Hybrid programs blend both competency- and time-based strategies,
using a minimum and maximum range of hours for each major job
function and the successful demonstration of identified competencies.
using a minimum and maximum range of hours for each major job
function and the successful demonstration of identified competencies.
Emergency Medical Technician

North Carolina (SAA)
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Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Bloodborne Pathogens
Bloodborne Pathogens
- Explain the purpose of the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard in 29 CFR 1910.1030
- Describe the general symptoms and epidemiology of bloodborne diseases.
- Identify the modes of transmission for bloodborne pathogens.
- Identify tasks and other activities that may involve the exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials.
- Describe methods that prevent or reduce exposure to blood or other potentially infectious diseases.
- Describe the appropriate selection, storage, use and disposal of personal protective equipment
- Explain Special Infectious Disease Response Plan
- Define what determines appropriate level of PPE
- Complete all components of the New Employee Bloodborne Pathogens checklist
- Demonstrate correct disposal and replacement of sharp containers
- Bloodborne Pathogens prerequisite for a patient contact
Controlled Substances
Controlled Substances
- Describe the chain of custody for controlled medications.
- Know the consequences for missing controlled substances regarding the DEA and policy
- Describe the process of inventory, logs, and restocking controlled substances
- Explain the narcotic shift change procedure
- Describe procedure if you suspect missing or tampered controlled substances
- Discuss medication ambient temperature requirement
- Brief History of the Drug Enforcement Agency Article Assignment
- Locate stored narcotics
- Demonstrate documentation of shift change narcotic transfer
- Demonstrate documentation of use for a controlled substance
- Demonstrate documentation of restocking a used controlled substance
- Explain the narcotic shift change procedure
Emergency Medical Dispatch
Emergency Medical Dispatch
- Have a basic understanding of how the 911 center operates
- Explain the EMD process
- Described B8 and B9 determinants
- Know which calls receive a first responder on the initial dispatch
- Describe the dispatch process for out of county calls
- Define ESTAT
- Understand how to utilize the language line
- Recall EMD codes
- Understand the challenges dispatchers have when communicating with the public
- Discuss various dispatcher tasks
- Com are essential and nonessential radio traffic
- Appreciate the importance of using the radio to return to service versus using the MDT
Emergency Vehicle Operations
Emergency Vehicle Operations
- Describe the importance of an emergency vehicle operator program
- Describe the high incidence of collisions involving emergency vehicles
- Identity and explain the factors that contribute to emergency vehicle collisions.
- Explain the legal climate that exists and its impact on emergency vehicle drivers
- Describe the unit, fleet and agency numbering system in the system
- Describe appropriate steps if a unit is involved in an MVC while responding to call
- Identify specific state and local safe driving laws
- Understand the physical forces that affect vehicle handling
- Recognize the physical forces that influence the operation of emergency vehicles
- Outline the actions that must be completed prior to operating an emergency vehicle
- Explain how to conduct the ambulance inspection
- Identify major components stems of emergency vehicles
- Demonstrate how to check tire tread for safe
- Recall the frequency that tire tread should be assessed for safe
- Explain how to differentiate diesel ambulances from gasoline ambulances
- Describe the appropriate steps to take when fueling an ambulance
- Describe the appropriate steps to take if the incorrect fuel is put into an ambulance
- Describe safe driving practice
- Describe a safe approach to an intersection
- Explain the term "Cushion of Safety"
- Discuss "Scanning for Hazards"
- Explain "Covering the Brake"
- Describe safe lane change procedure
- Describe proper vehicle placement while on various scenes
- Demonstrate safe parking of vehicle and proper positioning for a Residential area
- Demonstrate safe parking of vehicle and proper positioning for a Multi-lane road
- Demonstrate safe parking of vehicle and proper positioning for a Highway
- Demonstrate safe operation of vehicle in both emergent and non-emergent traffic
- Demonstrate safe navigation of controlled intersections white responding emergent
- Demonstrate correct backing procedure
- Demonstrate the functions of switches on center control panel
- Demonstrate the use of the environmental controls
- Demonstrate the use of the auto kill switch
- Demonstrate how to perform a safety inspection of tires and tire tread
- Explain when to use high idle and demonstrate its use
- Demonstrate proper vehicle safety inspection
- Demonstrate ability to obtain fuel per policy
- Describe distribution of population in Robeson County
- Locate municipalities located within Robeson County
- Locate adjoining counties
- Discuss tornados/hurricanes/winter weather and their impact on Robeson County
- Discuss various major public transportation assets in Robeson County and their impact on the EMS System
- Locate major roads
- Locate other areas of interest
- Locate calls using current map book/grid system and give verbal direction to the location
- Complete district familiarization
Safety and Hazardous Materials Operations (HAZMAT)
Safety and Hazardous Materials Operations (HAZMAT)
- Describe EMS involvement at hazardous materials incidents.
- Identify possible hazards that maybe encountered at hazardous materials incidents.
- Discuss OSHA regulations regarding emergency response to hazardous materials incidents.
- Appropriately recall Powered Air-purifying in Respirator {PAPR) donning & doffing procedure
- Discuss NFPA standards regarding emergency response to hazardous materials incidents especially NFPA 473.
- Identify Training regulations regarding EMS and hazardous materials response and contact agencies that may provide additional information.
- Identify the locations of shipping papers and the information that may be found on hazmat shipping papers.
- Discuss how storage containers can be used to identify the type of hazardous materials they contain.
- Identify various marking/labeling systems and discuss their limitations.
- Identify five types of chemical hazard potential.
- Explain the difference between organic and inorganic chemicals.
- Discuss protection measures to guard against various hazard exposures.
- Describe 4 ways a poison may enter the bad .
- Describe a poison's toxicity in terms of its route and duration of exposure.
- Identify the information that can be found in the North American Emergency Response Guidebook
- Identify three types of respiratory protective equipment and discuss their limitations.
- Discuss the difference between vapor- and splash- protective clothing
- Describe the three ways that chemical- protective clothing may fail.
- Identify safe locations when responding to a hazardous materials emergency.
- Identify the exclusion (hot), contamination reduction (warm), and support (cold) zones at the hazardous materials incident and describe the EMS actions performed in each zone.
- Identify the need for EMS involvement at a hazardous material incident.
- Explain in detail how patient decontamination is carried out.
- Describe the differences between ambulatory and non-ambulatory patient decontamination procedures.
- Discuss how different methods of decontamination (dilution, absorption, physical removal, solidification, isolation/disposal, and chemical neutralization/degradation) are used and their limitations.
- Describe the general medical approach to a hazardous materials exposure victim.
- Identify conditions under which field decontamination may be less than complete.
- Discuss the need for early hospital notification during hazardous materials incidents.
Lifting & Moving Devices
Lifting & Moving Devices
- Review the various types of stretchers used in the System
- Locate and operate controls of the assigned stretcher
- Review child restrain devices
- Review policy regarding mandatory use of shoulder straps on all patients
- Demonstrate safe lifting techniques
- Demonstrate safe techniques of movement and loading stretcher into ambulance using each of the stretcher types provided
- Demonstrate safety and operations of various stair chairs
- Demonstrate the use of the scoop stretcher
- Review usage of Reeves sleeve and Mega Mover and Titan Tarp
- Demonstrate the use of the Pedi Immobilizer
- Demonstrate the use of the KED
- Demonstrate changing of battery on powered stretchers to include indicator light
- Demonstrate raising and lowering position
- Demonstrate how to change patient positioning
- Pediatric Restraint Device
- Reeves Sleeve
- Scoop Stretcher
- Stair Chair Operations
- Stretcher Operations
Radio System
Radio System
- Describe the 800 MHz Radio System
- Describe the operation of the mobile and portable radio
- Describe the operation of the Minitor and alpha/numeric pager
- Understand the emergency button use and procedure
- ExpIain the communication limitations during failsoft
- Explain the communication limitations during site-trunking
- Understand rationale for utilization of plain language on the radio
- Recall two "signal codes" used
- Operate the power and volume control function on the portable radio
- Demonstrate how to change talk groups and zones on the portable radio
- Demonstrate how to enable/disable the scan function on the portable radio
- Demonstrate how to change the battery on the portable radio
- Demonstrate how to locate mutual aid talk groups on the portable radio
- Demonstrate how to locate various admin and direct channels on the portable radio
- Demonstrate how to locate public safety and state event talk groups on the portable radio
- Demonstrate how to locate fire department ops channels on the portable radio
- Demonstrate how to locate mass casualty groups on the portable radio
- Demonstrate how to locate various hospital channels on the portable radio
Respiratory Protection
Respiratory Protection
- Describe the Lumberton Rescue & EMS Respiratory Protection Program
- Describe OSHA's Respiratory Standard
- Describe why the respirator is necessary and how to properly fit, use, and maintain the respirator
- Describe the limitations and capabilities of the selected respirators
- Demonstrate how to inspect, don, check the seals and remove the respirator
- Demonstrate how to use the respirator effectively in emergency situations, including situations in which the respirator malfunctions
- Describe the respirator maintenance and storage procedures
- Describe how to recognize medical signs and Symptoms that may limit or prevent effective use of the respirator
- Describe the potential hazards & health effects EMS encounters
- Describe annual fit test policy
- Complete month check list of respirators
- Complete monthly check list of respirators
- Demonstrate proper storage of respirator
Shift-Change & Station Duties
Shift-Change & Station Duties
- Review Readiness to Respond protocol
- Explain correct procedure for swapping in vehicles
- ExpIain how tore ort station issues
- ExpIain shift change procedure
- Recall the storage location of controlled substances
- Recall the storage location of keys
- Recall the storage location of radios
- Recall the storage location of a pagers
- Recall the storage location of vehicle fuel cards
- Recall the storage location of PCR laptop
- Recall the storage location of PPE
- Explain the guidelines for parking at EMS Stations
- Recall the code to unlock station doors
- Recall the storage location of garage door opener
- Perform a thorough ambulance inspection check-off
- Perform station duties
- Correctly perform daily shift change
- Demonstrate daily patient module decontamination procedures
- Demonstrate daily ambulance cab and exterior cleaning procedure
Incident Command System (ICS)
Incident Command System (ICS)
- Understand the importance of command and describe the roles/responsibilities
- List the divisions of the ICS
- Describe the importance of ICS on an large-scale event
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of the first arriving unit on a scene
- Describe the roles of the second arriving unit on an scene
- Demonstrate knowledge of the difference between strategic and tactical role
- List the functions of the Medical Branch Director
- List the functions of Triage
- List the functions of Staging
- List the functions of Transport
- Recall when the various ICS roles should be filled
- National Disaster Medical System Article Assignment
- Demonstrate how to choreograph a multiple response scene
Situational Awareness
Situational Awareness
- Understand the importance of maintaining increased level of awareness
- Understand and use the term location assessment
- Explain how to detect concealed weapons
- Explain behaviors to improve the identification and response to threats
- Explain the cover and concealment concept
- Demonstrate rudimentary self-defense skills
- Describe scene hazards and safe concerns of a mass gathering
- Recall the system weapons policy
START Triage
START Triage
- Understand the START triage algorithm
- Describe what to do when first arriving at a Multi-Casualty Incident
- Describe how to use patients with minor injuries to assist with basic first-aid
- List the resources available for use during a mass casualty
- Demonstrate how to use a Triage Tag
- List the radio channels to use during a mass casualty incident
- Demonstrate appropriate radio communications during a mass casualty incident
Assessment & Differential Diagnosis
Assessment & Differential Diagnosis
- Review the inverted pyramid of reasoning
- Describe how to form a primary survey to classify critical or non-critical patients
- Understand the importance of obtaining an accurate history for an effective assessment
- Understand the importance of a physical exam for an effective assessment
- Explain how to overcome factors that influence decision making
- Demonstrate how to use subjective and exam information: scene survey, chief complaint, history of present illness/injury, meds, history, etc. to create a differential diagnosis and treatment plan
- Have basic knowledge of how a patient encounter should progress
- Describe the importance of a systematic approach to deduce a possible diagnosis based on their assessment findings
- List assessment questions based on a given patient's chief complaint
- Explain how to eliminate certain disease processes based on their assessment findings and assessment questions
- Explain the importance of bringing the patient's medications with them to the hospital
- List the life saving interventions that should be performed during a primary assessment
- Auscultation of Lung Sounds
- Blood Glucose
- Blood Pressure - Ausculated
- Blood Pressure - Orthostatic
- Blood Pressure - Palpated
- Tympanic Temperature Measurement
- Pulse Oximetry
- LifePak 15 Functions
Consent & Refusal
Consent & Refusal
- Describe how the EMS System is funded
- Describe the field provider's role in the EMS Billing process
- Describe the impact the billing process has on a patient and the patient's family as it relates to the Core Lumberton Rescue & EMS values
- Explain the Significance of acquiring signatures at the time of transport
- Describe how to properly complete the billing portion of an EHR
- False Claims Policy Assignment
- Correctly obtain billing signature from patient
- Compare autonomy vs. duty
- Explain the difference between competence and capacity
- Define informed consent
- List definitions of emancipated minors
- Understand the pediatric rules for refusal/transportation
- Describe the steps to determine capacity
- Understand the risk of refusal of treatment/transport
- List all the options to use when a patient refuses care/transport
- Understand when to contact medical control during the high-risk refusal
- Understand the difference between patient refusal and provider refusal
- Demonstrate skillful refusal explanation to a patient
- Demonstrate ability to properly document a refusal
- Paramedics, Consent & Refusal Article
Documentation Standards
Documentation Standards
- ExpIain the importance of good documentation
- Explain the False Claims Act
- List the required items for each EHR
- Explain the ECR upload processes for EKG data, CAD data and how-to troubleshooting transmission errors
- Define when and which vital signs must be documented in the HER
- Explain why all ECRs should be reviewed each crew member
- Explain when signatures are required and how to obtain them
- Understand the difference in documentation for a special event
- Describe how to document a special event standby and request for OTC items
- Describe the use of the airway audit form
- Routinely completes PCR documentation within 30 minutes of arriving at the hospital for routine calls
- Demonstrate accurate and thorough documentation
- Develop a narrative style that meets current documentation standards
EMS Charts
EMS Charts
- Gain access to ESO web and laptop versions
- Accurately navigate ESO
- Understand how to find draft reports and proper procedure for eliminating drafts
- Demonstrate an ability to troubleshoot common ESO problems
- Obtain ESO username access
- Successfully upload data from a LP15 to an ESO report
- Understand how to Validate ESO reports
- Understand how to Sync ESO reports
- Retrieve vital sign data from LifePak15
- Demonstrate proper documentation of patient belongings
- Identify the origin of the HIPAA rule
- Explain the intent of the HIPAA privacy and security rules
- Understand employer and legal sanctions for inadvertent and purposeful disclosure of confidential information including protected health information
- Identify the actions to take when a disclosure is known, or suspected, to have occurred
- Define general security principles regarding HIPAA for Handlin of paper records
- Define general security principles regarding Station security
- Define general security principles regarding Transmission of patient care data
- Define general security principles regarding Oral communications regarding HIPAA
- Describe employer and legal sanctions relating to HIPAA for the inadvertent and purposeful disclosure of confidential information/PHI
- Describe the actions to take when a disclosure is known or suspected
- HIPAA (prerequest for ESO access)
Patient Safety
Patient Safety
- Recognize the impact of medication errors in healthcare
- Recite the rights of medication administration
- Understand safety mechanisms for medication delivery including blunt tip needles, buretrols, drip labels and the Handtevy App and length-based tape
- Become comfortable with Lumberton Rescue & EMS medication delivery equipment including blunt tip needles, buretrols, drip labels, 3 way stop cocks and IM needles.
- Length Based Tape
Pediatric Assessment Technique
Pediatric Assessment Technique
- Identify the anatomical differences between adult and pediatric patients
- Describe the components of the Pediatric Assessment Triangle
- Describe assessment findings in a critically ill pediatric patient
- List vital sign parameters for various age groups
- List the components of the APGAR Score
- Differentiate between adult and pediatric assessment techniques
- Describe the importance of communication with the parent to obtain information and identify key questions that should be asked
- Describe how to obtain history for a child with special health care needs
- Pediatric Simulation
Abdominal Pain
Abdominal Pain
- Recognize location of major abdominal organs
- Know the etiology of visceral and somatic pain
- Know the origin and signs/symptoms of common abdominal related disorders
- Know the appropriate treatment of abdominal pain
Allergic Reactions
Allergic Reactions
- Define antigen
- Know the routes of exposure to an antigen
- Understand the immune system process when exposed to an antigen
- Understand the effects of histamine and leukotrienes on the body
- Identify signs/symptoms of an allergic reaction
- Differentiate between mild, moderate and severe allergic reactions
- Recognize common symptoms/signs of anaphylaxis
- Know the treatment for both allergic reaction and anaphylaxis
- Know the class, MOA, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of epinephrine
- Know the class, MOA, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of diphenydramine
- Know the class, MOA, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of albuterol
- Allergic Reaction Simulation
- IM Epinephrine
Animal Bites
Animal Bites
- Know the signs/symptoms and treatment for spider and insect bites
- Know the signs/symptoms and treatment for snake bites
- Know the signs/symptoms and treatment for domestic animal bites
- Know the requirement for reporting certain animal bites
- Service Animals
- Special Patient Populations
- Understand how poverty affects overall health
- Define domestic violence
- Identify signs of domestic violence
- Understand the procedure for reporting suspected domestic violence
- Recall resources for victims of domestic violence
- Define human trafficking
- Identify populations at-risk for human trafficking
- Understand the role of EMS providers when interacting with victims of human trafficking
- Understand the procedure for reporting suspected victims of human trafficking
- Recall the resources for victims of human trafficking
Back Pain
Back Pain
- Understand common causes of back pain and origin of referred pain in the back
- Understand patient satisfaction component of treatment of back pain
- Define high-risk back pain patient population
Common Pediatric Emergencies
Common Pediatric Emergencies
- Define croup
- List signs/symptoms of croup and the associated treatment
- Define bronchiolitis
- List signs/symptoms of bronchiolitis and the associated treatment
- Define Respiratory Syncytial Virus RSV
- List signs/symptoms of RSV and the associated treatment
- Define epiglottitis
- List signs/symptoms of epiglottitis
- Define Apparent Life-Threatening Event (ALTE)
- List common causes of ALTE
- Define febrile seizure
- List signs symptoms and associated treatment of a febrile seizure
- Define Sudden Infant Death syndrome (SIDS)
- Describe common injury patterns seen in pediatrics
- List common causes of hypo/hyperglycemia in pediatric patients
- List common causes of shock in pediatric patients
- Describe the components of neonatal resuscitation
Diabetic Emergencies
Diabetic Emergencies
- Understand the role of glucose in the body
- Understand the function of the pancreas
- Understand the causes of hypoglycemia
- Recognize the signs/symptoms of hypoglycemia
- Describe the management of hypoglycemia
- Understand the causes of hyperglycemia/DKA
- Recognize the symptoms/signs of hyperglycemia
- Describe the management of hyperglycemia
- List examples of short-acting insulin
- List examples of Iong-acting insulin
- List examples of oral antihyperglycemia medications
- List the criteria to treat/release the hypoglycemia patient
- Diabetes Article Assignment
- List signs and symptoms of exposure to cold
- Describe the management of a hypothermia
- Differentiate between heat emergencies (heat exhaustion, heat cramps, heat stroke)
- List signs and symptoms of exposure to heat
- Describe the management of hyperthermia
- Describe the protective mechanism cold water exposure provides during cardiac arrest
- Describe the "Throw, Row, Before You Go" concept for rescuing persons from the water
- Describe the management of lightning strikes
- Know the treatment for broken/dislodged/avulsed/abcessed tooth
- Understand common causes of epistaxis
- Know the treatment for epistaxis
- Know the class, mechanism of action, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of afrin
- Understand how the bod regulates temperature
- Define fever
- Differentiate pathophysiology between fever and environmental hyperthermia
- Know the causes of a fever
- Understand how the body responds to a fever
- Know various treatments for a fever
- Understand the importance of PPE for patients with Fever
- Know the Class, MOA, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of acetaminophen
- Know the class, MOA, indication contraindication, side effects, dose and route of ketorolac
- Understand common causes of headache
- Recognize common symptoms/signs of simple headaches
- Understand life threatening headaches presentations
- Know the treatment for the patient with a headache
- Describe the physiology of blood pressure regulation
- List the common causes of hypertension
- Describe the protocol for isolated hypertension
Obstetrical Emergencies
Obstetrical Emergencies
- Recall the Triage & Destination Plan considerations for Obstetrical Patients
- Recognize the physiologic changes in the gravid patient
- Describe how to estimate gestational age
- Recognize signs/symptoms of as spontaneous abortion
- Recognize signs/symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy
- Define preeclampsia
- Identify signs/symptoms of preeclampsia
- Define eclampsia
- Identify signs/symptoms of eclampsia
- Know the treatment for eclampsia
- Recognize signs/symptoms of abruptio placenta
- Define placenta previa
- Recognize signs/symptoms of placenta previa
- Define uterine rupture
- Recognize signs/symptoms of uterine rupture
- List the stages of a normal delivery
- Describe the management of a breech presentation
- List delivery techniques for suspected shoulder dystocia
- Know how to recognize prolapsed cord
- Describe the management of prolapsed cord
- Understand the severity of post-partum hemorrhage
- Describe the management of post-partum hemorrhage
- Obstetrical Emergencies Article Assignment
Pain Management
Pain Management
- Recall the differences in dosages for pain management of burn patients
- Recall the maximum total dosage of fentanyl for a burn patient
- Recognize how to evaluate pain
- Know various techniques to manage pain
- Know the class, MOA, indications, contraindications, side effects, onset of action, dose and route of Tylenol
- Define seizure
- Understand the cause of a seizure
- Know signs/symptoms of various types of seizures
- Define status-epilepticus
- Describe assessment techniques for seizure patients
- Know the QA markers for seizure patients
- Describe the management of seizure patients
- Explain the difference in dosing and medication packaging for midazolam in the seizure patient
- Seizures Article Assignment
- Know the class, MOA, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of acetaminophen
- Define Sepsis
- Identify common sources of infections
- List the SIRS criteria
- Define severe Sepsis
- Define Septic Shock
- Understand the importance of sepsis recognition
- Understand the role of end tidal capnography in recognition of sepsis
- Know the criteria for a Sepsis Alert
- Describe the treatment for sepsis
- Describe Early Goal Directed Therapy
- Sepsis Article Assignment
- Define Shock
- Identify the four main types of shock
- Understand the treatment for shock/hypotension
- Define and recognize altered mental status
- Describe common causes and the associated differential diagnosis
- Understand how alcohol affects the clinical picture and physical exam
- Shock Article Assignment
- Define Stroke
- Known risk factors for stroke and how those risk factors can increase the risk of srtoke
- Define ischemic stroke
- Define hemorrhagic stroke
- Understand the prevalence of each type of stroke
- Know the QA criteria for the code stroke patients
- Demonstrate how to correctly perform a blood draw
- Demonstrate how to correctly perform a stroke screen
- Demonstrate how to correctly perform a VAN exam
- Stroke Screen - Modified LA Prehospital
- Know the signs and symptoms of vasovagal syncope
- Know the signs and symptoms of orthostatic syncope
- Know the signs and symptoms of cardiac syncope
- Demonstrate assessment techniques and tools to help determine the cause of syncope
- Testing
- General Medical Module Exam
- Stroke Screen - VAN Exam
- IM Epinephrine
Arrhythmia Management
Arrhythmia Management
- Describe cardiac action potential
- Differentiate stable vs unstable patient presentation
- List the criteria to discontinue resuscitation
- Describe the research behind the use of targeted temperature management
- List the indications for both standard and double sequential defibrillations
- Describe the management of PEA
- Explain the adjustments for resuscitation of a neonatal patient
- Explain the adjustments for resuscitation of a pediatric patient
- Defend field termination of resuscitation and describe indications
- Explain the morgue process for field-pronounced deaths
- Differentiate between the management of medical cardiac arrest and traumatic cardiac arrest
- Cardiac Arrest Simulation (Position 2)
- Defibrillation - A.E.D
- Lead Placement (12 lead and 4 lead)
- Understand LVAD indications
- Describe basic operations of the LVADs in use today
- Discuss troubleshooting guidelines
- List treatment options and contraindications
- Understand the importance of contact with the LVAD coordinator
ROSC Management
ROSC Management
- Describe how to identify ROSC in the field
- Describe appropriate steps for managing the airway
- Describe the appropriate management for bradycardia and hypotension
- Understand the importance of 12-lead acquisition
- Describe when to discontinue hypothermia
- Review checklist components
- Know and recite the destination guide for adult and pediatric post ROSC patients
- Recall the Triage & Destination Plan for Adult ROSC
- Recall the Triage & Destination Plan for Pediatric ROSC
STEMI & STEMI Imposter
STEMI & STEMI Imposter
- Describe the process for STEMI activation
- List the criteria for Code STEMI activation
- Describe the management of a patient with STEMI imposter versus STEMI
- Differentiate "STEMI Alert" from "Consult" in regard to hospital notification
- Recall the Triage & Destination Plan for STEMI
- Know the class, mechanism of action, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of aspirin
- Know the class, mechanism of action, indication, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of nitroglycerin
- List the QA criteria for STEMI
- Testing
- Cardiology Module Exam
- Defibrillation - A.E.D
- Lead Placement (12 lead and 4 lead)
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Know the pathophysiology of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
- Describe the signs and symptoms of ARDS
- Know and understand the treatment for ARDS
Airway Management
Airway Management
- Understand the airway anatomy for adult and pediatric patients
- Know devices used to manage a patient's airway
- Know the protocols and procedures for airway management
- Understand the applications and importance of ETCO2 for airway management
- Understand the goals of airway management
- Compare BLS techniques and ALS techniques for airway management using up-to-date evidence-based medicine
Airway Skills
Airway Skills
- Capnography & ETCO2
- BLS assist for ALS Airway Skills
- King & Blind Insertion Airway Device
- BVM Ventilation
- Foreign Body Airway Obstruction - BLS
- Nasopharyngeal Airway
- Oropharyngeal Airway
- Suctioning - Basic
- Define asthma
- Know the causes of an asthma attack
- Understand the clasic triad response for an asthma attack
- Recognize signs and symptoms of asthma
- Understand the treatments for asthma
- Understand the key differences managing the asthmatic's airway
- Know the class, MOA, onset of duration, contraindication, side effects, does and route of albuterol
- Describe the indications for capnography
- Demonstrate the use of capnography
- Identify various capnography waveforms
- Indicate ETCO2 values that may be used in various situation
- List the benefits of ETCO2
- Recall the limitations ETCO2 has in cardiac arrest
- Describe the physiology behind capnography
- Capnography Article Assignment
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Define Chronic Bronchitis
- Define emphysema
- Know the physiology of emphysema
- Know the physiology of chronic bronchitis
- Recognize signs and symptoms of COPD exacerbation
- Understand the treatments for COPD
- Understand the key differences managing the COPS patient's airway
- Know the class, MOA, onset of duration, contraindication, side effects, does and route of albuterol
Congestive Heart Failure & Cardiogenic Shock
Congestive Heart Failure & Cardiogenic Shock
- Define congestive heart failure
- Know the pathophysiology of congestive heart failure
- Recognize signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure
- Understand the cause of pulmonary edema
- Understand the treatment for pulmonary edema
- Understand how CPAP improves ventilations
- Know contraindications of CPAP
- Understand the importance of CPAP device and the secondary CPAP device carreid by Lumberton Rescue & EMS
- Define cardiogenic shock
- Recognize signs and symptoms of cardiogenic shock
- Understand the treatment for cardiogenic shock
- Congestive Heart Failure Article Assignment
- Effetiveness of Prehospital CPAP Article Assignment
- Know the class, MOA, onset of duration, contraindication, side effects, does and route of nitroglycerine
- Define pneumonia
- Describe common causes of pneumonia
- Describe the management of pneumonia
Pulmonary Embolism
Pulmonary Embolism
- Define Pulmonary Embolism
- List the components of Virchow's Triad as they relate to pulmonary embolism
- Describe the signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolism
- Describe the management of pulmonary embolism
Respiratory Distress
Respiratory Distress
- Describe the normal function of the respiratory system
- Differentiate between oxygenation, ventilation and perfusion
- Describe the physiology of CPAP therapy
- Describe the role of supplemental oxygen and the harm of free radicals
- Respiratory Distress Article Assignment
- In-line Nebulizer
- Nebulizer Therapy
- Oxygen Administration
- Testing
- Respiratory Module Exam
- King & Blind Insertion Airway Device
- BVM Ventilation
- Foreign Body Airway Obstruction - BLS
- Gastric Tube Insertion
- Nasopharyngeal Airway
- Oropharyngeal Airway
- Suctioning - Basic
CDC Trauma Triage
CDC Trauma Triage
- List the CDC Trauma Triage Criteria
- Understand the protocol adaptation of the CDC Trauma Triage Criteria
- Identify the capabilities and limitations of local hospitals regarding pediatric and OB trauma patients
Spinal Motion Restriction Skills
Spinal Motion Restriction Skills
- Football Helmet Kits
- K.E.D
- Spinal Motion Restriction
- Spinal Clearance (NSAIDS)
Trauma Assessment
Trauma Assessment
- Explain how to assess a scene for potential injuries and hazards upon the initial size up when arriving on scene
- Describe importance of personal safety and required PPE for trauma calls
- Describe the equipment that should be brought to the patient's side for blunt vs penetrating trauma
- Explain assessment components of the primary assessment for a trauma patient
- List the life threats that should be corrected during the primary assessment
- List the five areas from which you can exsanguinate
- Describe importance of a secondary assessment enroute to the hospital
- Describe criteria to withhold resusciatation for the traumatic arrest patient
- Recite the Glasgow Coma Scale and explain why it is used
Trauma Treatment
Trauma Treatment
- Identify the signs and symptoms of hemorrahagic shock
- Describe the appropriate treatment for Hemorrhagic Shock
- Describe the appropriate treatment for a Burn
- Describe the appropriate treatment for a Blast Injury
- Describe the appropriate treatment for an Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Describe the appropriate treatment for a Rhabdomyolisis
- Describe the appropriate treatment for an Extremity Trauma
- Describe the appropriate treatment for an Eye Injury
- Describe the clinical concerns associated with increased intracranial pressure
- List signs/symptoms of increased intracranial pressure
- Describe the appropriate treatment for a spinal injury
- Describe the appropriate treatment for a Traumatic Cardiac Arrest
- Trauma Damage Control Resuscitation Article Assignment
- Spinal Precuations Article Assignment
- Lightening Strike Emergencies Article Assignment
- Hemorrhage/Trauma Simulation
Wound Care Skills
Wound Care Skills
- Dressing & Bandaging
- Extremity Splinting
- Hemostatic Dressing & Woud Bandaging
- Morgan Lense
- Sling & Swathe
- Traction Splint
- Spinal Motion Restriction
- Spinal Clearance (NSAIDS)
- Extremity Splinting
- Hemostatic Dressing & Woud Bandaging
- Tourniquet
- Describe common toxidromes
- Explain the importance of symptom-based management for undifferentiated overdose
- Describe the treatment for symptomatic narcotic overdose
- Describe the signs and symptoms of narcotic overdose
- Explain the isolated heroin overdose protocol
- Describe the signs and symptoms of beta blocler overdose
- Describe the signs and symptoms of calcium channel overdose
- Describe the signs and symptoms of tricyclic overdoses
- Describe the management of symptomatic tricyclic overdose
- Understand the signs and symptoms of organophosphate poisoning
- Describe the signs and symptoms of Carbon Monoxide poisoning
- Describe the signs and symptoms of Cyanide poisoning
- Describe the signs and symptoms of acetaminophen overdose
- Describe the signs and symptoms of salicylate overdose
- Describe the treatment for the intoxicated patient
- Understand the physiology of withdrawal and associated symptoms
- Explain the capabilities of Carolina Poison Center
- Know the class, mechanism of action, onset of duration, contraindication, side effects, dose and route of naloxone
Psychiatric/Behavioral Emergencies
Psychiatric/Behavioral Emergencies
- Describe common psychiatric disorders
- Describe the signs and symptoms of common psychiatric disorders
- Explain the physiology of excited delirium
- Explain the physiology of stimulant drugs
- Explain the treatment specific to excited delirium
- Explain the importance of provider safety when interacting with emotionally disturbed persons
- Articulate de-escalation techniques for dealing wtih emotionally disturbed persons
- Describe the role of the APP on behavioral calls
- Excited Delirium Article Assignment
- Overdose
- Mental Health & Overdose Module Exam
- Physical Restraints
- Drug Cards
- Final Exam
- Competency Simulation
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