using a minimum and maximum range of hours for each major job
function and the successful demonstration of identified competencies.
Tile Finisher

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Grout and Surface(All Types Of Tile and Types of Techniques)
Methods of Cutting Tile
Substrate Preparation
Mix Mortars, Epoxy Resins and Adhesives
Handle/Move Job Site Materials from Stockpile to Point of Installation
Clean, Treat, and Seal Surfaces (all Techniques)
Use/Maintain Tools & Equipment
OSHA Safety Practices
- Hard hat
- Safety glasses
- Work boots
- Ear protection
- Gloves
- Dress code required for worksite and task
- Respirator (if required)
- Other site or task specific PPE
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Scaffolding and work platforms
- Ladders and other egress points
- Body harness
- Safety net as required
- Other site or task specific fall protection equipment
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Follows company safety program
- Attends company safety meetings (on job or in office)
- Participates in company safety meetings
- Attends respirator fit test as required by company
- Other site or task specific equipment
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
Jobsite Readyness
- Arrives at job site prior to the start of the work day ready to work
- Arrives at job site with required tools
- Arrives to work drug and alcohol free
- Arrives at job site with proper PPE
- Attends daily meetings before work begins
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows safety rules and requirements appropriate with this section
Material Handling
- Locates area where material is to be stored
- Prepares storage/staging area
- Inventories/inspects materials
- Ensures storage area is secure
- Stages material appropriate for work flow
- Protects materials form weather, damage
- Monitors inventory levels and reports to supervisor
- Follows safety rules and requirements
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Handles material using proper lifting techniques and equipment
- Identifies hazardous material and secures correctly
- Stores material per manufacturer instructions
- Stages materials based on mechanic/supervisor needs
- Reports missing/damaged material to supervisor
- Schedules material movement with on-site equipment when required
- Blends, sorts, and mixes materials as required
- Follows safety rules and requirements
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Gathers unused material, organizes, restocks as necessary
- Separates recyclable materials and disposes of according to job site requirements
- Identifies and disposes of hazardous materials per state and local regulations
- Gathers remaining waste and spoilage, disposes of in an appropriate manner
- Identifies and secures materials to be returned to the shop
- Follows safety rules and requirements
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
Use and Maintain Tools & Equipment
- Checks electrical cords and equipment before use
- Keeps hand tools in good repair
- Demonstrates proper maintenance of equipment
- Keeps tools clean
- Checks for required guards and other safety features on power equipment
- Stores tools properly
- Follows safety rules and requirements
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Chalk line
- Steel measuring tape
- Steel square
- Straight edge
- Spirit level
- Folding rule
- Tile Cutter
- Electric chipping hammer
- Carbide hole saw
- Nippers
- Tin snips
- Rubbing Stone
- Electric drill ½” or larger
- Tile saw
- Utility knife
- Scoring tool
- Grout saw keyhole
- Saw
- Carbide tipped chisel
- Jamb saw
- Margin trowel
- Flat trowel
- Gauging trowel
- Pointing trowel
- Buttering trowel
- Bucket trowel
- Grout float
- Rubber float
- Epoxy float
- Wood float
- Mortar hoe
- Mortar box
- Mixer
- Beating block
- Rubber mallet
- Grout sponge
- Epoxy sponge
- Combination square
- Trammel bar
- Plumb bob
- Tile cutting board
- All angle tile cutter
- Rod saw
- Scribe
- Scraper
- Hammer
- Tool bag/bucket
- Square edge shovel
- Water brush
- Foxtail brush
- Center punch
- Hawk
- Storypole
- Laser
- Caulk gun
- Rubbing brick
- Notched trowel
- Mixing paddle
- Chipping hammer
- HEPA vac
- Grouting blankets
- Buckets – 1, 3, and 5 gallons
- Shims and spacers
- Float strips
- Lights
- Extension cords
- Ladders
- Gloves – rubber and cloth
- Push broom
- Staple gun
- Hammer tacker
Cutting Tools
- Selects correct tool for required cut
- Makes cut accurately along mark
- Trims/smooths material as needed
- Uses proper PPE for task
- Follows safety rules and requirements
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Selects appropriate equipment for task
- Ensures equipment is set up properly
- Double checks accuracy of blade to mark prior to cutting
- Makes cut accurately along mark
- Uses proper PPE for task
- Dries off cut tile prior to handing to tile setter
- Follows safety rules and requirements
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
Mixing Mortars, Epoxy Resins, and Adhesives
- Selects proper tools as required for the job
- Selects proper mortar types to be mixed as specified
- Wears proper PPE as required for product being mixed
- Maintains proper consistency as required
- Re-tempers as permitted
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows safety rules and requirements appropriate with this section
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Identifies equipment to be used
- Performs necessary maintenance
- Cleans equipment
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows safety rules and requirements appropriate with this section
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
Preparation of Substrates
- Scraps, sweeps and cleans as needed
- Gathers necessary tools and materials
- Checks substrate meets tolerances
- Identifies tolerances necessary for the material per the specs
- Blocks off area, as required, to protect from other trades
- Utilizes equipment properly to ensure substrate is flat, plumb, level as required
- Documents and reports any discrepancies to supervisor
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows safety rules and requirements appropriate with this section
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Gathers necessary tools and materials
- Reviews areas to be requiring demolition with supervisor
- Adheres to proper techniques for each piece of power equipment that is used
- Contains area as necessary
- Uses proper angles and techniques depending on demo requirements
- Wears proper PPE
- Documents and reports any issues to supervisor
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows safety rules and requirements appropriate with this section
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Gathers necessary tools and materials
- Reviews areas to be ground with supervisor
- Checks that guards are attached
- Ensures HEPA vacuum is attached properly
- Contains area as necessary
- Demonstrates ability to properly grind and check work
- Documents and reports any issues to supervisor
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows safety rules and requirements appropriate with this section
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Gathers necessary tools and materials
- Identifies area to receive membrane
- Mixes membrane per manufacturer instructions
- Understands area to receive membrane
- Applies membrane per specs and manufacturer instructions
- Checks the wet film thickness to ensure proper thickness used per application
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows safety rules and requirements appropriate with this section
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Gathers necessary tools and materials
- Know area to receive membrane
- Applies thinset when required per manufacturer instructions
- Applies primer when required per manufacturer instructions
- Applies membrane per specs and manufacturer instructions
- Pushes all air bubbles out from under the membrane
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows safety rules and requirements appropriate with this section
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Places dams where required
- Communicates effectively with SLU team
- Sets up SLU mixing station
- Mixes SLU per manufacturer instructions
- Places mixed SLU where required
- Effectively cleans up the mixing station, tools, and equipment at the end of the pour
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows safety rules and requirements appropriate with this section
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Gathers necessary tools and materials
- Sets up mixing station
- Communicates with tile setter about the type of mortar mix that will be required
- Installs wire reinforcing as required
- Uses correct ratio of products to mix mortar bed
- Stages mortar for tile setter based on their requirements
- Effectively cleans up the mixing station, tools, and equipment at the end of the process
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows safety rules and requirements appropriate with this section
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Gathers necessary tools and materials
- Follows manufacturer instructions
- Reviews area to receive primer with supervisor
- Applies primer per specs and manufacturer requirements
- Cleans tools and materials after use
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows safety rules and requirements appropriate with this section
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Gathers necessary tools and materials
- Cuts backer board to appropriate size for installation
- Installs backer board per manufacturer/supervisors instructions
- Utilizes correct fasteners for backer board
- Applies joint treatment per manufacturer/supervisors instructions
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows safety rules and requirements appropriate with this section
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Gathers necessary tools and materials
- Set up mixing station
- Mixes per manufacturer instructions
- Verifies areas requiring patch material
- Applies patch material per manufacturer instructions
- Cleans tools, materials, and mixing station when finished
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows safety rules and requirements appropriate with this section
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Demonstrates ability to gather materials for the mix (Sand, Portland Cement, Additives, Water)
- Gathers proper tools and equipment
- Wears proper PPE required for mixing dry products
- Mixes ingredients according to standard procedures to desired consistency
- Transports mortar to desired location
- Notify supervisor when inventory is low and more needed for next day
- Cleans tools and equipment after each use
- Follows safety rules and requirements
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
Mixing Grouts and Adhesives
- Identifies paddle to be used based on material that is mixed
- Performs necessary maintenance
- Follows manufacturer mixing instructions including slake times
- Wears proper PPE required for mixing dry and wet products
- Cleans equipment after use
- Has material ready without crew stopping and waiting
- Follows safety rules and requirements
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Checks for any residual setting material or foreign matter in the joints on the surface
- Checks for any loose, damaged, or improperly installed tile
- Identifies area to be grouted
- Identifies areas to be caulked or left ungrouted
- Follows safety rules and requirements
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Gathers necessary tools and materials
- Verifies correct color and type of grout
- Understands differences of each type of grout
- Protects adjacent finished surfaces
- Cleans and residual setting material or foreign matter
- Locates potable water source and disposal area
- Cleans tools and equipment after each use
- Follows safety rules and requirements
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Mixes proper quantity of grout per manufacturer’s specs
- Uses proper float
- Works grout thoroughly into joints
- Cleans excess off tile surface and joints as needed
- Follows set up times per manufacturer
- Washes excess grout from surface of tile and joints
- Maintains uniform joint width and height
- Performs final clean per manufacturer’s specs
- Polishes haze from tile surface
- Cleans tools and work area
- Properly disposes of grout water
- Protects grouted work area as required
- Follows safety rules and requirements
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
Clean, Caulk and Seal Surfaces
- Checks tile and grouting for any imperfections
- Determines that installation has properly cured per manufacturer recommendations
- Identifies areas to be cleaned, caulked, and sealed
- Determines and identifies any contaminants from other trades
- Verifies proper ventilation exists before starting
- Follows safety rules and requirements
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Gathers necessary tools and materials
- Verifies correct cleaner, caulk, sealer
- Protects adjacent finished surfaces
- Assures areas to be caulked are free of debris and contaminants
- Locates potable water source and disposal area
- Wears proper PPE for each task
- Follows safety rules and requirements
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Mixes cleaning materials per manufacturer specs
- Uses proper applicator for cleaning material
- Allows contact time required by manufacturer
- Washes excess cleaners from surface of tile and joints
- Performs final clean as necessary
- Protects finished surface
- Wears proper PPE depending on cleaner
- Follows safety rules and requirements
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Verifies correct color and material
- As required, primes area to be caulked
- Uses proper applicator
- Applies caulk per manufacturers/TCNA Handbook requirements
- Removes excess caulk from surface of tile
- Protects finished surfaces as required
- Follows safety rules and requirements
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Verifies correct color and material
- Protect adjacent tile areas as required
- Uses proper applicator
- Applies sealant per manufacturer’s/TCNA Handbook requirements
- Removes excess sealant from surface of tile and joints
- Ensures a full sealant joint
- Protects finished surfaces as needed
- Follows safety rules and requirements
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
- Ability to read a measuring tape to 1/16”
- Ability to add whole numbers and fractions
- Ability to subtract whole numbers and fractions
- Understands ratios
- Utilizes ratios to properly mix mortar, add water to acids, etc.
- Utilizes fractions to double check a measurement
- Utilizes math skills to determine amount of tile/material needed in each staging area
- Follows supervisor’s directions
- Follows other processes and procedures as required
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):
Orientation to the Job Tile Specific Safety Awareness Safety Orientation Part 1 Safety Orientation Part 2 Safety Orientation Part 3 Hand Tool Orientation Cutting Tool Orientation Electric Tool Orientation What to expect on the Job
OSHA Construction Safety
CPR/First Aid
Scaffolding & Lift Safety
Elevation Equipment Knowledge Safety & Erection of Scaffolding Scissor Lift Certification Fork Lift Certification
Drugs and Alcohol
Diversity in the Work Place
Safety Data Sheets
Trade History & Education
History of Tile Markets That Use Tile Difference Between W2 & 1099 Workers Related Products and Industries Backer Boards for Tile Installations Introduction to Trims & Profiles Surface Profile Introduction to Bonding Materials Introduction to Cleaning Agents & Sealers Enhancers & Impregnators Cleaners Warehouses
Use of Tools and Equipment
Trowel Education Trowel & Error Cutting Tools Equipment Knowledge Cutting/Fitting Tile Hand Tools Equipment Knowledge Grinding Tools Equipment Knowledge Mixing Tools Equipment Knowledge Slake Mix Demolition Tools Equipment Knowledge Power Tools Equipment Knowledge Surface Profile Operation
Grouting and Caulking
Introduction to Grouts Grout Overview Standard Cement Grout Epoxy Grout High Performance Cement Grout Ready to Use Grout Grout Problems & Remedies Grout Clean-Up & Detailing Grout Team Leader Sealants Soft Joints/Movement Joints
Tile Industry Preparation
Introduction to Preparation Materials Introduction to Primers Waterproof Membranes 101 Crack Isolation Membranes 101 Mortar Beds & Admixtures 101 Demolition Process Surface Prep – Concrete Patching Material – Concrete Self-Leveling Underlayments – Concrete Portland Cement Mortar Bed 201 Backer Boards Surface Preparation – Wood Substrates Overview of Underlayments Bonding Primer Moisture Mitigation Systems Waterproof Membranes 201 Crack Isolation Membranes 201 Uncoupling Mats Vapor Barriers Sound Reducing Membranes Moisture Concerns Installing Over Concrete Surface Preparation 201 Underlayments 201 Shower Pan Construction
Trade Mathematics
Advanced Topics/New Technologies
Reference Manuals Environmental Conditions Crew Task Management Barrier Management/Risk People Management – Communication People Management – Control Confrontation Time & Schedule Management Specifications Safety Management High Performance Teams Interpersonal Skills Work Life Balance Personal Finance Gauged Porcelain Tile Introduction to Tile Standards