1. Observe and participate in Action Assembly operations:
inspect quality of action parts, assemble hammer shanks
and repetitions to action stack, inspect hammers, glue
hammers to shanks, tail hammers. Inspect for quality of
2. Observe and participate in Forefinish operations: prepare
and modify keyframes according to specifications. Set
action stack height, fore/aft, and side-to-side position and
determine capstan location.
3. Drill holes in keys, install capstans, half rounds, and glider
studs, install dag blocks, align action stack to keys, cut and
install keyframe rest block. 4. Set keybed and keyframe crown, route channel for shift
lever, install keyframe return spring, bed front and back
rails, install backchecks. Inspect for quality of work.
5. Execute Action Regulation operations according to
specificiations: prepare keyframes by gluing felts and
addressing mortise friction. Align parts, set key height, key
level, hammer blow distance, key touch, let-off, drop, fly
position, balancier height, backcheck alignment and
checking height, repetition spring strength, aftertouch, and
toubleshootings. Inspect for quality of work.
6. Execute Damper Assembly operations according to
specification: fabricate Spirio stop rails, cut damper
moldings, layout and glue damper felts, joint, drill, bush
and instal damper guide rails, install damper tray and
pitmans, set tray evenness and key timing, making wire
bends for correct damper function, troubleshooting.
7. Install sostenuto and regulate for proper function.
8. Critically inspect and evaluate quality of damper regulation
and make adjustments according to the piano’s needs,
checking tray height/levelness, key timing, tray timing, stop
rail height, sostenuto, and other required elements.
9. Execute Fly Finishing operations according to
specifications: machine and install key blocks, key block
10.Observe and participate in factory procedures for
fabricating and assembling upright pianos according to
factory procedures and specifications.