologies and specific technologies used by the organization.
- Do: Participate in the installation, configuration and maintenance of the organization's switches and routers. Assist with the installation, configuration, and maintenance of various switches and routers used in the organization's network.
- Exit: Assist with installation, configuration and maintenance of various switches and routers used in the organization's network.
- Ability to define requirements, install and configure basic switches and routers.
Generalist Practices (GP) MultiMedia (GP8)
Generalist Practices (GP) MultiMedia (GP8)
- Know: Practices and procedures for installing, configuring and using network basic monitoring and troubleshooting tools.
- Do: Participate in the installation, configuration and use of network monitoring systems and troubleshooting tools such as; Network Traffic Graphing tools, Enterprise Service Monitors, Pingplot tools, etc. Prepare and present a short presentation on network monitoring systems and troubleshooting tools.
- Exit: Prepare and present a short presentation on network monitoring and troubleshooting. Successfully install and use network monitoring systems and troubleshooting tools.
- Ability to install, configure and use basic network monitoring systems and troubleshooting tools.
- Know: Organization's multimedia operational concepts and supporting technologies.
- Do: Review, discuss, practice and learn organization's multimedia implementations, supporting technologies, and functional services supported. Deliver a short paper or presentation on the organization's multimedia implementation including identification of business benefits and potential new uses of the technology.
- Exit: Short paper or oral presentation on the organizations' multimedia implementation including identification of business benefits and potential new uses of the technology.
- Ability to explain, discuss and communicate information on the organization's multimedia capabilities.
- Know: Video TeleConferencing systems and solutions used by the organization.
- Do: Review and learn about the VTC systems used by the organization. Review, learn and successfully practice how to establish and manage VTC sessions for pointtopoint and pointtomultipoint sessions including troubleshooting basic problems and knowing who to contact for the more complex problems. (if applicable)
- Exit: Successfully establish and manage VTC sessions. (If applicable)
- Ability to establish and manage pointtopoint and multipoint VTC sessions and to do basic VTC troubleshootin g and maintenance to the extent applicable to the organization.
- Know: Video production and broadcasting system basics and systems used by the organization. (If applicable)
- Do: Successfully participate with a team in utilizing the organization's video production and broadcast capabilities. (If applicable)
- Exit: Successfully participate with a team in utilizing the organization's video production and broadcast capabilities. (If applicable)
- Ability to discuss and communicate basics of video production and to contribute to the production or broadcasting of a video segment.
Generalist Practices (GP) Software (GP9)
Generalist Practices (GP) Software (GP9)
- Know: How to incorporate multimedia techniques into a PowerPoint presentation.
- Do: Develop more advanced Power Point presentation by incorporating various multimedia technologies.
- Exit: Independently develop and deliver a more advanced Power Point presentation.
- Ability to develop more complex Power Point presentations.
- Know: Organization's software system architectures and design concepts.
- Do: Review, discuss, and learn the organization's general software system architecture approach and supporting technologies, software development lifecycle and software development policies. Create a short paper or oral presentation that describes the software system architectures and supporting technologies used by the organization.
- Exit: Short paper or oral presentation that describes the software system architectures and supporting technologies used by the organization.
- Ability to explain, discuss and communicate SW system architectures and supporting technologies used by the organization.
- Know: Functionality of the organizations primary software application systems.
- Do: Review, discuss and learn about the primary software application systems used by the organization including; identifying customers of the systems, functions performed by the system, administrators of the system, technologies used by the systems, etc. Develop an accurate and complete toplevel functional decomposition diagram for one of the organization's critical software application systems.
- Exit: Develop an accurate and complete toplevel functional decomposition diagram for one of the organization's critical software application systems.
- Ability to decompose software application systems and to develop functional decomposition diagrams.
- Know: Basic software development concepts used by the organization.
- Do: Actively participate on a software team that develops or maintains software application systems and apply basic concepts and procedures for developing or maintaining software applications. Successfully and actively participate on this software development team by generating some code, completing some supporting documentation and provide support for testing.
- Exit: Successfully and actively participate on a software development team by generating some code, completing some supporting documentation and support for testing.
- Ability to contributions such as code, documentation or quality testing to a software development effort.
Generalist Practices (GP) Database
Generalist Practices (GP) Database
- Know: How to troubleshoot the organization's common application systems to determine if problems are with the application, user procedures or desktop software.
- Do: Work with journey application programmers to apply approaches for isolating problems to specific areas and arranging for the appropriate support staff to correct identified problems. Independently isolate application system problems to specific areas and arrange for the appropriate support staff to correct identified problems.
- Exit: Independently isolate application system problems to specific areas and arrange for the appropriate support staff to correct identified problems.
- Ability to perform less complex application systems troubleshootin g and problem isolation.
- Know: Database concepts and technologies used by the organization.
- Do: Review, discuss and apply the organization's database tools and technologies including; database engines, applications, system support tools and utilities, backup and recovery procedures and roles and responsibilities of the support staff. Deliver a short paper or oral presentation on the database concepts and technologies used by the organization.
- Exit: A short paper or oral presentation on the database concepts and technologies used by the organization.
- Ability to explain, discuss and communicate highlevel information about the database tools and technologies used by the organization.
Generalist Practices (GP) Information
Exchange (GP11)
Generalist Practices (GP) Information
Exchange (GP11)
- Know: Basics concepts of database design (Field, cell, record) and relationships.
- Do: Participate with a team in the logical and physical design of a database. Independently design a simple database schema.
- Exit: Complete ILT training on database concepts and design a simple database schema.
- Ability to design simple databases that incorporate basic concepts of records, fields and cells.
- Know: Basics of the organization's network based collaboration services, such as portals and shared workspaces.
- Do: Participate in installing, configuring and maintaining organizational collaboration services such as those offered by Microsoft Share Point Team Services and other vendors. Successfully install, configure and maintain the organization's collaboration services.
- Exit: Successfully install, configure and maintain the organization's collaboration services.
- Ability to install, configure and maintain network collaboration services, portals and basic web pages.
- Know: Basics of the organization's shared file services, backups and recoveries.
- Do: Participate in installing, configuring and maintaining shared file services such as; file servers, storage area networks, file transfer servers, etc. Successfully install and configure the file server, and independently execute file backup and recovery in a test lab.
- Exit: Successfully install and configure the file server, and independently execute file backup and recovery in a test lab.
- Ability to support and maintain organizational file sharing services.
- Know: Basics of the organization's Email services, directory services and public folder services.
- Do: Participate in installing, configuring and maintaining Email services and establishing and maintaining end user Email accounts. Participate in creating and maintaining distribution lists and public folder hierarchies. Successfully install and configure an Email service, create user accounts, public folders, resource accounts and distribution lists.
- Exit: Successfully install and configure an Email service, create user accounts, public folders, resource accounts and distribution lists.
- Ability to support and maintain organizational Email, directory and public folder services.
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New employee orientation session and safety training
New employee orientation session and safety training
Seven habits of highly effective people
Seven habits of highly effective people
Office Tools SW training (optional)
Office Tools SW training (optional)
Technical Writing
Technical Writing
Business Management
Business Management
Principles of Team building
Principles of Team building
Project Management Concepts (PMI or equivalent)
Project Management Concepts (PMI or equivalent)
Operating Systems
Operating Systems
Tech Support / Helpdesk Functions
Tech Support / Helpdesk Functions
PC Hardware
PC Hardware
Internet Applications
Internet Applications
Security Concepts
Security Concepts
Information Age Technology Federal Information Systems Security Awareness" "Computer Security 101", "Protect your AIS", Protect your AIS, the Sequel" "Networks at Risk" "Identity Theft: Protect Yourself" (WBT) Videos
Information Age Technology Federal Information Systems Security Awareness" "Computer Security 101", "Protect your AIS", Protect your AIS, the Sequel" "Networks at Risk" "Identity Theft: Protect Yourself" (WBT) Videos
Warriors of the Net' (WBT)
Warriors of the Net' (WBT)
Network Essentials Level I (Networking)
Network Essentials Level I (Networking)
Wireless / Telecommunications
Wireless / Telecommunications
Programming / Software development
Programming / Software development
Database concepts
Database concepts