using a minimum and maximum range of hours for each major job
function and the successful demonstration of identified competencies.

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

General Safety Training
- Make eye contact with drivers
- Listen for horns
- Give forklifts space to manuver
- Using your foot to determine weight of an object
- Lifting with knees and a straight back
- Having someone help you lift an object when needed
- Using forklifts and cranes to lift when necessary
- Steel toe boots are required everywhere in the plant
- Safety glasses are required everywhere in the plant
- Work pants are required everywhere in the plant
- Gloves are required everywhere in the plant
- Ear plugs are required everywhere in the plant
- Welding and fab. positions will require metguards
- Welding positions require long sleeves
- Welding positions require a hood/helmet
- Painting positions will require masks and paint suits
- Lockout tagout will have a tag and key lock
- Tags will have associate name
- Tags and locks are only to be removed by associate
- DO NOT operate a locked and tagged machine
- Fire extinguishers are all throughout the plant
- Extinguishers can be found by signs and colored poles
- Identify evacuation routes
- Locate the nearest evacuation point to your area
- Indentify where MSDS Sheets are located and how to read them
- Wear PPE to prevent burns
- First aid cabinets are located in every break room
- Report all accidents to a supervisor no matter how small
Blueprint Introduction
- Know how to read a tape measure
- Show proper measurement in inches
- Show proper measurement in metric
- Convert fractions to decimals
- Understand angles and degrees
- Know how to read and understand blueprints
- Layout stock for blueprints, sketches, and templates
Internal Documentation
- Understand the PPH (Points Per Hour) list
- Document employee name and week dates
- Document product number
- Document point value of product
- Add points earned daily
- Combine and divide daily points to get PPH average
- Understand how to check for quality
- Conduct a review of finished welds
- Check integrity of finished welds
- Refine welds if necessary (avoid rework and grinding)
- Understand the PPH (Points Per Hour) list
- Document employee name and week dates
- Document product number
- Document number of items
- Document point value of product
- Add points earned daily
- Combine and divide daily points to get PPH average
Fabrication: Shear
- Inspect equipment daily and report any concerns
- Learn the e-stops and always have access to them
- Identify pinch points
- Beware of oil and air leaks
- Never put hands or fingers past guards
- Be wary of slips, trips and falls around shears
- Always wear, hands, ear, and eye protection
- Hydraulic energy is considered a hazardous energy
- Hydraulic hoses can leak oil
- Leaks, bulging, or abraded hoses should be replaced
- Do not use fingers to detect oil leaks
- If oil contacts skin, go to hospital
- If bitten by insect near hydraulic oil, go to hospital
- Oil under pressure will seep through skin
- Oil under pressure can penetrate leather gloves
- How to square a sheet
- Measure and mark acording to print dimensions
- Understand order of operations. (What cut do you make 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
Fabrication: Brake Press
- Inspect equipment daily and report any concerns
- Always wear, hands, ear, and eye protection
- Learn the e-stops and always have access to them
- Identify pinch points
- Never put hands or fingers past guards
- Always beware of oil and air leaks
- Be wary of slips, trips and falls around the press
- Hydraulic energy is considered a hazardous energy
- Hydraulic hoses can leak oil
- Leaks, bulging, or abraded hoses should be replaced
- Do not use fingers to detect oil leaks
- If oil contacts skin, go to hospital
- If bitten by insect near hydraulic oil, go to hospital
- Oil under pressure will seep through skin
- Oil under pressure can penetrate leather gloves
- Demonstrating ability to use the press
Fabrication: Saws
- Inspect equipment daily and report any concerns
- Always wear PPE near the saws
- Learn the e-stops and always have access to them
- Never put hand near a blade while it is spinning
- Always run saw with water
- Be wary of slips, trips, and falls
- Blades should always shut off when finished with cycle
- Demonstrating ability to use the saw
- How to square a bundle
- Measure and mark acording to print dimensions
- Understand order of operations. (What cut do you make 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.)
Fabrication: Plasma
- Inspect equipment daily and report any concerns
- Always wear PPE
- Wear shade #8 safety glasses to prevent light burns
- Pay attention where you step on the table
- Always use your crane to load/unload table
- Be wary of slips, trips and falls around plasma table
- Identify pinch points
- Learn the e-stop and always have access to them
- Learn and understand the preventative maintenance measures
- Demonstrating ability to use the plasma
- Prepare the equipment
- Initalize start up sequence
- Choose and load correct material on table
- Learn to load and edit program files
- Dry run
- Start cut process
Robotic Welding
- Check parts bins in each dept. daily
- Make mental notes of parts needed
- Retrieve materials needed from fabrication bins
- Each part has its own respective fixture
- Fixtures are used to make proper, even welds
- The robot has programs for every type of part
- Learning the locations of the completed parts
- Each program is made up of a series of code
- The codes are the inputs that tell the robot what to do
- There are different kinds of code
- Codes control movement, weld time, weld speed, etc.
- Sometimes you will need to modify programs
- Familiarize yourself and practice using the remote
- Understanding the inputs and remote
- Each program is made up of a series of code
- The codes are the inputs that tell the robot what to do
- There are different kinds of code
- Codes control movement, weld time, weld speed, etc.
- Sometimes you will need to modify programs
- Familiarize yourself and practice using the remote
- Understand the parts needed
- Select the proper fixture need for the part
- Retrieve materials needed for the part
- Setup the fixure in one of the three stations
- Choose the proper program and test run the program
- Laod parts in the fixture and dry run the program
- Start the cycle
Competency Testing
- Review of welding and robotic welding
- Apprentice will spend roughly 20 weeks in each dept.
- Progressivley learn the build of a container from start to finish by learning the sequence of building
- Progressivley learn the build of a container from start to finish by learning the sequence of building
- Progressivley learn the build of a container from start to finish by learning the sequence of building
- Safety around the equipment of finishing
- PPE required to perform the task
- Quality and inspection of received product
- Preparing the product for first coat
- Inspecting first coat and applying the top coat
- Inspecting final product
- Forklift certification if applicable
- Documentation
- Staging of materials and product
- Loading and unloading of trucks
Return To Hired Department
- Apply skills learned to build product
Pedestrian Forklifts
- Demonstrate safe seating and starting of forklift
- Maneuver and navigate forks safely
- Demonstrate safe speed and turning abilities in the forklift
Safe Lifting
- Demonstrate proper way to lift heavy objects
Fabrication and Assembly
- Demonstrate proper measurements in inches
- Demonstrate proper measurements in metric
- Convert fractions to decimals
- Demonstrate proper training- angles
- Layout stock from blueprints, sketches, and templates
MIG Welding Basics
- Learn how to set and calibrate your welder
- Demonstrate proper positioning and continuous flow
- Conduct smooth tack welding along multiple surfaces
- Conduct proper horizontal weld on multiple apparatus
- Conduct proper vertical weld on multiple apparatus
- Conduct proper overhead weld on multiple apparatus
- Demonstrate proper use of grinder
- Demonstrate proper use of torch
- Putting all skills to use
- Demonstrate setting and calibrating welding apparatus
- Demonstrate proper positioning and continuous flow
- Conduct smooth tack welding along multiple surfaces
- Conduct proper horizontal weld on multiple apparatus
- Conduct proper vertical welds on multiple apparatus
- Conduct proper overhead welds on multiple bpparatus
- Demonstrate proper use Of Grinder
- Demonstrate proper use Of Torch
Quality Control
- Conduct review of finished welds
- Check for integrity of finished welds
- Understnad the quality check process
- Understand PPH List and method of reporting accurately
- Refine the union of welds (avoiding rework and additional grind time)
Specialized Welding
- Conduct proper bottom table weld
- Conduct proper side table welding
- Conduct proper door welding
- Assemble final specialized welding product
Service Training
- Maintain and repair electric welding power source units
- Understand basic wiring of primary electric current
- Detect faulty operation of equipment or defective materials and notify supervisor
- Properly use a hoist and magnet
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):

Option #1: Welding Technology (C50420) Certificate
Cutting Processes WLD 110 SMAW (Stick) Plate WLD 115 Symbols & Specifications WLD 141 GMAW (MIG) FCAW/Plate WLD 121 GTAW (TIG) Plate WLD 131
Option #2: Complete Associate in Applied Science Degree in Welding from one of the four community college. See listed related instruction for AAS Welding program below.
Program Courses Required for Associates in Applied Science: Welding: Apprentices may attend Caldwell Community College OR Catawba Valley Community College for the same instruction. ACA 115 Success & Study Skills DFT 151 CAD I ISC 112Industrial Safety COM 120 Intro to Interpersonal Communication MAT 121 Algebra/Trigonometry I WLD 151 Fabrication I WLD 261 Certification Practices WBL 110 World of Work OR WBL 111 Work-Based Learning WBL 115 Work-Based Learning Seminar WLD 116 SMAW (stick) Plate/Pipe WLD 122 GMAW (MIG) Plate/Pipe WLD 132 GTAW (TIG) Plate/Pipe Humanities/Fine Arts Elective ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry WLD 215 SMAW (stick) Pipe WLD 221 GMAW (MIG) Pipe WLD 231 GTAW (TIG) Pipe or WLD 251 Fabrication II
Program Courses Required for Associates in Applied Science: Welding:
ACA 115 Success & Study Skills WBL 120 BPR 111 Print Reading COM 120 Intro to Interpersonal Communication MAT 121 Algebra/Trigonometry I WLD 151 Fabrication I WLD 261 Certification Practices WLD 116 SMAW (stick) Plate/Pipe WLD 122 GMAW (MIG) Plate/Pipe WLD 132 GTAW (TIG) Plate/Pipe Humanities/Fine Arts Elective ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry WLD 215 SMAW (stick) Pipe WLD 221 GMAW (MIG) Pipe WLD 231 GTAW (TIG) Pipe or WLD 251 Fabrication II