competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
Training and Development Specialist

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Assesses training and development needs
- Analyzes existing data on behavior and training outcomes
- Connects with employees, jobseekers, supervisor, clients, managers, instructors, and other senior staff to understand training and development opportunities
- Maintains knowledge of the latest trends in training and development by reading journals, attending seminars, and participating in professional associations and conferences
- Supports the determination on whether or not training is needed and if so, whether to develop training in-house or with external partners
- Researches internal and external training program options and alternatives, including learning outcomes, costs, variation in program delivery, accessibility, and neurodiversity
- Supports supervisor with forecasting training costs and prepares training budget for review
- Refers employees, jobseekers or clients to applicable training and development services, including external programs if no internal training is available
- Conducts surveys, interviews, and focus groups to understand training needs and collect feedback on current or potential training programs
- Administers assessments to employees, jobseekers, clients, and other stakeholders
Designs constructive, accessible, and valuable training and development programs
- Determines program learning outcomes and measurement instruments
- Designs learning activities based on identified learning outcomes
- Proposes training modalities, methods of delivery, and formats to follow best practices for adult learning, accessibility, and neurodiversity (i.e., ADA, WCAG standards, Section 508)
- Helps develop an evaluation plan and/or rubric that supports company goals and can be utilized to improve processes and practices over time
Develops programs in alignment with client goals
- Proposes internal or external training programs that match desired learning outcomes such as educating employees on company technology, skill development, and other topics
- Utilizes learning goals of the jobseeker, client or employer to help developers align trainings with professional development goals and company needs and values
- Collaborates with subject-matter experts and reviewers throughout training development
- Writes, designs, and curates materials like guidebooks, manuals, handouts, presentations, and course modules
- Supports the modification of trainings to follow Core best practices for adult learning, accessibility, and neurodiversity (i.e., Americans with Disabilities Act Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, Section 508)
- Enters data and other information into learning management systems (LMSs) as needed
- Coordinates with colleagues, including project managers, graphic designers, instructional technologists, videographers, and programmers to develop trainings
- Develops the content and elements of training and inputs training into LMSs as needed
- Supports the customization of training plans to maintain or improve in-demand skills and develop executive potential among junior employees
Implements training and development programs
- Under supervision, helps to select and assign qualified facilitators and instructors to meet learning outcomes
- Manages course delivery logistics, including scheduling trainings, supplying necessary materials, and utilizing and testing LMSs
- Facilitates training in a variety of modalities, including group discussion, lecture, simulations, role-playing, and team exercises, reflection, as needed
- Distributes training videos, summaries, training assessment, and post-training action items to participants
- Maintains programming on LMSs and other software that tracks progress (i.e., Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, Talent LMS, Workday)
- Coordinates with colleagues to create, disseminate, and track training recruitment announcements and messaging
Evaluates program effectiveness and modifies accordingly
- Utilizes assessments, feedback forms, and attendee feedback to assess the efficacy of trainings, after trainings and over time
- Engages in reflection after each training session to assess successes and areas for improvement
- Analyzes feedback, data, and training practices to identify areas of improvement
- Assesses modes of training delivery to determine return on investment, considering effectiveness, cost, and environmental impact
- Modifies training methods if expected progress or learning is not seen
- Reports to management on the status, importance, and efficacy of training programs during design, development, and implementation as well as after training
- Tracks program learning outcomes or project milestones for each specific training
- Proposes changes in programming based on feedback and outcomes
- Evaluates individual instructors' training abilities and prepared materials impartially, referring instructors to skill development classes if necessary
- As needed, follows up with jobseekers or clients and continues to provide support until specified goals are reached
Oversees documentation and program logistics
- Manages Zoom recordings and LMS training recordings and their dissemination
- Adheres and maintains compliance documentation as required by the company or project
- Estimates and reports on timelines, outcomes, goals, and focuses on solutions if milestones deviate from the approved plan
- Participates in self-planning activities, such as managing workflow and prioritizing tasks
- Proactively anticipates issues before they arise and maintains a sense of ownership in all projects
- Maintains records of activities, attendance, hours completed, results of assessments, and other documents following company standards for data management
- Monitors program costs by maintaining records of expenses
- Updates records relating to employee performance improvement plans as needed
Upholds standards of ethical practice
- Maintains the appropriate level of confidentiality at all times when interacting with management, employees, or colleagues
- Handles confidential and secure data per project or employer compliance guidelines to maintain data privacy
- Responds quickly and appropriately to reports of unethical behavior or conflicts of interest, following appropriate compliance guidelines
- Fosters an environment where employees feel empowered to raise concerns
- Recognizes and takes steps to mitigate personal biases in the workplace
- Demonstrates cultural competence and cultural humility in all situations
- Promotes transparency in operational and organizational processes and events wherever possible
- Uses positive and respectful verbal, nonverbal, and written communication with coworkers and external partners
- Assists in maintaining a workplace free from discrimination and harassment
- Understands and complies with company policies, including those concerning inclusivity and equity
- Understands and complies with all applicable external standards and practices (i.e., copyright, fair use, accessibility)
Effectively communicates, plans, and engages with others
- Fosters open communication through active listening and facilitates shared understanding across teams and clients
- Offers and accepts feedback respectfully, meets others with empathy, and seeks additional feedback and perspectives
- Addresses challenges with curiosity, seeks to understand the root cause, and initiates follow-up conversations to provide insight and resolutions in a positive manner
- Displays flexibility, positivity, and a growth mindset in adapting to changing work priorities
- Treats clients with attentiveness and patience, remaining sensitive to individuals’ needs and feelings, and adopting a customer service mindset
Invests in own professional development
- Stays up to date on relevant internal and external policies and practices
- Maintains knowledge of internal and external resources available for training and talent development
- Seeks feedback on personal performance to improve skills and abilities
- Exercises self-awareness and understanding to recognize areas and opportunities for growth
- Proactively seeks out professional learning opportunities
- Acknowledges and adapts to setbacks and learns from challenges
- Maintains knowledge of industry-standard multimedia, LMSs, training platforms, software, and methods
- Participates in professional associations, learning communities and other networks that can help with developing curriculum and one’s own professional development
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Training Provider(s):
Business Communication
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Introduction to Business Management and Strategy
Sample learning objectives Explain the types of business entities (including nonprofit organizations, sole proprietorships, S Corporations, B Corporations, government entities, and publicly traded companies) and the distinguishing characteristics/operating principles of each. Describe the organizational structures typical for small, medium and large businesses or organizations and discuss the roles and responsibilities for each organizational unit. Explain the financial and fiduciary responsibilities of nonprofit, private, and publicly traded entities, and discuss how business profits and losses impact organizational decisionmaking. Describe the impact of staffing and human talent on business productivity and viability, and discuss current challenges that companies and nonprofit entities are facing in meeting staffing goals. Discuss the types of organizational goals that businesses and nonprofit organizations typically establish and describe effective strategies used by successful companies and organizations to meet those organizational goals.
Assessment and Evaluation
Sample learning objectives Explain the difference between and importance of formative and summative assessments. Discuss strategies for using pre-tests to assess the current knowledge state of a particular audience. Discuss the importance of developing surveys that avoid bias. Define selection bias and discuss strategies for avoiding it in developing assessments. Differentiate between causal and correlational relationships and explain techniques that can be used to properly establish causal links between a particular treatment and the observed effect. Explain the concepts of validity and significance with regard to survey results from small sample sizes. Demonstrate the ability to develop a meaningful formative and summative assessment as well as employee surveys. Explain the purpose of focus groups and strategies for convening focus groups that will provide meaningful results and avoid sample bias. Demonstrate the ability to collect, tabulate and interpret assessments and survey results. Explain the importance of validating outcome results with performance observed by supervisors of learners. Differentiate between criticism and constructive feedback and demonstrate the ability to provide constructive feedback.
Curriculum Development
Sample learning objectives List and discuss the key points of curriculum development (goals, methods, materials, and assessment). Discuss and demonstrate the ability to engage in the five stages of curriculum development (desk review, needs assessment, stakeholder consultations, content development, validations, and approval). Discuss the importance of including measurable goals in the curriculum development process. Explain the relevance of scaffold learning. Explain the challenges associated with measuring meaningful outcomes, especially outcomes associated with short-term education and training programs. Discuss the challenges associated with in-person versus online learning and explain the types of learning that can best be delivered by each modality. Demonstrate the ability to develop a learning program using a LMS. Demonstrate the ability to provide learning opportunities and materials that can be adapted to meet the unique needs or challenges of each learner. Explain the principles of user-centered design. Develop curricular materials in line with the principles of user-centered design. Demonstrate the ability to develop clear and concise learning objectives. Define critical thinking and explain clear strategies for directly measuring critical thinking skills. Explain how instructors should be selected to deliver specific content or learning opportunities. Explain the role of business-to-business and business-to-academic relationships in developing a comprehensive and effective training program.
Adult Learning Theory
Sample learning objectives Describe the advantages that adult learners have, as compared to younger learners, as well as the challenges that may be unique to adult learners. Describe the history of adult learning theory, starting with John Dewey’s theory of project-based learning which he introduced in the late 1800s. Compare and contrast the following adult learning theories as well as the types of knowledge and skill development of each theory: project-based learning (John Dewey); andragogy (Malcolm Knowles); experiential learning (David Kolb); selfdirected learning (Malcolm Knowles and D.R. Garrison); transformational learning (Jack Mezirow,); action learning (Reg Revans). Discuss the challenges leaders face in motivating and engaging adult learners to complete mandatory education and training in areas outside of the personal and professional interests of employees. Describe elements of the learning environment that are critical to engaging and motivating adult learners. Describe the role of learning leaders in designing and delivering instruction to adult learners. Discuss effective strategies for engaging reluctant learners or those who have learning challenges. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning and explain the types of learning best accomplished with each modality. Demonstrate the ability to design learning plans based on the type of knowledge or skills the learner is expected to acquire, the types of facilities available, and the budget made available for the learning activity.
Talent Management—Employee Orientation and Onboarding
Sample learning objectives Describe the role of effective employee orientation and onboarding in optimizing employee initial skill development and productivity. Demonstrate the ability to develop an employee onboarding and orientation plan, including through the use of HR management software. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of employee orientation and onboarding programs, to troubleshoot less-than-effective programs or program elements, and to improve these programs based on survey and interview results. Explain strategies for onboarding employees based on their level of responsibility within the organization. Explain how to identify and prepare individuals who will serve as trainers, mentors, coaches or peers for the purposes of new employee onboarding. Discuss strategies for onboarding current employees as they move into new roles, even if they are not new employees at the company or organization.
Team–Building in the Work Environment
Sample learning objectives Discuss the importance of team building for new and continuing employees. Explain the relevance of an effective onboarding process to help new workers learn key policies and practices of an organization. Discuss strategies for integrating new workers into a team and for assessing the skills gaps that may need to be filled to help a new worker be successful. Demonstrate the ability to effectively lead team-building exercises. Discuss the various types of personality assessments that can be used in the workplace to improve communication and interpersonal relationships and to help workers succeed at their jobs. Demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate and use the results of personality tests to help workers succeed. Discuss the importance of peer teaching and peer mentoring in building stronger, more resilient, and more effective teams. Discuss ways in which training and education activities can be used to help teams work together more effectively and productively.
Creating Learning Materials
Sample learning objectives Explain the types of materials that can be utilized as learning resource materials and demonstrate the ability to locate and assess the relevance of various learning materials. Differentiate between the types of learning materials used to serve the needs of each type of learner. Discuss the importance of visual images to support instructional text. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the learner level targeted by various learning resources. Demonstrate the ability to develop learning resource materials that are informative and visually appealing. Discuss the unique challenges and opportunities associated with online learning resources and materials. Explain the importance of adapting learning materials to meet learners’ unique needs. Demonstrate the ability to adapt learning materials to the unique needs of each learner.