Apprentices progress at their own pace – they demonstrate
competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
Behavioral Health Aide - Level 2
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium

Alaska (OA)
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Individual state requirements may vary. Please contact your local apprenticeship office to ensure this version is suitable to your state’s requirements.
Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Working with Others
Working with Others
- Engages in active and reflective listening
- Speaks clearly and slowly enough to be understood
- Uses non-judgmental words and behaviors
- Communicates directly with the client’s family & significant others (with client consent)
- Uses “person centered/person first” language
- Uses technical language correctly, including clinical terminology
- Demonstrates warmth, empathy, and genuineness
- Shows respect and concern for others through words and actions
- Focuses on and respects the concerns and preferences of the client and family
- Provides support and encouragement to clients
- Collaborates with 2 providers and clients to complete tasks and solve problems
- Maintains appropriate boundaries in all relationships
Screening & Assessment
Screening & Assessment
- Obtains information from providers knowledgeable of the client and family
- Collects demographic, psychological, social, and medical information through interviews of the client and family
- Summarizes all information verbally or in writing
- Demonstrates sound judgment in evaluating and using the information collected
- Assists clients in completing screening tools on substance use and mental health conditions
- Scores and interprets the results of screening tools correctly
- Assesses clients’ preferred method of communication and language barriers
- Identifies client and family strengths and resources
- Identifies client and family goals
- Assesses clients’ motivation and readiness to participate in services
- Identifies client problems, mental health and substance use conditions, and stressors
- Identifies signs of abuse and neglect
- Assesses level of risk for harm to self or others
- Determines whether additional assessment is required and arranges if necessary
- Assesses physical and psychological risk associated with acute intoxication, overdose, withdrawal, detoxification, and co - occurring mental health and substance use disorders
- Applies the criteria in the current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM) in assessing clients’ behavioral health conditions
- Applies the ASAM criteria to guide treatment planning and recommend a level of care
Planning Services
Planning Services
- Identifies recommended short -term and longer -term service goals
- Identifies service options based on experience & research
- Evaluates eligibility and insurance coverage or ability to pay for recommended services
- Communicates outcome of the screening & assessment to the client & family
- Assists the client & family in understanding the client’s conditions and effects
- Discusses recommended goals and services with client & family & alternate options
- Assists client in communicating his or her needs to others
- Negotiates and finalizes a plan of care with the client & family based on their preferences
- Assists the client in developing a crisis plan for future episodes of illness
- Supports the client in developing wellness & recovery plans
Providing Services
Providing Services
- Arranges for assistance, if needed, with language translation or literacy
- Implements the plan of care (e.g., begins services, makes referrals)
- Monitors client’s condition, behavior, and progress on a continuous basis
- Recognizes when progress has slowed, addresses barriers, and works to motivate the client
- Evaluates progress and reviews and revises the plan of care on a regular basis
- Encourages client participation in services and reaches out when the client is not engaged
- Participates in developing, coordinating, and monitoring a discharge plan
- Establishes working relationships & coordinates care with other providers and teams in the BHA’s agency
- Establishes working relationships & coordinates care with other providers in other agencies
- Assists in establishing routine and formal working relationships with other agencies.
- Reviews the list of the client’s medications and their effects and side effects
- Supports client and family education about medication effects and side effects
- Coaches the client on strategies for taking medications as prescribed
- Coaches the family on strategies for supporting the client in taking medications
- Supports the client’s participation in medical appointments, medical monitoring, and lab testing.
- Assists the client in monitoring and reporting medication effects and side effects to the medical prescriber
- Provides emotional support, encouragement, and reassurance
- Helps the client define the problem by telling their story, discussing their situation, and challenging his or her current perspective, when warranted.
- Helps the client set goals by discussing the possibilities and assisting the client to select and commit to new goals
- Helps the client take action through problem -solving, education and training, reflecting on past experiences and patterns, creating an action plan, contracting, and providing feedback
- Recognizes behavioral health crises and early warning signs of crises
- Assists in deescalating problems in their early phase
- Reports crises and seeks assistance from a supervisor or licensed behavioral health professional
- Seeks assistance, as needed, from Village Public Safety Officers, other first responders, or community members
- Assists in implementing the response to an individual, family, and community crises
- Communicates with the family and others about the crisis and the response
- Assists with notifications and investigations of reportable events (e.g., abuse, domestic violence, assaults, neglect, deaths)
- Provides support to those effected by the crisis and assist them in accessing supportive services
- Assists the client and family in obtaining services related to the crisis (e.g., domestic violence shelter; emergency foster care).
- Participates in debriefing meetings to discuss the crisis and the response
- Assesses family norms and roles (in nuclear and extended families, clans, biological and non -biological families
- Uses genograms and sociograms to assess and work with families
- Identifies family dynamics, functional and dysfunctional units, and barriers to communication
- Identifies the impact within the family of an individual with a mental health or substance use condition and accommodations made by the family for the individual
- Identifies the impact on family functioning of stressors (e.g., medical illness, separation, divorce, abuse, financial concerns, housing issues, legal trouble)
- Engages members of the family in constructive problem -solving
- Assists the family in improving its functioning
- Identifies the functions, limitations, and risks of different types of groups (educational, psycho - educational, self-help, support, activity, skill development, therapeutic)
- Identifies appropriate members for the different types of groups
- Orients new members to groups addressing the purpose, rules, boundaries, levels of self-disclosure
- Runs groups effectively, providing adequate structure, encouraging member interaction, and maintaining safety
- Assists clients in ending participation in a group or transitioning to another group
- Manages the ending of groups
Linking to Community Resources
Linking to Community Resources
- Maintains information on a range of community resources (e.g., service, medical, financial, housing, spiritual, volunteer)
- Maintains information on traditional support & intervention resources (Elders, traditional healers)
- Identifies recommended resources and traditional supports for the client and family based on need and eligibility
- Identifies resources outside of the community that may need to be brought into the community
- Discusses resource recommendations & options with the client & family
- Motivates the client & family to access and use resources
- Negotiates a plan with the client & family about accessing resources based on their preferences
- Makes a referral and actively connects the client or family to selected resources
- Ensures that the referral was accepted and client or family is receiving services
- Makes an alternate referral if the initial referral was unsuccessful
- Draws on individuals in the community to offer support to the client & family
Community Education & Advocacy
Community Education & Advocacy
- Educates clients, families, and the community about behavioral health conditions and their prevention and treatment
- Provides information to destigmatize people with mental health and substance use conditions
- Uses community gatherings to encourage healthy behaviors
- Serves in community workgroups focused on prevention and early intervention with behavioral health conditions.
- Works with community leaders to develop supports for individuals and families at risk
- Engages and provides support to individuals and families at risk
- Educates clients and families about strategies for improving physical and mental health
- Assists in assessing community needs and readiness for prevention and early interventions activitie s
- Provides information to clients and families about their rights and responsibilities
- Supports individual and family goals and wishes within the agency and with other organizations
- Arranges access for clients and families to service planning meetings
- Refers clients and families to peer and family support activities and advocacy organizations
Cultural Competency & Individualizing Care
Cultural Competency & Individualizing Care
- Recognizes and adapts to different cultures, including the varied Alaska Native tribes and communities.
- Recognizes and respects diversity, differences, and cultural traditions .
- Assesses and manages ones own personal biases.
- Is aware of the traditions of the community.
- Demonstrates awareness of and sensitivity to the client's degree of involvement in their traditions, values, and community
- Adapts services to the unique characteristics and preferences of the client and family
- Applies knowledge of gender, sexual orientation, life span development, financial status, religion, disability, and intergenerational differences in delivering services
- Promotes empowerment as a goal by fostering client and family decision-making, problem-solving, and selfdetermination.
- Effectively discusses cultural issues and differences with clients
- Uses cultural views of health and family when assisting in providing services
- Utilizes cultural resources and traditional practices when providing services (e.g., storytelling, talking circles, and deferring to elders)
- Identifies and addresses issues of difference to reduce conflict between individuals and groups
- Routinely considers and discusses cultural issues in supervision and team meetings
- Consults with elders or traditional healers in the community
- Completes all required documentation (e.g., screening & assessment, intake, service plans, progress notes, discharge summaries)
- Produces documentation that is objective, accurate, and legible with correct language, grammar, and spelling
- Completes documentation in a timely manner
- Reviews client documentation with clients when they request to do so and when approved by the agency
- Demonstrates sensitivity when assisting clients in understanding their documentation during a records review
Professional & Ethical Practice
Professional & Ethical Practice
- Minimizes absences, arrives on time, and completes a full work day
- Completes assigned duties in a timely way and follows through on instructions received, reasonable requests, and promises made
- Acts professional in interactions with the client, family, community and other professionals
- Works within the limits of assigned duties and role
- Recognizes personal limits of knowledge and skills
- Seeks additional supervision or consultation when uncertain about what to do or concerned about the performance of others
- Complies with the BHA Code of Ethics
- Complies with laws, regulations, and agency policies
- Manages effectively personal and professional boundaries with clients, families, and the community
- Models appropriate personal and professional behavior
- Respects client and family rights
- Provides information and obtains informed consent
- Complies with special rules and procedures related to consent for: involuntary commitment; mandated reporting; minors; or individuals unable to consent, under guardianship, or subject to a court order
- Complies with laws, regulations, and agency policies regarding confidentiality and privacy (e.g., HIPAA, Federal Privacy Act, 42 C.F.R, Part 2)
- Complies with the procedures regarding disclosure of confidential information (e.g., mandated reporting, duty to warm, client authorized releases of information)
- Maintains the physical security of confidential information (electronic and hard copy)
- Educates clients and families about confidentiality, privacy, and their limits
- Assists clients with decisions and process to release confidential information
- Maintains the confidences and privacy of clients and families, even when not required by law, regulation or policy
- Protects client and family anonymity when providing information for statistical information and research
- Assists in ensuring that other individuals providing services comply with the laws, regulations, and policy on confidentiality and privacy
- Recognizes signs of personal stress
- Uses self-care strategies to manage stress, maintain health, and prevent burnout
Professional Development
Professional Development
- Sets personal goals for professional development
- Participates in employer sponsored training and other continuing education activities
- Adopts best practices learned through continuing education
- Participates routinely and constructively in supervision
- Uses supervision, peer consultation, and self-evaluation to enhance self-awareness and improve professional performance
- Uses formal evaluations to improve professional performance and the quality of services provided
- Provides guidance and mentoring to others.
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