competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
Workforce Development Professional
National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP)
Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Demonstrates Knowledge and Understanding of Workforce Development Structure, Policies and Programs
- Demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of federal, state, and local programs and legislation (WIOA, Wagner-Peyser, TANF, WOTC, Bonding, OJTs, ITAs, Veterans, Re-entry, etc.)
- Reviews and can demonstrate understanding of current policies in place
- Demonstrates understanding of and utilizes workforce system “language,” including basic acronyms and abbreviations
- Demonstrates understanding of the structural components of state and local policy
- Understands and can articulate the implications of specific policies
- Demonstrates understanding of the necessity of policies (e.g., policies required by law and those required based on need)
- Demonstrates understanding of the basics of allowable costs (necessary, reasonable, allocable) and associated prohibitions
- Effectively utilizes computer software and applications, including the basic management information system used for case management, tracking and/or reporting
- Demonstrates an understanding of how to locate workforce development information – legislation, regulations, guidance
- Demonstrates understanding of when a policy is needed versus, for instance, an FAQ
Demonstrates Understanding of Customer Service Methodologies
- Service orientation (actively looks for ways to help people)
- Case management and recordkeeping including electronic records
- Demonstrates understanding of resources available for job seeking and business customers
- Identifies unmet needs and can locate appropriate resources to address those needs
- Time management (managing one’s own time and the time of others)
- Demonstrates an understanding of how to utilize social media to promote, engage, locate information, etc.
- Identification of population to be served and how to respond/deliver services appropriately
- Performs/conducts needs assessment (for job seekers and/or businesses)
- Develops strategy to incorporate results of assessments
- Compiles case notes and reporting documentation
- Applies “follow up and follow through” methods.
Demonstrates Understanding of Principles of Communication and Can Communicate Effectively
- Communication/messaging for different populations including at-risk customers, youth, employers, training providers, etc.
- Putting into practice how the mentor interacts with customers, employers, training providers
- Prepares written reports, manuals, handbooks, FAQs, etc.
- Uses active listening (giving full attention to what others are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, not interrupting at inappropriate times)
- Makes oral presentations on a variety of workforce development topics
- Demonstrates ability to persuade
- Understands/Implements networking and outreach strategies
- Facilitates meetings
- Presents information using a variety of instructional techniques or formats
Utilizes Collaboration and Problem Solving Techniques
- Coordinates team projects or workgroups
- Works collaboratively in a team
- Facilitates meetings and conducts workshops
- Demonstrates understanding of leveraging limited resources
- Identifies complex problems and reviews related information to develop and evaluate options and suggest/implement solutions
- Applies critical thinking using logic and reasoning to identify strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems
Understands Importance of Diversity in Workforce Development
- Participates in required training (e.g., safety-related such as active shooter, blood borne pathogens)
- Demonstrates understanding and appreciation of individual differences, including disabled populations, veterans, youth, etc. (social perceptiveness)
- Ability to identify current populations and interact/deliver information appropriately
- Demonstrates understanding and need for non-traditional occupations and jobs for different populations
- Ability to “meet the customer where they are”
Understanding and Applying Labor Market Information (LMI), and Business/Economic Development Intelligence
- Demonstrates understanding of state and local labor market as appropriate
- Demonstrates understanding of basic reports containing LMI
- Ability to interpret and analyze basic LMI data (e.g., for job forecasting, assessment of in-demand occupations, green jobs)
- Demonstrates understanding of resources available including O*NET, local bulletin boards, social media
Understands/Utilizes Career Development Principles
- Understands and applies O*NET to facilitate job seeker and business solutions
- Administers and interprets assessment results
- Utilizes assessment results to develop a service strategy
Program Implementation Principles and Strategies
- Application of all other skill areas; for example, applies the principles of caseload management, develops, packages, and delivers customer solutions
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):
Module 1 – Workforce Development Structure, Policies and Programs
1. Demonstrating knowledge of federal, state, and local workforce development programs, funding guidelines, and workforce development codes. 2. Interpreting current laws and structure to deliver appropriate services, and understand how their own work impacts the system’s goals. 3. Relating public workforce development policy, initiatives, and funding sources with the current system. 4. Understanding who the principal customers of the workforce development system are.
Module 2 – Customer Services Methodology
1. Identifying customer needs and expectations to create positive customer satisfaction. 2. Placing appropriate emphasis on “excellence” and “speed of response” in work performance. 3. Positioning workforce development programs as a primary community partner in the service area. 4. Understanding the essential elements of a helping relationship, including rapport, trust, and mutual respect. 5. Understanding who the principal customers of the workforce development system are and treat all with respect.
Module 3 – Principles of Communication
1. Asking questions for clarification. 2. Communicating with internal and external customers. 3. Demonstrating teamwork skills. 4. Demonstrating the skill, ability, and willingness to conduct employment-related workshops. 5. Speaking to single individual or large groups in order to teach, inform, or persuade. 6. Seeking input/feedback from employers and job seekers. 7. Understanding the language used by business and employers. 8. Understanding and demonstrating public relations skills and marketing skills. 9. Writing case notes, memos, reports and other correspondence using appropriate grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Module 4 – Collaboration and Problem Solving
1. Defining problems clearly and concisely. 2. Engaging customers, colleagues, agencies, and partner associates in a positive, professional manner. 3. Becoming knowledgeable about the range of services in the community; developing and maintaining relationships with partners to deliver a comprehensive array of services to customers. 4. Leveraging resources from both internal and external customers. 5. Possessing analytical and observation skills that coupled with knowledge and information can lead to effective problem solving assistance. 6. Seeking additional resources when needed for problem resolution. 7. Understanding the basic principles of teamwork and actively participate in team activities. 8. Using communication skills and teamwork to maximize opportunities. 9. Valuing the development of professional network.
Module 5 – Diversity in Workforce Development
1. Adapting materials and services to address diverse needs of customers. 2. Creating an environment that enables all individual to contribute to their fullest potential. 3. Identifying and implementing innovative methods for delivering services to diverse or special populations. 4. Understanding the special employment needs of diverse groups.
Module 6 – Labor Market Information (LMI) and Intelligence
1. Accessing, analyzing, and using local, state and national electronic and non-electronic labor market information delivery systems and databases. 2. Identifying information individuals need, including assessment, in order to make realistic career decisions, and where that information can be found. 3. Providing updated LMI to employers, job seekers, and staff to develop opportunities. 4. Understanding basic computer technology used in workforce development. 5. Understanding the types of LMI available and the uses of such information.
Module 7 – Business and Economic Development Intelligence
1. Fostering interagency relationships in local/state government. 2. Maintaining continuous awareness of the political climate, community planning, and existing business/industry base and how they impact initiatives. 3. Speaking the language of business and the marketplace. 4. Understanding recruitment and retention of workers. 5. Understanding the role of workforce development in economic development.
Module 8 – Career Development Principles
1. Administering and interpreting a variety of assessment tools. 2. Delivering and applying knowledge of modern job search strategies. 3. Developing training plans that address employer needs and job-seeker capabilities. 4. Identifying the kinds of information individuals need, including assessment, to make realistic career decisions, and where that information can be found. 5. Understanding what skills are needed to search for, obtain, retain, and change employment. 6. Listening to customer concerns and protect customer confidentiality. 7. Making appropriate referrals. 8. Providing customer with career exploration and job development skills. 9. Understanding modern recruitment and retention strategies. 10. Understanding the process by which individuals build skills, advance, and change employment. 11. Understanding the process by which individuals identify goals, as well as prepare for, search for, and retain employment.
Module 9 – Program Implementation Principles and Strategies
1. Accepting suggestions for performance improvement from consultants and supervisors. 2. Anticipating and preparing for organizational change. 3. Applying principles of caseload management. 4. Demonstrating innovation and creativity in implementing needs assessment, program design, operation and problem solving. 5. Developing, packaging, and delivering customer solutions. 6. Establishing and communicating a shared vision, values, strategic goals, priorities, parameters, and accountability standards for the organization. 7. Playing a variety of task and relationship roles. 8. Understanding how career programs are designed to use appropriate service strategies to meet program goals. 9. Understanding the importance of accountability and record maintenance. 10. Using indicators and established instruments to evaluate and document program performance and outcomes.