using a minimum and maximum range of hours for each major job
function and the successful demonstration of identified competencies.
Emergency Medical Technician

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Departmental Standards
- Demonstrate knowledge of commonly used policies
- Recall the location of current divisional policies for reference
Knox Box Program
- Describe the Knox Box procedure
- Locate Knox Boxes at a given location
- Know the location of the Knox Box master key
- Describe Knox Box accountability
- List consequences of a lost Knox Box key
- Complete Benefits Enrollment Process
- Understand Wake County Human Resource Policies
- Understand Fringe Benefits Presented to Wake County Employees
- Recall the contact person for questions regarding benefits
Management Philosophy
- Understand the relationship between the Department’s mission statement and our philosophy
- Understand the progressive discipline system
- Understand the basis for the Department’s rules and regulations
- Understand what “Stop the Bus” means and how it applies to every employee
Operational Clearance
- List the steps of operational clearance
- Identify the point of contact for scheduling operational clearance
- Explain the timeline for completion of operational clearance
Outlook Email & the WIRE
- Demonstrate how to log on to the WIRE and Outlook (
- Successfully navigate the WIRE and Outlook to read, reply, send, and delete messages
- Recall requirements of policy (2-001 III B) covering the use of e-mail
- Describe calendar and e-mail operations
- Explain employee expectations regarding checking email
- Obtain Outlook Email Access
Paycheck Calculators
- Understand how to access the paycheck calculator
- Differentiate the gross paycheck calculator from the net paycheck calculator
- Understand the budgeting tools within the paycheck calculator
- Explain the data entry differences between the paycheck calculator, EPRO Scheduling, and ESS timesheet entry
- Describe the ePro Scheduler program
- Successfully log into EPRO Scheduler
- Recall the location of the Staffing Manual
- Know how to arrange and submit a time-swap request within EPRO
- Understand the rules governing time-swap agreements
- Describe how to receive time-swap information via the Wake Time Swap Facebook group or other such site
- Demonstrate access to scheduling software: work schedule, schedule views, shift pickup, shift availability, time off request, status of requests, messages
Special Teams
- Explain the function and purpose of the Tactical Emergency Medicine Team
- Explain the function and purpose of the Urban Search & Rescue Team
- Explain the function and purpose of the Bike Team
- Explain the function and purpose of the Venue Team
- Explain the function and purpose of the Wolfpack Footbal Medics
- Explain the function and purpose of the Employee Engagement Team
- Explain the function and purpose of the Hurricane Medics
- Identify the Chief responsible for each team
- Describe the process and eligibility to join a given special team
- List the various agencies that interface with a given special team
Timesheets & Payroll
- Understand the difference between a pay period and a FLSA period
- Describe how to calculate their expected gross pay for a given pay period
- Describe how to calculate their expected gross salary given an hourly rate and shift assignment
- Explain the difference between an administrative position leave accrual rate and a 12-hour rate
- Identify the beginning and end of a pay period and the date they will receive actual pay
- Demonstrate their understanding of all sections of their paystub
- Successfully log into Employee Self Service
- Successfully complete a timesheet using Employee Self Service
- Obtain Employee Self Service username access
Uniforms & PPE
- Describe how to obtain replacement uniforms
- Discuss how to report malfunctioning, broken, or misplaced personal protective equipment
- Successfully log into the Wake County EMS page via the Read's website
- Successfully log into the Wake County EMS page via the Galls website
- Procure all regular duty uniform items
- Procure all class A uniform items
- Procure all academy uniform items
- Procure all PPE items
- Obtain Gall's username access
- Obtain Wake County Employee ID
- Obtain Read's username access
Unusual Event Reports (UER)
- Review Incident Reporting and UER’s
- Explain the purpose of Unusual Event Reports (UER)
- Demonstrate the ability to locate the UER template
- Demonstrate knowledge of the types of incidents that require a UER
- Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate information to include as well as terms to avoid when completing a UER
- Demonstrate knowledge of the difference in sensitive and standard UER’s
- Demonstrate knowledge of how to report an incident via the Adverse Event Reporting Portal
Workers' Compensation
- Describe the procedure for documenting a work-related injury
- Describe the notifications required for a work-related injury
- Describe the process for and documentation needed before returning to work upon resolution of a work-related injury
- Explain the difference between a form 19 and a form 18 as it relates to workman’s compensation benefits
- Describe the difference in procedures for documenting an exposure event as compared to a nonexposure work injury
Crew Resource Management
- Understand the sources of Medical Errors
- Define the components of Crisis Resource Management (CRM)
- Explain the “Swiss Cheese” model as it relates to CRM
- Summarize the types of medical errors and list factors that increase their risk
- Identify medication errors and discuss ways Paramedics can help ensure accurate medication delivery
- Explain key concepts of proper medical documentation and communication
- Summarize responsibilities for reporting medical errors and the steps in root cause analysis
- Discuss patient safety goals and some means for achieving them
- Cowboys and Pit Crews Article Assignment
- Crew Resource Management Article Assignment
- The Checklist Article Assignment
Customer Service
- Understand how customer perception and expectations influence interactions and satisfaction
- Understand how employee perception and expectations influence interactions and customer satisfaction
- Understand the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication
- Understand scripting and some basic scripting suggestions
- Understand the Wake County EMS philosophy about service to the citizens
- Clueing in Customers Article Assignment
- CONSIDER: Listen, empathize, and follow the “platinum rule” by treating others as they would like to be treated
- RESPECT: Show regard for all races, religions, cultures and ages and value the talents each person brings to the workplace
- LEARN: Be open to information about cultures, customs and perspectives of your co-workers
- Communicate with kindness and clarity
Dr. Erikson
- Understand the high rate of suicide in the public safety field
- Recognize symptoms of fatigue/distress in yourself and coworkers
- List resources that are available for help for EMS employees
- Medic Suicides Article Assignment
Fit Responder & Physical Activity
- Improve general fitness
- Improve PAT scores
- Improve knowledge of body movement/mechanics
- Understand importance of stretching
- Recognize importance of exercise to overall physical wellbeing
- Demonstrate the calf and ankle glide active stretch
- Demonstrate the hamstring wave active stretch
- Demonstrate the captain morgan active stretch
- Demonstrate the thoracic rotation active stretch
- Demonstrate passive stretching techniques
- Appropriately use a tennis ball and foam roller to manage muscle soreness
- Demonstrate the spine-board-staggered-lift technique
- Demonstrate the warrior-step-and-slide technique
- Demonstrate the rescue-seat-lift technique
- Demonstrate the chair-lift technique
- Demonstrate drags and slides utilizing the mega-mover
- Demonstrate drags and slides utilizing the reeve sleeve
- Obtain Fit Responder LMS username access
- Why Injury Occurs
- Injury Free Mobility Toolbox
- Patient Handling
- Wellness & Nutrition
- HazCom
History of the Wake EMS System
- Recall the year Wake County EMS began operations
- List 2 ambulance providers that served prior to Wake County EMS
- List the 3 paramedic coverage options for contract agencies
- Identify the 6 directors in the history of Wake County EMS
- List all contract agencies currently supporting the Wake County EMS System
- Understand the industry leadership generated by Wake County EMS
Introduction to Simulation
- Explain the role of simulation in the healthcare industry
- Describe functions of the various mannequins
- Describe limitations of the various mannequins
- Review expectations for simulation lab performance
- Rehearse critical reasoning skills
- Develop teamwork and communication skills
- Perform patient history and exams
Introduction to the Wake EMS System
- Basic awareness of the demographics of Wake County inclusive of land mass, population, mean income, tax base, population growth and municipalities
- Identify the various entities that make up the EMS system
- Explain the concept of “contracted agencies” and their role in the EMS system.
- Understand the Wake County EMS department organizational chart
- Identify the Chief Officers of Wake County EMS
- Identify the Chief Officers of Wake EMS System Contracted Agencies
- Understand mass gathering response and special operations as they pertain to Wake County EMS
- Navigate the eWake Talent system
- Successfully log in to eWake Talent
- Find and register for CME and other courses
- Recall the capabilities of TriBridge
- Understand the attendance requirements for CME courses
- Understand the purpose and requirements of the roundtable series
- Explain the purpose of monthly roundtable videos
- Understand the importance of survey completion
- Recall the annual HazMat requirements
- Obtain eWake Talent username access
- Illegal Interview Questions (Wake EMS only)
- Workplace Behavior Fundamentals (Wake EMS only)
- Business Email Compromise Scams (prerequisite for access to any Wake EMS System computer including PCR and MDT computers)
- New Employees Security Awareness (prerequisite for access to any Wake EMS System computer including PCR and MDT computers)
Myers Briggs Type Indicator
- Describe the differences in Adult Learning
- Describe learning strategies for each learning style
- Value individual preference types
- Discuss why we do the things we do based on personality preference.
- Integrate this information into how we work as a team and with others
- Implement a strategy to build team appreciation and productivity
- MBTI personality test (
Peer Support
- Understand the high rate of suicide in the public safety field
- Recognize symptoms of fatigue/distress in yourself and coworkers
- List resources that are available for help for EMS employees
- Platinum Planner Overview
Social Media
- List possible consequences of inappropriate social media activity
- List precautions that employees should take when publishing any information on an agency
- List precautions that employees should take when publishing any information on a colleague
- List examples of when it is acceptable for employees to be on social media while working
- Describe appropriate social media activity
- List examples of social media activities that would be considered "Detrimental to the department"
- Understand the requirements for system entry
- Understand the academy progression
- Understand the importance of the Daily Observation Report
- Understand the purpose and components of the Phase Guide
- Understand the Standard Evaluation Guidelines
- Understand the procedures for medical clearance
- Understand the release to practice requirements
- Understand the callback attendance policy
- Obtain Platinum Planner username access
- Successfully complete general knowledge system entry exam
- Successully complete system entry simulation
Advanced Practice Paramedic Program
- Understand the role of the APP and of District Chief 9
- Describe the reasons the APP program was started
- Understand the role of the APP on mental health calls
- Understand the roll of the APP on substance abuse calls
- Understand the roll of the APP on calls involving falls in assisted living facilities
- Understand the roll of the APP on calls involving homeless patients
- List the call types that automatically dispatch an APP to respond
- Describe the alternative destination procedure
- Advanced Practice Paramedic Clinical Rotation Synopsis
- Mobile Integrated Healthcare Article Assignment
- Advanced Practice Paramedic Clinical Rotation
Alternative Destination
- Describe the capabilities and limitations of Wakebrooke Crisis & Assessment (CAS)
- Describe the capabilities and limitations of Holly Hill
- Describe the capabilities and limitations of Healing Transitions
- List the criteria that patient's must meet in order to be triaged to an alternative destination
- List the situations when a law enforcement officer must accompany EMS during transport to or from these facilities
Bloodborne Pathogens
- Explain the purpose of the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard in 29 CFR 1910.1030.
- Describe the general symptoms and epidemiology of bloodborne diseases.
- Identify the modes of transmission for bloodborne pathogens.
- Identify tasks and other activities that may involve the exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials.
- Describe methods that prevent or reduce exposure to blood or other potentially infectious diseases.
- Describe the appropriate selection, storage, use and disposal of personal protective equipment
- Explain Special Infectious Disease Response Plan
- Define what determines appropriate level of PPE
- Complete all components of the New Employee Bloodborne Pathogens checklist
- Demonstrate correct disposal and replacement of sharps containers
- Bloodborne Pathogens (prerequisite for any patient contact)
Controlled Substances
- Describe the chain of custody for controlled medications.
- Know the consequences for missing controlled substances regarding the DEA and policy
- Describe the process of inventory, logs, and restocking controlled substances
- Explain the narcotic shift change procedure
- Describe procedure if you suspect missing or tampered controlled substances
- Discuss medication ambient temperature requirement
- Brief History of the Drug Enforcement Agency Article Assignment
- Locate stored narcotics
- Demonstrate documentation of shift change narcotic transfer
- Demonstrate documentation of use for a controlled substance
- Demonstrate documentation of restocking a used controlled substance
- Explain the narcotic shift change procedure
Emergency Medical Dispatch
- Have a basic understanding of how the Raleigh-Wake 911 center operates
- Explain the EMD process
- Described B8 and B9 determinants
- Know which calls receive a first responder on the initial dispatch
- Describe the dispatch process for out of county calls
- Define ESTAT
- Understand how to utilize the language line
- Recall EMD codes
- RESCOM Clinical Rotation Synopsis
- RESCOM Clinical Rotation
- Understand the challenges dispatchers have when communicating with the public
- Discuss various dispatcher tasks
- Compare essential and nonessential radio traffic
- Appreciate the improtance of using the radio to return to service versus using the MDT
Emergency Vehicle Operations
- Describe the importance of an emergency vehicle operator program
- Describe the high incidence of collisions involving emergency vehicles
- Identify and explain the factors that contribute to emergency vehicle collisions.
- Explain the legal climate that exists and its impact on emergency vehicle drivers
- Describe the unit, fleet and agency numbering system in the system
- Describe appropriate steps if a unit is involved in an MVC while responding to call
- Identify specific state and local safe driving laws
- Understand the physical forces that affect vehicle handling
- Recognize physical forces that influence the operation of emergency vehicles
- Outline the actions that must be completed prior to operating an emergency vehicle
- Explain how to conduct the ambulance inspection
- Identify major component systems of emergency vehicles
- Demonstrate how to check tire tread for safety
- Recall the frequency that tire tread should be assessed for safety
- Explain how to differentiate diesel ambulances from gasoline ambulances
- Describe the appropriate steps to take when fueling an ambulance
- Explain the 5 Rights of fueling
- Describe the appropriate steps to take if the incorrect fuel type is put into an ambulance
- Describe safe driving practice
- Describe a safe approach to an intersection
- Explain the term “Cushion of Safety”
- Discuss “Scanning for Hazards”
- Explain “Covering the Brake”
- Describe safe lane change procedure
- Describe proper vehicle placement while on various scenes
- Successfully complete an emergency vehicle competency course consisting of activities related to, safe backing, evasive maneuvers, stability control, braking, off road recovery and others
- Lights & Sirens Article Assignment
- Complete Driving Rotation
- Complete Highway-Driving Form
- Complete and submit Street Highway Driving Form
- Demonstrate safe parking of vehicle and proper positioning for a Residential area
- Demonstrate safe parking of vehicle and proper positioning for a Multi-lane road
- Demonstrate safe parking of vehicle and proper positioning for a Highway
- Demonstrate safe operation of vehicle in both emergent and non-emergent traffic
- Demonstrate safe navigation of controlled intersections while responding emergent
- Demonstrate correct backing procedure
- Demonstrate the functions of switches on center control panel
- Demonstrate the use of the environmental controls
- Demonstrate the use of the auto kill switch
- Demonstrate how to perform a safety inspection of tires and tire tread
- Explain when to use high idle and demonstrate its use
- Demonstrate proper vehicle safety inspection
- Demonstrate ability to obtain fuel per policy
- Complete and submit Street Highway Driving Form
- Completes 5 Rights of fuel administration before adding fuel to an ambulance
- Wake County Driving Privilege Procedure Training (prerequisite for driving)
Fire Extinguishers and Safety
- Identify type of fuels
- Select the appropriate extinguisher type for a given type of fire
- Explain the PASS method of fire extinguisher usage
- Safely extinguish a small fire
- Describe distribution of population in Wake County
- Locate municipalities located within Wake County
- Locate adjoining counties
- Discuss tornados/hurricanes/winter weather and their impact on Wake County
- Discuss various major public transportation assets in Wake County and their impact on the EMS System
- Locate major roads including: I-40, I-440, I-540, I-87, Hwy 401, Hwy 64, Hwy 55, Hwy 54, Hwy 70, US 1, and the 64 and 55 by-passes
- Locate various EMS resources by geographical area: APPs, DCs, Fixed EMS Stations, Peak Load Units
- Describe key stations and what is expected when a unit has been dispatched to key station coverage
- Locate other areas of interest: NC State Fairgrounds, Carter Finley Stadium, Walnut Creek, RDU Airport, Triangle Town Center, Central Prison, Red Hat Amphitheatre, Crabtree Valley Mall, and Cary Town Center and other major public venues
- Locate calls using current map book/grid system and give verbal direction to the location
- Complete district familiarization
Safety and Hazardous Materials Operations (HAZMAT)
- Describe EMS involvement at hazardous materials incidents.
- Identify possible hazards that may be encountered at hazardous materials incidents.
- Discuss OSHA regulations regarding emergency response to hazardous materials incidents.
- Appropriately recall Powered Air-purifying Respirator (PAPR) donning & doffing procedure
- Discuss NFPA standards regarding emergency response to hazardous materials incidents especially NFPA 473.
- Identify Training regulations regarding EMS and hazardous materials response and contact agencies that may provide additional information.
- Identify the locations of shipping papers and the information that may be found on hazmat shipping papers.
- Discuss how storage containers can be used to identify the type of hazardous materials they contain.
- Identify various marking/labeling systems and discuss their limitations.
- Identify five types of chemical hazard potential.
- Explain the difference between organic and inorganic chemicals.
- Discuss protection measures to guard against various hazard exposures.
- Describe 4 ways a poison may enter the body.
- Describe a poison’s toxicity in terms of its route and duration of exposure.
- Identify the information that can be found in the North American Emergency Response Guidebook
- Identify three types of respiratory-protective equipment and discuss their limitations.
- Discuss the difference between vapor- and splash- protective clothing.
- Describe the three ways that chemical-protective clothing may fail.
- Identify safe locations when responding to a hazardous materials emergency.
- Identify the exclusion (hot), contamination reduction (warm), and support (cold) zones at the hazardous materials incident and describe the EMS actions performed in each zone.
- Identify the need for EMS involvement at a hazardous material incident.
- Explain in detail how patient decontamination is carried out.
- Describe the differences between ambulatory and non-ambulatory patient decontamination procedures.
- Discuss how different methods of decontamination (dilution, absorption, physical removal, solidification, isolation/disposal, and chemical neutralization/degradation) are used and their limitations
- Describe the general medical approach to a hazardous materials exposure victim.
- Identify conditions under which field decontamination may be less than complete.
- Discuss the need for early hospital notification during hazardous materials incidents.
Hospital Orientation
- Recall location of Wake County Emergency Departments and those located in surrounding counties
- List the capabilities/limitations of Wake Med Raleigh
- List the capabilities/limitations of Wake Med Cary
- List the capabilities/limitations of Rex
- List the capabilities/limitations of Duke Health Raleigh
- List the capabilities/limitations of Duke University (Duke Main)
- List the capabilities/limitations of Duke Regional
- List the capabilities/limitations of Wake Med Children's
- List the capabilities/limitations of Wake Med North
- List the capabilities/limitations of Wake Med Apex
- List the capabilities/limitations of Wake Med Apex
- List the capabilities/limitations of Wake Med Brier Creek
- List the capabilities/limitations of Wake Med Garner
- List the capabilities/limitations of Holly Hill
- List the capabilities/limitations of UNC Wakebrook (Crisis & Assessment)
- List the capabilities/limitations of Healing Transitions
- Identify the location of each emergency department that patients can be transported
- Identify the location of specialty psychiatric facilities
- List the patients that should not be transported to a free-standing emergency department
- Explain the out of county hospital transport policy
- List the limitations of a hospital that is on green diversion as it pertains to EMS transports
- List the limitations of a hospital that is on yellow diversion as it pertains to EMS transports
- List the limitations of a hospital that is on red diversion as it pertains to EMS transports
- List the limitations of a hospital that is on black diversion as it pertains to EMS transports
- Know the origin of EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act)
- Understand how EMTALA relates to hospital diversion statuses
- Identify an EMTALA-bound transfer
- Explain EMTALA guidelines on EMS transport
- Identify information required for radio report to ED
- Perform a radio report to an emergency department
- Perform a verbal report for transfer of care at an emergency department
In-Vehicle Applied Technology
- Understand the use of TriTech
- Successfully log in to TriTech
- Know what dispatch information is available via TriTech
- Understand the functions of In Vehicle Navigation-TriTech
- Identify components of the mobile gateway
- Describe how to determine the mobile gateway connectivity
- Recall location of common troubleshooting guidelines
- Obtain TriTech username access
- Demonstrates ability to logon to TriTech
- Use various PMDC functions including: access to dispatch, CAD data, and messaging information
- Locate times and run number for active & previous calls
- Demonstrate ability to send messages to other units in TriTech
- Use TriTech to route to predefined location
- Use TriTech to locate a specific address
- Use TriTech to locate out of county hospitals
- Demonstrate ability to troubleshoot connectivity issues
Lifting & Moving Devices
- Review the various types of stretchers used in the System
- Locate and operate controls of the assigned stretcher
- Review child restrain devices
- Review policy regarding mandatory use of shoulder straps on all patients
- Demonstrate safe lifting techniques
- Demonstrate safe techniques of movement and loading stretcher into ambulance using each of the stretcher types in the Wake EMS system
- Demonstrate safety and operations of various stair chairs
- Demonstrate the use of the scoop stretcher
- Review usage of Reeves sleeve and Mega Mover and Titan Tarp
- Demonstrate the use of the Pedi Immobilizer
- Demonstrate the use of the KED
- Demonstrate changing of battery on powered stretchers to include indicator light
- Demonstrate raising and lowering position
- Demonstrate how to change patient positioning
- Pediatric Restraint Device
- Reeves Sleeve
- Scoop Stretcher
- Stair Chair Operations
- Stretcher Operations
Operative IQ & Supply Reconciliation
- Describe the Operative IQ system
- Describe station reconciliation
- Discuss how to obtain special supply items
- Recall the logistics officer phone number 919-291-2384
- Explain the process for handling critical equipment failures
- Explain the appropriate decontamination process
- Obtain Operative IQ username access
- Obtain Operative IQ fingerprint access
- Perform daily unit counts and check off using Operative IQ
- Demonstrate completion of a station reconciliation
- Demonstrate how to request a special item
- Demonstrate completion of monthly medication date check
Radio System
- Describe the Wake County 800 MHz Radio System
- Describe the operation of the mobile and portable radio
- Describe the operation of the Minitor and alpha/numeric pager
- Understand the emergency button use and procedure
- Explain the communication limitations during failsoft
- Explain the communication limtitations during site-trunking
- Understand rationale for utilization of plain language on the radio
- Recall two “signal codes” used in the Wake County EMS System
- Explain how to identify provider A/B to specific individuals on a unit
- Operate the power and volume control function on the portabe radio
- Demonstrate how to change talk groups and zones on the protable radio
- Demonstrate how to enable/disable the scan funtion on the portable radio
- Demonstrate how to change the battery on the portable radio
- Demonstrate how to locate Dispatch and PS TAC channels on the portable radio
- Demonstrate how to locate mutual aid talk groups on the portable radio
- Demonstrate how to locate various admin and direct channels on the portable radio
- Demonsrate how to locate public safety and state event talk groups on the portable radio
- Demonstrate how to locate fire department ops channels on the portable radio
- Demonstrate how to locate mass casualty groups on the portable radio
- Demonstrate how to locate various hospital channels on the portable radio
Respiratory Protection
- Describe the Wake County Respiratory Protection Program
- Describe 29 CFR 1910.134, OSHA’s Respiratory Standard
- Describe why the respirator is necessary and how to properly fit, use, and maintain the respirator
- Describe the limitations and capabilities of the selected respirators
- Demonstrate how to inspect, don, check the seals and remove the respirator
- Demonstrate how to use the respirator effectively in emergency situations, including situations in which the respirator malfunctions
- Describe the respirator maintenance and storage procedures
- Describe how to recognize medical signs and symptoms that may limit or prevent effective use of the respirator
- Describe the potential hazards & health effects EMS encounters
- Describe annual fit test policy
- Complete monthly check list of respirators
- Complete monthly check list of respirators
- Demonstrate proper storage of respirator
Shift-Change & Station Duties
- Review Readiness to Respond protocol
- Explain correct procedure for swapping vehicles
- Explain how to report station issues
- Explain shift change procedure
- Recall the storage location of controlled substances
- Recall the storage location of keys
- Recall the storage location of radios
- Recall the storage location of pagers
- Recall the storage location of vehicle fuel cards
- Recall the storage location of PCR laptop
- Recall the storage location of PPE
- Explain the guidelines for parking at EMS Stations
- Explain the process for parking at the Public Safety Center
- Recall the code to unlock station doors
- Recall the code to unlock ambulance doors
- Recall the storage location of garage door opener
- Perform a thorough ambulance inspection/check-off
- Perform station duties
- Correctly perform daily shift change
- Demonstrate daily patient module decontamination procedures
- Demonstrate daily ambulance cab and exterior cleaning procedure
Active Threat Response
- Define “active threat”
- Show familiarization with active threat terms
- Understand the various roles of agencies on scenes
- Recall injuries treated during rescue operations
- Demonstrate understanding of a casualty-collection-point
- Exhibit knowledge of the penetrating bag contents
- Fire Scene Management & Rehabilitation
- Differentiate between EFIRE, EWRF, EHLH, EHRF
- Understand why EMS responds to fire scenes
- Understand the priorities in the “first 10 minutes” on a fire scene
- Describe the role of the Medical Intervention Team
- Describe the role of firefighter rehab
- Locate the parameters for acceptable vital signs on a fire scene
- Describe procedures for allowing firefighters to return to duty
- Understand how to successfully fill out the fire scene rehab forms and complete the associated PCR
First Responder Interface
- Describe the roles of fire personnel on medical calls
- Describe the roles of fire personnel on car accident scenes
- Describe the roles of fire personnel during cardiac arrest management
- Describe the roles of fire personnel on incidents on the interstate
- Recall the scope of practice capabilities of fire personnel
- Understand the strong working relationship between WEMS and fire departments
- Identify items that are restocked by the fire department from the EMS unit after a call
- Explain why non-Wake County employees (fire personnel) cannot operate a Wake County ambulance
- Familiarization with equipment used by fire departments
- Understand the importance of radio communication with first responders with the lack of MDC
High Rise Fire Operations
- Demonstrate the ability to locate the high-rise procedure
- Correctly list the resources included in an initial box alarm dispatched to a high-rise incident
- Correctly list the resources included in a second alarm dispatched to a high-rise incident
- Correctly identify the location typically utilized for the ICP
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of the Operations Section
- Recall who is responsible for establishing the Operations Section during a High-Rise Fire Response
- Recall the where the Operations Section will be located during a High-Rise Fire Response
- List the responsibilities of the Operations Section during a High-Rise Fire Response
- List the responsibilities of the first arriving District Chief to a high-rise fire response
- List the responsibilities of the Second arriving District Chief to a high-rise fire response
- List the responsibilities of the First arriving ambulance crew to a high-rise fire response
- List the responsibilities of the Second arriving ambulance crew to a high-rise fire response
- List the responsibilities of the Third arriving ambulance crew to a high-rise fire response
- List the capabilities of the Major Operations Support Unit (Truck 1)
- List the responsibilities of the Medical Director and/or Assistant Medical Director to a high-rise fire response
- List the responsibilities of the Medical Branch Director at a high-rise fire response
- List the responsibilities of the Medical/Rehab Group Supervisor at a high-rise fire response
- List the responsibilities of the Medical/Rehab Group at a high-rise fire response
- List the responsibilities of the Lobby Triage/Treatment at a high-rise fire response
- List the responsibilities of the Outside Triage/Treatment at a high-rise fire response
- Demonstrate knowledge of the level of PPE and equipment required
- Accurately describe the chain of communications for EMS personnel on scene
Incident Command System (ICS)
- Understand the importance of command and describe the roles/responsibilities
- List the divisions of the ICS
- Describe the importance of ICS on any large-scale event
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of the first arriving unit on any scene
- Describe the roles of the second arriving unit on any scene
- List resources dispatched for box and other WEMS alarms
- Demonstrate knowledge of the difference between strategic and tactical role
- List the functions of the Medical Branch Director
- List the functions of Triage
- List the functions of Staging
- List the functions of Transport
- Recall when the various ICS roles should be filled
- National Disaster Medical System Article Assignment
- Demonstrate how to choreograph a multiple response scene
Major Operations Support Vehicle (EVAC 1)
- Know the purpose of EVAC1 and the strike team
- List EVAC1 uses in relation to MPI
- Demonstrate EVAC1 patient loading and unloading
- Explain call types where Truck 1 would be dispatched/requested
- Demonstrate how to establish a suitable rehabilitation location
- Demonstrate the set-up and use of tactical stretchers and stands
- Review the contents of Medical-Go-Bags and oxygen bags
- Explain the purpose and function of Truck 1 and instances when it would be needed
- Explain the process for becoming a Truck 1 operator
Multi-Patient Incident Response
- List the components of each EMS alarm configuration
- List examples of when a given EMS alarm level would be dispatched
- Explain the appropriate steps to take to request additional alarms
- Explain the role of provider A on the scene of an MPI
- Explain the role of provider B on the scene of an MPI
- Recall the components of the multi-patient task card
- Understand the key roles of an MPI
- Explain the importance of establishing a staging location
- Explain the importance of communications during an MPI
- Understand the difference between geographical and functional assignments
- Multi-Patient Incident Response Simulation
Radiological Emergency Response
- Understand the process of nuclear energy and its process
- Describe the organized response to an emergency at the Harris Plant
- Describe the different types of radiation and concepts
- Describe radiation protection
- Describe how to manage contaminated patients
Raleigh-Durham International Airport Response
- Define the role of Crash, Fire Rescue (CFR)
- Understand the layout of the RDU airport
- Recall the street address of RDU Terminal One
- Recall the street address of RDU Terminal Two
- Recall the street address for the staging location for RDU Alarms
- Recall the street address Crash Fire Rescue
- Define an RDU Alert 1
- Define an RDU Alert 2
- Define an RDU Alert 3
- Define an RDU Alert 4
- Explain the appropriate response method to “airside” calls
- List aircraft safety hazards associated with an RDU response
- List jet bridge operations hazards associated with an RDU response
- List pedestrian traffic hazards associated with an RDU response
- List dangers for not following CFR/RDU response procedure
- Note differences in RDU CFR and other first response agencies
- List the appropriate equipment to bring to the patient’s side for a medical call at RDU
- Explain the scope of practice for RDU Crash Fire
Self-Defence Course - Situational Awareness
- Understand the importance of maintaining increased level of awareness
- Understand and use the term location assessment
- Explain how to detect concealed weapons
- Explain behaviors to improve the identification and response to threats
- Explain the cover and concealment concept
- Demonstrate rudimentary self-defense skills
- Describe scene hazards and safety concerns of a mass gathering
- Recall the system weapons policy
START Triage
- Understand the START triage algorithm
- Describe what to do when first arriving at a Multi-Casualty Incident
- Describe how to use patients with minor injuries to assist with basic first-aid
- List the resources available for use during a mass casualty
- Demonstrate how to use a Triage Tag
- List the radio channels to use during a mass casualty incident
- Demonstrate appropriate radio communications during a mass casualty incident
Task Cards
- Recall the location of task cards on the ambulance
- Understand the active threat task card
- Recall the EMS alarm response task card
- Recall the RDU response plan task card
- Recall the MPI response task card
- Recall the EWF task card
- Recall the HRF task card
- Testing
- Operational Clearance Interview
- Operations & Divisional Policies Module Exam (Prerequisite for Operational Clearance)
- Complete the Operational Clearance/F2 Form
- Pediatric Restraint Device
- Access Skills
- Administration Skills
- Intranasal
- BLS assist for ALS administration/access skills
Assessment & Differential Diagnosis
- Review the inverted pyramid of reasoning
- Describe how to perform a primary survey to classify critical or non-critical patients
- Understand the importance of obtaining an accurate history for an effective assessment
- Understand the importance of a physical exam for an effective assessment
- Explain how to overcome factors that influence decision making
- Demonstrate how to use subjective and exam information: scene survey, chief complaint, history of present illness/injury, meds, history, etc. to create a differential diagnosis and treatment plan
- Have basic knowledge of how a patient encounter should progress
- Describe the importance of a systematic approach to deduce a possible diagnosis based on their assessment findings
- List assessment questions based on a given patient’s chief complaint
- Explain how to eliminate certain disease processes based on their assessment findings and assessment questions
- Explain the importance of bringing the patient’s medications with them to the hospital
- List the life saving interventions that should be performed during a primary assessment
- Auscultation of Lung Sounds
- Blood Glucose
- Blood Pressure - Ausculated
- Blood Pressure - Orthostatic
- Blood Pressure - Palpated
- Tympanic Temperature Measurement
- Pulse Oximetry
- LifePak 15 Functions
Consent & Refusal
- Compare autonomy vs. duty
- Explain the difference between competency and capacity
- Define informed consent
- List definitions of emancipated minors
- Understand the pediatric rules for refusal/transportation
- Describe the steps to determine capacity
- Understand the risk of refusal of treatment/transport
- List all the options to use when a patient refuses care/transport
- Understand when to contact medical control during the high-risk refusal
- Understand the difference between patient refusal and provider refusal
- Demonstrate skillful refusal explanation to a patient
- Demonstrate ability to properly document a refusal
- Paramedics, Consent & Refusal Article
Documentation Standards
- Explain the importance of good documentation
- Explain the False Claims Act
- List the required items for each EHR
- Explain the ECR upload processes for EKG data, CAD data and how-to troubleshooting transmission errors
- Define when and which vital signs must be documented in the HER
- Explain why all ECRs should be reviewed by each crew member
- Explain when signatures are required and how to obtain them
- Explain policy for completion of ECRs at hospital and the exception
- Explain process for transmitting ECRs to out of county hospitals
- Understand the difference in documentation for a special event
- Describe how to document a special event standby and request for OTC items
- Describe the use of the airway audit form
- Routinely completes PCR documentation within 30 minutes of arriving at the hospital for routine calls
- Demonstrate accurate and thorough documentation
- Develop a narrative style that meets current documentation standards
ESO Solutions
- Gain access to ESO web and laptop versions
- Accurately navigate ESO
- Understand how to find draft reports and proper procedure for eliminating drafts
- Demonstrate an ability to troubleshoot common ESO problems
- Obtain ESO username access
- Successfully upload data from a LP15 to an ESO report
- Understand how to Validate ESO reports
- Understand how to Sync ESO reports
- Retrieve vital sign data from LifePak15
- Demonstrate proper documentation of patient belongings
Foundations of Practice
- Define a patient in the Wake EMS System
- List the Rights of a Patient
- Describe when a minor can consent to care
- List the Automatic Notifications of the Medical Director
- Define the options for patient disposition
- List the minimum requirements for each patient encounter
- Explain how to navigate the protocol
- Explain the readiness for response policy
- Identify the origin of the HIPAA rule
- Explain the intent of the HIPAA privacy and security rules
- Understand employer and legal sanctions for inadvertent and purposeful disclosure of confidential information, including protected health information
- Identify the actions to take when a disclosure is known, or suspected, to have occurred
- Define general security principles regarding HIPAA for Handling of paper records
- Define general security principles regarding Station security
- Define general security principles regarding Transmission of patient care data
- Define general security principles regarding Oral communications regarding HIPAA
- Describe employer and legal sanctions relating to HIPAA for the inadvertent and purposeful disclosure of confidential information/PHI
- Describe the actions to take when a disclosure is known or suspected
- HIPAA (prerequeste for ESO access)
Patient Safety & HandTevy
- Recognize the impact of medication errors in healthcare
- Recall the login information for access to the HandTevy for the Wake County EMS System
- Recite the rights of medication administration
- Understand safety mechanisms for medication delivery including blunt tip needles, buretrols, drip labels and the Handtevy App and length-based tape
- Become comfortable with navigating the Handtevy App
- Become comfortable with Wake EMS System medication delivery equipment including blunt tip needles, buretrols, drip labels, 3 way stop cocks and IM needles.
- Length Based Tape & HandTevy
Pediatric Assessment Techniques
- Identify the anatomical differences between adult and pediatric patients
- Describe the components of the Pediatric Assessment Triangle
- Describe assessment findings in a critically ill pediatric patient
- List vital sign parameters for various age groups
- List the components of the APGAR Score
- Differentiate between adult and pediatric assessment techniques
- Describe the importance of communication with the parent to obtain information and identify key questions that should be asked
- Describe how to obtain history for a child with special health care needs
- Pediatric Simulation
Quality Management & Quality Assurance
- Describe the function of the Office of Medical Affairs
- Identify clinical quality measures reported in this EMS system
- Explain QA/QM guidelines
- Identify important data measured from ESO
- Identify the means of reporting clinical concerns and requesting clinical follow-up
- Explain and review the CARES CPR Registry
- Explain the data elements required for CARES CPR Registry
- Research & Evidence-Based Medicine
- Be familiar with definition of randomized controlled trial
- Recall Levels of Evidence
- Understand Pre-test & Post-Test Probability
- Define Likelihood Ratio
- Understand confidence intervals
- Define Number Needed to Treat (NNT)
- Define Number Needed to Harm (NNH)
- Be able to Compare/Contrast Specificity and Sensitivity
- Assessment/Documentation Module Exam
- Blood Pressure - Orthostatic
- Length Based Tape & HandTevy
- Intranasal
Abdominal Pain
- Recognize location of major abdominal organs
- Know the etiology of visceral and somatic pain
- Know the origin and signs/symptoms of common abdominal related disorders
- Know the appropriate treatment of abdominal pain
Allergic Reactions
- Define antigen
- Know the routes of exposure to an antigen
- Understand the immune system process when exposed to an antigen
- Understand the effects of histamine and leukotrienes on the body
- Identify signs/symptoms of an allergic reaction
- Differentiate between mild, moderate and severe allergic reactions
- Recognize common symptoms/signs of anaphylaxis
- Know the treatment for both allergic reaction and anaphylaxis
- Know the class, MOA, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of epinephrine
- Know the class, MOA, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of diphenydramine
- Know the class, MOA, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of albuterol
- Allergic Reaction Simulation
- IM Epinephrine
Animal Bites
- Know the signs/symptoms and treatment for spider and insect bites
- Know the signs/symptoms and treatment for snake bites
- Know the signs/symptoms and treatment for domestic animal bites
- Know the requirement for reporting certain animal bites
- Service Animals
- Special Patient Populations
- Understand how poverty affects overall health
- Define domestic violence
- Identify signs of domestic violence
- Understand the procedure for reporting suspected domestic violence
- Recall resources for victims of domestic violence
- Define human trafficking
- Identify populations at-risk for human trafficking
- Understand the role of EMS providers when interacting with victims of human trafficking
- Understand the procedure for reporting suspected victims of human trafficking
- Recall the resources for victims of human trafficking
Back Pain
- Understand common causes of back pain and origin of referred pain in the back
- Understand patient satisfaction component of treatment of back pain
- Define the high-risk back pain patient population
Common Pediatric Emergencies
- Define croup
- List signs/symptoms of croup and the associated treatment
- Define bronchiolitis
- List signs/symptoms of bronchiolitis and the associated treatment
- Define Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
- List signs/symptoms of RSV and the associated treatment
- Define epiglottis
- List signs/symptoms of epiglottitis
- Define Apparent Life-Threatening Event (ALTE)
- List common causes of ALTE
- Define febrile seizure
- List signs/symptoms and associated treatment of a febrile seizure
- Define Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
- Describe common injury patterns seen in pediatrics
- List common causes of hypo/hyperglycemia in pediatric patients
- List common causes of shock in pediatric patients
- Describe the components of neonatal resuscitation
Diabetic Emergencies
- Understand the role of glucose in the body
- Understand the function of the pancreas
- Understand the causes of hypoglycemia
- Recognize the signs/symptoms of hypoglycemia
- Describe the management of hypoglycemia
- Understand the causes of hyperglycemia/DKA
- Recognize the symptoms/signs of hyperglycemia
- Describe the management of hyperglycemia
- List examples of short-acting insulin
- List examples of long-acting insulin
- List examples of oral antihyperglycemia medications
- List the criteria to treat/release the hypoglycemia patient
- Diabetes Article Assignment
- Know the class, MOA, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of oral glucose
- Know the class, MOA, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of glucagon
- Know the class, MOA, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of Dextrose 10%
Environmental Emergencies
- Describe different ways the body can lose or gain heat
- Differentiate between cold emergencies (frost bite, hypothermia)
- List signs and symptoms of exposure to cold
- Describe the management of a hypothermia
- Differentiate between heat emergencies (heat exhaustion, heat cramps, heat stroke)
- List signs and symptoms of exposure to heat
- Describe the management of hyperthermia
- Describe the protective mechanism cold water exposure provides during cardiac arrest
- Describe the "Throw, Row, Before You Go" concept for rescuing persons from the water
- Describe the management of lightning strikes
- Know the treatment for broken/dislodged/avulsed/abscessed tooth
- Understand common causes of epistaxis
- Know the treatment for epistaxis
- Know the class, mechanism of action, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of afrin
- Understand how the body regulates temperature
- Define fever
- Differentiate pathophysiology between fever and environmental hyperthermia
- Know the causes of a fever
- Understand how the body responds to a fever
- Know various treatments for a fever
- Understand the importance of PPE for patients with Fever
- Know the class, MOA, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of acetaminophen
- Know the class, MOA, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of ketorolac
- Understand common causes of headache
- Recognize common signs/symptoms of simple headaches
- Understand life threatening headaches presentations
- Know the treatment for the patient with a headache
- Describe the physiology of blood pressure regulation
- List the common causes of hypertension
- Describe the Wake EMS Protocol for isolated hypertension
Obstetrical Emergencies
- Recall the Triage & Destination Plan considerations for Obstetrical Patients
- Recognize the physiologic changes in the gravid patient
- Describe how to estimate gestational age
- Recognize signs/symptoms of a spontaneous abortion
- Recognize signs/symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy
- Define preeclampsia
- Identify signs/symptoms of preeclampsia
- Define eclampsia.
- Identify signs/symptoms of eclampsia
- Know the treatment for eclampsia
- Define abruptio placenta
- Recognize signs/symptoms of abruptio placenta
- Define placenta previa
- Recognize signs/symptoms of placenta previa
- Define uterine rupture
- Recognize signs/symptoms of uterine rupture
- List the stages of a normal delivery
- Describe the management of a breech presentation
- List delivery techniques for suspected shoulder dystocia
- Know how to recognize prolapsed cord
- Describe the management of prolapsed cord
- Understand the severity of post-partum hemorrhage
- Describe the management of post-partum hemorrhage
- Obstetrical Emergencies Article Assignemnt
Pain Management
- Recall the differences in dosages for pain management of burn patients
- Recall the maximum total dosage of fentanyl for a burn patient
- Recognize how to evaluate pain
- Know various techniques to manage pain
- Know the class, MOA, indications, contraindication, side effects, onset of action, dose and route of Tyleno
- Define seizure
- Understand the cause of a seizure
- Know signs/symptoms of various types of seizures
- Define status-epilepticus
- Describe assessment techniques for seizure patients
- Know the QA markers for seizure patients
- Describe the management of seizure patients
- Explain the difference in dosing and medication packaging for midazolam in the seizure patient
- Seizures Article Assignment
- Know the class, MOA, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of acetaminophen
- Define Sepsis
- Identify common sources of infections
- List the SIRS criteria
- Define Severe Sepsis
- Define Septic Shock
- Understand the importance of sepsis recognition
- Understand the role of end tidal capnography in recognition of sepsis
- Know the criteria for a Sepsis Alert in the Wake EMS System
- Describe the treatment for sepsis
- Describe Early Goal Directed Therapy
- Sepsis Article Assignment
- Define Shock
- Identify the four main types of shock
- Describe the signs and symptoms of each shock type
- Describe the role of cardiac output in relation to shock
- Understand the treatment for shock/hypotension
- Define and recognize altered mental status
- Describe common causes and the associated differential diagnosis
- Understand how alcohol affects the clinical picture and physical exam
- Shock Article Assignment
- Define Stroke
- Known risk factors for stroke and how those risk factors can increase the risk of stroke
- Define ischemic stroke
- Define hemorrhagic stroke
- Understand the prevalence of each type of stroke
- Know the Modified LA Prehospital Stroke Screen that is used by Wake EMS
- Know the VAN Screening tool for large vessel occlusion
- Know the importance of onset of symptom time
- Know the criteria for activating a Code Stroke in the Wake EMS System
- Know the exclusion criteria for calling a Code Stroke in presence of neurological deficit
- Know the scene time requirement for Code Strokes
- Know the destination guide for acute stroke patients
- Know the treatment for a Code Stroke patient
- Know the QA criteria for the code stroke patients
- Demonstrate how to correctly perform a blood draw
- Demonstrate how to correctly perform a stroke screen
- Demonstrate how to correctly perform a VAN exam
- Stroke Screen - Modified LA Prehospital
- Stroke Screen - VAN Exam
- Define syncope
- Understand the cause of vasovagal syncope
- Know the signs and symptoms of vasovagal syncope
- Know the signs and symptoms of orthostatic syncope
- Know the signs and symptoms of cardiac syncope
- Demonstrate assessment techniques and tools to help determine the cause of syncope
- Testing
- General Medical Module Exam
- Stroke Screen - Modified LA Prehospital
- Stroke Screen - VAN Exam
- IM Epinephrine
Arrhythmia Management
- Describe cardiac action potential
- Differentiate stable vs unstable patient presentation
- Understand the treatment for bradycardia
Cardiac Arrest Management
- Describe the benefits of vascular access options in cardiac arrest (IO or IV)
- List the criteria to discontinue resuscitation
- Describe the research behind the use of targeted temperature management
- List the indications for both standard and double sequential defibrillations
- Describe the management of PEA
- Explain the adjustments for resuscitation of a neonatal patient
- Explain the adjustments for resuscitation of a pediatric patient
- Defend field termination of resuscitation and describe indications
- Explain the morgue process for field-pronounced deaths
- Differentiate between the management of medical cardiac arrest and traumatic cardiac arrest
- Cardiac Arrest Simulation (Position 2)
- Defibrillation - A.E.D
- Lead Placement (12 lead & 4 lead)
- Understand LVAD indications
- Describe basic operations of the LVADs in use today
- Discuss troubleshooting guidelines
- List treatment options and contraindications
- Understand the importance of contact with the LVAD coordinator
Pit Crew CPR
- List the criteria to withhold resuscitation
- Understand the important components of evidence-based CPR
- Describe the science of perfusion during resuscitation
- Identify factors that reduce perfusion during resuscitation
- Describe the pit crew CPR concept
- Demonstrate the roles of each crew member in the Pit Crew CPR model
- Explain the appropriate procedure for utilizing an automated CPR device
- Explain the appropriate rate to perform compressions
- Explain the appropriate depth to perform compression
- Explain the importance of recoil during compressions
- Explain the appropriate time intervals for compressors
- Explain the risks associated with hyperventilation
- Pit Crew & Team Focused CPR
ROSC Management
- Describe how to identify ROSC in the field
- Describe appropriate steps for managing the airway
- Describe the appropriate management for bradycardia and hypotension
- Understand the importance of 12-lead acquisition
- Describe when to discontinue hypothermia
- Review checklist components
- Know and recite the destination guide for adult and pediatric post ROSC patients
- Recall the Triage & Destination Plan for Adult ROSC
- Recall the Triage & Destination Plan for Pediatric ROSC
STEMI & STEMI Imposter
- Describe the process for STEMI activation
- List the criteria for Code STEMI activation
- Describe the management of a patient with STEMI imposter versus STEMI
- Differentiate “STEMI Alert” from “Consult” in regard to hospital notification
- Recall the Triage & Destination Plan for STEMI
- Know the class, mechanism of action, onset, side effects, contraindications, dose and route of aspirin
- Know the class, mechanism of action, onset, side effects, contraindications, dose and route of nitroglycerin
- List the QA criteria for STEMI
- Testing
- Cardiology Module Exam
- Defibrillation - A.E.D
- Lead Placement (12 lead & 4 lead)
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Know the pathophysiology of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
- Describe the signs and symptoms of ARDS
- Know and understand the treatment for ARDS
Airway Management
- Understand the airway anatomy for adult and pediatric patients
- Know devices used within the Wake County EMS System to manage a patient’s airway
- Know the protocols and procedures for airway management within the Wake County EMS System
- Understand the applications and importance of ETCO2 for airway management
- Understand the goals of airway management
- Compare BLS techniques and ALS techniques for airway management using up-to-date evidencebased medicine
Airway Skills
- Capnography & ETCO2
- BLS assist for ALS Airway Skills
- King & Blind Insertion Airway Device
- BVM Ventilation
- Foreign Body Airway Obstruction - BLS
- Gastric Tube Insertion
- Nasopharyngeal Airway
- Oropharyngeal Airway
- Suctioning - Basic
- Define asthma
- Know the causes of an asthma attack
- Understand the classic triad response for an asthma attack
- Recognize signs and symptoms of asthma
- Understand the treatments for asthma
- Understand key differences managing the asthmatic’s airway
- Know the class, MOA, onset of duration, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of albuterol
- Describe the indications for capnography
- Demonstrate the use of capnography
- Identify various capnography waveforms
- Indicate EtCO2 values that may be used in various situations
- List the benefits of EtCO2
- Recall the limitations EtCO2 has in cardiac arrest
- Describe the physiology behind capnography
- Capnography Article Assignment
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Define chronic bronchitis
- Define emphysema
- Know the physiology of emphysema
- Know the physiology of chronic bronchitis
- Recognize signs and symptoms of COPD exacerbation
- Understand the treatments for COPD
- Understand key difference managing the COPD patient’s airway
- Know the class, MOA, onset of duration, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of albuterol
Congestive Heart Failure & Cardiogenic Shock
- Define congestive heart failure
- Know the pathophysiology of congestive heart failure
- Recognize signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure
- Understand the cause of pulmonary edema
- Understand the treatment for pulmonary edema
- Understand how CPAP improves ventilations
- Know contraindications of CPAP
- Understand the importance of CPAP in the pulmonary edema patient
- Compare the primary CPAP device and the secondary CPAP device carried in the Wake EMS System
- Define cardiogenic shock
- Recognize signs and symptoms of cardiogenic shock
- Understand the treatment for cardiogenic shock
- Congestive Heart Failure Article Assignment
- Effectiveness of Prehospital CPAP Article Assignment
- Know the class, MOA, onset of duration, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of
- Define pneumonia
- Describe common causes of pneumonia
- Describe the management of pneumonia
Pulmonary Embolism
- Define Pulmonary Embolism
- List the components of Virchow’s Triad as they relate to pulmonary embolism
- Describe the signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolisms
- Describe the management of pulmonary embolism
Respiratory Distress
- Describe the normal function of the respiratory system
- Differentiate between oxygenation, ventilation and perfusion
- Describe the physiology of CPAP therapy
- Describe the role of supplemental oxygen and the harm of free radicals
- Respiratory Distress Article Assignment
- Respiratory Distress Simulation
Respiratory Skills
- In-Line Nebulizer
- Nebulizer Therapy
- Oxygen Administration
- Testing
- Respiratory Module Exam
- In-Line Nebulizer
- Nebulizer Therapy
- King & Blind Insertion Airway Device
- BVM Ventilation
- Foreign Body Airway Obstruction - BLS
- Gastric Tube Insertion
- Nasopharyngeal Airway
- Oropharyngeal Airway
- Suctioning - Basic
CDC Trauma Triage
- List the CDC Trauma Triage Criteria
- Understand the Wake EMS Protocol adaptation of the CDC Trauma Triage Criteria
- Identify the capabilities and limitations of Wake Med Cary regarding pediatric and OB trauma patients
- Know the three QA criteria of a trauma call
- Know required information for a scene notification
- Appropriately complete a scene notification for trauma patient
Spinal Motion Restriction Skills
- Football Helmet Kits
- K.E.D
- Spinal Motion Restriction
- Spinal Clearance (NSAIDS)
Trauma Assessment
- Explain how to assess a scene for potential injuries and hazards upon the initial size up when arriving on scene
- Describe importance of personal safety and required PPE for trauma calls
- Describe the equipment that should be brought to the patient’s side for blunt vs penetrating trauma
- Explain assessment components of the primary assessment for a trauma patient
- List the life threats that should be corrected during the primary assessment
- List the five areas from which you can exsanguinate
- List reason we expose all trauma patients
- Describe importance of a secondary assessment enroute to the hospital
- Describe criteria to withhold resuscitation for the traumatic arrest patient
- Recite the Glasgow Coma Scale and explain why it is used
Trauma Treatment
- Identify the signs and symptoms of hemorrhagic shock
- Describe the appropriate treatment for Hemorrhagic Shock
- Describe the appropriate treatment for a Burn
- Describe the appropriate treatment for a Blast Injury
- Describe the appropriate treatment for an Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Describe the appropriate treatment for a Rhabdomyolisis
- Describe the appropriate treatment for a Crush Syndrome
- Describe the appropriate treatment for an Extremity Trauma
- Describe the appropriate treatment for an Eye Injury
- Describe the clinical concerns associated with increased intracranial pressure
- List signs/symptoms of increased intracranial pressure
- Describe the appropriate treatment for a Head Injury
- Identify the signs and symptoms of spinal cord injuries
- Describe the appropriate treatment for a spinal injury
- Describe the appropriate treatment for a Traumatic Cardiac Arrest
- Trauma Damage Control Resuscitation Article Assignement
- Spinal Precautions Article Assignment
- Lightening Strike Emergencies Article Assignment
- Hemorrhage/Trauma Simulation
Wound Care Skills
- Dressing & Bandaging
- Extremity Splinting
- Hemostatic Dressing & Wound Bandaging
- Morgan Lense
- Sling & Swathe
- Tourniquet
- Traction Splint
- Testing
- Trauma Module Exam
- Spinal Motion Restriction
- Spinal Clearance (NSAIDS)
- Extremity Splinting
- Hemostatic Dressing & Wound Bandaging
- Morgan Lense
- Sling & Swathe
- Tourniquet
- Traction Splint
- Healing Transitions Clinical Rotation Synopsis
- Healing Transitions Clinical Rotation
- Explain the purpose of Healing Transitions
- Recall the clinical limitations placed on staff within the Detox Center at Healing Transitions
- Define Recovery Dynamics
- Participate in a Community Meeting
Healing Transitions Video
- Legal Review
- Define Mental Illness
- Define Substance Abuse
- Define Intoxicated Subject
- Define Petitioner and Respondent
- Differentiate between emergency vs. voluntary vs. involuntary commitment
- Define the term 'danger to self and/or others'
- Describe EMS role/limitation in transport of the voluntary vs involuntary commitment patients
- Describe common toxidromes
- Explain the importance of symptom-based management for undifferentiated overdose
- Describe the signs and symptoms of narcotic overdose
- Describe the treatment for symptomatic narcotic overdose
- Explain the isolated heroin overdose protocol
- Describe the signs and symptoms of beta blocker overdose
- Describe the signs and symptoms of calcium channel overdose
- Describe the signs and symptoms of tricyclic overdoses
- Describe the management of symptomatic tricyclic overdose
- Understand the signs and symptoms of organophosphate poisoning
- Describe the signs and symptoms of Carbon Monoxide poisoning
- Describe the signs and symptoms of Cyanide poisoning
- Describe the signs and symptoms of acetaminophen overdoses
- Describe the signs and symptoms of salicylate overdose
- Describe the treatment for the intoxicated patient
- Understand the physiology of withdrawal and associated symptoms
- Explain the capabilities of Carolina Poison Center
- Know the class, mechanism of action, onset of duration, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of naloxone
Psychiatric/Behavioral Emergencies
- Describe common psychiatric disorders
- Describe the signs and symptoms of common psychiatric disorders
- Explain the physiology of excited delirium
- Explain the physiology of stimulant drugs
- Explain the treatment specific to excited delirium
- Explain the importance of provider safety when interacting with emotionally disturbed persons
- Articulate de-escalation techniques for dealing with emotionally disturbed persons
- Describe the role of the APP on behavioral calls.
- Excited Delirium Article Assignment
- Psychological Disorders Article Assignment
- Physical Restraints
- Overdose
- Mental Health & Overdose Module Exam
- Physical Restraints
- Drug Cards
- Final Exam
- Competency Simulation
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Training Provider(s):

Pathway 1 Bridge Program
EMS 280 EMS Bridge Course EMS 125 Instructor Methodology BIO 168 Anatomy & Physiology I MAT 143 Quantitative Literacy ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry EMS 235 EMS Management PSY 150 General Psychology HUM 115 or PHI 215 or PHI 240 Humanities/Fine Art Elective ENG 112 or ENG 114 EMS 210 Advanced Patient Assessment BIO 169 Anatomy & Physiology Il EMS 110 EMT EMS 130 Pharmacology EMS 131 Advanced Airway Management EMS 160 Cardiology 1 EMS 260 Trauma Emergencies EMS 220 Cardiology Il EMS 122 Clinical Practicum I EMS 221 Clinical Practicum Il EMS 250 Medical Emergencies EMS 240 Patients with Special Challenges EMS 270 Life Span Emergencies EMS 231 Clinical Practicum Ill EMS 241 Clinical Practicum IV
Optional Certificate
EMT-110, EMT 4200
Pathway 2 (Traditional)
EMS 110 EMT BIO 163 Basic Anatomy & Physiology MAT 143 Quantitative Literacy EMS 122 EMS Clinical Practicum I ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry EMS 131 Adv Airway Management EMS 210 Adv Patient Assessment EMS 130 Pharmacology PSY 150 General Psychology EMS 160 Cardiology I EMS 221 Clinical Practicum Il EMS 240 Pts W/ special Challenges EMS 220 cardiology Il EMS 260 Trauma Emergencies EMS 231 EMS Clinical Practicum Ill EMS 250 Medical Emergencies EMS 270 Life Span Emergencies EMS 125 Instructor Methodology OR EMS 140 Rescue Scene Management OR EMS 235 EMS Management EMS 241 EMS Clinical Practicum IV EMS 285 EMS Capstone HUM/ FA Humanities/Fine Arts Elective Choose one: HUM: 115 PHI: 215, 240 Second English Elective ENG Choose one: ENG 112 ENG 114
Pathway 3
Required EMS 235 - EMS Management ENG 111 - Writing and Inquiry COM 120 - Intro to Interpersonal Communication BIO 163 - Basic Anatomy & Physiology MAT 110 - Mathematical Measurement and Literacy PSY 150 - General Psychology PHI 240 - Introduction to Ethics Optional: BIO 168 - Anatomy and Physiology I BIO 169 - Anatomy and Physiology Il MAT 143 - Quantitative Literacy COM 231 - Public Speaking ENG 112 - Writing and Research in the Disciplines HUM 115 - Critical Thinking SOC 210 - Introduction to Sociology PSY 118 - Interpersonal Psychology