competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
Direct Support Professional - Advanced Certificate Level
National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) and American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR)
Work Process Content
On the Job Training

The competent DSP assists and supports the participant to develop strategies, make informed choices, follow through on responsibilities, and take risks.
The competent DSP promotes participant partnership in the design of support services, consulting the person and involving him/her in the support process.
The competent DSP provides opportunities for the participant to be a self-advocate by increasing awareness of self-advocacy methods and techniques, encouraging and assisting the participant to speak on his/her own behalf, and providing information on peer support and self-advocacy groups.
The competent DSP provides information about human, legal, civil rights and other resources, facilitates access to such information and assists the participant to use information for self-advocacy and decision making about living, work, and social relationships.
The competent DSP initiates or assists in the initiation of an assessment process by gathering information (e.g., participant's self-assessment and history, prior records, test results, additional evaluation) and informing the participant about what to expect throughout the assessment process.
The competent DSP conducts or arranges for assessments to determine the needs, preferences, and capabilities of the participants using appropriate assessment tools and strategies, reviewing the process for inconsistencies, and making corrections as necessary.
The competent DSP discusses findings and recommendations with the participant in a clear and understandable manner, following up on results and reevaluating the findings as necessary.
The competent DSP helps to identify the needs of the participant for community supports, working with the
participant's informal support system, and assisting with, or initiating identified community connections.
The competent DSP researches, develops, and maintains information on community and other resources relevant to the needs of participants.
The competent DSP ensures participant access to needed and available community resources coordinating supports across agencies.
The competent DSP participates in outreach to potential participants.
The competent DSP maintains collaborative professional relationships with the participant and all support team members (including family/friends), follows ethical standards of practice (e.g., confidentiality, informed consent, etc.), and recognizes his/her own personal limitations.
The competent DSP assists and/or facilitates the development of an individualized plan based on participant preferences, needs, and interests.
The competent DSP assists and/or facilitates the implementation of an individualized plan to achieve specific outcomes derived from participants' preferences, needs and interests.
The competent DSP assists and/or facilitates the review of the achievement of individual participant outcomes.
The competent DSP completes required training education/certification, continues professional development, and keeps abreast of relevant resources and information
The competent DSP educates participants, co-workers and community members about issues by providing information and support and facilitating training.
The competent DSP and the participant identify advocacy issues by gathering information, reviewing and analyzing all aspects of the issue.
The competent DSP has current knowledge of laws, services, and community resources to assist and educate participants to secure needed supports.
The competent DSP facilitates, assists, and/or represents the participant when there are barriers to his/her service needs and lobbies decision-makers when appropriate to overcome barriers to services.
The competent DSP interacts with and educates community members and organizations (e.g., employer, landlord, civic organization) when relevant to participant's needs or services.
The competent DSP explores with the participant his/her vocational interests and aptitudes, assists in preparing for job or school entry, and reviews opportunities for continued career growth.
The competent DSP assists the participant in identifying job/training opportunities and marketing his/her capabilities and services.
The competent DSP collaborates with employers and school personnel to support the participant, adapting the environment, and providing job retention supports.
The competent DSP identifies the crisis, defuses the situation, evaluates and determines an intervention strategy and contacts necessary supports.
The competent DSP continues to monitor crisis situations, discussing the incident with authorized staff and participant(s), adjusting supports and the environment, and complying with regulations for reporting.
The competent DSP contributes to program evaluations, and helps to set organizational priorities to ensure quality.
The competent DSP incorporates sensitivity to cultural, religious, racial, disability, and gender issues into daily practices and interactions.
The competent DSP provides and accepts co-worker support, participating in supportive supervision, performance evaluation, and contributing to the screening of potential employees.
The competent DSP provides input into budget priorities, identifying ways to provide services in a more cost-effective manner.
The competent DSP assists the individual as needed in planning for community activities and events (e.g.,
making reservation, staff needs, money, materials,
The competent DSP assists the individual as needed in arranging transportation for community events.
The competent DSP documents community activities and events
The competent DSP encourages and assists the individual as needed in facilitating friendships and peer interactions.
The competent DSP encourages and assists the individual as needed in communication with parents/family (e.g., phone calls, visits, letters).
The competent DSP implements individual supports regarding community activities.
The competent DSP provides incentive or motivation for consumer involvement in community outings.
The competent DSP assists the individual as needed in getting to know and interacting with his/her neighbors.
The competent DSP encourages and assists the individual as needed in dating.
The competent DSP encourages and assists the individual as needed in communicating with social workers and financial workers.
The competent DSP provides support to people using a person centered approach.
The competent DSP modifies support programs and interventions to ensure they are person centered.
The competent DSP challenges co-workers and supervisors to use person centered practices.
The competent DSP is knowledgeable about person centered planning techniques.
The competent DSP assists individuals in developing PCPs..
Administers medications accurately and in accordance with agency policy and procedures.
Observes and implements appropriate actions to promote healthy living and to prevent illness and accidents.
Uses appropriate first aid/safety procedures when responding to emergencies.
Assists individuals in scheduling, keeping, and following through on all health appointments.
Assists individuals in completing personal care (e.g., hygiene and grooming) activities.
Assists with identifying, securing and using needed adaptive equipment (i.e. adaptive equipment) and therapies (e.g., physical, occupational, speech, respiratory, psychological).
Assists individuals in implementing health and medical treatments.
Assists individuals to take active role in their health care decisions.
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):
Supporting informed choice
A. Role of DSP B. Strengths-based approach C. Participant rights
Assistance in designing support services
A. Role of DSP in helping participants design supports B. Choices in support services for participants C. Communication with participants about level of supports D. Recognition of person-centered supports and changing level of services if needed
Assistance with self-advocacy services
A. Access to self advocacy services B. Knowledge of the self advocacy movement C. Needs of participants in understanding self advocacy services D. Role of DSP in helping participants to access self advocacy services
Human, legal and civil rights
A. Balancing rights and risk of self advocacy involvement and independent decision making B. Identification of various rights for participants C. Legislation that guides self advocacy and participant empowerment D. Guardianship role in participants’ lives E. Legislative and programmatic protections for participants (human rights committees)
Definition and purpose of assessment
A. Assessment process 1.) Collection of data 2.) Structured observation, documentation, communication 3.) Record reviews 4.) Interviews 5.) Ethical considerations a.) Accuracy and completeness b.) Respect, privacy, confidentiality
Formal assessments
A. Comprehensive assessments 1.) Spectrum of person’s past, present, future 2.) Purpose a.) Funding and systems benefits b.) Personal support 3.) Safety and risk management a.) Physical, medical, sensory b.) Cognitive, behavioral c.) Cultural, recreational B. Functional behavioral assessment 1.) Challenging behavior: ID, plan, outcomes 2.) Social history 3.) Medical, mental, physical issues 4.) Ethical boundaries C. Identification and use of assessment 1.) Presenting strengths and barriers 2.) Objectivity and descriptiveness 3.) Cultural and personal context 4.) Changing manifestations and needs 5.) Recommendations, advocacy and referrals within role of DSP 6.) Confidentiality
Informal assessments
A. Definition B. Types C. Process
Informal support and support networks
A. Nature and characteristics of beneficial types of formal and informal supports B. Value of informal supports 1.) Roles family, friends, roommates, volunteers, neighbors, and coworkers can play 2.) How informal supports can create a practical network of support for the focus person C. Finding, linking, and coordinating formal and informal supports to improve quality of life and assure well-being D. Engaging and supporting others in finding creative, rewarding and practical ways of supporting participant-defined life outcomes and forming a circle of support
Community Supports and Resources
A. Identifying the strengths, interests, and participant desire for community involvement. 1.) Providing multiple different opportunities for participant to explore community interests 2.) Identifying community resources that are a good match for individuals 3.) Discriminating between activities and events that are likely to lead to inclusion and those that are not B. Facilitating participation in community activities and events C. Supporting and communicating with other staff to promote ongoing involvement in community activities desired by participant
Purposes and goals of Planning
A. Organizing and coordinating activities that support 1.) Growth 2.) Development 3.) Inclusion 4.) Valued roles 5.) Achievement of desired outcomes B. Assuring communication and understanding of all involved 1.) DSPs 2.) Participant 3.) Family/guardian 4.) Others in the formal and informal support network C. Monitoring well-being and progress D. Assuring high quality support
Characteristics and features of person-centered plans (PCPs)
A. Identifying features common to most types of person-centered, strength-based plans B. Valued roles and contributing roles C. Differentiating PCPs from traditional, deficit-based, servicefocused, or medical model service plans D. Characteristics and examples of short term and long term personcentered outcomes E. Key differences between person-centered outcomes and servicecentered outcomes and goals F. Roles that participants, family, friends, advocates, guardians and DSPs or other professionals fulfill in PCP G. Legal and ethical considerations in PCP
Developing person-centered/ strengths-based plans
A. Identifying activities to effectively prepare and help others prepare for planning sessions B. Methods of learning about individual preferences, goals and interests C. Assuring participant preferences, goals and interests are central to the plan D. Welcoming and supporting others in the planning circle of support E. Promoting and supporting the involvement of the focus person in the planning process F. Participatory planning techniques
Identification of barriers to achieving planned outcomes such as
A. Availability of resources; B. Intensity of support; C. Preferences and motivation of the focus person; appropriateness of goals; D. Skills of supporters; and E. Availability of informal support
DSP Education and training
A. Purpose B. Current, advanced, and next practices 1.) Mandated training and certification completions 2.) Organization 3.) State and federal licensing agencies 4.) Accreditations C. Non-mandated, competency-based trainings and education 1.) Advanced coursework 2.) Specializations D. Nationally certified DSP credential 1.) Based on standards tested for validity and reliability 2.) Accredited instruction and outcomes-based on-the-job learning 3.) Portfolio demonstration scored by independent party 4.) Advanced certified credentials in specialized areas E. Self-development 1.) Purpose of professional self-development F. Process 1.) Reflective thinking and career commitment 2.) Personal professional development plan 3.) Portfolio of completed trainings, courses and degrees 4.) Portfolio of service involvement 5.) Participation in trends and development in the field 6.) Organizational participation 7.) Mentorship: instruction, feedback, development a.) Using a mentor b.) Being a mentor
Neglect, Abuse and Exploitation
A. Knowledge of helping participants protect themselves from harm or abuse B. Identify common forms of abuse, neglect and exploitation C. Abuse prevention strategies D. Recognizing signs of abuse, neglect and exploitation E. State and employer requirements and protocols regarding mandated or other reporting of abuse, neglect and exploitation
Advocating for Community Inclusion and Appropriate Supports
A. Identify common barriers for participants to needed community resources B. Educates community when relevant to promoting the participants inclusion in the community C. Knowledgeable about range of support services available to participants D. Researches, initiates and facilitates application for additional services as appropriate E. Promote full array of services needed to meet individual outcomes
Promoting Self-Advocacy
A. Educate service participants regarding abuse, neglect and exploitation and strategies for prevention B. Promote the empowerment and self-confidence of service participants to speak out for themselves and others. C. Recognition and appropriate use of power and control DSP has in helping relationships; D. Assist the participant to make informed choices and make decisions E. Engage the participant in developing connection to advocacy groups F. Support participant involvement in self-advocacy.
Civil Rights and Confidentiality
A. Promote full array of services needed to meet individual outcomes B. Identify common challenges and barriers to human, civil and legal rights for this (special population) C. Knowledge of human, legal and civil rights and their protections D. Protect the privacy and confidentiality of all participants
Vocational/Educational Supports
A. Assists participant in career exploration B. Continues to review opportunities and preferences made by participant reflecting individual choice C. Knowledge about educational and vocational support options for participants D. Legal and civil rights for employment practices for participants in the program E. Job retention services for participants who work in the community F. Structured types of work settings for participants and how those settings support consumers
A. Working with community partners in support of the participants to develop job or vocational skills, including transition services B. Observing participant and recognizing unmet needs for service C. Serving as team member supporting participant in community employment D. Advocating for participant to their employer when changes are needed E. Knowledge of transportation needs of the participant to access community employment
Assessing Risk
A. Environmental and individual characteristics that may affect risk and safety of participants B. Assessing reasonable and necessary risk for participant growth or unnecessary and unreasonable risk
Preventing Crisis and High Risk Situations
A. Required certifications in crisis prevention and management (e.g., Fire Safety, First-Aid, Violence Prevention such as Mandated Reporter Training or CPI training.) B. Basic principles and techniques of conflict resolution C. Interventions to safeguard specific conditions of risk or predictable crises D. Recognizing patterns of incidents, conditions, behaviors or activities that result in dangerous situations and require prevention plans E. Methods of arranging environmental, organizational, personal and other conditions to prevent known risks and predictable crises F. Implementing risk management or PCPs G. Agency procedures, emergency egress, evacuation plans etc., that can mediate crisis situations H. Ethical and procedural responsibilities when unsafe procedures or conditions are identified
Crisis Intervention
A. Implementing individualized safety plans, obtaining emergency assistance B. DSP self-management practices necessary in emergency or crisis situations C. Communication with parties involved; documentation in accordance with standard operating procedures D. Review and refinement of prevention procedures and risk management plan as necessary E. Knowledge of appropriate limited use of aversive management practices including physical restraints and time out, and when such practices are not appropriate
Positive Behavioral Support (PBS)
A. Definition, principles, application of PBS B. Recognizing behavior as communication C. Methods of functional assessment of behavior D. Comparison of positive practices with punitive and aversive practices E. Shifting methods of practices 1.) Paternalism to self-determination 2.) Protectiveness to natural supports 3.) Isolation to participation 4.) One-size to individualized F. Role of DSP 1.) Self-understanding, understanding own limits 2.) Positive characteristics: respect 3.) Strategies for remaining positive 4.) Methods of tracking behavior G. Preventing and managing challenging behavior 1.) Understanding PBS prevention strategies 2.) Understanding the context of behavior a.) Antecedents b.) Consequences c.) Environmental 3.) Links between prevention and response strategies a.) Links between prevention and hypothesis b.) Teaching strategies: new skills, replacement behavior, modeling, prompting, shaping, etc. c.) Regulations, policies, human rights
Individual DSP development
A. Competency-based training 1.) Self-assessment, feedback 2.) Set of knowledge, skills, behaviors, outcomes 3.) Professional competence, confidence B. Voluntary credentialing C. Professional development plan, career goals D. Self-reflection, performance appraisals and use of supervision in professional development E. Alignment with vision, mission, values of organization
Understanding the elements and process of change
A. Personal and professional B. Strategies 1.) Assessment of self and culture 2.) Intervention planning to create positive change
Understanding effective teams
A. Role of teamwork in the human service environment B. Types of teams: work, project, inter-disciplinary, self-directed C. Building organizational alignment D. Roles and responsibilities 1.) Norms, expectations, goals 2.) Team building strategies a.) coordination b.) collaboration c.) problem-solving d.) feedback e.) support 3.) Conflict resolution
Mentoring and peer support
A. Peer mentoring strategies 1.) Mutual commitment 2.) Goal setting 3.) Constructive feedback 4.) Reinforcement 5.) Other strategies B. Performance evaluation and reporting 1.) Observation 2.) Objective assessment 3.) Confidentiality C. Positive working relationships 1.) Rapport 2.) Cooperation 3.) Confronting 4.) Reinforcement D. Role of skill mentor in U.S. Department of Labor Apprenticeship Program
Employee participation in broader organization
A. Understanding participatory decision-making B. Volunteering for committees, work groups, planning sessions C. Membership in civic associations and community groups D. Membership in professional associations (e.g., NADSP Chapter) E. Self-advocacy participation F. Self-advocacy facilitation G. Educating legislators and policy makers as a citizen and DSP: meetings, letters, calls H. Recognition strategies with others 1.) People served / supported 2.) Peers 3.) Supervisors
Friendships and Relationships
A. Defining natural social connections B. Importance of natural social connections in quality of life C. Exploring social roles desired by service participant D. Strategies to assist in relationship-building E. Strategies to assist participant in maintaining friendships and other natural social connections. F. Barriers to building and maintaining relationships G. DSP boundaries in supporting relationships H. Normal patterns of friendships and relationships I. Potential for exploitation and abuse in relationships
Community Inclusion
A. Benefits and challenges of social networks and community inclusion B. Strategies that DSPs can use to work in partnership with families C. Roles of a DSP in supporting community inclusion 1.) Discriminating between inclusive and non-inclusive 2.) Promoting involvement in inclusive opportunities
Natural Supports
A. Benefits and challenges of natural/informal supports B. Strategies to develop natural supports C. Coordination of informal and formal supports
Person-Centered Planning and Support Models
A. Differentiate PCPs from traditional, deficit based, servicefocused, or medical model service plans B. Characteristics and examples of short term and long-term personcentered outcomes C. Identify key differences between person-centered outcomes and service-centered outcomes and goals D. Explore roles that participants, family, friends, advocates, guardians and DSPs or other professionals fulfill in PCP E. Legal and ethical considerations in PCP 1.) Describes the benefits and challenges of person-centered and strengthsbased planning and support strategies 2.) Prepares himself/herself and others to contribute to a person's personcentered planning process 3.) Engages in behaviors and actions that are supportive of the personcentered planning process
Implementation of PCPs
A. Integrates person-centered supports into daily activities 1.) In home and personal care 2.) Community inclusion 3.) Health care 4.) Relationships B. Implements methods for ensuring that goals of person-centered plans are likely to be achieved and maintained over time C. Uses effective strategies to stay focused on person-centered approaches D. Looks for opportunities to help the person make choices, learn, get to know people, contribute and take on valued social roles E. Assists people being supported and teams in finding resources F. Examines why and how to support cultural differences in the person-centered process G. Discovers person-centered methods for assisting people to identify opportunities for participating in the culture and lifestyle of their families and communities H. Distinguishes between formal and informal supports; and realizes the benefits of integrating these I. Understands the importance of eliciting, respecting and actively supporting participant choices and preferences J. Explains how person-centered approaches and methods can be used to overcome barriers and challenges to relationships
Preventive Health Supports and Strategies
A. Role of lifestyle choices in the promotion of health and wellness 1.) Regular physical activity 2.) Good nutrition 3.) Managing stress 4.) Daily hygiene 5.) Taking medications 6.) Preventive and routine medical and dental care 7.) Emotional well-being B. Educating participants about healthy lifestyles and fostering healthy lifestyle choices C. Knowledge of the annual routine medical and dental examinations, screenings, immunizations and procedures necessary to maintain good health. D. Engaging participant in choices and activities that contribute to good health E. Assisting individuals to take daily medications, therapies and specialized treatment in a timely and accurate way F. Maintaining updated training certificates in First-Aid, CPR, and Universal Precautions and models these skills for others G. Regulatory and organizational requirements for monitoring and documenting health/well being of participants H. Recognizing barriers people with disabilities face in obtaining high quality, coordinated health care support I. Assisting the participant to keep the people in his/her support team informed of health status
Individualized and Specialized Health Care Supports
A. Methods of assisting the participant to understand health problems that arise and how to manage them 1.) Talking to the focus person, guardians and with consent others in the support network 2.) Reading medical records 3.) Noticing signs of well-being and illness 4.) With consent, discussing participant’s health with team members B. Unique health care conditions of people he/she supports C. Procedures and interventions to follow in health care emergencies likely to occur with specific individuals, and conditions including use of risk assessment plans D. Communicate participant well-being to team members
Medications, Self-Administration, and Side Effects
A. Knowledge of legal and organizational procedures regarding medication administration for people he/she supports B. Assisting people he/she supports in becoming self-directed in taking medications to the extent possible C. Defining psychotropic medications and the side effects that can occur D. Monitoring side effects using appropriate assessment, and tracking of data E. Administering psychotropic medication according to protocol and following medication administration error requirements F. Side effects associated with the specific medicines taken by people he/she supports and methods of monitoring for negative side effects G. Importance of heightened monitoring when individuals begin new medication protocols
Providing Safe Environments and specialized health care support
A. Identifying the physical and environmental conditions necessary for health and wellness and methods of maintaining these conditions B. General health and safety procedures of the work environment and how to apply these at work C. Health and safety conditions unique to each person he/she supports and applying these in the work setting including 1.) Risk Assessment or Management plans 2.) Individual support plans 3.) Health care assessments and orders 4.) Discussions with specialists and others involved in the individual’s health and safety 5.) Procedures for supporting the use of adaptive equipment and lifting, transferring, and body positioning (or other specialized support based on workplace or special population)
Communications with family members, legal guardians, coworkers and other team members to support health and wellness
A. Knowledge of behaviors and communication skills that contribute to good teamwork and partnership with families, guardians, co-workers and other health care providers B. Roles of team members in supporting health and wellness to ensure that age-appropriate screening, immunizations, and general care is provided to each person he/she supports C. Recognizing how cultural differences affect the participant and team member views on health and wellness D. Contributing documentation and information E. Supporting the participant in directing the course of his/her healthcare support to the extent possible