in on-the-job training and related instruction.
Medical Assistant
Alaska Health Care Apprenticeship Consortium

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Manage General Office
- Track license & certificate of health care personnel
- Coordinate Patient/office communication
- Provide/coordinate office maintenance
- Coordinate/process incoming/outgoing mail
- Maintain account payable & receivables
- Maintain & update procedure manuals
- Inventory & order office equipment & supplies
- Maintain & control medication inventory
Coordinate & Schedule Appointments
- Coordinate physician's schedule
- Triage patients
- Schedule patient's appointments
Administrative Intake of Patient
- Obtain referrals [authorizations for treatment
- Coordinate insurance information
- Collect Copayments/payments on account
- Submit insurance claims
- Provide billing statements to patient
Maintain Health Information
- Provide for patient confidentiality
- Obtain and file consents
- Document all patient information
- Prepare patient chart of office visit
- File office data
- Transfer patient/client records
Provide/Maintain Aseptic Environment
- Wash hands
- Maintain clean room environment
- Sterilize instruments
- Don gloves as appropriate
- Dispose of hazardous waste
Prepare Patient for Examination
- Measure patient's weight
- Obtain vital signs
- Obtain health history
- Set-up for exam and/or procedure
- Position/drape patient as appropriate
Assist/Implement Physician or Providers Orders
- Set/up assist with minor surgical procedures
- Administer medication
- Perform allergy tests
- Apply splints [support wraps
- Provide patient counseling/education
- Coordinate transportation of the patient
- Release patient
Perform Clinical Procedures
- Remove wound/incision closures
- Perform EKG's
- Perform auditory screening
- Perform pulmonary function study
- Obtain venous & capillary specimens
- Measure visual acuity
- Perform ear lavage
- Apply/change dressing
- Administer breath/alcohol test
- Administer test color blindness
Perform CLIA/State Approved In Office Lab Procedures
- Calibrate & standardize all equipment
- Collect/process lab specimen
- Perform glucose testing
- Perform stool testing for occult blood
- Perform hemoglobin determination
- Perform hematocrit determination
- Perform rapid strep testing
- Perform mono testing
- Perform cholesterol testing
- Perform pregnancy testing
- Perform urinalysis (dip stick)
Maintain Professional Responsibilities
- Maintain personal hygiene
- Participate in continuing education
- Participate in community health activities
- Serve as mentor to other health care professionals
- Maintain basic life support certificate
- Maintain professional network
- Participate in performance improvement
- Perform within legal & ethical boundaries
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):

Starting Your Program (Orientation)
Succeed by learning how to use your Penn Foster program. Objectives: Understand how to use your Student Portal, including your My Homepage and My Courses pages. Access the Penn Foster Community and use it to find answers. Connect with Penn Foster on various social media sites.
Introduction to Allied Health
This course gives an introduction to health care, the health information management industry, and the role that health information technicians play in that industry. Objectives: Describe reimbursement systems and the role health information management technicians play in reimbursement. Describe how technology is used in health information management. Discuss different professional organizations and certifications for health information management technicians. Explain the different roles, opportunities, and settings for health information management technicians.
Law, Ethics, and Confidentiality in Allied Health
In this course, you’ll learn how law affects medical offices, the origin of law that affects medical professionals, the basics of the process of litigation and its alternatives, the common-law basis for the confidentiality of health-care information, and the laws regulating health-care information collected and maintained by government agencies. Objectives: Describe civil and criminal law, sources of law, and the steps of litigation. Distinguish between liability, negligence, and malpractice and explain how they relate to medical assistants. Explain defenses against medical malpractice and against criminal charges. Identify the various ethical issues that health-care professionals face. Explain the uses and content of medical records. Describe the legal significance of confidentiality obligations. Explain the core concepts of HIPAA’s final Privacy Rule. Summarize the role of peer review in confidentiality issues. Describe confidentiality and security issues related to electronic medical records.
Office Procedures
This course is designed to help you develop professional relationships in the workplace and professionally administer and manage office communications and procedures, and provides a review of basic math operations. Objectives: Understand and explain the components of communication, both verbal and nonverbal. Develop effective listening and observation skills. Recognize prejudice in interpersonal relations. Describe personal traits essential for successful interpersonal relations. Understand important aspects of good human relations. Professionally answer and place telephone calls within an office. Handle incoming and outgoing mail and email. Analyze where your time is spent and identify common time wasters. Calculate discounts and series discounts. Calculate cash discounts and shipping charges. Change decimals and fractions to percentages and vice versa. Use a calculator to solve or check math problems.
Body Systems / Terminology 1
In this course, you’ll become familiar with the medical terms that you'll hear on a daily basis in your new career, examine the organization of body systems, and examine the cardiovascular system, blood, the respiratory system, and the digestive system. Objectives: Explain how root words (and their combining forms), prefixes, and suffixes function in medical terms. Define many of the most common roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Determine the meaning of a given medical term by analyzing its parts. Identify the anatomical position and directional terms, as well as the three planes, four quadrants, and nine regions of the body. Describe the body sciences of nutrition and homeostasis. List types of pathogens, outline the chain of infection, and suggest methods to break the chain of infection. Analyze the concept of immunity and differentiate between natural and acquired immunity. Describe the organization and formation of the human body from cells to body systems. Explain the anatomy and function of the integumentary system and musculoskeletal system. List diseases of the integumentary and musculoskeletal systems. Identify tests and procedures to diagnose and treat diseases of the integumentary and musculoskeletal systems. Use combining forms to build and analyze terms related to cellular anatomy, the integumentary system, and the musculoskeletal system. Explain the anatomy and function of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems. List diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems. Identify tests and procedures to diagnose and treat diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems. Use combining forms to build and analyze terms related to the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems.
Body Systems / Terminology 2
In this course, you’ll examine the sensory organs, nervous system, endocrine system, excretory system, reproductive system, and immune and lymphatic systems. You’ll also take a closer look at oncology, radiology, surgery, pathology, and genetics. Objectives: Explain the anatomy and function of the sensory organs, the nervous system, and the endocrine system. List diseases of the sensory organs, the nervous system, and the endocrine system. Identify tests and procedures to diagnose and treat diseases of the sensory organs, the nervous system, and the endocrine system. Use combining forms to build and analyze terms related to the sensory organs, the nervous system, and the endocrine system. Explain the anatomy and function of the excretory, reproductive, and lymphatic systems. List diseases of the excretory, reproductive, and lymphatic systems. Identify tests and procedures to diagnose and treat diseases of the excretory, reproductive, and lymphatic systems. Use combining forms to build and analyze terms related to the excretory, reproductive, and lymphatic systems. Differentiate between tumor types and explain how cancer develops. Classify cancers and describe the major methods of cancer treatment. Identify radiographic procedures and outline the types and uses of nuclear medicine tests. Summarize surgical methods and pathological processes. Describe the application of genetics to the study of diseases.
Basic Pharmacology
This course describes health-care professionals who are licensed to prescribe medications for the treatment of disease and illness, reference material most often used by pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, and pharmaceuticals that are designed to alleviate or repair any sort of malfunction in the body. Objectives: Define the medical specialties presented in this course, the conditions that each treats, and some of the drugs prescribed. Identify health-care providers other than physicians who are licensed to prescribe drugs, the types of drugs that each prescribes, and the condition for which each type of drug is prescribed. Name five prominent health-care professionals who aren’t licensed to write prescriptions. Explain the main types of reference information and their sources. Discuss various delivery methods of drug information available to pharmacists and technicians. List various drug information sources that may be required by law to be present in a pharmacy. Identify various journals and newsletters available to pharmacists and technicians. Describe the most referenced sources of drug information used in pharmacy practice. Discuss pharmacology basics. List the four types of drug names, several major drug references, and the two agencies of drug regulation and enforcement. Describe the routes and forms of drug administration. Define drug action and effect, and explain the effect of drugs according to specific classifications. Calculate basic pharmacology mathematics and dosages. Identify medications related to different body systems.
Microsoft Word ™ and Excel®
This course teach you how to use Microsoft® Word™ 2013 to create, edit, and illustrate documents, and how to use the most widely used spreadsheet program, Microsoft® Excel.® Objectives: Locate a file, open a recently used document, and retrieve a file that has been recently deleted. Use search engines and email. Identify the best Internet providers and services for your needs. Upload and download files from the Internet. Create, edit, format, and merge Word™ documents. Add graphics and tables. Use the basic elements of Microsoft® Excel® Add, delete, and sort data. Create and use formulas, charts, and graphs.
Business English
In this course you’ll learn the skills you need to become more confident in your writing. Objectives: Know the parts of speech. Use pronouns and modifiers properly and effectively. Explain subject-verb agreement. Use end marks, commas, and other common punctuation marks. Use capitalization correctly. Explain common spelling rules and use them in your writing. Cite research sources. Compose a variety of sentence structures. Construct unified, coherent paragraphs. Connect paragraphs to build a well-organized, logical document. Identify your audience, medium, and purpose. Focus and organize your ideas. Plan both informal and formal writing projects. Revise, edit, and proofread to make your final copy accurate and professional. Write well-structured, professional letters. Format business letters, memos, and emails.
Electronic Medical Records
This course is designed to help you understand the reimbursement process and the various methodologies involved. You’ll be introduced to billing cycles and how health information technology is used in medical offices, and learn about basic accounting transaction terminology and apply this information to enter patient charges and payments. Objectives: Describe prepaid health plans and commercial insurance plans. Identify characteristics of retrospective and prospective payment systems. Discuss the different government sponsored health-care programs. Explain how managed care works. Describe fee-for-service and episode-of-care reimbursement methodologies. Outline the Medicare acute care prospective payment system. Describe the Medicare skilled-nursing facility prospective payment system. Discuss the different outpatient prospective payment systems. Review the medical billing cycle. Explain how computers are used for medical billing. Use Medisoft® software to perform medical office procedures. Perform charge and payment transactions for patient services. Post payments. Create standard reports, collection letters, and reminders. Set up patient appointments, input office hours, and create schedules.