competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
Brookdale Senior Living
Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Organizational/Problem Solving and Ethics
- Organizational - Use organizational skills (prepare all equipment and supplies prior to performing a care activity to prevent backtracking)
- Organizational - Use effective time management skills (completing care timely in an unhurried manner)
- Organizational - Use and recognize teamwork, leadership, and mentoring
- Problem Solving - Recognize problems and know when/how to seek assistance, as well as how to reassess the situation in problem resolution
- Problem Solving - Incorporate customer service skills – respecting differences and perspectives
- Problem Solving - Recognize and report changes in residents condition promptly
- Ethics - Perform duties and responsibilities demonstrating respect and cooperation
- Ethics - Demonstrate good character, is productive during work hours, manage attendance and absences according to policy
- Ethics - Maintain a professional demeanor and work appearance
Maintains a Clean and Safe Environment
- Infection Control Activities - Hand Washing techniques including the use of sanitizing agents according to standards
- Infection Control Activities - Use and demonstrate adherence to OSHA and CDC guidelines (such as handling Blood Borne Pathogens and maintaining infection control)
- Infection Control Activities - Demonstrate knowledge and utilize Exposure Control Plan
- Infection Control Activities - Properly dispose sharps (e.g., razors, needles in sharps container)
- Infection Control Activities - Use and demonstrate personal protective equipment (PPE) and devices including gloves, gown, mask, and goggles
- Infection Control Activities - Describe and use Standard Precautions as determined by the CDC and OSHA
- Infection Control Activities - Describe clean vs dirty areas
- Infection Control Activities - Clean and maintain equipment within infection control standards
- Physical Environment Maintenance - Perform visual check of resident’s living area and resolve potential safety issues (secure hazardous materials, clear pathways, etc.)
- Physical Environment Maintenance - Check resident’s alarm; make sure call light/signal is within resident’s reach; secure patient’s bed
- Physical Environment Maintenance - Take care of cleaning needs in resident’s room
- Physical Environment Maintenance - Handle soiled linen and clothing to prevent contamination, including isolation techniques in accordance with infection control standards
- Physical Environment Maintenance - Make unoccupied bed
- Physical Environment Maintenance - Make occupied bed
- Physical Environment Maintenance - Ensure the resident/client environment does not have hazards for slips, trips, and falls
- Safety Procedures - Understand organization’s safety and emergency protocol and procedures (e.g., how to respond to safety drills, disaster preparedness)
- Safety Procedures - Properly use safety tools (e.g., ABC fire extinguisher)
- Safety Procedures - Discuss fire safety, describe and explain RACE and PASS acronyms
- Safety Procedures - List general safety steps for working in a healthcare environment
- Safety Procedures - Maintain and operate back up equipment as needed
- Safety Procedures - Apply and monitor safety devices
- Safety Procedures - Ability to administer the Heimlich Maneuver and other lifesaving assistance in accordance with organizational policy
- Safety Procedures - Identify measures to promote safety of residents with special needs or issues (e.g., dementia, injuries, illnesses)
- Safety Procedures - Demonstrate safe evacuation procedures and role as a part of the facility disaster response team
- Safety Procedures - Handle oxygen safely
Communicate Effectively while Following Regulations with Residents, Family Members, Medical Team, and Other Authorized Persons
- Interact with residents in a respectful way regarding their culture, their needs, and preferences, while respecting their privacy
- Utilize skills in conflict management, working with difficult people, and other communication issues that may arise
- Describe rules for effective communication with the resident/client and team
- Utilize appropriate communication methods for working with the sensory impaired and cognitively impaired
- Write report and document issues and events in clear concise language, within regulatory requirements
- Report physical changes, mental changes, abuse, any changes to the medical team, or authorized persons of which the team should be aware
- Understand and follow legal requirements on reporting and documentation (i.e., HIPAA)
- Understand who is an authorized person and what information is allowed to be provided
- Maintain resident/client confidentiality and privacy according to organization and HIPAA guidelines
- Utilize appropriate communication techniques related to ability (communication board, etc.) with resident/client
- Communicate in non-judgmental manner minimizing bias and assumptions
Basic Nursing Assistant Skills
- Measure/record respiration and obtain other vital signs
- Measure/record oral temperature (non-digital thermometer)
- Measure/record rectal temperature (non-digital thermometer)
- Measure/record radial pulse
- Measure/record height accurately
- Measure/record weight (balance scale/chair scale)
- Collect urine specimen
- Collect stool specimen
- Measure/record food and fluid intake
- Measure/record urinary output
- Provide post-mortem care
- Assist nursing staff with any additional duties as assigned within scope of practice
- Recognizes and reports changes in resident/client condition including abnormal changes in body function
Personal Care Skills and Activities of Daily Living
- Assist resident with bathing or dressing, if needed
- Give complete bed bath
- Give partial bed bath
- Demonstrate the proper order of bathing
- Provide AM and PM care
- Give shower
- Give bath/whirlpool bath
- Provide hair care including shampooing, grooming, brushing, combing
- Provide mouth care for residents with natural teeth
- Provide mouth care for residents with no natural teeth
- Provide denture care
- Shave resident
- Provide hand and nail care
- Provide foot care
- Dress resident, including care of eyeglasses and hearing aides
- Perineal care – female
- Perineal care – male
- Perineal care – incontinent resident
- Assist with bedpan (offer/remove/ clean)
- Assist with urinal (offer/remove/ clean)
- Use bedside commode
- Urinary catheter care
- Care of/emptying of urinary drainage bag
- Provide ostomy care
- Feed resident, including set-up tray, partial assistance, total assistance, adaptive devices, residents with dysphasia, and alternative feeding methods
- Provide skin care, including back rub
- Position resident in chair
- Move resident up in bed
- Position resident on side in bed
- Transfer resident: one assist, two assist, mechanical lift, transfer belt, and lift sheets
- Use common nutritional problems of the elderly and chronically ill to assist with proper nutrition and fluid balance
- Verifies the dietary orders food, type, and consistency for residents/clients
- Serve and assist with meals according to dietary guidelines
- Promote optimal level of nutrition/hydration related to use of assistive devices and in accordance
Promote Resident’s Developmental, Mental Health, and Social Service Needs
- Able to effectively and supportively deal with abusive residents
- Respect patient privacy (knock before entering)
- Promote resident’s social interaction, recreation
- Encourage self-advocacy and promote resident’s self-esteem
- Demonstrate techniques for communicating effectively and respectfully to residents, families, and guests
- Provide companionship; assist resident with correspondence
- Encourage health eating choices
- De-escalate disputes between residents
- Coordinate resident’s appointments
- Encourage family and friends as a source of emotional support of resident
- Recognize developmental tasks associated with the aging process
- Orient resident/client to facility
- Recognize signs and symptoms of pain/discomfort and report appropriately
- Promote the optimal level of wellbeing for residents/clients experiencing loss/grief
- Promote optimal level of sensory stimulation including visual/auditory and tactile
Care of Cognitively Impaired Residents
- Ability to effectively communicate with cognitively-impaired residents
- Provide appropriate assistance with ADLs to maximize independence and well-being, understanding impairment issues and client preference
- Incorporate expanded knowledge of resident’s issues and understanding of what to observe and report with changes in behavior or physically
Basic Restorative Skills/Services
- Encourage and support the highest level of functioning and patient self-care as appropriate and safe, utilizing assistive devices or adaptations
- Assist with ambulation using gait belt
- Demonstrate organization’s Universal Fall Precautions and additional standards based on the resident/client
- Utilize ambulation assistive devices and adaptive equipment correctly and safely
- Assist resident with feeding adaptive equipment as needed according to plan of care
- Under nurse’s care, assist with improving the resident’s range of motion to upper extremities and to lower extremities
- Assist the resident in the use of positioning devices in bed and in chair
- Assist residents in the proper use of prosthetic/orthotic devices
- Apply hand splint
- Use all transfer and other equipment in a manner to make the resident feel safe
- Implement turning, repositioning, and other preventative and restorative measures to prevent skin breakdown and promote healing of skin injuries
- Provide exercise program and other activities with residents that are trying to restore strength and healing as directed by nursing staff
- Provide and reinforce bowel and bladder training as needed according to plan of care
- Discuss the complications of immobility and importance of exercise to health
Resident’s Rights
- Respond to resident’s call lights promptly or promptly forward requests if unable to take care of the request
- Recognize and respect the resident/client’s individuality and preferences for wake, bedtime, dress, time of services/assistance, etc.
- Recognize, understand and prevent potential abuse/neglect in environment and within self and report promptly to mentor, supervisor, and others according to policy and local regulations
- Ability to recognize verbal, mental, emotional, neglect, and financial abuse or exploitation
- Provide privacy doors or pulling curtain around resident when providing care
- Respect resident individuality and preferences as much as safely possible
- Respect and maintain the confidentiality of the resident always adhering to HIPAA and other guidelines
- Notify nurse, family member, or other team members of the resident if the resident needs equipment or personal supplies
- Respect the privacy of the resident/client demonstrating there are guests in the resident/client’s home
- Ability to define abuse, neglect, assault, battery, and malpractice
- Identify organization and professional standards related to the use of restraints
- Discuss resolving grievances and disputes
Perform Administrative Tasks
- Complete all required reports and documentation
- Understand and implement all policies and procedures, including new ones
- Participate in agency/staff/medical team meetings
- Maintain all professional licensing up to date, including requirements for vaccinations
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):
Basic Life Support for Pre-Hospital and In-Facility Environment
• Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) • Automated External Defibrillator (AED) • Single Rescuer Life Support Skills • Team Based Life Support Skills
Worker Characteristics
• Character, Attendance, Attitude • Ethics • Organizational Skills, Teamwork, Cooperation • Communication
Introductory Curriculum (Introduction to Health Care and Safety)
• Communication and Interpersonal Skills • Infection Control • Safety and Emergency Procedures • Promoting Resident Independence • Clean and Safe Environment
Human Body Health Disease
• Mental Health, Social Service, and Holistic Client Needs • Aging Process • Maslow’s Hierarchy • Cultural Diversity • Death and Dying Stages • Mental Health Problems: Anxiety Disorders, Psychotic Disorders, Affective Disorders, Organic/Inorganic Disorders • Developmental Tasks that Occur with the Aging Process • How to Respond to Resident Behaviors • Modifying Aide’s Behavior in Response to Resident’s Behavior • Allowing the Resident to make Personal Choices, Providing and Reinforcing other Behavior Consistent with the Resident’s Dignity • Family as a Source of Emotional Support
Basic Nursing Skills
• Taking and Recording Vital Signs • Measuring and Recording Height and Weight • Caring for the Resident’s Environment • Recognizing Abnormal Changes in Body Functions and the Importance of Reporting Such Changes • Freedom from Pain • Caring for Patients When Death is Imminent
Personal Care Skills
• Overview of Personal Care • Bathing • Grooming • Dressing • Toileting • Assisting with Eating and Hydration • Proper Feeding Techniques • Skin Care and Alterations in Skin • Transfers, Positioning, and Turning • Ambulation
Care of Cognitively Impaired Residents
• Techniques for Addressing the Unique Needs and Behaviors of Individuals with Dementia (Alzheimer’s and Others) • Communicating with Cognitively-Impaired Residents • Understanding Behaviors of Cognitively-Impaired Residents • Appropriate Responses to the Behavior of Cognitively-Impaired Residents • Methods of Reducing the Effects of Cognitive Impairments
Basic Restorative Services
• Training the Resident in Self-Care According to the Resident’s Abilities • Use of Assistive Devices in Transferring, Ambulating, Eating, and Dressing • Maintenance of Range of Motion • Proper Turning and Positioning in Bed and Chairs • Bowel and Bladder Training
Residents Rights
• Providing Privacy and Maintenance of Confidentiality • Promoting Resident’s Rights • Giving Assistance in Resolving Grievances and Disputes • Providing Needed Assistance in Getting to and Participating in Resident and Family Groups and Other Activities • Maintaining Care and Security of Resident’s Personal Possessions • Promoting the Resident’s Rights to be Free from Abuse, Mistreatment, and Neglect and the Need to Report Any Instance of Such Treatment to Appropriate Facility Staff • Avoiding the Need for Restraints in Accordance with Current Professional Standards
Additional Course Topics
• State and/or Employer Required Additional Classes for CNA • Caring for Specific Populations with Special Needs as a CNA • Clinical Principals • Additional Course Work on Course Topics as Listed Above
Nurse Assistant Review
• Final Course Topics Review/Examination • Preparation for Certification Exam(s)