using a minimum and maximum range of hours for each major job
function and the successful demonstration of identified competencies.
CNC Operator and Programmer
Robert C. Byrd Institute and Apprenticeship Works National Advanced Manufacturing Partnership

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Safety Compliance
- Demonstrate the ability to adhere to personal grooming and personal protective equipment requirements in the facility.
- Demonstrate the safe use of hand and power tools.
- Demonstrate the correct way to clean machines and floor area.
- Demonstrate the proper use of cleaning materials and fluids.
- Demonstrate OSHA lifting techniques.
- Identify all pinch points on primary and supportive machine tools and the proper placements of guards.
- Demonstrate both emergency and standard shut down of all required equipment.
- Demonstrate the proper use of a fire extinguisher.
- Demonstrate adherence to performing lock-out/tag-out procedures and energy isolation for assigned machinery in accordance with facility regulations.
Handling Hazardous Materials
- Demonstrate the ability to handle and store hazardous materials as assigned, while adhering to safe practices in accordance with OSHA and EPA requirements and guidelines, including completing the required documentation.
Shop Practices
- Demonstrate the ability to know the jobs assigned to you.
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of the company policy manual.
- Demonstrate a dedication to the trade and to the quality and professional standards set forth by the company.
- Demonstrate an ability to show up on time every day with a desire to work hard and add value to the company.
- Demonstrate the ability to follow instructions laid out by your supervisor.
- Demonstrate the ability to maintain safe work habits in the exhibition of both one's personal responsibility for safety practices and displaying a continuous consideration of safety practices in the protection of one's fellow worker.
- Demonstrate the ability to maintain a clean orderly and safe work area.
- Identify the steps involved in 5S.
- Demonstrate how to perform a preventive maintenance procedure for a given machine to extend machine life and minimize downtime in accordance with company-approved maintenance specifications and overall program goals.
Shop Mathematics
- Demonstrate how to convert fractions to decimals form.
- Demonstrate how to convert dimensions to metric equivalent.
- Demonstrate how to calculate a missing angle from a triangle.
- Demonstrate how to solve missing measurements in right angles.
- Demonstrate how to calculate the area of a circle.
- Demonstrate how to solve for the unknown hypotenuse of a right triangle using the Pythagorean Theorem.
Blueprint Reading
- Demonstrate the ability to identify symbols, notations, and lines to industry standards.
- Demonstrate the ability to determine dimensions, critical features and tolerances on machine drawing.
- Demonstrate the ability to interpret pictorial drawings to industry standards.
- Demonstrate the ability to interpret multi-view drawings to industry standard.
- Demonstrate the ability to interpret part drawing specifications through working with blueprints (dimensions, layout, material, surface finish, countersinks, tolerances, threading, etc.).
- Demonstrate the use of measurement tools to inspect hole characteristics.
- Demonstrate the use of measurement tools to inspect thread characteristics.
- Demonstrate the use of measurement tools to inspect surface texture characteristics.
- Demonstrate the use of measurement tools to inspect hardness.
- Demonstrate the use of a steel rule.
- Demonstrate the use of ID and OD micrometers.
- Demonstrate the use of a height gauge.
- Demonstrate the use of a venier/dial caliper.
- Demonstrate the use of a pitch gage (thread gage).
- Demonstrate the use of a depth gage.
- Demonstrate the use of a Bore gage.
- Demonstrate the use of a Ring gage.
- Demonstrate the use of a Snap gage.
- Demonstrate the use of a Go/No-Go gage.
- Demonstrate the use of Jo Blocks.
- Demonstrate the use of a Pin gage.
- Demonstrate the use of a telescoping gage.
- Demonstrate the use of a Measuring scale.
- Demonstrate the use of a Radius gage.
- Demonstrate the use of a Tape measure.
- Demonstrate the use of a Taper gage.
- Demonstrate the use of a Ball gage.
Measuring and Improving Work
- Demonstrate the ability to record points on a control chart.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify a process that is in or out of control.
- Demonstrate the ability to identify a production problem, propose a remedy, having been given the authorization to implement the process improvement and carry it out.
Problem Solving
- Demonstrate the tracing of defects to the originating section of their root cause.
- Demonstrate the use of cause mapping when performing Root Cause Analysis.
- Demonstrate the ability to perform daily, weekly and monthly Preventative Maintenance responsibilities.
- Demonstrate the ability to conduct a triage level of troubleshooting and communicate findings to maintenance technician.
Metal Cutting Fundamentals
- Demonstrate how adjusting cuttings can effect chip creation and cut conditions.
- Demonstrate the proper selection and installation of cutting tools to OD and ID toolholders.
- Demonstrate the proper workholding identification and set up for chucks, collets and vises.
- Demonstrate the correct selection and safe use of cutting fluids during the metal removal process.
- Demonstrate how the properly set tool angles to meet part specifications for metal removal operations.
- Demonstrate how to calculate speeds and feeds for cutting tools.
- Demonstrate how to calculate tap drill size.
- Demonstrate how to identify wear on an insert.
Manual Operations Tools and Techniques
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a bench vise.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a ball-peened hammer.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a soft faced hammer.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a standard screw driver.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a phillips screw driver.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of an offset screw driver.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a hand hacksaw.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a machinist's file.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of precision files.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of rotary and blur files.
- Demonstrate how to safely hand tap through tapering, plugging or bottoming.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a T-handle wrench.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a double-ended tap wrench.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a tap extractor.
- Demonstrate how to thread dies.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a solid hand reamer.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of an expansion hand reamer.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of an adjustable hand reamer.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a roughing taper reamer.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a finish taper reamer.
- Demonstrate how to prepare the layout table surface for metalwork.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a pocket or double ended scribe.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a combination square set.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a surface gauge.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a vernier height gauge.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of angular layout tools (bevel protractor head, rule, and universal bevel protractor).
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of circular layout tools (dividers, trammels, center head and rule).
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of permanent layout tools (pocket scribe, rule or straight edge, prick punch, automatic center punch).
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of an angle plate.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a toolmaker's clamp.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of a parallels.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of V-blocks.
- Demonstrate the safe and proper use of keyseat rules.
Metal Removal Operations – Grinding Machine
- Demonstrate knowledge of grinding machine safety procedures, and the identification of grinding machine parts and their function.
- Demonstrate the proper wheel selection to perform all grinding tasks from information obtained from the part print, and process plan.
- Demonstrate how to perform ring testing, to determine the wheel’s soundness prior to mounting.
- Demonstrate how to perform the proper procedure used for balancing, mounting, and dressing the grinding wheel on the surface grinder to perform required grinding operations.
- Demonstrate how to grind a concave radius to specification.
- Demonstrate how to grind a convex radius to specification.
- Demonstrate how to sharpen a center punch.
- Demonstrate how to sharpen a chisel.
- Demonstrate how to grind and sharpen tools.
- Demonstrate how to set-up a cylindrical grinder for routine OD grinding of a cylindrical part held on both ends.
- Demonstrate how to set-up a centerless grinder for routine OD grinding of a cylindrical part.
Metal Removal Operations – Drilling Machines
- Demonstrate knowledge of drilling machine safety procedures, and the identification of drilling machine parts and their function.
- Demonstrate how to inspect and clean a drill press.
- Demonstrate how to drill and ream holes to specification.
- Demonstrate how to bore holes to specification.
- Demonstrate how to counter bore holes to specification.
- Demonstrate how to countersink holes to specification.
- Demonstrate how to spot face holes to specification.
- Demonstrate how to tap holes by industry standard.
Metal Removal Operations – Metal Sawing Machines
- Demonstrate knowledge of sawing machine safety procedures, and the identification of sawing machine parts and their function.
- Demonstrate how to inspect and clean a metal cutting band saw.
- Demonstrate how to install a band saw blade, cut and weld.
- Demonstrate how to saw angles to specifications.
- Demonstrate how to saw contours to specifications.
- Demonstrate how to saw to scribed line within tolerance.
- Demonstrate how to saw straight cuts to specifications.
Metal Removal Operations – Turning Operations
- Demonstrate knowledge of turning machine safety procedures, and the identification of turning machine parts and their function.
- Demonstrate how to perform proper cutting tool selection necessary to perform all required turning operations within the specified tolerances on a part print.
- Demonstrate the proper insert and tool holder selection, necessary to perform all required turning, and boring operations within the specified tolerances on a part print.
- Demonstrate how to set-up and carry out cutting internal and external tapers within the tolerances specified on a part print and taper calculations.
- Demonstrate how to calculate cutting speeds and feeds and apply these calculations while performing required, various turning operations on the lathe.
- Demonstrate how to select, mount, set-up, hold, and align work using work holding devices on the lathe to perform the required turning operations.
- Demonstrate how to perform turning, facing, necking, boring and grooving operations within the specified tolerances on the part print.
- Demonstrate how to perform square, angular, and filleted shouldering operations within the tolerances specified on a part print.
- Demonstrate how to cut an external and internal U.N. thread within the tolerances specified on the part print.
- Demonstrate how to cut an external and internal and taper on the engine lathe using the tailstock set-over method, compound rest, and a taper attachment to within the tolerances specified on a part print.
Metal Removal Operations – Milling Operations
- Demonstrate knowledge of milling machine safety procedures, and the identification of milling machine parts and their function.
- Demonstrate how to perform proper cutting tool selection necessary to perform all required milling operations within the specified tolerances on a part print.
- Demonstrate how to properly select and insert the tool holder, necessary to perform all required milling operations within the specified tolerances on a blueprint.
- Demonstrate how to select, mount, set-up, hold, and align work using work holding devices on the milling machine to perform the required milling and squaring operations.
- Demonstrate how to calculate cutting speeds and feeds and apply these calculations while performing required milling, drilling, and boring operations on the milling machine.
- Demonstrate how to produce a part matching the milling process plan and the part print specifications.
- Explain how common grades of metals impact machining processes and apply the theory to the selection of tooling during machine set-up.
Specialized Machining – EDM or Other
- Demonstrate knowledge of EDM machine safety procedures, and the identification of EDM machine parts and their function.
- Demonstrate how to perform proper wire electrode selection necessary to perform all required EDM operations within the specified tolerances on a part print.
- Demonstrate how to properly make clamp selection, necessary to perform all required EDM operations within the specified tolerances on a blueprint.
- Demonstrate how to produce a part matching the EDM process plan and the part print and current specifications.
Specialized Machining – ECM or Other
- Demonstrate knowledge of ECM machine safety procedures, and the identification of ECM machine parts and their function.
- Demonstrate how to perform proper tooling selection necessary to perform all required ECM operations within the specified tolerances on a part print.
- Demonstrate how to properly make clamp selection, necessary to perform all required ECM operations within the specified tolerances on a blueprint.
- Demonstrate how to produce a part matching the ECM process plan and the part print and current specifications.
Specialized Machining – Electrolytic Grinding or Other
- Demonstrate knowledge of Electrolytic Grinding machine safety procedures, and the identification of Electrolytic Grinding machine parts and their function.
- Demonstrate how to perform proper electrode grinding wheel selection and truing necessary to perform all required Electrolytic Grinding operations within the specified tolerances on a part print.
- Demonstrate how to properly make workholding selection, necessary to perform all required Electrolytic Grinding operations within the specified tolerances on a blueprint.
- Demonstrate how to produce a part matching the Electrolytic Grinding process plan and the part print and current specifications.
- Explain the Cartesian coordinate system and polar coordinates for a milling process.
- Explain the Cartesian coordinate system and polar coordinates for a turning process.
- Describe the functions and use of basic G and M codes.
- Demonstrate how to write a G code program in order to machine a basic cylindrical part on the CNC lathe.
- From a print of a basic cylindrical part, calculate the tooling, coordinates and toolpaths necessary to machine the part on a CNC lathe.
- Identify the canned cycles available on commonly used lathes in the work environment.
- Demonstrate how to write a G code program in order to machine a basic rectangular part on the CNC mill.
- From a print of a basic rectangular part with a pocket and threaded holes, calculate the tooling coordinates and toolpaths necessary to machine the part on a CNC mill.
- Identify the canned cycles available on commonly used mills in the work environment.
- Demonstrate how to make offsets to an existing CNC program, as required to meet part specifications.
- Demonstrate how to convert between different units of speed and feed variables required for the lathe.
- Demonstrate how to convert between different units of speed and feed variables required for the mill.
- Identify GD&T feature control frames.
- Identify standard GD&T dimensional tolerance.
- Identify GD&T tolerances for form orientation, location.
- Demonstrate adherence to safety, health and environmental rules and regulations for fluid power systems.
- Demonstrate how to interpret basic fluid power schematics, including identifying schematic symbols, process flow and operation of the components and system.
- Demonstrate how to start up and shut down a hydraulic system and adjust hydraulic pressure control valves in a system that uses a fixed displacement pump.
- Demonstrate how to select and adjust hydraulic actuator speed using a flow control valve.
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):
Health & Safety
1. Health & Safety • OSHA and proper safety practices • Machine guarding • Bloodborne pathogen exposure • Confined spaces • Fire safety and prevention measures • Hazard communication • Heat stress • Industrial ergonomics • Pedestrian safety • Fall protection • Walking and working surfaces • Power hand tools • Hearing conservation • Respiratory protection • Ammonia awareness • Food safety • Foodborne pathogens • Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) • Sanitation 2. Lock-out/Tag-out • LOTO 3. Handling Hazardous Materials • Hazardous materials handling and storage • Metalworking fluid safety
Foundations in Manufacturing
1. Shop Practices • Apprenticeship expectations • Housekeeping • 5S • Manufacturing costs 2. Shop Mathematics • Basic arithmetic operations • Fractions, decimals and percentages • Basic algebra • Geometry • Trigonometry 3. Blueprint Reading • Blueprint fundamentals • Interpreting blueprints • Part tolerancing • GD&T 4. Metrology • Units of measurement • Basic measurement • Applied Inspection 5. Measuring and Improving Work • Quality programs • Continuous process improvement • Lean manufacturing • Statistics • Statistical Process Control (SPC) Problem Solving • TPM program • Root Cause Analysis • Troubleshooting Industry Onboarding • Optional Customization
Technical Expertise
1. Metal Cutting Fundamentals • Metal removal theory • Metal removal operations • Workholding • Cutting tools • Speeds and Feeds • Cutting Geometry • Cutting Fluids 2. Manual Operations Tools and Techniques • Benchwork Layout • Hand Tools 3. Metal Removal Operations • Drilling machines • Lathes • Metal saws • Milling machine v Grinding machines 4. Metallurgy • Physical properties of metal • Ferrous metal • Heat treatment • Testing of metals • Non Ferrous metals and alloys 5. Specialized Machining Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) • Electrical Chemical Machining (ECM) • Electrolytic Grinding 6. Controls • Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Theory • Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Operations • Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Programming 7. Hyrdaulics • Fluid power system safety • Fluid power system schematics • Hydraulic pump operations
People Skills
1. Workplace Communications • Making a great first impression • Building good work relationships • Being tactful • Verbal and non-verbal communication • Active listening • Resolving conflict in the workplace • Writing effective emails • Getting your message across to audiences • Giving and receiving feedback 2. Leading Others • Conflict resolution • Team building • Working in a diverse workplace • Leading a diverse workplace 3. Developing Others • Adult learning theory • Delivery of OJL • Performance Management • Mentoring 4. Employee Compliance • Optional Customization