Hybrid programs blend both competency- and time-based strategies,
using a minimum and maximum range of hours for each major job
function and the successful demonstration of identified competencies.
using a minimum and maximum range of hours for each major job
function and the successful demonstration of identified competencies.

North Carolina (SAA)
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Individual state requirements may vary. Please contact your local apprenticeship office to ensure this version is suitable to your state’s requirements.
Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Safety Instruction
Safety Instruction
- EMC Safety Manual regulations/procedures
- Use, care and limitations of all personal protective equipment
- Installation of personal grounds
- Identify and demonstrate how to use and care for tools a Lineman I will be using
- Heavy Equipment (digger and bucket trucks)
- Substations
- Place warning and safety devices to protect the public and workers at the job site
- Standard First Aid/CPWAED
- Emergency use of Communication System (radio)
- Name the different types of fire extinguishers and types of fires they are to be used on
- Properly inspect and explain the use of rubber glove and sleeves
- Inspect and properly set up a ladder
- Understand the elements and purpose of a Job Briefing
- Understand cooperative's LOTO policy
- Good housekeeping at the job site
- Apply Standard First Aid to a victim of injury or illness
- Safely operate right-of-way tools (axe, bushaxe, chain saw, pruners, etc.)
- Properly inspect, maintain personal climbing tools
- Safely climb wooden poles
- Meet On-Call requirement of the Cooperative to include but not limited the following: - understand minimum approach distance - determine nominal voltage - distinguish exposed live parts - insulation and isolation
- Training in elements of Qualified Observer
- Principles of insulation and isolation
- Cooperative Principles
- Properly set up warning signs when working beside a highway
- Safely handle a capacitor
- Adult CPR/FA/AED (recertified)
Materials and Equipment
Materials and Equipment
- Properly care for all equipment used by your assigned crews
- Frame poles properly on the ground and erected
- Assist other crew members, as requested and directed
- Install poles, anchors, and guys
- Cut, clean right of way properly, using power equipment as necessary
- Climb poles under the direction of a crew leader
- Make service connections, transformer connections, and other equipment connections in a deenergized setting
- Coil a hand line for storage
- Perform the necessary work on the ground to serve a Lineman working on a pole
- Use of a two-way radio
- Prepare a transformer for hoisting up a pole
- Install ground rod at a pole and make the connections
- Frame the following poles (Al, A2,A3, A4, A5)
- Frame a pole and identify the installation that is to be made on it
- Use hand signals for loading or unloading poles on or from a trailer
- Place lights or flags on a trailer when hauling poles
- Identify types of single phase transformers (conventional, CSP or pad mount)
- Frame the following poles (Bl, B2, Cl, C2, C3, C4, C7, C7-1)
- Install pre form ties
- Tie-in poles using tie-wire
- Sag primary wire off the pole
- Hang transformers off the pole
- Install armor rods
- Work zone set-up
- Operate distribution protection equipment (i.e., cutouts, single and three- phase breakers)
- Properly supervise the loading of poles on a pole trailer and secure the poles and attaching flags
- Plumb and line up a pole prior to back-filling and tamping
- Single and three-phase metering equipment
- Explain all types of metering used on the distribution system
- Explain where and how C. T's are used
- Take an energized regulator out of service
Line Truck
Line Truck
- Inspection
- Set-up
- Operation (digging holes, hanging transformers, setting pole, etc
- Store tools on the truck
- Demonstrate driving skills and obtain a Commercial Driver's License
- Operation of line truck and underground equipment
Bucket Truck
Bucket Truck
- Inspect, set up, and operate a bucket truck
- Perform pole top and bucket rescue procedure
- Operation of bucket truck and underground equipment
- Operate and work from an aerial bucket on energized lines only under the supervision of a qualified Lineman
- Change out various line equipment (poles, x- arms, transformers, etc.) using bucket truck on an energized line
Line Tools
Line Tools
- Knowledge, care, and inspection of line tools (hot sticks, hoist, grips, rubber goods, etc.)
- Use and inspect of hot line tools
- Identify and demonstrate how to use and care for tools a Lineman I will be using
- Safely operate right-of-way tools (axe, bushaxe, chain saw, pruners, etc.)
- Select proper tension sleeves and tools to splice conductors
- Tie the various knots used in the line trade
RUS Specifications
RUS Specifications
- Overhead
- Underground
- Important provisions of EMC and RUS Specifications for three- phase line construction and maintenance
Tool Usage/Administration
Tool Usage/Administration
- Be able to use various hand tools like screw drivers, hammers, wrenches, and battery-operated tools.
- Completely fills out work orders with adequate information.
- Completes work order with countermeasure suggested and followed up.
- Be able to track repeat calls and major downtime calls using CMMS. ( Computerized maintenance management System)
- Participate in a RCA. (Root cause Analysis)
- Can navigate backlog work orders and update as completed.
- Install an anchor
- Assemble and install guys on a pole before it is erected
- Pull and attach guy to anchor
- Load and bind poles on a pole trailer
- Identify the types and sizes of ropes and coil properly for storage
- String out wire on the ground and make splicing
- Work on the ground to serve Lineman on pole
- Disassemble material taken from a pole
- Assemble crossarms to be installed on poles
- Identify lines and where they are to be used
- Make up a hand line
- Install a set of double arms in the buck arm position
- Install a set of double arms in the buck arm position with the main line energized
- Take ampere readings on a primary line using tong amp meter
- Proficient with testing equipment
- Install lightning arrester and cut out on a distribution system
- Use a sag chart, check the sag in a single-phase line
- Properly obtain clearance to remove grounds
- Properly discharge a capacitor before removing it from a pole
- Install a single-phase reclosure
- Obtain clearance and properly install protective grounds on a three-phase line that has been taken out of service
Line Maintenance-Overhead
Line Maintenance-Overhead
- Trouble shooting primary overhead lines
- Stringing conductor (wire)
- Tie wire and preforms
- Hanging, change out, and banking of transformers
- Phase rotation
- Fusing and fuse coordination
- Repairing fallen conductor
- Right-of-way
- Building taps
- Underbuild and secondary
- Retiring, change out, and relocating all lines and line equipment (pole, transformers, cutouts, etc.)
- Training dealing with services (connections, installing, and removing meters, etc.)
- Three phase equipment
- Overhead and Underground Distribution Specifications Manuals
- Install personal protective grounds on a line that has been de-energized overhead.
- Perform work on both secondary and primary voltages on energized lines overhead
Line Maintenance – Underground
Line Maintenance – Underground
- Trouble shooting underground lines
- Proper installation of all underground lines and equipment (wire, transformer, etc.)
- Installing, terminating, and splicing cable
- Transformer change out and proper make-up
- Cable identification training in underground location equipment
- Training dealing with services (connections, installing, and removing meters, etc.)
- Underground Distribution Specifications Manuals
- Assist in installing underground cable and equipment
- Introductory underground systems
- Proper grounding of single-and three-phase lines underground
- Underground distribution systems
- Inspect, set up, and operate underground equipment
- Substations and underground distribution systems
- Assist in installation, operation, and maintenance of underground distribution system
- Underground fault finding equipment
- Trouble shooting
- Knowledge and operations of all substations equipment (fuses, breakers, regulators, metering, etc.)
- Mobile substation
- Use of heavy equipment inside of substations
- Care and maintenance of substations
- Distribution substations
- Assist in substation installations and maintenance
- At a substation, identify the following: • Transmission side • Power transformers • P.T.s • Regulators
Environmental matters
Environmental matters
- Personal protection
- Spill prevention
- Right to know
- Protection for public
- Environmental controls
- Install a member's meter and record the information
- Preparing and maintaining all necessary transformer and meter records
- EMC record keeping
- Take information from electrical devices needed to complete records
EMC Policies
EMC Policies
- EMC Safety Manual regulations/procedures
- Basic electrical theory
- Voltages of lines worked on
- Distribution system layout and feeds
- Grounding connections
- Two-way feeds on an EMCs entire system
- Important provisions of EMC and RUS Specifications for three- phase line construction and maintenance
- Make the proper connections on a three-phase bank (types which each EMC installs)
- EMC record keeping
Public Relationship
Public Relationship
- Protection for public
- Place warning and safety devices to protect the public and workers at the job site
- Properly set up warning signs when working beside a highway
Electrical theory
Electrical theory
- Basic Electrical Theory
- Name various electrical devices used on the job
- Knowledge of electrical equipment and material
- Feeds throughout a district and the directions in which each section can be fed
- Theory relating to low voltage connections
- Distribution substations
- Underground distribution systems
- Two-way feeds on an EMCs entire system
- Transformers
- Transformer bank connections
- Substations and underground distribution systems
- Knowledge of electricity from generation until it reaches the members
- Check voltage at member's meter base
- At a designated pole, identify the various circuits or other installations such as telephone wire and cables
- State the proper ground clearance for wires over a highway, bodies of water, driveway or railroad crossings
- Identify primary voltages on distribution
- Follow proper grounding procedures when splicing a conductor on the ground
- Identify the following types of transformers: • power • distribution • potential • current • self-protecting
- The proper makeup of terminators, elbows, splices (bath primary & secondary) and transformers (both single and three phase)
- The proper procedure for rubber cover-ups on energized lines
- Explain the method of pulling in new wires on reconductoring projects
- Give the proper clearance required for a primary and service wire, crossing a highway and waterways
- Proper procedure to use when replacing a phase wire that has burned down in mid- span on a three-phase line
- Explain what precautions should be taken stringing wire parallel to or in the vicinity of a high voltage line
- De-energize a single and three-phase line at an oil circuit breaker
- The proper procedure to dispose of a damaged single-phase capacitor
- Explain the function of a current limited fuse in a CSP transformer
- Check the polarity of transformers used in a three-phase bank
- Explain what is known as the high leg of a three-phase 4-wire 120/240 power bank
- Change a closed delta transformer bank to three-phase open delta if or when one transformer fails
- Assist in installing a single phase step-voltage regulator on a pole
- Explain the correct procedure of removing a step-voltage regulator from service
- Use a phase indicator or tester to check out the phases of a distribution primary circuit at a point that is normally open to determine phasing and proper connection
- Proficient at three-phase banking installation and troubleshooting
- System knowledge to include feeder change and system backfeed capabilities
Proper Time Keeping and All Record Keeping
Proper Time Keeping and All Record Keeping
- Fill out injury, accident reports
- Basic workorder procedures
- The Cooperative's basis residential and commercial rates
- The Cooperative's service rules and operating procedures
- To read staking sheets and material lists
- Single-phase line construction
- Three-phase line construction
- Cooperative's billing procedures such that you can explain them
- Complete member-location procedure
- Read distribution maps
- Qualified as a tag or clearance holder
- Hold call duty as prescribed by cooperative's policy and job description
- Perform crew leader duties
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