competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
Direct Support Professional

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Introduction to the Profession
1. Role of the Direct Support Professional (DSP) a. Learning job description and requirements. b. Learning expectations and needs of individuals receiving support. c. Understanding employer’s mission, core values, and philosophy of support service. d. Reviewing history of employer. e. Reviewing employer’s policies and procedures. f. Reviewing employer hierarchy; understanding relationships between co-workers, mentors (journeyworkers), and supervisors. g. Reviewing organizational support structure: access to journey-workers, supervisors and employee assistance program. h. Reviewing schedule of employer events. 2. Specialized and Technical Knowledge Unique to the DSP Work Environment a. Learning characteristics of individual(s) served and considering diagnostic issues (e.g., overview of developmental disabilities, behavioral health, child development/welfare, fragile elders, substance abuse, traumatic brain injury, at-risk youth, rehabilitative health). b. Learning terminology necessary for the work environment. c. Learning basics of operating specialized equipment (adaptive technology, communication devices, breathing or nutritional support equipment, Hoyer lifts, etc.) d. Learning health and medical concerns, including support of medication administration, awareness and management of health concerns of individuals receiving support. e. Being introduced to the role of specialists/consultants, other support service providers, and families in lives of individuals receiving support. 3. Safety for DSP and Service Recipient a. Learning about blood-borne pathogens/ universal precautions/ infection control. b. Learning proper lifting, transferring, and positioning methods and customizing c. methods to individuals. d. Recognizing and correcting hazards in the workplace. e. Maintaining wheelchairs, walkers, and other adaptive equipment. 4. History and Principles of Human Services and Participant Civil Rights a. Learning basic principles and concepts relevant to work with disabled individuals: i. Self-determination: using techniques supporting and fostering individual’s opportunities to select his/her own services. ii. Individual rights and choices: supporting choices made by individual(s). iii. People first language: communicating directly with individuals. iv. Community inclusion: understanding system of support for individuals. v. Person-centered practices: developing a respectful and genuine relationship with individual(s). 5. Ethical and Professional Practice a. Using National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) Code of Ethics or other accepted code of ethics. b. Acquainting oneself with career and educational paths associated with the profession. c. Understanding the role of teamwork in human service work environment. d. Communicating effectively with others. e. Practicing confidentiality
Community Living Skills and Supports
1. Assisting the person/persons in meeting his/her physical (e.g., health, grooming, toileting, eating) and personal management needs (e.g., human development, human sexuality), by teaching skills, providing supports, and building on individual strengths and capabilities. 2. Assisting with household management (e.g., meal prep, laundry, cleaning, decorating) 3. and with transportation needs to maximize his/her skills, abilities, and independence. 4. Assisting with identifying, securing, and using needed equipment (e.g., adaptive equipment such as Hoyer lifts) and therapies (e.g., physical, occupational and communication). 5. Supporting individual(s) in developing friendships and other relationships.
1. Using effective, sensitive communication skills to build rapport and channels of communication by recognizing and adapting to the range of individual communication styles. 2. Knowing and using modes of communication that are appropriate to the communication needs of individual(s). 3. Learning and using terminology appropriately, explaining as necessary to ensure understanding.
1. Maintaining accurate records; collecting, compiling and evaluating data; and submitting records to appropriate sources in a timely fashion. 2. Maintaining standards of confidentiality and ethical practice. 3. Learning and remaining current with appropriate documentation systems, setting priorities and developing a system to manage documentation.
Participant Empowerment
1. Assisting and supporting the individual(s’) development of strategies, making informed choices, following through on responsibilities, and taking risks. 2. Promoting partnership with individual(s) in designing support services, consulting individual and involving him/her in the support process. 3. Providing opportunities for the person to be a self-advocate by increasing awareness of self-advocacy methods and techniques, encouraging and assisting person to speak on 4. his/her own behalf and providing information on peer support and self-advocacy groups. 5. Providing information about human, legal, civil rights and other resources; facilitating access to such information; and assisting person to use information for self-advocacy and decision making about living, work, and social relationships.
1. Initiating, or assisting in the initiation of an assessment process by gathering information (e.g., person’s selfassessment and history, prior records, test results, additional evaluation) and informing person what to expect throughout the assessment process. 2. Conducting or arranging assessments to determine the needs, preferences, and capabilities of person(s) using appropriate assessment tools and strategies, reviewing the process for inconsistencies, and making recommendations to the treatment team for corrections as necessary. 3. Discussing findings and recommendations with person(s) in a clear and understandable manner, following up on results and reevaluating the findings as necessary.
Community and Service Networking
1. Helping identify needs of person(s) for community supports, working with person and his/her informal support system, and assisting with, or initiating identified community connections. 2. Researching, developing, and maintaining information on community and other resources relevant to the needs of person(s). 3. Ensuring access to needed and available community resources, sometimes coordinating supports across agencies. 4. Participating in outreach to potential community supports.
Facilitation of Services
1. Maintaining collaborative professional relationships with individual(s) and all support team members (including family/friends); following ethical standards of practice (e.g., confidentiality, informed consent, etc.), and recognizing his/her (DSP’s) own personal limitations. 2. Assisting and/or facilitating the development of an individualized plan based on person’s preferences, needs, and interests: Person-Centered Plan (PCP). 3. Assisting and/or facilitating the implementation of an individualized plan to achieve specific outcomes derived from individual’s preferences, needs and interests. 4. Assisting and/or facilitating the review of the achievement of plan’s outcomes.
Education, Training, and Self-Development
1. Completing required training education/certification, continuing professional development, and keeping abreast of relevant resources and information. 2. Educating persons(s), co-workers and community members about issues by providing information and support and facilitating training.
1. Identifying advocacy issues by gathering information, reviewing, and analyzing all aspects of issue(s). 2. Obtaining knowledge of current laws, services, and community resources which may be utilized to assist and help educate individuals about securing needed supports. 3. Facilitating, assisting, and/or representing person(s) when there are barriers to service needs, and lobbying decisionmakers when appropriate to overcome barriers to services. 4. Interacting with, and educating community members and organizations (e.g., employer, landlord, civic organization) when relevant to person’s needs or services.
Vocational, Educational & Career Support
1. Exploring vocational interests and aptitudes of person(s), assisting in preparing for job or school entry; reviewing opportunities for continued career growth. 2. Assisting in identifying job/training opportunities and marketing person’s capabilities and services. 3. Collaborating with employers and school personnel to support person(s); adapting the environment and providing job retention supports.
Crisis Prevention and Intervention
1. Identifying crisis(es), defusing the situation, evaluating, and determining an intervention strategy, and contacting necessary supports. 2. Continuing to monitor crisis situations, discussing incident(s) with authorized staff and person(s), adjusting supports and the environment, and complying with regulations for reporting
Organizational Participation
1. Contributing to program evaluations and helping to set organizational priorities to ensure quality. 2. Incorporating sensitivity to cultural, religious, racial, disability, and gender issues into daily practices and interactions. 3. Providing and accepting co-worker support through usage of reinforcement, reflection, redirection, suggestion techniques; performance evaluation, and contributing to the screening of potential employees. 4. Providing input into budget priorities, identifying ways to provide services in a more cost-effective manner.
Building and Maintaining Friendships and Relationships
1. Assisting person(s) as needed in planning for community activities and events (e.g., making reservations, staff needs, money, materials, accessibility). 2. Assisting person(s) as needed in arranging transportation for community events. 3. Documenting community activities and events. 4. Encouraging and assisting person(s) as needed in facilitating friendships and peer interactions; communication with parents/family (e.g., phone calls, visits, letters). 5. Implementing individual supports regarding community activities. 6. Providing incentive or motivation for involving person(s) in community outings. 7. Assisting person(s) as needed in getting to know and interacting with neighbors. 8. Encouraging and assisting person(s) as needed in dating as needed in communicating with social workers and financial workers.
Providing Person Centered Supports
1. Providing support to people using a person-centered approach. 2. Modifying support programs and interventions to ensure they are person centered. 3. Challenging co-workers and supervisors to use person centered practices. 4. Acquiring knowledge about person centered planning techniques. 5. Assisting individuals in developing PCPs
Supporting Health and Wellness
1. Administering medication accurately and in accordance with agency policies and procedures. 2. Observing and implementing appropriate actions to promote healthy living and to prevent illness and accidents. 3. Using appropriate first aid/safety procedures when responding to emergencies. 4. Assisting person(s) in scheduling, keeping, and following through on all health appointments. 5. Assisting person(s) in completing personal care (e.g., hygiene and grooming) activities. 6. Assisting with identifying, securing, and using needed adaptive equipment and therapies (e.g., physical, occupational, speech, respiratory, psychological). 7. Helping person(s) take active role in health care decisions.
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):

Safety and Health
1. First Aid/CPR (6.5 hours every 3 years) 2. Approved Medication Administering Personnel (AMAP) Certification-within first 90 days of apprenticeship 3. Strategies for Crisis Intervention and Prevention (SCIP) Certification –within first 90 days of Apprenticeship 4. Universal safety precautions/infection control/Blood-borne pathogens 5. Safety in lifting, transferring, and positioning person(s) 6. Recognizing and correcting hazards in the workplace 7. Medications, self-administration, and side effects
Job, Workplace and Employer Overview
1. Overview of employer’s mission, core values and philosophy of support service 2. Overview of developmental disabilities, behavioral health, child development/welfare, fragile elders, substance abuse, traumatic brain injury, at-risk youth, rehabilitative health 3. History and principles of human services 4. Ethical and professional practice, e.g., using National Association of Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) code of ethics or other accepted code of ethics 5. Participation in the life of the organization: competencybased training; understanding processes and elements of change; understanding teamwork; mentoring and peer support 6. Participation in broader community 7. Sexual Harassment Prevention Training – must comply with Section 201-g of the Labor Law
Trade Skills
1. Core work skills in physical and personal management, and teaching daily living skills 2. Core work skills in household management and transportation, and teaching these skills to service recipients 3. Operation and maintenance of any specialized equipment, including but not limited to: adaptive technology, communication devices, breathing or nutritional support equipment 4. Rights of service recipients and responsibilities of DSPs 5. Communication Skills: definitions, forms, facilitation 6. Documentation: purpose, types, documenting effectively, maintaining confidentiality 7. Participant Empowerment: supporting informed choice, assisting with design of support services, assisting with self-advocacy services, awareness of human, legal and civil rights 8. Assessments: Definition and purpose; formal and informal assessments 9. Informal support and support networks 10.Community Supports and Resources 11.Planning: purposes and goals of planning 12.Person-Centered Plans (PCPs): Models and Implementation of PCPs 13.Education and training for Direct Support Professionals: current, advanced and “next” practices in the field 14.Recognizing neglect, abuse, and exploitation; reporting requirements. 15.Vocational and educational supports for person(s) 16.Preventing crisis and high-risk situations 17.Crisis Intervention 18.Positive Behavioral Support (PBS) 19.Preventive health supports and strategies 20.Individualized and specialized health care supports 21.Providing safe environments and specialized health care support 22.Communication with family members, legal guardians, coworkers, and other team members to support health and wellness