1. Candidates must complete a New York State registered
teacher preparation program pursuant to section 52.21 of
the Commissioner’s regulations. Registered programs
include, but are not limited to, coursework requirements
that cover topics such as:
a. Knowledge of Students
i. Growth and development in the grade band of the
certificate sought
b. Content Knowledge
i. Knowledge base for assisting students in meeting
the State learning standards in the grade band and
subject area of the certificate sought
c. Student Learning
i. Human Development including the impact of culture,
heritage, and socioeconomic level on learning and
the skill of creating respectful classroom
ii. Assessment including the skill of using data to
inform practice
iii. Curriculum development and instructional planning
including the skill of designing and delivering
differentiated instruction
iv. Literacy development and language acquisition for
native speakers and students learning English as a new language including the skill of developing the
listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities of
all students
v. Students with disabilities including the skill of coteaching and applying positive behavioral supports
Technology tools and skill in using them to acquire
information, communicate, and enhance learning
vi. Classroom management including the skill to
stimulate and sustain student interest, cooperation,
and achievement that prepares students for
productive work, citizenship in a democracy, and
continuing growth
vii. Productive relationships and interactions among the
school, home, and community including the skill of
collaborating with other school staff, families, and
communities to support growth and development
and enhance learning