using a minimum and maximum range of hours for each major job
function and the successful demonstration of identified competencies.
Early Childhood Educator

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Guide Physical Health and Growth of all children.
- Follow USDA/ Child and Adult Care Feeding Program Standards to provide meals and snacks that meet requirements for: whole grains, less saturated fat, a greater variety of fruits and vegetables, and less added sugar.
- Provide high quality care that supports all children’s individual and unique needs. Provide opportunities to develop awareness of children’s needs and the ability to communicate their need. Such as: toileting, hand-washing, hunger, illness, etc.
- Develop nurturing relationships with all children upon arrival and departure through conversation, developmentally appropriate activities and through the discovery common interests that fosters strong relationships among all students in care.
Create and Design a Safe, Healthy Learning Environment.
- Provide a variety of materials and resources for children to explore, manipulate, and use, both in learning activities and in imaginative play. (e.g., solitary, parallel, social, cooperative, onlooker, fantasy, physical, constructive)
- Provide strategies to extend learning through play across the full age and developmental span of early education.
- Select materials and arrange the indoor and outdoor environments to create social and private spaces, offer restful and active spaces, designate spaces for fine and gross motor development, and create learning centers to stimulate inquiry, problem solving, practice, and exploration in foundational concepts in each curriculum area.
- Arrange indoor and outdoor environments that are physically and emotionally safe that foster creative play and space for motor skill development.
Create a Classroom Family and Sense of Community.
- Using consistent schedules and predictable routines as part of the curriculum.
Modify teaching methods and materials to accommodate for individual child needs, considering the culture and family context.
- Demonstrate respect for each child as a feeling, thinking individual and respect for each child’s culture, home language, individual abilities, family context, and community.
Build relationships with families that promote open communication and partnerships.
- Collaborate with families through respectful, reciprocal relationships and engagement by practicing open communication and by providing opportunities to participate in classroom activities.
- Partner with families and professional colleagues to engage in open conversations in regards to the needs of individual child Observe and document individual children’s progress and, based on the findings, plan learning experiences that foster development with early education colleagues and families.
Observe, Document and Plan with families and early childhood professionals to provide high quality services to meet the needs of individual children.
- Partner with families and professional colleagues to engage in open conversations in regards to the needs of individual child Observe and document individual children’s progress and, based on the findings, plan learning experiences that foster development with early education colleagues and families.
- Follow policy and procedures for discussing concerns of any student. Work with the identified early childhood professional in the child care center to discuss next steps towards. Confidentiality is critical and the privacy of children and families must be observed at all times.
Foster learning environments that promote social and emotional intelligence.
- Provide positive behavior supports by implementing teaching strategies, fostering a learning environment in which all children are supported through social and emotional teaching.
- Create opportunities for children to engage in activities which promote discovery of identifying, managing, and expressing their feelings.
- Create an environment in which children are able to recognize and respond to the needs and feelings of other children.
Provide opportunities to learn and engage across all academic content in correlation with early childhood education.
- Organize and lead activities designed to promote physical, mental, and social development. Some examples include: games, arts and crafts, music, storytelling, and field trips.
- Provide opportunities to explore and develop across multiple contexts, including family, culture, language, community, and early learning setting, as well as in a larger societal context that includes structural inequities.
Observe, document and reflect on classroom practices to meet the individual needs of children.
- Observe children during play, indoor and outdoor activities. Document behaviors, social development, and physical health in order to reflect on classroom practices to build on children’s interests and determine classroom strategies to support development.
Maintain child records.
- Maintain child records in accordance with center policies and procedures.
- Follow NC Division of Child Development and Early Education requirements for all child records.
Extend opportunities for informal reading.
- Extend opportunities to read to individual children, small groups or to those children who are engaging in the reading activity.
Establish clear communication.
- Establish clear communication strategies with children.
- Create opportunities for children to participate in conversations with peers and adults in one-on-one, small, and larger group interactions.
- Guide children in reciprocal conversations to master: asking and answering questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.
Apply multiple teaching methods.
- Use a broad repertoire of developmentally appropriate, culturally and linguistically relevant, anti-bias, evidence-based teaching skills and strategies that reflect the principles of universal design for learning.
Follow child care center child guidance and behavior policies.
- Demonstrate understanding of the child guidance and behavior policy. Follow mentor guidance during implementation of the policy.
Develop strategies or programs inclusive of all students with special abilities, disabilities or developmental delays.
- Construct group and individual learning experiences that are both challenging and supportive and by applying their knowledge of child development to provide scaffolds that make learning achievable and that stretch experiences for each child, including children with special abilities, disabilities, or developmental delays.
Collaborate with other teaching professionals to develop educational programs.
- Confer with other staff members to plan and deliver lessons promoting learning, following approved curricula.
- Follow curriculum approved by the child care center and NC DCDEE.
- Apply NC Foundations of Early Learning and Development
- Apply NAEYC-Power to the Profession See Resource listing on last page.
- Collaborate with other teachers and administrators in the development, evaluation, and revision of early childhood programs.
Attend training sessions or professional meetings to develop or maintain professional knowledge.
- Attend professional meetings, educational conferences, and teacher training workshops to maintain and improve professional competence.
- Maintain strong relationship with local high school and community college faculty. Follow guidance specific to course requirements as teachers and advisors instruct.
- See Early Childhood Career Pathway Training Supplemental Document. Register online through for online training services.
- See additional information for professional meetings, conferences and other opportunities for training.
Assist children with special developmental abilities, disabilities and delays.
- Provide children with assistive devices, supportive technology, and assistance accessing facilities, such as restrooms.
Display children’s work.
- Organize and label materials and display children’s creations according to mentor guidance in a manner appropriate for their ages and perceptual skills.
Plan experiential learning activities.
- Plan and supervise class projects, other experiential activities and guide students in learning from those activities.
- Learning activities and projects must be developmentally appropriate, and reviewed by the mentor prior to implementation.
- Reflection on outcome of learning activity must be completed by the apprentice and feedback provided by mentor as well.
Observe and participate as needed during child care center and child centered.
- Observe and offer assistance as needed to early educators during meal time, transportation, special activities or other activities where additional supervision may be necessary.
Participate in child care center employee performance evaluation process.
- Complete the child care center employee performance evaluation.
- Share performance evaluation with mentor teacher. Discuss feedback, suggestions and next steps towards professional development goals.
Apprentice 2nd phase: Participate in observations and assessments approved by the mentor and family.
- Assessments are offered to the Apprentice as training opportunities. Child names will not be recorded and results will not be shared with the family as formal assessment or evaluation of educational needs or progress.
Serve on formal and informal early childhood committees.
- Attend child care center staff meetings.
- Participation in the following to be determined by sponsoring organization, high school and community college faculty: early childhood advisory committees, organization board of directors as a student fellow, advisory boards as a student fellow, leadership team, management teams, and other organizational committees as opportunities arise.
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):

Students may choose from the following courses to fulfill the requirements of the A.A.S. in Early Childhood Education:
EDU 119 Intro to Early Childhood Education EDU 144 Child Development I EDU 145 Child Development II EDU 146 Child Guidance EDU 111 Writing and Inquiry EDU 131 Child, Family & Community EDU 151 Creative Activities EDU 153 Health, Safety & Nutrition EDU 221 Children w/ Exceptionalities MAT143 Quantitative Literacy ART 111 Art Appreciation COM 231 Public Speaking EDU 234 Infants, Toddlers & Twos EDU 259 Curriculum Planning EDU 261 Early Childhood Administration I EDU 262 Early Childhood Administration II CIS 110 Intro to Computers EDU 248 Developmental Delays EDU 280 Language and Literacy EDU 284 Early Childhood Capstone PSY 150 General Psychology EDU 250 Teacher Licensure Prep BIO 110 Principles of Biology ENG 112 Writing/ Research in Discipline EDU 284 Early Childhood Capstone PHY 110 Conceptual Physics PHY 110A Conceptual Physics Lab SOC 210 Intro to Sociology
Students may choose from the following courses to fulfill the requirements of the A.A.S. in Early Childhood Education:
ACA 115 Success and Study Skills ACA 122 College Transfer Success EDU 119 Intro to Early Childhood Education EDU 144 Child Development I EDU 145 Child Development II EDU 146 Child Guidance EDU 111 Writing and Inquiry EDU 131 Child, Family & Community EDU 151 Creative Activities EDU 153 Health, Safety & Nutrition EDU 221 Children w/ Exceptionalities MAT143 Quantitative Literacy ART 111 Art Appreciation COM 120 Intro to Interpersonal Communication COM 231 Public Speaking EDU 234 Infants, Toddlers & Twos EDU 259 Curriculum Planning EDU 261 Early Childhood Administration I EDU 262 Early Childhood Administration II CIS 110 Intro to Computers EDU 248 Developmental Delays EDU 280 Language and Literacy Experiences EDU 284 Early Childhood Capstone PSY 150 General Psychology EDU 250 Teacher Licensure Prep BIO 111 General Biology I ENG 112 Writing/ Research in Discipline EDU 284 Early Childhood Capstone PHY 110 Conceptual Physics SOC 210 Intro to Sociology CHM 151 General Chemistry I EDU 216 Foundations of Education EDU 235 School-Age Development and Programs
Students may choose from the following courses to fulfill the requirements of the A.A.S. in Early Childhood Education:
ACA 111 College Student Success EDU 119 Intro to Early Childhood Education EDU 144 Child Development I EDU 145 Child Development II EDU 146 Child Guidance EDU 111 Writing and Inquiry EDU 131 Child, Family & Community EDU 151 Creative Activities EDU 153 Health, Safety & Nutrition EDU 221 Children w/ Exceptionalities MAT143 Quantitative Literacy ART 111 Art Appreciation COM 120 Intro to Interpersonal Communication COM 231 Public Speaking EDU 234 Infants, Toddlers & Twos EDU 259 Curriculum Planning EDU 261 Early Childhood Administration I EDU 262 Early Childhood Administration II CIS 110 Intro to Computers EDU 248 Developmental Delays EDU 280 Language and Literacy Experiences EDU 284 Early Childhood Capstone PSY 150 General Psychology EDU 250 Teacher Licensure Prep BIO 111 General Biology I ENG 112 Writing/ Research in Discipline EDU 284 Early Childhood Capstone PHY 110 Conceptual Physics SOC 210 Intro to Sociology CHM 151 General Chemistry I EDU 216 Foundations of Education EDU 235 School -Age Development and Programs PHI 240 Introduction to Ethics ECO 251 Principles of Microeconomics ECO 252 Principles of Macroeconomics HIS 111 World Civilizations I HIS 112 World Civilizations II HIS 131 American History I HIS 132 American History II POL 120 American Government MUS 110 Music Appreciation ENG 114 Professional Research & Reporting
Students may choose from the following courses to fulfill the requirements of the A.A.S. in Early Childhood Education:
ACA 111 College Student Success ACA 122 College Transfer Success EDU 119 Intro to Early Childhood Education EDU 144 Child Development I EDU 145 Child Development II EDU 146 Child Guidance EDU 111 Writing and Inquiry EDU 131 Child, Family & Community EDU 151 Creative Activities EDU 153 Health, Safety & Nutrition EDU 221 Children w/ Exceptionalities MAT143 Quantitative Literacy ART 111 Art Appreciation COM 120 Intro to Interpersonal Communication COM 231 Public Speaking EDU 234 Infants, Toddlers & Twos EDU 259 Curriculum Planning EDU 261 Early Childhood Administration I EDU 262 Early Childhood Administration II CIS 110 Intro to Computers EDU 248 Developmental Delays EDU 280 Language and Literacy Experiences EDU 284 Early Childhood Capstone PSY 150 General Psychology EDU 250 Teacher Licensure Prep BIO 110 Principles of Biology BIO 111 General Biology I ENG 112 Writing/ Research in Discipline EDU 284 Early Childhood Capstone SOC 210 Intro to Sociology CHM 151 General Chemistry I EDU 216 Foundations of Education EDU 235 School -Age Development and Programs PHI 240 Introduction to Ethics