Apprenticeship Competencies – Behavioral
In addition to mastering all the essential technical competencies, an apprentice must consistently demonstrate, at an acceptable level, the following behavioral competencies to complete the apprenticeship. Additional behavioral competencies may be added or exchanged that are specific to the work site and will be identified in the Employer Acceptance Agreement.
- Participate and focus in team discussions/meetings
- Able to work independently
- Openness to new ideas and change
- Ability to deal with ambiguity by exploring, asking questions, etc.
- Knows when to ask for help
- Able to demonstrate effective presentation skills
- Able to demonstrate effective communication skills individually and in group settings
- Maintains an acceptable attendance record
- Reports to work on time
- Completes assigned tasks on time
- Uses appropriate language
- Demonstrates respect for students, co-workers and supervisors
- Demonstrates trust, honesty and integrity
- Requests and performs work assignments without prompting
- Appropriately cares for personal dress, grooming and hygiene
- Maintains a positive attitude
- Collaborate with and assists co-workers
- Follows instructions/directions
- Able to work under supervision
- Able to self-reflect and accept constructive feedback and criticism
- Able to follow safety rules
- Able to take care of equipment and work place
- Able to keep work area neat and clean
- Able to meet supervisor's work standards
- Able to not let personal life interfere with work
- Adheres to work policies/rules/regulations