using a minimum and maximum range of hours for each major job
function and the successful demonstration of identified competencies.
Youth Development Practitioner

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Knowledge & Awareness of Self
A well developed ability to articulate one’s personal motivation for choosing youth development work.
- Heightened awareness of one’s learning and teaching style.
- Reflection on one’s pivotal life moments and how one might share those experiences to support others.
- Documentation of one’s reasons for working with youth and ability to share those reasons in a public forum.
- Examine the beliefs and the motivations behind their actions in relation to young people.
- Identify the difficulties they have in working with others.
- Demonstrate ability to act nonjudgmentally in work with young people.
- On-site workshops: TBD by Sponsor.
- Journal writing: a self-directed reflection tool.
- Discussions & supervision sessions with mentor, Journeyworkers and supervisors.
- YouthBuild USA - YouthBuild USA currently offers 234 hours of RI relevant to the YDPA program, will be adding to these offerings, and provides technical assistance (TA) to identify related instruction (RI) resources: see Program Manual for details.
- Self evaluation
- Supervisor's evaluation
- Records/ documentation of completed, relevant work.
- YouthBuild USA Program Handbooks on the topics of Leadership Development, Counseling, Constructions Site Management, Teaching/ Education, and Alumni Resources, provide both conceptual and practical tools and ideas for working most effectively with young people.
- YouthBuild USA will continue to develop a listing of valuable resources in support of the YDPA initiative.
- Other: TBD.
Youth Development Theory & Practice
Learn, practice, communicate and demonstrate a keen awareness of Youth Development theory, principles and practices.
- Gain a foundation in adolescent growth and brain development.
- Become versed in the value of, and strategies for, youth empowerment.
- Recognize opportunities for youth leadership in all aspects of the program.
- Seek opportunities for youth to practice critical thinking and analytical reasoning skills.
- Be able to incorporate the best practices of youth development theory.
- Determine appropriate relationship boundaries with young people.
- Deepen ability to effectively communicate with young people.
- Show concern and interest in and about the well being of youth.
- Heightened in awareness of, and involvement with, other youth development organizations.
- Be equipped to support the ideas of young people and guide their development.
- Facilitate developmental conversations between young people in a variety of settings.
- Demonstrate the use of various skills, tools and learning modalities in program activities.
- Describe strategies to inspire, motivate and teach young people.
- Model & teach effective negotiation skills for problem solving and conflict resolution.
- Design and implement a workshop(s) on a topic(s) of Youth Development.
- Demonstrate and teach the importance of positive behavior across differences of race, class, age, gender, faith, sexual orientation, ability level, etc.
- On-site workshops: TBD by Sponsor.
- Discussions & supervision sessions with mentor, journeyworkers and supervisors.
- YouthBuild USA - YouthBuild USA currently offers 234 hours of RI relevant to the YDPA program, will be adding to these offerings, and provides TA identifying RI resources: see Program Manual for details.
- Self evaluation
- Supervisor's evaluation
- Records/ documentation of completed, relevant work.
- YouthBuild USA Program Handbooks on the topics of Leadership Development, Counseling, Construction Site Management, Teaching/ Education, and Alumni Resources, provide both conceptual and practical tools and ideas for working most effectively with young people.
- YouthBuild USA will continue to develop a listing of valuable resources in support of the YDPA initiative.
- Other: TBD.
Teaching, Training & Education
Ability to address various learning styles with sound teaching methodology. Ability to design and deliver compelling training to young people.
- Deepen ability to utilize and teach the basics of facilitation and training.
- Become well versed in differing learning styles and be able to work with young people accordingly.
- Demonstrate your capacity to develop and facilitate training materials and workshops, as well as train young people in these same skills.
- Be prepared to utilize and interpret a variety of assessment tests for young people.
- Hone skills in instructional design and delivery.
- Design and deliver workshops on topics of group facilitation, workshop design and agenda development.
- Incorporate methods that address a variety of learning styles and capacities.
- Use appropriate assessment tools in conjunction with teaching.
- On-site workshops: TBD by Sponsor.
- Journal writing: a self directed reflection tool.
- Discussions & supervision sessions with mentor, journeyworkers and supervisors.
- YouthBuild USA - YouthBuild USA currently offers 234 hours of RI relevant to the YDPA program, will be adding to these offerings, and provides TA to identify RI resources: see Program Manual for details.
- Self evaluation
- Supervisor's evaluation
- Records/ documentation of completed, relevant work.
- YouthBuild USA Program Handbooks on the topics of Leadership Development, Counseling, Constructions Site Management, Teaching/ Education, and Alumni Resources, provide both conceptual and practical tools and ideas for working most effectively with young people.
- YouthBuild USA will continue to develop a listing of valuable resources in support of the YDAP initiative.
- Other: TBD
- ASSET Aptitude Test [American College Testing Program, P.O. Box 168, Iowa City, IA 52243] assesses skill in language usage, reading and math.
- Learning Styles Inventory [Education Activities, Inc., 8006453739] Assesses individuals preferred style of receiving and expressing information. Measures cognitive, social and expressive style.
Counseling & Case Management
Conceptual understanding of, and practical competence in, case management and oneonone and group counseling strategies and approaches.
- Learn to maintain case files and facilitate case management with other staff when necessary.
- Maintain data on placement, retention and other statistics.
- Attain proficiency in basic counseling skills with youth.
- Build capability in grief counseling for youth.
- Learn to assist youth in acquiring skills in behavior, stress and anger management.
- Build awareness of, and relationship to, social service organizations that provide resources to youth and their families.
- Understand and incorporate the family or support systems for young people whenever possible.
- Create a template for case management that can be implemented by all staff.
- Maintain and regularly update case records and files on all young people in the program.
- Facilitate case management meetings with staff.
- Effectively train others in the basics of case management and counseling.
- Utilize a variety of counseling skills with young people.
- Design and lead regular individual counseling and rap groups with young people.
- On-site workshops: TBD by Sponsor
- Journal writing: a self directed reflection tool.
- Discussions & supervision sessions with mentor, journeyworkers and supervisors.
- YouthBuild USA - YouthBuild USA currently offers 234 hours of RI relevant to the YDPA program, will be adding to these offerings, and provides TA to identify RI resources: see Program Manual for details.
- Self evaluation
- Supervisor's evaluation
- Records/ documentation of completed, relevant work.
- YouthBuild USA Program Handbooks on the topics of Leadership Development, Counseling, Constructions Site Management, Teaching/ Education, and Alumni Resources, provide both conceptual and practical tools and ideas for working most effectively with young people.
- YouthBuild USA will continue to develop a listing of valuable resources in support of the YDPA initiative.
- Other: TBD.
Life Skills Development
Ability to clearly define what life skills are and engage young people in developing them.
- Construct a plan for the teaching of life skills to youth.
- Learn the principles of behavior management and how to use them.
- Deepen skills of: conflict resolution, violence prevention, stress and anger management, and problem solving.
- Assist young people in increasing their time management and personal planning skills.
- Utilize different strategies for motivating young people.
- Show and be able to educate young people on the basic knowledge, skills and behaviors necessary to understand, respect and utilize diversity.
- Deepen public speaking capacity.
- Teach personal money management and investment strategies, as they relate to setting life goals and plans.
- Understand the needs and circumstances of young people with special needs or disabilities.
- Facilitate life and leadership skills development through modeling and coaching.
- Assist young people in building their capacity to work in teams.
- Facilitate the transfer of relevant leadership skills to young people.
- Document the planning/ goal setting work done with young people.
- Be able to explain the process used to guide youth in their life skills development.
- Demonstrate work with youth in, public speaking, financial management, time management and behavior management.
- On-site workshops: TBD by Sponsor.
- Journal writing: a self directed reflection tool.
- Discussions & supervision sessions with mentor, journeyworkers and supervisors.
- YouthBuild USA - YouthBuild USA currently offers 234 hours of RI relevant to the YDPA program, will be adding to these offerings, and provides TA to identify RI resources: see Program Manual for details.
- Self evaluation
- Supervisor's evaluation
- Records/ documentation of completed, relevant work.
- YouthBuild USA Program Handbooks on the topics of Leadership Development, Counseling, Constructions Site Management, Teaching/ Education, and Alumni Resources, provide both conceptual and practical tools and ideas for working most effectively with young people.
- YouthBuild USA will continue to develop a listing of valuable resources in support of the YDPA initiative.
- Other: TBD.
Leadership Development, Community Engagement
Recognition of the importance of civic involvement and active support of the development of young people as agents for positive social change.
- Become well versed in teaching resource and asset mapping of communities.
- Learn to engage young people in community advocacy.
- Identify opportunities for service learning.
- Build facility in teaching ethics, civic responsibility and advocacy.
- Reflect on historical youth movements and the importance of civic/community action and involvement.
- Assist young people with identifying critical community issues and developing action plans for addressing them.
- Manage successful community service project(s)
- On-site workshops: TBD by Sponsor.
- Journal writing: a self directed reflection tool.
- Discussions & supervision sessions with mentor, journeyworkers and supervisors.
- YouthBuild USA - YouthBuild USA currently offers 234 hours of RI relevant to the YDPA program, will be adding to these offerings, and provides TA to identify RI resources: see Program Manual for details.
- Self evaluation
- Supervisor's evaluation
- Records/ documentation of completed, relevant work.
- YouthBuild USA Program Handbooks on the topics of Leadership Development, Counseling, Constructions Site Management, Teaching/ Education, and Alumni Resources, provide both conceptual and practical tools and ideas for working most effectively with young people.
- YouthBuild USA will continue to develop a listing of valuable resources in support of the YDPA initiative.
- Other: TBD.
Developing a Satisfying Work life
Be able to work effectively with young people in their workforce and career development.
- Learn the tools and practices for guiding career exploration, assessment, planning and readiness.
- Deepen ability to assist young people in assessing their own interests and goals.
- Be prepared to teach skills of basic employment competence.
- Work with young people to develop individual career development plans and continually monitor their progress.
- Identify opportunities for youth to do job shadowing or internships.
- Build effective working relationships with potential employers of young people.
- Maintain a working knowledge of computer based employment services and programs that are accessible and useful for youth.
- Maintain contact with youth through their employment and provide regular support and evaluation.
- Learn to monitor the labor market -identify growth fields for potential employment for young people.
- Present a strategy for identifying employment opportunities for young people.
- Document the process of matching a young person's skills with likely job opportunities.
- Maintain a network of potential employers and internship opportunities.
- Assist young people in developing career plans.
- Conduct career readiness training for youth on: preparing job applications & resumes, and on interviewing strategies.
- On-site workshops: TBD by Sponsor.
- Journal writing: a self directed reflection tool.
- Discussions & supervision sessions with mentor, Journeyworkers and supervisors.
- YouthBuild USA - YouthBuild USA currently offers 234 hours of RI relevant to the YDPA program, will be adding to these offerings, and provides TA to identify RI resources: see Program Manual for details.
- Self evaluation
- Supervisor's evaluation
- Records/ documentation of completed, relevant work.
- YouthBuild USA Program Handbooks on the topics of Leadership Development, Counseling, Constructions Site Management, Teaching/ Education, and Alumni Resources, provide both conceptual and practical tools and ideas for working most effectively with young people.
- Career Ability Placement Survey (CAPS) [Educational and Industrial Testing Service, P.O. Box 7234, San Diego, CA 92107] Career assessment predictor measured on eight ability scales: mechanical reasoning, spatial relations, verbal reasoning, numerical ability, language usage, word knowledge, perceptual speed & accuracy, and manual speed & dexterity
- Guide for Occupational Exploration [Department of Labor] Provides information about interests, aptitudes, adaptability and other requisites of occupational groups.
Organizational & Program Development
Know the basics of organizational development, structure and management and be able to apply the concepts to program development.
- Learn skills in resource development, marketing, outreach, documentation, writing and data management.
- Deepen skills of the administrative work required to run a youth program.
- Build capacity for supervising and evaluating other staff.
- Learn to engage community support for youth and youth serving organizations.
- Acquire computer and web competence.
- Build capacity to write reports and other necessary correspondence.
- Effectively contribute to running a youth development program.
- Supervise staff and young people in achieving the goals of the program.
- Create and maintain documentation on the program to be used for reporting.
- Identify appropriate funding sources and develop a resource development strategy.
- Build alignment between the goals of the program and the goals of the young people.
- On-site workshops: TBD by Sponsor.
- Journal writing: a self directed reflection tool.
- Discussions & supervision sessions with mentor, journeyworkers and supervisors.
- YouthBuild USA - YouthBuild USA currently offers 234 hours of RI relevant to the YDPA program, will be adding to these offerings, and provides TA to identify RI resources: see Program Manual for details.
- Self evaluation
- Supervisor's evaluation
- Records/ documentation of completed, relevant work.
- YouthBuild USA Program Handbooks on the topics of Leadership Development, Counseling, Constructions Site Management, Teaching/ Education, and Alumni Resources, provide both conceptual and practical tools and ideas for working most effectively with young people.
- YouthBuild USA will continue to develop a listing of valuable resources in support of the YDPA initiative
- Other: TBD.
System Awareness & Analysis
Knowledge of the systems that impact and influence the daily lives of young people.
- Learn the local, state and federal confidentiality protocols and laws.
- Develop a working knowledge of the different levels of government.
- Gain a working knowledge of the juvenile justice system and the key people that work with young people.
- Develop an understanding of the public education system and how it impacts out of school youth.
- Gain a basic understanding of the economy and labor market.
- Facilitate learning opportunities between young people and ‘institutional representatives’, i.e. law enforcement, social services, local government, etc… in order to increase awareness and partnership.
- Develop and document relationships with public institutions that interact with young people.
- Train staff on key legal and ethical issues as it relates to working with young people.
- Act as an advocate for young people with all institutions that impact their lives.
- On-site workshops: TBD by Sponsor
- Journal writing: a self directed reflection tool.
- Discussions & supervision sessions with mentor, Journeyworkers and supervisors.
- YouthBuild USA - YouthBuild USA currently offers 234 hours of RI relevant to the YDPA program, will be adding to these offerings, and provides TA to identify RI resources: see Program Manual for details.
- Self evaluation
- Supervisor's evaluation
- Records/ documentation of completed, relevant work.
- YouthBuild USA Program Handbooks on the topics of Leadership Development, Counseling, Constructions Site Management, Teaching/ Education, and Alumni Resources, provide both conceptual and practical tools and ideas for working most effectively with young people.
- YouthBuild USA will continue to develop a listing of valuable resources in support of the YDPA initiative.
- Other: TBD.
Health Awareness & Promotion
Knowledge of the physical and mental health issues that affect the development of young people.
- Learn about the physiology of drug and alcohol abuse as well as the resources available for young people.
- Deepen ability to implement programs to assist young people to address drug and alcohol abuse issues.
- Be prepared to describe the importance of exercise, nutrition, sleep and other healthy behaviors.
- Be conversant in common psychological issues affecting youth.
- Be prepared to describe the importance of, healthy relationships with family and significant others.
- Design and deliver training on: the physiological and emotional impacts of substance abuse, and on other topics related to physical and psychological health.
- Work with staff on identifying signs of, and strategies for working with, youth on unhealthy trajectories.
- Demonstrate the intentional design of program activities that promote healthy living.
- On-site workshops: TBD by Sponsor
- Journal writing: a self directed reflection tool.
- Discussions & supervision sessions with mentor, Journeyworkers and supervisors.
- YouthBuild USA - YouthBuild USA currently offers 234 hours of RI relevant to the YDPA program, will be adding to these offerings, and provides TA to identify RI resources: see Program Manual for details.
- Self evaluation
- Supervisor's evaluation
- Records/ documentation of completed, relevant work.
- YouthBuild USA Program Handbooks on the topics of Leadership Development, Counseling, Constructions Site Management, Teaching/ Education, and Alumni Resources, provide both conceptual and practical tools and ideas for working most effectively with young people.
- YouthBuild USA will continue to develop a listing of valuable resources in support of the YDPA initiative.
- Other: TBD.
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