competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Safety Compliance
- Demonstrate the ability to comply with federal, provincial, or municipal workplace legislation and regulations, including the OSHA Standards.
- Demonstrate the ability to use personal protective equipment including eye, ear, hand, respiratory, body and foot protection, by ensuring that a correct fit and optimum. protection is provided to the wearer for the specific task, in accordance with applicable safety legislation, government regulations, manufacturers' specifications and company standards/procedures.
- Demonstrate the ability to practice good housekeeping in the workplace, by ensuring that the workplace is clean, organized, and free of obstructions, spills, or fire hazard and that materials and equipment are cleaned and sorted in designated areas after use.
- Demonstrate the safe use of hand and power tools.
- Demonstrate the correct way to clean machines and floor area.
- Demonstrate the proper operation of lifting equipment including hoists, overhead cranes, chain falls, lift pins, eye bolts, slings, cables, and chains, to remove, transport, and store materials, parts, or equipment in compliance with standards/procedures.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify all pinch points on primary and supportive machine tools and the proper placements of guards as part of a pre- operational check of the equipment in compliance with company standards.
- Demonstrate both emergency and standard shut down of all required equipment.
- Demonstrate the ability to follow fire safety procedures including: determining the potential for fire posed by the work being performed; locating and assessing the severity of the fire; selecting and operating fire extinguishing equipment; suppressing minor fires; activating alarms; following fire evacuation plans; and, reportingincidents; in accordance with applicable Acts, Regulations, Legislation, and Codes, manufacturers’ specifications, and company standards or procedures.
- Demonstrate the proper fuel source and select the corresponding fire extinguisher.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify the impact of climatic extremes of wind, temperature, or precipitation on job functions, to ensure personal safety and efficient job performance.
- Demonstrate the ability to work around energy sources by observing limits and procedures for approaching energy sources to ensure personal safety and protection of equipment in accordance with standards.
- Demonstrate the ability to adhere to arc flash safety requirements in the workplace.
- Demonstrate the ability to report injuries to a supervisor or safety personnel promptly, ensuring that the injured person is attended to and information is reported precisely and accurately describing how the incident occurred, so that future recurrence of similar accidents is prevented.
- Demonstrate adherence to performing lock-out/tag-out procedures and energy isolation for assigned machinery in accordance with facility regulations
Handling Hazardous Materials
- Demonstrate the ability to handle and store hazardous materials as assigned, while adhering to safe practices in accordance with OSHA and EPA requirements and guidelines, including completing the required documentation.
- Demonstrate how to identify and recognize hazardous situations and apply proper procedures (includes following guidelines to prevent spread of blood borne pathogens and spill control).
- Demonstrate how to locate a material Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and describe how you interpret the information.
Shop Practices
- Demonstrate the ability to know the jobs assigned to you.
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of the company policy manual.
- Demonstrate a dedication to the trade and to the quality and professional standards set forth by the company.
- Demonstrate an ability to show up on time every day with a desire to work hard and add value to the company.
- Demonstrate the ability to follow instructions laid out by your supervisor.
- Demonstrate the ability to maintain safe work habits in the exhibition of both one's personal responsibility for safety practices and displaying a continuous consideration of safety practices in the protection of one's fellow worker.
- Demonstrate the ability to maintain a clean orderly and safe work area.
- Identify the steps involved in 5S.
- Demonstrate how to perform a preventive maintenance procedure for a given machine to extend machine life and minimize downtime in accordance with company-approved maintenance specifications and overall program goals.
Machinist Calculations
- Demonstrate how to convert fractions to decimals form.
- Demonstrate how to convert dimensions to metric equivalent.
- Demonstrate how to calculate a missing angle from a triangle.
- Demonstrate how to solve missing measurements in right angles.
- Demonstrate how to calculate the area of a circle.
- Demonstrate how to solve for the unknown hypotenuse of a right triangle using the Pythagorean Theorem.
- Demonstrate the ability to determine speeds and feeds calculations so that the required specifications and parameters are correctly determined to machine the workpiece in accordance with engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to calculate cutting tool positions so that the required specifications and parameters are correctly determined to machine the workpiece in accordance with engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to solve calculations to check workplace alignments and the dimensions to be measured and verified so that the required specifications and parameters are correctly determined to machine the workpiece in accordance with engineering drawings and job specifications.
Engineering Prints and Drawings
- Demonstrate the ability to identify symbols, notations, and lines to industry standards.
- Demonstrate the ability to determine dimensions, critical features and tolerances on machine drawing.
- Demonstrate the ability to interpret pictorial drawings to industry standards.
- Demonstrate the ability to interpret multi-view drawings to industry standard.
Measuring and Improving Work
- Demonstrate the ability to record points on a control chart.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify a process that is in or out of control.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify a production problem, propose a remedy, having been given the authorization to implement the process improvement and carry it out.
Problem Solving
- Demonstrate the tracing of defects to the originating section of their root cause.
- Demonstrate the use of cause mapping when performing Root Cause Analysis.
- Demonstrate the ability to perform daily, weekly and monthly Preventative Maintenance responsibilities.
- Demonstrate the ability to conduct a triage level of troubleshooting and communicate findings to maintenance technician.
Machining Fundamentals
- Demonstrate the ability to verify workpiece material for correct size and type by checking color codes, lettering, or numerical stamps to ensure that the workpiece selected conforms to engineering drawings and job instruction sheets.
- Demonstrate the correct identification and selection of cutting fluids using manuals, charts, engineering drawings, and material safety data sheets to ensure that the cutting fluid is the correct one to maximize machining without damage to workpiece, cutting tool, or machine.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify and select machines (conventional and numerically controlled) saws, drills, lathes, grinders, and vertical or horizontal mills, using information from engineering drawings and work process documentation, to ensure that the machine selected is the correct one for the application and available to perform the job.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify and check machine controls and systems including locating and identifying switches, buttons, levers, controls, and safety devices to ensure that all controls are operational and functioning in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications and company standards.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify and select tooling required to cut the workpiece by using information engineering drawings and job instructions, ensuring that the selected tooling is the correct size and type for the application and available to perform the job.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify and prepare cutting tools by sharpening or replacing tools so that the cutting shape and angle is prepared for optimum cutting and personal safety in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications, engineering drawings, and company standards.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify and select measuring instruments, ensuring that instruments selected are capable of measuring the dimensions and tolerances specified in the engineering drawings, job specifications, and process layout.
- Demonstrate the ability to select machine speeds and feeds using speed and feed charts and in accordance with size, type, and hardness of workpiece materials, so that the machines perform optimum cutting without damage to workpiece, cutting tools, or machines and ensures personal safety.
- Demonstrate the ability to lay out features of engineering drawings on to the workpiece using precision measuring instruments and layout equipment so that the completed layout conforms to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a bench vise.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a ball-peened hammer.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a soft faced hammer.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a standard screwdriver.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a Phillips screwdriver.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of an offset screwdriver.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a hand hacksaw.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a machinist's file.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of precision files.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of rotary and blur files.
- Demonstrate how to safely hand tap through tapering, plugging or bottoming.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a T-handle wrench.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a tap extractor.
- Demonstrate how to thread dies.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a roughing taper reamer.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a finish taper reamer.
- Demonstrate how to prepare the layout table surface for metalwork.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a pocket or double ended scribe.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a combination square set.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a surface gauge.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a vernier height gauge.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of angular layout tools (bevel protractor head, rule, and universal bevel protractor).
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of circular layout tools (dividers, trammels, center head and rule).
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of permanent layout tools (pocket scribe, rule or straight edge, prick punch, automatic center punch).
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of an angle plate.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a toolmaker's clamp.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a parallels.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of V-blocks.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of keyseat rules.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify and select workholding devices including (not limited to) vises, clamps, jigs, chucks, face plates, centers, catch plates, steady rest, tailstocks, and mandrels, ensuring that the workholding device selected is the correct one to safely and securely position and locate the workpiece in the machine in accordance with job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to pick up datum/starting position using layout lines, tooling balls, or edge of the part and required tools including (not limited to) pointer, wiggler, indicator, and edge finder to identify and locate the datum/starting position as specified in engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to communicate with co-workers concerning previous job operations, availability of tools, parts, and machinery, scheduling requirements, and any other information needed to plan and prepare for the machining job, ensuring that the information communicated is clear, concise, and accurate.
In-Process Verification
- Demonstrate the ability to interpret part drawing specifications through working with blueprints (dimensions, layout, material, surface finish, countersinks, tolerances, threading, etc.).
- Demonstrate the ability to check straight cuts by using precision measuring instruments including (not limited to) micrometer, verniers, calipers, squares, straight edge, dial indicator, and surface comparator, to ensure that the accurate size, finish, parallelism and squareness of straight cuts conform with engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to check shapes by using precision measuring instruments and checking devices including radius gauges, surface comparator and verniers, to ensure that the profile and finish of the cut shape conform to engineering drawing and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to check threads by using precision measuring instruments, checking devices, and various checking methods including 3- wire method, thread micrometer, thread gauge, and plug or ring gauges, to ensure that the accuracy of pitch, thread geometry and size of cut threads conform to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to check holes by using precision measuring instruments and checking devices including (not limited to) dial indicators, bore gauges, plug gauges, telescopic gauges, surface comparators, and verniers to ensure that the accuracy of the diameter, depth, concentricity, position, and finish of cut holes conform to engineering drawings and job specifications
- Demonstrate the ability to check tapers using precision measuring instruments and checking devices including taper gauge, sine bar, micrometer, and vernier to ensure that the accuracy of the angle, taper/foot, and diameter of the cut tapers conform to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to check hardness using hardness tester and comparison chart to ensure that the hardness level of the workpiece materials conform to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to maintain material identification by marking or stamping workpiece and completing shop documentation to facilitate traceability of the final product or work-in-process and to maintain inventory control in accordance with company standards.
- Demonstrate the ability to deburr workpiece using files, scrapers, emery cloth, sanders, and hand or pedestal grinders to remove excess material and to ensure safe handling in accordance with engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to check surfaces using surface comparators to ensure that surface is finished as specified in the engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to perform final inspection using precision measuring instruments and checking devices including inside and outside micrometers, vernier height gauges or indicators, gauge blocks, and pin gauges to ensure that the tolerances and dimensions of the workpiece conform to the engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to complete work documentation including tracking sheets, sign-off sheets, inspection reports, or procedure sheets, to record the finalization of jobs and to facilitate traceability of work-in-process, ensuring that all data is recorded accurately and clearly in accordance with engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to use a hand-file including (flat, needle, bastard, rat- tail, lathe, and half-round files) to remove excessive material so that workpiece is filed in accordance with engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to use a band-saw to cut the workpiece to specified lengths in accordance with engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to drill holes, using power drill and drill bits, so that the size of the drilled holes will conform to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to hand-tap threaded holes, using T-handle, and tapping block so that the depth and squareness of tapped threads will conform to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to hand-ream, using straight or spiral-fluted reamers, to remove excessive material so that the diameter and depth of reamed hole will conform to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to chase threads using hand taps and dies to repair or clean damaged threads, so that the threads will conform to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to hand-grind, using pneumatic or electric hand grinders, to remove excess material so that the workpiece is ground in accordance with engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to practice good housekeeping in the workplace by cleaning up spills or leaks, keeping work area clean and clear of obstructions, and storing tools or equipment so that the potential for accident or injury is prevented and tools or equipment are in place and available in compliance with safety regulations.
- Demonstrate the ability to check fused/welded blade to ensure that joined saw has a continuous cutting edge in accordance with manufacturer’s manual or job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to lay out features of engineering drawings on to the workpiece using precision measuring instruments and layout equipment including scriber, center punch, vernier height gauge, surface plate, combination set, and layout medium or dyes, so that the completed layout will conform to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to locate and position the workpiece in the saw to the required operational clearance by setting up workholding devices, including nesting fixtures, vises, or roller supports, so that the workpiece is aligned, secured, and stable during sawing operations in accordance with job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to select speeds and feeds of saws using the speed and feed charts and in accordance with the size, type, and hardness of workpiece material, so that the saw performs optimum cutting without damage to workpiece, cutting tools, or machines, and ensures personal safety.
- Demonstrate the ability to install and test-run blade to check alignments and movements so that the blade makes the required cut, prevents machine or blade damage and ensures personal safety in accordance with company standards.
- Demonstrate the ability to check first cut-off by measuring and checking a cut-off piece to ensure that the angles, squareness, and length of the sawed piece will conform to the engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to cut shapes (vertical bandsaw) using required sawing sequences, speeds, feeds, and cutting fluids, so that the profile, size, and dimensions of the cut shapes conform to the engineering drawings, job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to cut squared and angled surfaces (power cut-off saw) using required sawing sequences, speeds, feeds, and cutting fluids, so that the squareness, angles, and size of cut surfaces conform to engineering drawings, job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to maintain material identification by marking or stamping the workpiece and completing shop documentation to facilitate traceability of the final product or work-in-process and maintain inventory control in accordance with company standards.
- Demonstrate the ability to deburr the workpiece using files, scrapers, emery cloth, sanders and hand or pedestal grinders to remove excess material and ensure safe handling in accordance with engineering drawings, job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to perform final inspection using precision measuring instruments and checking devices including inside and outside micrometers, vernier height gauges or indicators, gauge blocks, and pin gauges to ensure that the tolerances and dimensions of the sawed workpiece to conform to the engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to complete work documentation including tracking sheets, sign-off sheets, inspection reports, or procedure sheets to record the finalization of jobs and to facilitate traceability of work-in-process and ensure that data is recorded accurately and clearly in accordance with engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to practice good housekeeping in the workplace by cleaning up spills or leaks, keeping work area clean and clear of obstructions, and storing tools or equipment so that the potential for accident or injury is prevented and tools or equipment are in place and available in compliance with safety regulations.
- Demonstrate the ability to select drill tooling including drill bits, center-drill, reamers, taps, counter-bores, counter- sinks, and spot-faces by using information in engineering drawings and job specifications to ensure that tooling is the correct size, shape, type, and grade for the application.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify and prepare cutting tools for drills by sharpening or replacing tools so that the cutting shape and angle is prepared for optimum cutting and personal safety in accordance with job or manufacturer's specifications and company standards.
- Demonstrate the ability to locate and position the workpiece in the drill to the required operational clearances by setting up and securing workpiece with workholding devices, including drilling vises, clamps, jigs, angle plates, and chucks, so that the workpiece is aligned, secured, and stable during drilling in accordance with job specifications
- Demonstrate the ability to set up tooling in the drills to the required operational alignments using holding devices, including drill chucks, taper sleeves, and tapping heads, to ensure that tooling is in position and held securely during drilling in accordance with job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to select speeds and feeds for the drill using speed and feed charts and in accordance with the size, type, and hardness of workplace material so that the drill performs optimum cutting without damage to the work
- Demonstrate the ability to perform a center-drill a layout punch mark using a drill press/machine, chuck, center-drill, and cutting fluid, so that the punch mark is drilled in accordance with engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to drill a hole using a drilling machine, drill bits, and cutting fluids so that the size and depth of drilled hole conforms to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to chamfer a hole using a drilling machine, countersinks, and cutting fluids to break sharp edges, so that the chamfered hole conforms to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to ream a hole using a drilling machine, reamers, and cutting fluids so that the diameter of the reamed hole conforms to engineering drawing or job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to machine-thread a hole using a drilling machine, tapping heads, taps, and cutting fluids so that the depth, size, and pitch of the threaded depth of the hole to conform with engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to spot-face a hole using a drilling machine, spot- facing tools, and cutting fluids so that the depth and diameter of the spot- faced hole conforms to engineering drawings or job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to counter-bore a hole using a drilling machine, counter-boring tools, and cutting fluids so that the depth and diameter of the counter-bored hole conforms to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to counter-sink a hole using a drilling machine, countersinks, and cutting fluids so that the depth and diameter of the counter- sunk hole conforms to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to maintain material identification by marking or stamping the workpiece and completing shop documentation to facilitate traceability of the final product or work-in-process and maintain inventory control in accordance with company standards.
- Demonstrate the ability to deburr the workpiece using files, scrapers, emery cloth, sanders and hand or pedestal grinders to remove excess material and ensure safe handling in accordance with engineering drawings, job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to perform final inspection using precision measuring instruments and checking devices including inside and outside micrometers, vernier height gauges or indicators, gauge blocks, and pin gauges to ensure that the tolerances and dimensions of the sawed workpiece to conform to the engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to complete work documentation including tracking sheets, sign-off sheets, inspection reports, or procedure sheets to record the finalization of jobs and to facilitate traceability of work-in-process and ensure that data is recorded accurately and clearly in accordance with engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to practice good housekeeping in the workplace by cleaning up spills or leaks, keeping work area clean and clear of obstructions, and storing tools or equipment so that the potential for accident or injury is prevented and tools or equipment are in place and available in compliance with safety regulations.
- Demonstrate the ability to select a grinding wheel using information in engineering drawings, charts, and job specifications to ensure that the wheel selected is the correct grade and size needed to finish, shape, and size workface in accordance with the hardness and finish of the workpiece and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to check condition of the grinding wheel for defects, cracks, or chips, and by taking the corrective action or replacing if required, to ensure personal safety and to perform optimum cutting in accordance with job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to install the grinding wheel to specified radii and tangents and/or angles using diamond or star-wheel dresser, to ensure personal safety and to perform optimum grinding in accordance with job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to locate and position the workpiece in the grinder to the required operational clearances by setting up workholding devices, including angle plate, magnetic holders, vises, chucks, centers, jigs, V-block, or mandrels, so that the workpiece is aligned, secured, and stable during grinding operations in accordance with job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to surface grind the workpiece using surface grinders so that the finish, flatness, and size of ground surfaces conform to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to lap the workpiece by hand grinding or using a power lapping machine so that the finish and flatness of the lapped surface conforms to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to grind inside and outside diameters (ID/OD) using machine grinders so that the dimensions and tolerances of ground ID/OD surfaces conform to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to grind tools and cutters using pedestal, surface, or tool and cutter grinders, so that the ground cutting edge of the tools or cutters conforms to tool geometry standards to ensure optimum metal removal and finish.
- Demonstrate the ability to check ground surfaces using surface comparators to ensure that the surface is finished in as specified in the engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to perform final inspection using precision measuring instruments and checking devices including inside and outside micrometers, vernier height gauges or indicators, gauge blocks, and pin gauges to ensure that the tolerances and dimensions of the sawed workpiece to conform to the engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to complete work documentation including tracking sheets, sign-off sheets, inspection reports, or procedure sheets to record the finalization of jobs and to facilitate traceability of work-in-process and ensure that data is recorded accurately and clearly in accordance with engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to practice good housekeeping in the workplace by cleaning up spills or leaks, keeping work area clean and clear of obstructions, and storing tools or equipment so that the potential for accident or injury is prevented and tools or equipment are in place and available in compliance with safety regulations.
- Demonstrate the ability to select lathe cutting tools, including drill bits, boring, parting, threading, facing, or turning tools, by using information from engineering drawings and job instructions to ensure that the tools selected are the correct ones needed to cut the workpiece material.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify and prepare lathe cutting tools by sharpening or replacing tools so that the cutting shape and angle is prepared for optimum cutting and personal safety, in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and company standards/procedures.
- Demonstrate the ability to locate and position workpiece in lathe to required operational clearances by setting up and securing workholding devices (chucks, face plates, centers, catch plates, steady rest, or tail stock) so that the workpiece is aligned, secured, and stable during machining in accordance with job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to set up lathe cutting tools to the required operational alignments using tool posts and tail stocks, to ensure that tools are in position and held securely during machining in accordance with job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to select speeds and feeds of lathe using speed and feed charts and in accordance with the size, type, and hardness of workpiece material, so that the lathe performs optimum cutting without damage to workpiece, cutting tools, or machine and ensures personal safety in accordance with job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to take a sizing cut to determine a reference workface and to check speeds and feeds to ensure that lathe is set up in accordance with engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to establish a reference or starting point (datum) by zeroing out machine and ensuring that the datum is correctly located in accordance with job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to face a surface using a lathe and single-point tool bit and by measuring or checking with vernier, straight edge, or micrometer, so that the surface flatness and finished edge conforms to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to turn an external diameter using a lathe and single- point tool and by measuring or checking with a vernier or micrometer, so that the turned diameter conforms to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to drill a hole using a lathe, center-drill, drills, and tailstock, so that the diameter and depth of the drilled hole conforms to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to bore an internal diameter using a lathe and boring bars mounted in a tool post, so that the close-tolerance internal diameters conform to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to ream a hole using a lathe, center-drill, drills, reamers, and tail-stock, and by measuring or checking with vernier, micrometer, and gauges so that the depth and diameter of the reamed hole conforms to job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to tap a hole using a lathe, taps, tapping head, and tailstock, so that the depth, diameter, and thread pitch of the tapped hole conforms to job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to turn an internal or external thread using a lathe and single-point tool bit and by measuring or checking with thread micrometers and thread plug gauge (go-no-go), so that the pitch, geometrical form, and dimensional tolerance of the turned thread conforms to job specifications and thread standards.
- Demonstrate the ability to produce a taper using a lathe, offset tail stock, taper-turning attachment, and compound rest, and by measuring or checking with protractors, micrometers, vernier height gauges, or templates, so that the size and angle of turned taper conforms to job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to groove and part-off using a lathe and grooving or parting tools, so that the width, length, depth, and square of cut-offs conform to job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to maintain material identification by marking or stamping the workpiece and completing shop documentation to facilitate traceability of the final product or work-in-process and maintain inventory control in accordance with company standards.
- Demonstrate the ability to deburr the workpiece using files, scrapers, emery cloth, sanders and hand or pedestal grinders to remove excess material and ensure safe handling in accordance with job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to perform final inspection using precision measuring instruments and checking devices including inside and outside micrometers, vernier height gauges or indicators, gauge blocks, and pin gauges to ensure that the tolerances and dimensions of the sawed workpiece to conform to job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to complete work documentation including tracking sheets, sign-off sheets, inspection reports, or procedure sheets to record the finalization of jobs and to facilitate traceability of work-in-process and ensure that data is recorded accurately and clearly in accordance with job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to practice good housekeeping in the workplace by cleaning up spills or leaks, keeping work area clean and clear of obstructions, and storing tools or equipment so that the potential for accident or injury is prevented and tools or equipment are in place and available in compliance with safety regulations.
- Demonstrate the ability to select milling cutting tools (end mills, face mills, shell cutters, slot drills, boring bars, slitting saws, and boring head) by using information from engineering drawings and job instructions to ensure that the tools selected are the correct ones needed to mill the workpiece to specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify and prepare milling cutting tools by sharpening or replacing tools so that the cutting shape and angle is prepared for optimum cutting and personal safety in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications and company standards.
- Demonstrate the ability to set-up and maintain milling adjustable support tools (indexing heads, vises, angle plates, sine bars, and tables) ensuring that the support tool is the correct one for the application and the workpiece is located and secured during machining in accordance with job specifications
- Demonstrate the ability to set-up milling cutting tools to required operational alignments using arbors, collets, and drill chucks to ensure the tools are in position and held securely during machining in accordance with job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to select speeds and feeds of lathe using speed and feed charts and in accordance with the size, type, and hardness of workpiece material, so that the mill performs optimum cutting without damage to workpiece, cutting tools, or machine and ensures personal safety in accordance with job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to perform fly-cutting using a milling machine, single-point tool bit, and required cutting fluid so that the size, shape, squareness, and flatness of the fly-cut workpiece conforms to job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to face-mill using a milling machine, multi-point tool bit, face mill, and required cutting fluids so that the size, shape, squareness, and flatness of the faced workpiece conform to job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to machine steps, cut-outs, angles, and open slots using a milling machine, end mill, and required cutting fluid so that the size, shape, and angle of the end-milled workpiece conforms to job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to machine a pocket or slot using a milling machine, slot drill, center cutting end mill, and required cutting fluid so that the size, shape, and angle of milled pockets or slots conform to job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to machine a hole using a milling machine, drill bits, reamers, slot drills, and required cutting fluid so that the diameter, depth, and tolerance of the milled hole conforms to job specifications
- Demonstrate the ability to bore holes using a milling machine, boring bar, boring head, and required cutting fluid so that the diameter, finish, depth and location of the bored hole conforms to job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to deburr the workpiece using files, scrapers, emery cloth, sanders and hand or pedestal grinders to remove excess material and ensure safe handling in accordance with engineering drawings, job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to perform final inspection using precision measuring instruments and checking devices including inside and outside micrometers, vernier height gauges or indicators, gauge blocks, and pin gauges to ensure that the tolerances and dimensions of the sawed workpiece to conform to the engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to complete work documentation including tracking sheets, sign-off sheets, inspection reports, or procedure sheets to record the finalization of jobs and to facilitate traceability of work-in-process and ensure that data is recorded accurately and clearly in accordance with engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to practice good housekeeping in the workplace by cleaning up spills or leaks, keeping work area clean and clear of obstructions, and storing tools or equipment so that the potential for accident or injury is prevented and tools or equipment are in place and available in compliance with safety regulations.
Die and Tool Planning
- Demonstrate the ability to verify the features of die or tool components by reading bill of materials, engineering drawings, component prints, assembly, die, or part drawings to correctly identify: tolerances; sizes; diameters; revision level; projection and section views; pick-up datum point; component shapes; number of stations; number of working components; material specifications; thickness and type of steel; assembly process; number of functions; and, quantity and type of parts, tools, and dies; ensuring that all required component features are checked and identified.
- Demonstrate the ability to organize the die or tool-building plan to identify and document: types of machines and tools; job operations; sequencing of jobs; machining processes; required fixtures and tooling; and, assembly and fabrication sequences or processes; so that all features of the die or tool- building process conform to the engineering drawings, scheduled target dates, bill of materials, and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to perform die or tool-building related calculations using conversion tables/charts, material and product-specifications tables/charts, and occupational graphs, to correctly identify clearances, tolerances, and variances of material contraction or expansion, so that all die or tooling clearances, dimensions, tolerances, size, and shapes are accurately determined and documented in accordance with engineering drawings, job specifications, die drawings, and bill of materials.
- Demonstrate the ability to assemble and verify die or tooling stock materials for surface condition, hardening ability, heat-treat response, type, grade, and dimensions by checking color codes, lettering, numerical stamps, charts, and stock lists, to ensure that the workpiece materials are the correct ones to build the die or tooling as specified in the engineering drawings, bill of materials, and job specifications.
Fabricate Dies and Tools
- Demonstrate the ability to cut and prepare raw material to specified lengths and allowances by machining using a band saw or cut-off wheels and by measuring or checking dimensions, so that the rough- machined part conforms to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to block up and establish datum on a workpiece by measuring or checking with micrometers, verniers, and height gauges and by machining using mills or lathes, so that the datum faces are identified and the height, width, squareness, and grinding allowances of the blocked-up workpiece conform to the engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to machine components of dies, tools, jigs, or fixtures using pre-determined machining processes and by measuring or checking using gauge blocks, micrometers, verniers, height gauges, and dial test indicators, so that the dimensions, shapes, tolerances, and surface finish of the machined components conform to the engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to heat-treat the components by following heat- treating processes and procedures, so that the components are tempered and hardened as required in the engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to mark the die or tooling components using stamps, etching, or engraving tools by marking item number, hardness factor, and type of material, to facilitate traceability of components in accordance with company standards/procedures and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to fabricate and assemble sub-assemblies by fastening, dowelling, fitting, and soldering, so that the assembled sub- assemblies are fabricated, aligned, mated, and assembled in accordance with the engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to final fit sub-assemblies, die, or tooling components by fastening, dowelling, fitting, and spot joining, so that the final-assembled workpieces are aligned, mated, and fabricated as specified in the engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to inspect die or tooling fit and functions by trying out die or tooling and checking the components for failure, wear, or defects, to ensure that the fit and functionality of the dies or tooling conform to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to move workpiece by operating lifting and rigging equipment including (not limited to) hoists, overhead cranes, chain falls, lift pins, eye bolts, slings, cables, and chains, to remove, transport, and store materials, parts, and equipment in compliance with Safety Legislation and company standards/procedures.
- Demonstrate the ability to complete work documentation including tracking sheets, sign-off sheets, inspection reports, or procedure sheets to record the finalization of jobs and to facilitate traceability of work-in-process and ensure that data is recorded accurately and clearly in accordance with engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to practice good housekeeping in the workplace by cleaning up spills or leaks, keeping work area clean and clear of obstructions, and storing tools or equipment so that the potential for accident or injury is prevented and tools or equipment are in place and available in compliance with safety regulations.
Assemble and Finalize Dies
- Demonstrate the ability to read and interpret die drawings and sketches to identify tolerances, material specifications, machine finishes, section views, revision level, diameters, sizes, tolerances, projections, and any other information required for the die development process.
- Demonstrate the ability to set up and operate press for trying out the die to determine that all operations are in sequence, controls are set for the correct strokes per minute, and the pre-fabricated die is located and positioned, so that no damage is caused to press or die and personal safety is ensured in accordance with engineering drawings, Safety Legislation, and company standards/procedures.
- Demonstrate the ability to prepare and finalize cutting steels using the finalized blank and information from engineering drawings, so that the size and shape of the cutting steels are finalized to produce a die-cut blank to the required cutting clearances specified in engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to finalize die assembly for final piece part production by following required procedures and using fasteners including (not limited to) dowels, adhesives, and assembly equipment so that the assembled die conforms to engineering drawings and job specifications.
- Demonstrate the ability to try out and troubleshoot the die by following required procedures including (not limited to): trying out in die press; checking for workpiece failures including worn, dull, or chipped edges, distortion of parts, excessive burrs, and inadequate or improper lubrication; measuring and checking; making adjustments or modifications; and, continuing to re-try until the die passes final quality inspection and conforms with engineering drawings, job specifications, and company standards/procedures.
- Demonstrate the ability to inspect part produced by developed die using information from part drawings and by checking all specifications using measuring instruments and checking devices to ensure that the piece part produced by the die conforms to engineering drawings, job specifications, and company standards/procedures.
- Demonstrate the ability to Final inspect die by analyzing, checking, and making adjustments, so that the finalized die functions without premature die failures and conforms to engineering drawings, company standards/procedures, and job specifications
- Demonstrate the ability to complete work documentation including (not limited to) tracking sheets, sign-off sheets, inspection reports, or procedure sheets to record the finalization of jobs and to facilitate traceability of work-in-process, ensuring that all data is recorded accurately and clearly in accordance with engineering drawings, job specifications, and company standards/procedures.
Workplace Communications
- Demonstrate the ability to work as part of a team, contributing to the group’s effort to achieve goals.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify and commit to the goals, norms, values, and customs of the team.
- Demonstrate the ability to choose behaviors and actions that best support the team and accomplishment of work tasks.
- Demonstrate the ability to use a group approach to identify problems and develop solutions based on group consensus.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify elements of successful teamwork.
- Demonstrate the ability to bring others together to reconcile differences.
- Demonstrate the ability to handle conflicts maturely by exercising “give and take” to achieve positive results for all parties.
- Demonstrate the ability to reach formal or informal agreements that promote mutual goals and interests, and obtain commitment to those agreements from individuals or groups.
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Training Provider(s):

Health & Safety
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Observe safe practices, in accordance with OSHA and organizational requirements, when performing Lock-Out/Tag-Out duties on machinery
Handling Hazardous Materials
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Shop Practices
Apply a working knowledge of the expectations an apprentice, including an understanding of general housekeeping and maintenance responsibilities and how manufacturing needs to run like a business.
Applied Math
Apply a working knowledge of foundational mathematics skills when interpreting specifications and performing tasks within the manufacturing environment.
Engineering Prints Drawings
Apply a working knowledge of foundational drawing and print reading skills when interpreting specifications and performing tasks within the manufacturing environment.
Measuring and Improving Work
Apply common systems for designing and measuring work processes and the commitment to continuous improvement through empowerment and management by people and data
Problem Solving
Apply a working knowledge of analyzing information
Industry Onboarding
Apply a working knowledge of the policies and procedures put in place to provide a new hire with clear expectations for employment at an organization and hold them accountable for those expectations.
Machining Fundamentals
Apply a working knowledge of metal removal theory, set up and operations, including the verification of components such as workholding devices, cutting tools and toolholders.
In-Process Verification
Apply a working knowledge of foundational measurement skills when interpreting specifications for in- process dimensional or surface verification.
Apply a working knowledge of the processes and tools required for to complete benchwork activities.
Apply a working knowledge of materials science and material engineering that studies the physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements, their intermetallic compounds, and their mixtures (alloys).
Apply a working knowledge for setting up, operating, or tending to machines that saw, cut or shear materials during the removal of metal, within a defined tolerance, to be used in further machining or fabrication processes.
Apply a working knowledge for setting up, operating, or tending to machines that drill, bore, ream, or countersink work pieces to specifications.
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Apply a working knowledge for setting up, operating, or tending to machines that finish, shape and size a workface to meet required hardness and finish specifications.
Apply a working knowledge for the mechanics, set up, operation, tending or programming of Numerical (NC) or Computer Numerical Controls (CNC) machines that execute milling or turning operations to meet required specifications.
Die and Tool Planning
Apply a working knowledge of devising a detailed plan for the die or tool-building process.
Fabricate Dies and Tools
Apply a working knowledge of fabricating components of dies, tools jigs or fixtures by cutting and preparing raw material.
Assemble and Finalize Dies
Apply a working knowledge of performing assembly, validating and troubleshooting dies.
Workplace Communications
Apply good practices in the exchange of information between two or more people in casual conversation or within a formal discussion through verbal and or written means.
Leading Others
Apply best approaches in leading others through effective communication and building and maintaining positive relationships.
Employee Compliance
Apply good practices on laws, regulations and company policies that apply to their day-to-day job responsibilities.