in on-the-job training and related instruction.
Heating & Air Conditioning Mechanic & Installer
Service Professional Group DBA SPAcademy

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

General trade orientation
a. Safety procedures and first aid b. Customer interaction Soft Skills c. Use and care of tools d. Test and measurement devices e. Use of grinders, drill presses, lathes f. Tool and drill sharpening g. Types and sizes of piping, tubing, and fittings h. Introduction to refrigeration system components i. Equipment records and reports
Fabrication of system components
a. Cut, thread, flare, bend, and shape piping and tubing b. Mechanical fittings groove piping systems and mechanical press locking systems c. Install fittings d. Solder, braze, and tin fittings and components e. Care and use of oxy-acetylene and air-acetylene torches f. Silver and soft soldering
System installation and connection
a. Electrical supply lines and cables b. Electrical connections c. Water service lines d. Air supply lines e. Steam lines f. Steam return lines g. Steam traps and strainers h. Pressure reduction, expansion, evaporator, stop valves i. Suction and discharge lines j. Gauges k. Dehydrators l. Filters and strainers m. Controls n. Non vital component selection
Equipment installation
a. Install commercial equipment i. Package units, curbing, duct adapters ii. Boilers iii. Chillers iv. Air Handlers v. Ventilation units vi. Exhaust fans vii. Mini-split and VRF units viii. Other b. Prepare compressor and motor bases c. Install and align compressors and motors d. Install evaporators and other cooling coils e. Install and align centrifugal pumps and bases f. Safe equipment moving and rigging- slings, lines, blocks and falls, chain hoists, rollers, dollies, and skids
System maintenance
a. Troubleshoot field systems i. Heat pumps ii. Fuel burning equipment iii. Motors/ compressors iv. Air conditioning systems v. Refrigeration vi. Chiller systems vii. Duct systems viii. Building environment, indoor air quality, building systems ix. Internet of things testing operation. b. Test pressure, flow, etc. c. Check liquid levels d. Check repair leaks (refrigerants, liquids) e. Purge, dehydrate, and charge systems f. Repair, align, and adjust fans and blower sections g. Align pulleys, bearing blocks, belt tension
Equipment repair
a. Disassemble and clean, repair, perform shop tests and run-in compressors b. Repair, pressure test, dehydrate evaporators c. Repair, acidize condensers, and roll condenser tubes d. Remove, replace, disassemble, test, clean, calibrate, and renew defective parts on controls of all types including: pneumatic, electrical, electro-pneumatic, thermostatic, humidity, pressure, vacuum
a. Orientation b. Housekeeping c. Safety d. Activities not otherwise listed
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):
Introduction to HVAC
Course Link URL: 1. Chapter Introduction 2. History of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning (Cooling) 3. Green Awareness 4. History of Home and Commercial Heating 5. Career Opportunities 6. Technician Certification Programs a. History b. Certification Programs c. Why Technicians Should Become Certified 7. Programmatic Accreditation 8. National Skill Standards 9. Customer Relations and Technician Soft Skills a. First Impressions b. Appearance c. Communication Skills d. Conflicts and Arguments e. The Service Call f. The Technician as a Salesperson
Basic Entry Level Prerequisites
1. OSHA 10-hour certification 2. Arc Flash Training
General Safety Units
Course Link URL:
Ladder and Platform Safety
Course Link URL:
Basic Math for the Trades
Course Link URL:
Soft Skills for Technicians
Course Link URL:
Heat, Matter and Energy
Course Link URL: 1. Safety-related issues 2. Temperature 3. Heat content and the British Thermal Unit 4. Heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation 5. Latent and sensible heat transfers 6. Temperature conversions 7. Pressure: absolute and gauge 8. Gas laws 9. Mass, weight and density 10. Power and energy 11. Introduction to residential energy auditing 12. Introduction to heat gain and heat loss calculations
Basic Refrigeration
Course Link URL: 1. Safety-related issues 2. The refrigeration processes 3. System compressors 4. System condensers 5. System metering (expansion) devices 6. System evaporators 7. Pressure/temperature relationship 8. System accessories 9. Refrigerants and refrigerant properties 10. The Pressure Enthalpy diagram 11. Refrigerant management 12. EPA regulations
EPA Testing and Certification
Piping Operations
Course Link URL: 1. Safety-related issues 2. Piping materials 3. Cutting and reaming 4. Flaring 5. Swaging 6. Tubing bending 7. The torch kit: Air-acetylene 8. The torch kit: Oxy-acetylene 9. Soldering 10. Brazing 11. Steel pipe operations 12. Plastic pipe 13. Compression fittings and other mechanical piping connections
Tools and Equipment
Course Link URL: 1. General Tools 2. Specialized Hand Tools 3. Tubing Tools 4. Specialized Service and Installation Equipment 5. Refrigerant Leak Detectors 6. Other Tools 7. Miscellaneous Tools and Equipment for Specialized Needs
The Customer is Always Right
Course Link URL:
Basic Electricity
Course Link URL: 1. Atomic Theory 2. Positive and Negative Charges 3. Flow of Electrons 4. Conductors and Insulators 5. Electric Potential 6. Current Flow 7. Resistance 8. Electric Power and Energy 9. Ohm's Law 10. Calculating Electric Power
Electrical Theory
Course Link URL: 1. Loads 2. Contactors and Relays 3. Magnetic Starters 4. Switches 5. Safety Devices 6. Transformers 7. Schematic Diagrams 8. Pictorial Diagrams 9. Installation Diagrams
Components, Symbols, and Circuitry of Air-
Conditioning Wiring Diagrams
Course Link URL: 1. Starting Relays for Single-Phase Motors 2. Current or Amperage Relays 3. Potential Relays 4. Solid-State Starting Relays and Devices 5. Motor Bearings 6. Motor Drives
Electrical Motor Components
Course Link URL:
Electrical Meters
Course Link URL: 1. Electric Meters 2. Ammeters 3. Voltmeters 4. Ohmmeters
Introduction to Automatic Controls
Course Link URL: 1. Types of Automatic Controls 2. Devices that Respond to Thermal Change 3. The Bimetal Device 4. Rod and Tube 5. Snap-Disc. 6. Control by Fluid Expansion 7. The Thermocouple 8. Electronic Temperature-Sensing Devices
Automatic Device Applications
Course Link URL: 1. Temperature Controls 2. Low-Voltage Space Temperature Controls 3. Electrical Contacts 4. Heat Anticipator 5. Cold Anticipator 6. Thermostat Cover 7. Thermostat Assembly 8. The Subbase 9. Line-Voltage Space Temperature Controls 10. The Switching Mechanism 11. The Sensing Element 12. The Cover 13. Subbase 14. Sensing the Temperature of Solids 15. Measuring the Temperature of Fluids 16. Pressure-Sensing Devices 17. Pressure Transducers 18. High-Pressure Controls 19. Low-Pressure Controls 20. Oil Pressure Safety Controls 21. Air Pressure Controls 22. Gas Pressure Switches 23. Switchless Devices that Control Fluid Flow 24. Water Pressure Regulators 25. Gas Pressure Regulators 26. Mechanical and Electromechanical Controls 27. Maintenance of Mechanical Controls 28. Maintenance of Electromechanical Controls
Advanced Automatic Controllers
Course Link URL: 1. Control Applications 2. Types of Control Systems 3. Pneumatic Controls 4. Cleaning and Drying Control Air 5. Control Components 6. Direct Digital Controls (DDCs) 7. Residential Electronic Controls
Electric Motors
Course Link URL: 1. Types of Electric Motors a. Uses of Electric Motors b. Parts of an Electric Motor c. Electric Motors and Magnetism d. Determining a Motor’s Speed e. Start Windings f. Starting and Running Characteristics g. Electrical Power Supplies h. Single-Phase Open Motors i. Split-Phase Motors j. The Centrifugal Switch k. The Electronic Relay l. Capacitor-Start Motors m. Capacitor-Start, Capacitor-Run Motors n. Permanent Split-Capacitor Motors o. Shaded-Pole Motors p. Three-Phase Motors q. Single-Phase Hermetic Motors r. The Potential Relay s. Potential Relay Specifications t. Troubleshooting u. The Current Relay v. Positive Temperature Coefficient Resistor (PTCR) w. Troubleshooting the PTCR x. Two-Speed Compressor Motors y. Special Application Motors z. Three-Phase Compressor Motors aa. Variable-Speed Motors bb. DC Converters (Rectifiers) cc. Inverters and Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) dd. Operation of the VFD ee. Electronically Commutated Motors (ECMs) ff. Cooling Electric Motors
Application of Motors
Course Link URL: a. Motor Applications b. The Power Supply i. Voltage ii. Current Capacity iii. Frequency iv. Phase c. Electric-Motor Working Conditions d. Insulation Type or Class e. Types of Bearings f. Motor Mounting Characteristics i. Cradle-Mount Motors ii. Rigid-Base-Mount Motors iii. End-Mount Motors iv. Belly-Band-Mount Motors g. Motor Drives
Motor Controls
Course Link URL: a. Introduction to Motor Control Devices b. Full-Load and Locked-Rotor Amperage c. The Relay d. The Contactor e. Motor Starters f. Motor Protection g. Inherent Motor Protection h. External Motor Protection i. National Electrical Code® Standards j. Temperature-Sensing Devices k. Magnetic Overload Devices l. Restarting the Motor
Troubleshooting Electric Motors
Course Link URL: a. Motor Troubleshooting b. Mechanical Motor Problems c. Removing Drive Assemblies d. Belt Tension e. Pulley Alignment f. Electrical Problems g. Open Windings h. Shorted Motor Windings i. Short Circuit to Ground (Frame) j. Single-Phase Motor Starting Problems k. Checking Capacitors l. Identification of Capacitors m. Wiring and Connectors n. Troubleshooting Hermetic Motors o. Service Technician Calls
Technician Soft Skills
Course Link URL:
Comfort and Psychometrics
Course Link URL: 1. Comfort 2. Food Energy and the Body 3. Heat Transfer to and from the Body 4. The Comfort Chart 5. Psychometrics’ 6. Moisture in Air 7. Absolute and Relative Humidity 8. Superheated Gases in AIR 9. Dry-Bulb and Wet-Bulb Temperatures 10. Dew Point Temperature 11. Enthalpy 12. The Psychometric Chart 13. Plotting on the Psychometric Chart 14. Fresh Air, Infiltration, and Ventilation 15. Building Air-Conditioning Specifications
Air-Conditioning System Refrigerants and Components
Course Link URL: 1. Introduction to Refrigeration 2. Refrigeration 3. Rating Refrigeration Equipment 4. The Refrigeration Process 5. Temperature and Pressure Relationship 6. Refrigeration Components 7. The Evaporator 8. The Compressor 9. The Condenser 10. The Refrigerant Metering Device 11. Matching Refrigeration Systems and Components 12. Refrigerants 13. Refrigerants Must be Safe 14. Refrigerants Must be Detectable 15. The Boiling Point of the Refrigerant 16. Pumping Characteristics 17. Popular Refrigerants and Their Important Characteristics 18. Refrigerant Cylinder Color Codes 19. Recovery, Recycling, or Reclaiming of Refrigerants 20. Plotting the Refrigerant Cycle 21. Plotting the Refrigerant Cycle for Blends with Noticeable Temperature Glide (Zeotropic Blends)
Refrigeration Applied to Air-Conditioning
Course Link URL: 1. Refrigeration 2. Structural Heat Gain 3. Evaporative Cooling 4. Refrigerated Cooling or Air-Condition 5. Ning 6. Package Air-Conditioning 7. Split-System Air-Conditioning 8. The Evaporator 9. The A-Coil 10. The Slant Coil 11. The H Coil 12. Coil Circuits 13. Microchannel (Flat-Plate-And-Fin) Technology 14. The Function of the Evaporator 15. Design Conditions 16. Evaporator Application 17. The Compressor 18. The Reciprocating Compressor 19. Compressor Speeds (RPM) 20. Cooling the Compressor and Motor 21. Compressor Mountings 22. The Rotary Compressor 23. Stationary Vane Rotary Compressor 24. Rotary Vane Rotary Compressor 25. The Scroll Compressor 26. The Condenser 27. Side-Air-Discharge Condensing Units 28. Top-Air-Discharge Condensers 29. Condenser Coil Design 30. High-Efficiency Condensers 31. Condenser Cabinet Design 32. Expansion Devices 33. Air-Side Components 34. Installation Procedures
Commercial, Packaged Rooftop, Variable
Refrigerant Flow, and Variable Air Volume Systems
Course Link URL: 1. Rooftop Package Units a. Rooftop Blowers and Fans 2. Installation of Packaged Rooftop Units a. Selection of Unit Location b. Roof Penetration c. Roof Curb Installation and Roof Sealing d. Installation of Return and Supply Ductwork e. Rigging of the Unit to the Roof f. Crane Information g. Communicating with the Crane Operator h. Installation of Required Electric Circuits and Fuel Lines 3. Economizers a. Fixed Dry-Bulb b. Differential Dry-Bulb c. Fixed Enthalpy d. Differential Enthalpy 4. Economizer Modes of Operation a. Heating Mode b. Modulating Mode c. Integrated Mode d. Mechanical Mode 5. Ashrae Standard 62 6. Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) a. How Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) Works b. The Carbon Dioxide Sensors 7. Traditional Constant-Volume Air Distribution Methods 8. Variable Air Volume (VAV) Systems 9. Blowers on VAV Systems 10. VAV Boxes and Terminal Units 11. Hot Water in the Reheat Coils a. Two-Way Modulating Valves b. Three-Way Modulating Valves 12. Chilled-Water VAV Systems a. Protecting the Chilled-Water VAV from Freezing 13. Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems a. VRF System Compressor Configurations b. VRF System Control c. Proportional Integral (PI) Control System Response d. VRF Piping Configurations 14. Dry Coolers a. Dry Cooler Concepts b. Dry Cooler Piping Basics c. Dry Cooler: Warm Ambient Operation d. Dry Cooler: Cool Ambient Operation
Air-Conditioning Troubleshooting
Course Link URL: 1. Typical system operating conditions 2. Superheat and sub cooling review 3. Using sub cooling to evaluate systems with thermostatic expansion valves 4. Using superheat to evaluate systems with other metering devices 5. New generation refrigerants 6. Adjusting the refrigerant charge
Refrigerant Management
Course link URL: 1. Refrigerants and the Environment 2. Ozone Depletion 3. Global Warming 4. Refrigerants 5. CFC Refrigerants 6. HCFC Refrigerants 7. HFC Refrigerants 8. Hydrofluoric-Olefin (HFO) Refrigerants 9. Hydrocarbon (HC) Refrigerants 10. Naming Refrigerants 11. Refrigerant Blends 12. Popular Refrigerants and Their Compatible Oils 13. Refrigerant Oils and Their Applications 14. Oil Groups 15. Regulations 16. Recover, Recycle, or Reclaim 17. Methods of Recovery 18. Mechanical Recovery Systems 19. Recovering Refrigerant from Small Appliances 20. Reclaiming Refrigerant 21. Refrigerant Retrofitting 22. Refrigerants and Tools in the Future 23. Hydrocarbon (HC) Refrigerants 24. Naming Refrigerants 25. Refrigerant Blends 26. Popular Refrigerants and Their Compatible Oils 27. Refrigerant Oils and Their Applications 28. Oil Groups 29. Regulations 30. Recover, Recycle, or Reclaim 31. Methods of Recovery 32. Mechanical Recovery Systems 33. Recovering Refrigerant from Small Appliances 34. Reclaiming Refrigerant 35. Refrigerant Retrofitting 36. Refrigerants and Tools in the Future
Technician Soft Skills
Course link URL:
Typical Operating Conditions and System Components
Course Link URL: 1. Evaporators 2. Low temperature conditions 3. Medium temperature conditions 4. High temperature conditions 5. Condensers 6. Refrigeration compressors 7. Metering devices
Special Refrigeration System Components
Course Link URL: 1. The Four Basic Components 2. Mechanical Controls 3. Two-Temperature Controls 4. Evaporator Pressure Control 5. Multiple Evaporators 6. Electric Evaporator Pressure-Regulating Valve 7. Crankcase Pressure Regulator 8. Adjusting the CPR Valve 9. Relief Valves 10. Fan-Cycling Head Pressure Controls 11. Fan Speed Control for Controlling Head Pressure 12. Air Volume Control for Controlling Head Pressure 13. Condenser Flooding and Condenser Splitting for Controlling Head Pressure 14. Electrical Controls 15. Pressure Switches 16. Low-Pressure Switch 17. Low-Pressure Control Applied as a Thermostat 18. Automatic Pump Down Systems 19. High-Pressure Control 20. Low-Ambient Fan Control 21. Oil Pressure Safety Control 22. The Defrost Cycle 23. Medium-Temperature Refrigeration 24. Random or Off-Cycle Defrost 25. Planned Defrost 26. Low-Temperature Evaporator Defrost 27. Internal Heat Defrost (Hot Gas and Cool Gas Defrost) 28. External Heat Defrost 29. Defrost Termination and Fan Delay Control 30. Refrigeration Accessories 31. Receivers 32. The King Valve on the Receiver 33. Filter Driers 34. Refrigerant Check Valves 35. Refrigerant Sight Glasses 36. Liquid Refrigerant Distributors 37. Heat Exchangers 38. Suction-Line Accumulators 39. Suction-Line Filter Driers 40. Suction Service Valves 41. Discharge Service Valves 42. Refrigeration Line Service Valves 43. Diaphragm Valves 44. Ball Valves 45. Oil Separators 46. Vibration Eliminators 47. Pressure Access Ports 48. Crankcase Heat 49. Oil Pumps 50. Compressor Oil Check Valve and Partition Wall
Refrigeration System Applications
Course Link URL: 1. Merchandising options for refrigeration systems 2. Automatic pump down cycle 3. Multiple evaporator systems 4. Multiple compressor systems (rack systems) 5. Secondary refrigerant systems 6. Pressurized liquid systems 7. Staggered defrost methods 8. Vending machine refrigeration 9. Water coolers 10. Mobile (transport) refrigeration systems 11. Cascade refrigeration systems
Ice-Making Systems
Course Link URL: 1. System configuration 2. Ice shapes and types 3. Ice making methods and the evaporator 4. The harvest cycle 5. Bin controls 6. Water quality and water treatment 7. Ice machine controls 8. Troubleshooting ice making equipment
Special Refrigeration Applications
Course Link URL: 1. Special Refrigeration Applications 2. Transport Refrigeration 3. Truck Refrigeration Systems 4. Railway Refrigeration 5. Extra-Low-Temperature Refrigeration 6. Cascade Systems 7. Quick-Freezing Methods 8. Marine Refrigeration 9. Air Cargo Hauling
Troubleshooting Commercial Refrigeration Systems
Course Link URL: 1. Organized Troubleshooting 2. Troubleshooting High-Temperature Applications 3. Troubleshooting Medium-Temperature Applications 4. Troubleshooting Low-Temperature Applications 5. Typical Air-Cooled Condenser Operating Conditions 6. Calculating the Correct Head Pressure for Air-Cooled Equipment 7. Typical Operating Conditions for Water-Cooled Equipment 8. Typical Operating Conditions for Wastewater Condenser Systems 9. Typical Operating Conditions for Recirculated Water Systems 10. Six Typical Problems 11. Low Refrigerant Charge 12. Refrigerant Overcharge 13. Inefficient Evaporator 14. Inefficient Condenser 15. Refrigerant Flow Restrictions 16. Inefficient Compressor 17. Compressor Vacuum Test 18. Closed-Loop Compressor Running Bench Test 19. Closed-Loop Compressor Running Field Test 20. Compressor Running Test in the System 21. Service Technician Calls 22. Diagnostic Chart for Commercial Refrigeration
System Installation and start-up
Course Link URL: 1. Outdoor unit location selection 2. Indoor unit location selection 3. Piping the system 4. Electrical connections: line voltage and low voltage control connections 5. Condensate removal 6. System leak check and evacuation 7. Using manufacturers charging tables and charts 8. Charging systems with blended refrigerants 9. System start-up
Air Distribution and Balance
Course Link URL: 1. Air distribution configurations 2. Selection of air distribution system 3. Duct materials and applications 4. Installing and joining duct sections 5. Support for air distribution system 6. Airflow calculations 7. Sizing the air distribution system 8. Register and grille selection 9. Balancing the air distribution system 10. Equipment used for air system balancing 11. Pressures in the air distribution system 12. Adjusting air volumes 13. Dampers and registers
Energy Auditing
Course Link URL: 1. Diagnostic testing 2. HVAC/R system testing 3. Numerical analysis and reporting 4. Heat gain and heat loss calculations
Indoor air Quality
Course Link URL: 1. Sources of Indoor Air Pollution 2. Common Pollutants 3. Detecting and Eliminating the Source of Contamination 4. Ventilation 5. Air Cleaning 6. Duct Cleaning 7. Air Humidification 8. Sizing Humidifiers 9. Installation 10. Service, Troubleshooting, and Preventive Maintenance 11. Diagnostic Chart for Filtration and Humidification Systems
Normal Operating Conditions
Course Link URL: 1. Mechanical Operating Conditions 2. Relative Humidity and the Load 3. Relationships of System Component under Load Changes 4. Evaporator Operating Conditions 5. High Evaporator Load and a Cool Condenser 6. Grades of Equipment 7. Documentation with the Unit 8. Establishing a Reference Point on unknown Equipment 9. Equipment Efficiency Rating 10. Typical Electrical Operating Conditions 11. Matching the Unit to the Correct Power Supply 12. Starting the Equipment with the Correct Data 13. Finding a Point of Reference for an unknown Motor Rating 14. Determining the Compressor Running Amperage 15. Compressors Operating at Full-Load Current 16. High Voltage, the Compressor, and Current Draw 17. Current Draw and the Two-Speed Compressor
Troubleshooting Air Systems
Course Link URL: 1. Introduction 2. Mechanical Troubleshooting 3. Approach Temperature and Temperature Difference 4. Gauge Manifold Usage 5. When to Connect the Gauges 6. Low-Side Gauge Readings 7. High-Side Gauge Readings 8. Temperature Readings 9. Charging Procedures in the Field 10. Electrical Troubleshooting 11. Compressor Overload Problems 12. Compressor Electrical Checkup 13. Troubleshooting the Circuit Electrical Protectors—Fuses and Breakers 14. Service Technician Calls
Electrical versus Mechanical Problems
Course Link URL: 1. Isolating the cause for system failure 2. Correcting system problems 3. Performing a total system check
Performing a Successful Service call
Course Link URL: 1. Verifying the problem 2. Information gathering 3. Performing a visual inspection 4. Isolating and identifying system problems 5. Correcting problems 6. Testing system operation following repair 7. Completion of service call
Residential Energy Auditing
Course Link URL: 1. Diagnostic testing 2. Duct and air leakage testing 3. Combustion and furnace efficiency 4. HVAC/R, venting, and draft testing 5. Numerical analysis and reporting
Electric Heating Systems
Course Link URL: 1. Safety-related issues 2. Furnace configurations 3. Air distribution system 4. Electric heating system components 5. Safety controls 6. Interlock circuits 7. Sequence of operations 8. Troubleshooting and servicing
Gas-Fired Heating Systems
Course Link URL: 1. Safety-related issues 2. Furnace configurations 3. Air distribution system 4. Combustion 5. Gas-fired heating system components 6. Safety controls 7. Ignition methods 8. Sequence of operations 9. System installation 10. Troubleshooting and servicing
Oil-Fired Heating Systems
Course Link URL: 1. Safety-related issues 2. Furnace configurations 3. Air distribution system 4. Combustion 5. Oil-fired heating system components 6. Safety controls 7. Ignition methods 8. Sequence of operations 9. System installation 10. Troubleshooting and servicing
Hydronic Heating Theory
Course Link URL: 1. Fundamental Concepts 2. Heating Load Estimates 3. Hydronic Heat Sources 4. Properties of Water
Advanced hydronic
Course Link URL: 1. Piping, Fittings, and Valves 2. Fluid Flow in Piping 3. Hydronic Circulators 4. Heat Emitters 5. Control Strategies, Components, and Systems 6. Hydronic Radiant Panel Heating 7. Distribution Piping Systems 8. Expansion Tanks 9. Air Removal, Filling, and Purging 10. Auxiliary Loads and Specialized Units
All-Weather Systems
Course Link URL: 1. Basic refrigeration cycle review 2. Heat gains and heat losses in structures 3. Heat pump system components 4. The reversing valve 5. Air source heat pumps 6. Water source heat pumps 7. Geothermal heat pumps 8. Wells and water sources 9. Troubleshooting and servicing 10. Overview of residential energy audits
High Pressure, Low Pressure, and absorption
Chilled-Water Systems
Course Link URL: 1. Chillers 2. Compression Cycle in High-Pressure Chillers 3. Reciprocating Compressors in High-Pressure Chillers 4. Cylinder Unloading and Variable-Frequency Drives 5. Scroll Compressors in High-Pressure Chillers 6. Rotary Screw Compressors in High-Pressure Chillers 7. Centrifugal Compressors in High-Pressure Chillers 8. Evaporators for High-Pressure Chillers 9. Condensers for High-Pressure Chillers 10. Water-Cooled Condensers 11. Condenser Sub cooling 12. Air-Cooled Condensers 13. Sub cooling Circuit 14. Metering Devices for High-Pressure Chillers 15. Low-Pressure Chillers 16. Compressors for Low-Pressure Chillers 17. Condensers for Low-Pressure Chillers 18. Metering Devices for Low-Pressure Chillers 19. Purge Units 20. Absorption Air-Conditioning Chillers 21. Motors and Drives for Chillers
Cooling Towers and Pumps
Course Link URL: 1. Cooling Tower Function 2. Types of Cooling Towers 3. Fire Protection 4. Fill Material 5. Flow Patterns 6. Tower Materials 7. Fan Section 8. Tower Access 9. Tower Sump 10. Makeup Water 11. Blowdown 12. Balancing the Water Flow in a Cooling Tower 13. Water Pumps 14. Chemical-Free Treatment of Cooling Tower Water
Operation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting of
Chilled-Water Air-Conditioning Systems
Course Link URL: 1. Chiller Start-Up 2. Valves for Large Systems 3. Scroll and Reciprocating Chiller Operation 4. Large Positive-Displacement Chiller Operation 5. Centrifugal Chiller Operation 6. Air-Cooled Chiller Maintenance 7. Water-Cooled Chiller Maintenance 8. Absorption Chilled-Water System Start-Up 9. Absorption Chiller Operation and Maintenance 10. General Maintenance for All Chillers 11. Low-Pressure Chillers 12. High-Pressure Chillers 13. Refrigerant Safety 14. Service Technician Calls
Commercial, Packaged Rooftop,
Variable Refrigerant Flow, and Variable Air Volume Systems
Course Link URL: 1. Rooftop Package Units 2. Installation of Packaged Rooftop Units 3. Economizers 4. Economizer Modes of Operation 5. Ashraf Standard 62 6. Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) 7. Traditional Constant-Volume Air Distribution Methods 8. Variable Air Volume (VAV) Systems 9. Blowers on VAV Systems 10. VAV Boxes and Terminal Units 11. Hot Water in the Reheat Coils 12. Chilled-Water VAV Systems 13. Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems 14. Dry Coolers
Simulations AC
Course Link URL: 1. Small Commercial AC 2. Small Residential AC
Simulations Commercial Freezer
Course Link URL: 1. Commercial freezer
Simulations Gas Boiler
Course Link URL: 1. Gas Boiler
Simulations Gas Furnace
Course Link: 1. Gas furnace
Simulations Oil Furnace
Course Link URL: 1. Oil Furnace
Electrical Simulations Test
Course Link URL:
Dealt Certification Testing Guide
Course Link URL: