competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
IT Support Technician
CareerWise Colorado
Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Tech Support: Infrastructure
Uses components of commonly used computer hardware, software, applications, etc.; diagnoses customer problems; and provides troubleshooting and issue resolution support.
- Describes basic infrastructure (e.g., servers, workstations, applications, networks, data centers, facilities, telecommunications, and related equipment used to develop, test, operate, monitor, manage, and/or support IT services).
- Troubleshoots basic issues and identifies resolution tasks.
- Troubleshoots and effectively resolves basic to moderate infrastructure issues with confirmation from the customer that the issue has been resolved.
Assembles, configures, installs, maintains, and repairs computer and device hardware and IT systems.
- Describes how to properly install and connect hardware.
- Installs, connects, and tests hardware.
- Troubleshoots and repairs failed hardware for end-user computers/devices.
Core Operating Systems
Demonstrates familiarity with the use of multiple operating systems (e.g., Apple, Microsoft, Android, Linux) for computer and mobile devices and installs, configures, and maintains at least one of those operating systems.
- Navigates and uses operating systems (e.g., Apple, Microsoft Windows, Android, Linux, iOS).
- Installs and configures operating systems.
- Addresses individual user issues and assists with issues of larger scope.
- Configures, optimizes, and maintains (e.g., patching or security updates), and troubleshoots operating systems for a larger scope of IT systems (e.g., a section or department of computers in a company).
Software applications
Installs, configures, and maintains a wide variety of software applications
- Demonstrates ability to use basic application menus and functions.
- Installs, performs initial configuration, and tests a wide variety of software applications
- Performs advanced configuration and maintains and enhances a wide variety of software
General Information Security
Installs, configures, troubleshoots, tests, and maintains in a secure manner the portion of the IT environment under their responsibility (networks, communication, hardware, software, and other devices) to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
- Describes how to protect and secure end-user workstations including computers and devices.
- Documents security measures and adheres to risk, compliance, and company policy.
- Implements and documents security measures.
- Aids in recovery when problems arise (e.g. eradicates a virus, solves for a hard drive crash).
- Analyzes security scans and implements remediation action steps (e.g., security patching).
General networking tools and concepts
Provides network support with commonly used tools/devices, including routers, switches, wireless, Ethernet cabling, and firewalls; manages IP addresses and runs cabling.
- Provides basic network support using common diagnostic devices (e.g., WireShark, Cisco switches). Describes OSI layers, WAN, and LAN.
- Repairs and replaces cabling and most networking hardware (e.g., routers, switches, wireless, and firewalls).
- Configures network devices.
- Reserves and tracks IP addresses.
- Installs, facilitates, and maintains a basic to moderately complex environment (e.g., a small to medium office).
Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
- Recognize that problems can be identified, and possible solutions can be generated.
- Define the problem using a variety of strategies.
- Make connections between information gathered and personal experiences to apply and/or test solutions.
- Demonstrate curiosity, imagination and eagerness to learn more.
- Build on personal experience to specify a challenging problem to investigate.
- Engage in novel approaches, moves, directions, ideas and/or perspectives.
- Recognize and describe cause-and-effect relationships and patterns in everyday experiences.
- Investigate to form hypotheses, make observations and draw conclusions.
- Test hypotheses/prototype with planned process for getting feedback.
Risk Taking
- Demonstrate a willingness to try new things.
- Demonstrate flexibility, imagination and inventiveness in taking on tasks and activities.
- Innovate from failure, connect learning across domains and recognize new opportunities.
Self-Management/Self Awareness
- Accurately recognize one’s own emotions, thoughts and values and how they influence behavior.
- Appropriately express one’s own emotions, thoughts and values and identify how they influence behavior.
- Assess personal strengths and limitations, with a well-grounded sense of confidence, optimism and a ‘growth mindset’
- Recognize personal characteristics, preferences, thoughts and strengths.
- Pursue opportunities to engage and learn interests.
- Apply knowledge to set goals, make informed decisions and transfer to new contexts.
- Recognize emotional response to ideas that differ from one’s own.
- Regulate reactions to differing perspectives.
- Look for and value in different perspectives expressed by others.
- Resist distractions, maintain attention, and continue the task at hand through frustration or challenges.
- Set goals and develop strategies to remain focused on learning goals.
- Focus on learning goals by employing motivation and familiar strategies for engagement and evaluate progress, making necessary changes to stay the course.
- Recognize how personal actions have had a positive or negative impact on others with feedback as needed.
- Recognize how members of a community rely on each other, considering personal contributions as applicable.
- Follow a process identified by others to help generate ideas, negotiate roles and responsibilities, and respects consensus in decision making.
- Articulate personal strengths and challenges using different forms of communication to express oneself.
- Consider purpose, formality of context and audience, and distinct cultural norms when planning content, mode, delivery and expression.
- Establish goals for communication and plan out steps accordingly.
Global/Cultural Awareness
- Compare attitudes and beliefs as an individual to others.
- Identify and explain multiple perspectives (cultural, global) when exploring events, ideas and issues.
- Plan and evaluate complex solutions to global challenges that are appropriate to their contexts using multiple disciplinary perspectives (such as cultural, historical and scientific).
- Takes great care with organizational data.
- Does not disclose any kind of personal or sensitive organizational information; understands that all data is confidential.
- Demonstrates honesty and integrity in all interactions. If an error is made, prioritizes minimal impact to the organization over their own reputation.
Task/Time Management
- Articulate task requirements and identify deadlines.
- Develop and utilize basic task and time-management strategies effectively.
- Demonstrate task-management attributes associated with producing high-quality products including the abilities to: 1) Work positively and ethically 2) Manage time and projects effectively 3) Multi-task 4) Clearly communicate with others.
- Appropriately express a range of emotions to communicate personal ideas/needs.
- Ask questions to develop further personal understanding.
- Demonstrate confidence in sharing ideas/feelings.
Work Ethic
- Complete tasks with ongoing support.
- Seek clarity on tasks and needs occasional support.
- Demonstrate skill in assigned tasks and completes with little or no support.
Core Academic Foundation
- Begin to use math and literacy skills to inform work.
- Uses math and literacy skills to perform job tasks with frequent checks by supervisor.
- Independently and consistently use math and literacy skills to perform tasks (with occasional checks for quality.)
- Maintains an acceptable attendance record.
- Reports to work on time.
- Uses appropriate language.
- Cares appropriately for personal dress, grooming and hygiene.
- Follows safety rules.
- Takes care of equipment and workplace.
- Keeps work area neat and clean.
- Prevents interference of personal life with work.
- Adheres to work policies/rules/regulations.
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CareerWise Quarterly Professional Development Training
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Google IT Support Professional Certificate
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