Apprentices progress at their own pace – they demonstrate
competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
Certified Nursing Assistant/Certified Medication Aide

Colorado (OA)
Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Workplace Safety
Workplace Safety
- Identify hazards associated with the workplace and record and report in accordance with organizational procedure
- Understand all workplace safety requirements at all times
- Understand and maintain all organizational security arrangements and approved procedures
- Understand and comply with all emergency procedures in accordance with organizational policy
Organizational/Problem Solving and Ethics
Organizational/Problem Solving and Ethics
- Use organizational skills (prepare all equipment and supplies prior to performing a care activity to prevent backtracking)
- Use effective time management skills (completing care timely in an unhurried manner)
- Use and recognize teamwork, leadership, and mentoring
- Problem Solving
- Recognize problems and know when/how to seek assistance, as well as how to reassess the situation in problem resolution
- Incorporate customer service skills – respecting differences and perspectives
- Recognize and report changes in residents’ condition promptly
- Ethics
- Perform duties and responsibilities demonstrating respect and cooperation
- Demonstrate good character, is productive during work hours, manage attendance and absences according to policy
- Maintain a professional demeanor and appearance
Maintains a Clean and Safe Environment
Maintains a Clean and Safe Environment
- Hand Washing techniques including the use of sanitizing agents according to standards
- Use and demonstrate adherence to OSHA and CDC guidelines (such as handling Blood Borne Pathogens and maintaining infection control)
- Demonstrate knowledge and utilize Exposure Control Plan
- Properly dispose sharps (e.g., razors, needles in sharps container)
- Use and demonstrate personal protective equipment (PPE) and devices including gloves, gown, mask, and goggles
- Describe and use Standard Precautions as determined by the CDC and OSHA
- Describe clean vs dirty areas
- Clean and maintain equipment within infection control standards
- Perform visual check of resident’s living area and resolve potential safety issues (secure hazardous materials, clear pathways, etc.)
- Make sure call light/signal is within resident’s reach
- Take care of cleaning needs in resident’s room
- Handle soiled linen and clothing to prevent contamination, including isolation techniques in accordance with infection control standards
- Make unoccupied bed
- Make occupied bed
- Ensure the resident/client environment does not have hazards for slips, trips, and falls
- Understand organization’s safety and emergency protocol and procedures (e.g., how to respond to safety drills, disaster preparedness)
- Properly use safety tools (e.g., ABC fire extinguisher)
- Discuss fire safety, describe and explain RACE and PASS acronyms
- Maintain and operate back up equipment as needed
- Apply and monitor safety devices
- Ability to administer the Heimlich Maneuver and other lifesaving assistance in accordance with organizational policy
- Identify measures to promote safety of residents with special needs or issues (e.g., dementia, injuries, illnesses)
- Demonstrate safe evacuation procedures and role as a part of the facility disaster response team
- Handle oxygen safely
Communicate Effectively while Following Regulations with Residents, Family Members, Medical Team, and Other Authorized Persons
Communicate Effectively while Following Regulations with Residents, Family Members, Medical Team, and Other Authorized Persons
- Interact with residents in a respectful way regarding their culture, their needs, and preferences, while respecting their privacy
- Utilize skills in conflict management, working with difficult people, and other communication issues that may arise
- Describe rules for effective communication with the resident/client and team
- Utilize appropriate communication methods for working with the sensory impaired and cognitively impaired
- Write report and document issues and events in clear concise language, within regulatory requirements
- Report physical changes, mental changes, abuse, any changes to the medical team, or authorized persons of which the team should be aware
- Understand and follow legal requirements on reporting and documentation (i.e., HIPAA)
- Understand who is an authorized person and what information is allowed to be provided
- Maintain resident/client confidentiality and privacy according to organization and HIPAA guidelines
- Utilize appropriate communication techniques related to ability (communication board, etc.) with resident/client
- Communicate in non-judgmental manner minimizing bias and assumptions
Basic Nursing Assistant Skills
Basic Nursing Assistant Skills
- Measure/record respiration and obtain other vital signs
- Measure/record oral temperature (non-digital thermometer)
- Measure/record rectal temperature (non-digital thermometer)
- Measure/record radial pulse
- Measure/record height accurately
- Measure/record weight (balance scale/chair scale)
- Collect urine specimen
- Collect stool specimen
- Measure/record food and fluid intake
- Measure/record urinary output
- Provide post-mortem care
- Assist nursing staff with any additional duties as assigned within scope of practice
Personal Care Skills and Activities of Daily Living
Personal Care Skills and Activities of Daily Living
- Assist resident with bathing or dressing, if needed
- Give complete bed bath
- Give partial bed bath
- Provide AM and PM care
- Give shower
- Give bath/whirlpool bath
- Provide hair care including shampooing, grooming, brushing, combing
- Provide mouth care for residents with natural teeth
- Provide mouth care for edentulous residents
- Provide denture care
- Shave resident
- Provide hand and nail care
- Provide foot care
- Dress resident, including care of eyeglasses and hearing aides
- Perineal care – female
- Perineal care – male
- Perineal care – incontinent resident
- Assist with bedpan (offer/remove/ clean)
- Assist with urinal (offer/remove/ clean)
- Use bedside commode
- Urinary catheter care
- Care of/emptying of urinary drainage bag
- Provide ostomy care
- Feed resident, including set-up tray, partial assistance, total assistance, adaptive devices, residents with dysphasia, and alternative feeding methods
- Provide skin care, including back rub
- Position resident in chair
- Move resident up in bed
- Position resident on side in bed
- Transfer resident: one assist, two assist, mechanical lift, transfer belt, and lift sheets
- Use common nutritional problems of the elderly and chronically ill to assist with proper nutrition and fluid balance
- Verifies the dietary orders food, type, and consistency for residents/clients
- Serve and assist with meals according to dietary guidelines
- Promote optimal level of nutrition/hydration related to use of assistive devices and in accordance with the plan of care
Promote Resident’s Developmental, Mental Health, and Social Service Needs
Promote Resident’s Developmental, Mental Health, and Social Service Needs
- Able to effectively and supportively deal with abusive residents
- Respect patient privacy (knock before entering)
- Promote resident’s social interaction, recreation
- Encourage self-advocacy and promote resident’s self-esteem
- Demonstrate techniques for communicating effectively and respectfully to residents, families, and guests
- Provide companionship; assist resident with correspondence
- Encourage healthy eating choices
- De-escalate disputes between residents
- Recognize developmental tasks associated with the aging process
- Orient resident/client to facility/ room
- Recognize signs and symptoms of pain/discomfort and report appropriately
Care of Cognitively Impaired Residents
Care of Cognitively Impaired Residents
- Ability to effectively communicate with cognitively-impaired residents
- Provide appropriate assistance with ADLs to maximize independence and well-being, understanding impairment issues and client preference
- Incorporate expanded knowledge of resident’s issues and understanding of what to observe and report with changes in behavior or physically
Basic Restorative Skills/Services
Basic Restorative Skills/Services
- Encourage and support the highest level of functioning and patient self-care as appropriate and safe, utilizing assistive devices or adaptations
- Assist with ambulation using gait belt
- Demonstrate organization’s Fall Precautions and additional standards based on the resident/client
- Utilize ambulation assistive devices and adaptive equipment correctly and safely
- Assist resident with feeding adaptive equipment as needed according to plan of care
- Under nurse’s care, assist with improving the resident’s range of motion to upper extremities and to lower extremities
- Assist the resident in the use of positioning devices in bed and in chair
- Assist residents in the proper use of prosthetic/orthotic devices
- Apply hand splint
- Use all transfer and other equipment in a manner to make the resident feel safe
- Implement turning, repositioning, and other preventative and restorative measures to prevent skin breakdown and promote healing of skin injuries
- Provide and reinforce bowel and bladder training as needed according to plan of care
- Discuss the complications of immobility and importance of exercise to health
Resident's Rights
Resident's Rights
- Respond to resident’s call lights promptly or promptly forward requests if unable to take care of the request
- Recognize and respect the resident/client’s individuality and preferences for wake, bedtime, dress, time of services/assistance, etc.
- Recognize, understand and prevent potential abuse/neglect in environment and within self and report promptly to mentor, supervisor, and others according to policy and local regulations
- Ability to recognize verbal, mental, emotional, neglect, and financial abuse or exploitation
- Provide privacy doors or pulling curtain around resident when providing care
- Respect resident individuality and preferences as much as safely possible
- Respect and maintain the confidentiality of the resident always adhering to HIPAA and other guidelines
- Notify nurse, family member, or other team members of the resident if the resident needs equipment or personal supplies
- Respect the privacy of the resident/client demonstrating there are guests in the resident/client’s home
- Ability to define abuse, neglect, assault, battery, and malpractice
- Identify organization and professional standards related to the use of restraints
- Discuss resolving grievances and disputes
Perform Administrative Tasks
Perform Administrative Tasks
- Complete all required reports and documentation
- Understand and implement all policies and procedures, including new ones
- Participate in staff/team meetings
- Maintain all professional licensing up to date, including requirements for vaccinations
Communication & Interpersonal Skills
Communication & Interpersonal Skills
- Demonstrate techniques for addressing the unique needs and behaviors of individuals with dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other cognitively impaired residents
- Communicating with the cognitively impaired Understanding the behavior of cognitively impaired residents
- Perform appropriate responses to the behavior of cognitively impaired residents
- Implement methods to reduce the effects of cognitive impairments
- Display appropriate responses to combative residents
- Perform infection control
- Perform when necessary, safety/emergency procedures including the Heimlich maneuver
- Acknowledge Client Independence
- Perform duties in accordance to resident rights
- Report abuse, neglect, and misappropriation of client property when applicable
Medication Administration: Scope of Practice of the C.N.A.-Med
Medication Administration: Scope of Practice of the C.N.A.-Med
- Observe/report to the Supervising Licensed Nurse any and all reactions and side effects to medications that are exhibited by a client.
- Measure/document vital signs prior to the administration of medications that could affect or change the vital signs. Report any abnormalities to the Supervising Licensed Nurse that would prohibit administration of such a medication prior to administration.
- Administer regularly prescribed medications that the CNA-Med has been trained to administer only after personally preparing/setting up medications to be administered. CNA-Med will document in Client’s Medical Record all medications that the CNA-Med personally administered. CNA-Med will not document in a Client’s Medical Record any medication that was administered by another person or not administered at all, or medications that were refused by Client. All refused or non-administered medications must be reported to Supervising Licensed Nurse.
- Initiate oxygen per nasal cannula or non-sealing mask only in an emergency. Immediately after the emergency, the CNA-Med must verbally notify the Supervising Licensed Nurse on duty or on call and appropriately document the action and the notification.
- Obtain oxygen saturation utilizing a calibrated oximeter and report such results to the Supervising Licensed Nurse.
- Administer Practitioner-ordered oral, buccal, sublingual, ophthalmic, otic, nasal, vaginal, rectal, and transdermal medications as ordered.
- Oral Medications: Administer medications as tablets, capsules, liquids, powdered and crushed
- Crush and administer medications by practitioner order, if such preparation is appropriate per the manufacturer’s instructions and verified by the Supervising Licensed Nurse.
- Count, administer and document controlled substances.
- Opthalmic and Otic Medications: Administer eye drops, and eye ointments, ear drops/meds
- Nasal Medications: Administer via nasal spray, nasal dropper
- Vaginal, Rectal and Penile Medications: Vaginal creams or suppositories, rectal suppositories or enemas, penile creams
- Administer medications per Gastrostomy-tube, Jejunostomy-tube, or Naso-Gastric tube.
- Administer previously ordered pro re nata (PRN) medication only if authorization is obtained from the Supervising Licensed Nurse on duty or on call. If authorization is obtained, the CNA-Med must do the following:
- Document in the Client’s Clinical Record symptoms indicating the need for the medication and the time the symptoms occurred.
- Document in the Client’s Clinical Record that the Supervising Licensed Nurse was contacted, symptoms were described, permission was granted to administer the medication including the time of contact.
- Obtain permission to administer the medication each time the symptoms occur in Client.
- Document in the Client’s Clinical Record the effectiveness of administering the PRN medication.
- Apply topical medications to minor skin conditions such as dermatitis, scabies, pediculosis, fungal infection, psoriasis, eczema, first degree burn, or stage one decubitus ulcer.
- Administer lotions, ointments, creams or liniments.
- Administer medication via transdermal patch
- Administer medication via metered dose inhaler or nebulizer.
- Conduct hemoccult testing and report result to the Supervising Licensed Nurse.
- Conduct finger stick blood glucose testing (specific to the glucose meter used) and report result to the Supervising Licensed Nurse.
- Draw up insulin dose correctly with dose verification by RN Preceptor, and administer subcutaneous insulin via syringe, insulin pen or insulin pump as prescribed by the Practitioner after consulting and clarifying with the Supervising Licensed Nurse the correct dose that the CNA-Med is to administer.
- Apply dressing to minor skin tear that has been assessed by Supervising Licensed Nurse
- Provide ordered site care and apply a dressing to a healed G-tube or J-tube site.
- Empty and change colostomy bag excluding the colostomy appliance
- Instill a commercially prepared disposable enema (approximately 120 milliliters or 4.5 ounces) after resident has been assessed by Supervising Licensed Nurse (for bowel sounds and potential impaction) & Supervising Licensed Nurse has instructed CNA-Med to instill the enema.
- Administer a sitz bath, if ordered by a Practitioner, and report any unusual observations to the Supervising Licensed Nurse.
- Apply a cold, dry compress as directed by the Practitioner or by the Supervising Licensed Nurse in situations requiring first aid treatment.
- Conduct diabetic urine testing by appropriate method, dipstick.
- Collect fecal or clean catch urine specimens as ordered by the Practitioner
- Document in the Clinical Record CNA-Med’s observations, including what the CNA-Med sees/ hears/ smells and document what is reported to the CNA-Med by the Client
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Front Range Community College

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