Apprentices progress at their own pace – they demonstrate
competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
Medical Assistant

North Carolina (SAA)
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Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Tollgate III - Intermediate Clinical Apprentice III: Intermediate Clinical Procedures, EKG and Cardiovascular testing, Phlebotomy, Basic Pharmacology and Medication Administration
Foundational Knowledge and Basic Science
Foundational Knowledge and Basic Science
- Identify roles and responsibilities of the medical assistant and other healthcare providers Differentiate between scope of practice and standards of care for medical assistants
- Discuss licensure and certification as they apply to healthcare staff and providers
- Demonstrate understanding and use of basic medical terminology a. Common abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols
- b. Medical word building (prefixes, suffixes, plurals)
- c. Conditions, procedures, and instruments
- Demonstrate understanding and use of basic pharmacology a. Commonly prescribed medications and common approved abbreviations
- b. Forms of medications
- c. Look alike/sound alike medications
- d. Routes of administration
- e. Physicians’ Desk Reference and online resources
- f. Principals of storage and disposal
- Define dietary nutrients and their functions
- Recognize psychological components of patient care
Understand Basic Anatomy & Physiology
Understand Basic Anatomy & Physiology
- Describe structural organization of the human body
- Identify the anatomical location of major organs in each body system
- Describe the normal function of each body system across the life span
- Identify common pathophysiology and disease processes across the lifespan
- Discuss basic concepts of microbiology
Basic Clinical Knowledge and Patient Care
Basic Clinical Knowledge and Patient Care
- Demonstrate ability to measure and record: a. Blood pressure
- b. Describe normal, pre-hypertension and hypertension
- c. Temperature
- d. Pulse
- e. Respirations
- f. Intake and output
- g. Height
- h. Weight
- i. Length (infant)
- j. Head circumference (infant)
- k. Pulse oximetry
- l. Pain (using correct scale for children and adults)
Clinical Patient Care and Procedures
Clinical Patient Care and Procedures
- a. Demonstrates general clinical patient care
- b. Identify patient using the correct patient identifiers
- c. Rooming process
- d. Medication reconciliation
- e. Effective handoff communication with provider and other staff
- f. Prepare patient for procedure or treatment
- g. Assist provider with minor office procedures
- h. Proper documentation
- i. After visit summary / discharge
- j. Demonstrate ability to collect pertinent patient data
- k. Reason for the visit
- l. Preferred pharmacy
- m. Allergies
- n. Medical and social history
- o. Domestic violence screening
- p. Falls risk
- q. Tobacco, drug, alcohol history
- r. Travel History
- s. Proper documentation
Advanced Clinical Procedures
Advanced Clinical Procedures
- a. Electrocardiography
- b. Venipuncture
- c. Capillary puncture
- d. Incentive spirometry
- e. Aseptic and sterile technique
- f. Bladder scanner
- g. Urinary catheterization
- h. Suture and staple removal
- i. Ear Irrigation
- j. Eye Irrigation
- k. Casting and splinting
- l. Pulmonary Function Testing
- m. Wound care
- n. Simple dressing
- o. Simple wet to dry dressing
Medication Administration
Medication Administration
- Demonstrate measurement and conversions for both metric and household measures
- Calculate proper dosages for medication administration
- Successfully complete medication dosage calculation test
- Identify classifications of medications
- Verify the rules of medication administration: a. Right patient
- b. Right medication
- c. Right dose
- d. Right route
- e. Right time
- f. Right documentation
- g. Right reaction or response
- Identify landmarks for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections
- Correctly administer medication via the following routes: a. Oral
- b. Parenteral (excluding IV) intramuscular and subcutaneous
- c. Inhalation (nebulizer)
- d. Rectally
- e. Eye
- f. Ear
- Demonstrate aseptic and sterile technique when preparing and administering medications
- Understand distinction between single use and multi-dose vials
- Demonstrate proper disposal of sharps and medication equipment
- Utilize engineered safety mechanism on devices
Specimen Collection
Specimen Collection
- Perform quality control measures- urinalysis and glucometer machines
- Obtain specimens and perform: a. CLIA waived hematology test
- b. CLIA waived chemistry test
- c. CLIA waived urinalysis
- d. CLIA waived immunology test
- e. CLIA waived microbiology test
Emergency Measures
Emergency Measures
- Maintain Basic Life Support Certification for a Healthcare Provider- American Heart Association or American Red Cross
- Able to locate AED in clinic, i.e. Appropriately place pads and locate power
- Respond appropriately to medical emergencies within the Medical Assistant scope as they pertain to the ambulatory healthcare setting a. Bleeding
- b. Hypoglycemia
- c. Hyperglycemia
- d. Diabetic coma or insulin shock
- e. Seizures
- f. Fainting/syncope
- g. Shock
- h. Fracture
- i. Stroke
- j. Myocardial Infarction
Infection Prevention and Control
Infection Prevention and Control
- Describe regulations and guidelines related to infection prevention and control
- Describe the infection control cycle, common infectious agents, medical and surgical asepsis
- Demonstrates understanding and use of standard precautions
- Select appropriate barrier/personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Perform hand hygiene appropriately
- Prepare items for autoclaving or central processing
- Perform sterilization procedures
- Prepare a sterile field for procedure
- Demonstrates proper disposal of sharps
- Demonstrate proper disposal of biohazardous material a. Sharps
- b. Regulated wastes
- Recognize the implications for failure to comply with Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Occupational Health Safety and Health Association (OSHA) regulations in healthcare settings
Professional Communication and Behavior
Professional Communication and Behavior
- Define medical assistant scope of practice and demonstrate principles of self-boundaries
- Use the following communication techniques to obtain patient information: a. Reflection
- b. Restatement
- c. Clarification
- Demonstrate appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication
- Implement techniques to overcome communication barriers
- Differentiate between subjective and objective information
- Use medical terminology correctly and pronounced accurately to communicate information to providers and patients
- Reinforce education of patients regarding: a. Clinic policies
- b. Health maintenance
- c. Disease prevention
- d. Treatment plan
- Support patients appropriately considering: a. Cultural diversity
- b. Developmental life stage
- c. Communication barriers
- d. Coping mechanisms
- Demonstrate professional telephone techniques
- Document telephone messages accurately
- Compose professional correspondence utilizing electronic technology
- Locate current list of community resources related to patients’ healthcare needs
- Report relevant information concisely and accurately
- Demonstrate: a. Empathy
- b. Active listening
- c. Nonverbal communication
- d. Values and behaviors of Carolina Care
- Demonstrate respect for individual diversity including: a. Gender
- b. Race
- c. Religion
- d. Age
- e. Economic status
- f. Appearance
- g. Orientation and/or lifestyle
Administrative Functions
Administrative Functions
- Properly schedules patients based on priorities (new and returning patients)
- Able to check in and check out patients
- Schedule patient new and return appointment
- Schedule a patient procedure
- Create, organize, and maintain a new patient’s medical record
- File patient medical records
- Utilize an electronic medical record to perform basic administrative functions (i.e. Epic)
- Perform routine maintenance of administrative or clinical equipment
- Perform an inventory with documentation
Basic Office Finance
Basic Office Finance
- Identify types of financial information contained in the patient’s billing record.
- Perform account procedures to include: a. Cash collection
- b. Credit card charges
- c. Reconcile adjustments
- Verbalize understanding of process to make bank deposit
- Appropriately utilize cash bags and secures monies during shift and at end of shift
- Inform a patient of financial obligations for services rendered including Site of Service Letter
- Verbalize understanding of role of financial navigator
Third Party Reimbursement
Third Party Reimbursement
- Interpret information on an insurance card
- Able to collect demographic information appropriately
- Verify eligibility for services and documents appropriately
- Obtain precertification or preauthorization including documentation
- Understand various payment models including HMO, PPO, ACO, Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare
- Complete an insurance claim form
- Differentiate between fraud and abuse
- Perform procedural coding
- Perform diagnostic coding
- Utilize medical necessity guidelines
Legal and Ethical Considerations
Legal and Ethical Considerations
- Comply with legal and regulatory requirements
- Adhere to professional codes of ethics
- Explain and adhere to the use of medical directives as it relates to: a. Healthcare proxies and agents
- b. Medical order for life-sustaining treatment
- Describe components of the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA) a. Privacy
- b. Release of information
- Summarize the Patient’s Bill of Rights as it relates to: a. Choice of treatment
- b. General consent for treatment
- c. Right to information
- d. Refusal of treatment
- e. Informed consent for treatment
- Verbalize understanding of required reporting based on public health statutes a. Domestic violence
- b. Communicable diseases
- Verbalize understanding of how to report illegal activity in the healthcare setting
- Complete an incident report related to an error in patient care (Safety Awareness for Everyone)
- Protect the integrity of the medical record (logs off when computer not in use, protects protected health information appropriately)
- Develops a plan for separation of personal and professional ethics
Safety and Protective Practices
Safety and Protective Practices
- Evaluate the work environment to identify unsafe working conditions
- Discuss fire safety issues and safe evacuation in an ambulatory healthcare setting
- Identify response measures for an emergency or natural disaster
- Identify safety techniques that can be used when responding to accidental exposures to: a. Blood or body fluids
- b. Needle sticks
- c. Chemical spills
- Identify and comply with: a. Safety related policies and procedures,
- b. Safety related signage, symbols, and labels
- Locate Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
- Demonstrate proper use of: a. Eyewash equipment
- b. Fire extinguishers
- c. Biological chemical materials
- Demonstrate use of proper body mechanics
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