in on-the-job training and related instruction.
Cook (Chef)

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Maintaining Kitchen and Equipment
1. Insuring sanitation and hygiene practices a. Maintaining cleanliness of kitchen b. Managing waste c. Identifying and exterminating insects and vermin d. Ensuring kitchen safety e. Maintaining standard of personal hygiene 2. Identifying and caring for tools and equipment 3. Identifying products and their characteristics a. Identifying all basic food products and their storage b. Identifying various cleaning chemicals and their uses c. Identifying variety and sizes of canned goods 4. Production a. Maintaining storeroom, general kitchen cleaning and warehousing b. Disposing of waste properly c. Setting up buffets
Setting Up, Cooking and Serving Breakfast
1. Maintaining sanitation and hygiene a. Keeping workstation neat and clean b. Preventing spread of salmonella 2. Using breakfast tools and equipment a. Preparing, cleaning and seasoning griddle, waffle iron and egg pan b. Properly preparing eggs and omelets using sauté pans c. Understanding and using a variety of spatulas, bainmarie, and utility knives 3. Identifying products and uses a. Recognizing sizes and types of eggs b. Recognizing types of juices c. Identifying and selecting fresh breakfast vegetables and fruits 4. Breakfast production a. Preparing fried, poached, and boiled eggs b. Preparing complex egg dishes c. Preparing breakfast meats d. Preparing and cooking batters, cereals, etc. 5. Garnishment and Display a. Identifying and implementing six different breakfast plate garnishes b. Designing and laying out breakfast buffet table 6. Nutrition a. Demonstrating knowledge of nutrition in use of fat and oils when cooking breakfast
Fabricating, Cooking and Serving Fruits, Cereals, Grains, beans, Tubers and Farinaceous Products
1. Maintaining Sanitation and Hygiene Practices a. Cleaning up properly after performing task b. Maintaining work counter c. Keeping food off floor d. Maintaining clean hands and fingernails at all times e. Covering and labeling all foods to be stored f. Keeping knives and hand tools clean at all times g. Washing all vegetables, dried beans, and rice 2. Vegetable tools and equipment a. Identifying and using a variety of small hand utensils b. Using a variety of knives, pots, pans, and heavy-duty equipment 3. Vegetable identification and knowledge a. Identifying all types of varieties of vegetables b. Identifying various stages of ripeness for fruits and vegetables c. Identifying, selecting, and understanding the use of all farinaceous products and cereals 4. Vegetable production a. Performing pre-preparation of fruits, vegetables, farinaceous products, and tubers b. Cooking all fruits, vegetables, tubers, farinaceous products, cereals, grains, and beans 5. Vegetable Nutrition a. Cooking vegetables for retention of vitamins and minerals b. Utilizing alternative flavoring methods to fats and sodium c. Minimizing use of saturated fats in dishes
Preparing Meats, Poultry, Fish and Seafood
1. Sanitizing butchery area and machinery 2. Demonstrating knowledge of butchery tools and equipment a. Identifying and selecting proper knives for meats, poultry, and seafood b. Identifying and selecting tools for sharpening knives c. Identifying and selecting machinery used in the butchery of meats, seafood, fish, and poultry 3. Meat product identification a. Identifying and selecting primary and secondary cuts of meat b. Identifying poultry, seafood, and fish 4. Production preparation of poultry, meat, fish, and seafood
Broiling, Grilling, Roasting and Garnishing Meats, Fish, Sefood, and Vegetables
1. Cleaning broiler, grill; maintaining brush and brick 2. Maintaining and identifying broiler tools and equipment 3. Identifying and demonstrating uses of broiling products a. Identifying and selecting cuts of meats, poultry, shellfish, and fish used for broiling b. Identifying and selecting marinades, seasoning mixes, sauces, oils, and butters c. Distinguishing degree of doneness d. Identifying materials for hot sandwiches, hors d'oeuvres e. Applying understanding of meat costs; determining shrinkage 4. Broiler Production a. Preparing compound butters, marinades, seasoning mixes, hot hors d’oeuvres, hot sandwiches b. Broiling meat, poultry, fish, and seafood c. Preparing, roasting, and carving meats and poultry 5. Garnishing broiled and roasted products 6. Applying knowledge of nutrition a. Marinating meats b. Developing natural flavor of broiled meat
Producing Hot Soups and Sauces
1. Applying knowledge of sanitation and hygiene in preparation of soups and sauces a. Handling bones properly to prevent bacterial growth b. Cooling soups, sauces, and stocks quickly to prevent bacterial growth c. Making remoulade d. Reheating soups; holding soups and sauces in bainmarie e. Refrigerating and freezing soup and sauces properly f. Preventing cross contamination when mixing proteins 2. Using and caring for soup and sauce tools and equipment 3. Identifying product and applying product knowledge to soup and sauce production a. Identifying and selecting pre-made soup bases b. Applying knowledge of uses of bases and flavorings for the preparation of various sauces and gravies 4. Producing stocks, court bouillon, thickeners, soups, and sauces 5. Garnishing all soups and sauces 6. Applying knowledge of nutrition in soup and stock
Producing and Presenting Sandwiches, Salads, Cold Appetizers, Entrees, Canapes, and Showpieces
1. Maintaining sanitation and hygiene 2. Using and caring for equipment such as buffet stands, refrigerators, and freezers 3. Storing and handling cold foods and beverages properly 4. Preparing and presenting cold food a. Cooking whole meats, seafood to be served cold b. Preparing cold sauces, dressings, salads, and cold sandwiches c. Setting-up and maintaining cold station 5. Garnishing buffet showpieces, tables, and sandwich plates 6. Applying knowledge of nutrition to the production of healthful low fat, low sodium cold meats
Preparing and Serving Entrée Items and Hot Appetizers
1. Maintaining sanitation and hygiene 2. Using and caring for sauté tools and equipment, Including: Swiss brazier, deep-fat fryer, stove tops, and ovens 3. Identifying appropriate ingredients necessary and their characteristics for entrees 4. Producing hot entrees a. Clarifying butter, making meuniere butter, beurre noisette, beurre noir b. Making final preparation of fabricated meats and seafood c. Stuffing, coating, breading, and battering meat, fish poultry and seafood d. Pan-frying and deep-frying entrees e. Poaching, braising, baking, stewing, sautéing, and making fricassee entrees f. Assembling casseroles 5. Garnishing plates and buffet pans to “perfect plate” standards 6. Planning and preparing hot entrees applying nutritional concepts
Preparing, Producing and Presenting Baked Goods
1. Maintaining standards of sanitation and hygiene a. Storing flours to prevent vermin infection b. Handling cooked pastry to prevent bacterial growth c. Storing baked products and pastry goods d. Keeping fine sieves and sifters dry and free of rust e. Cleaning mixers, wooden pastry boards and baker’s table 2. Maintaining and caring for baking tools and equipment such as measuring equipment, baking and pastry pans, serving pieces 3. Applying knowledge of ingredients and product to bakery production a. Applying basic principles of yeast bread to production of various doughs; adjusting size of recipes b. Preparing sweet roll dough and products c. Producing quick breads, cakes, icings, iced cakes, cookies, and pies d. Making éclair (choux) paste and puff pastry, working with frozen puff pastry e. Making meringue, fruit desserts, puddings, pastry fillings and ice cream desserts f. Applying the principles of pastillage, marzipan, nougat chocolate, brown and spun sugar and varieties of fancy pastry and candies 4. Garnishing desserts, baked goods, and pastries a. Garnishing ice cream with various toppings b. Making whipped cream and garnishing desserts with pastry bag c. Decorating cakes; egg washing baked goods d. Assembling pastry and cookie trays; setting up desserts and pastries for buffet 5. Producing nutritious baked goods and desserts through healthy substitutes for fat and sugar
Performing Supervisory and Management Skills
1. Supervising all stations a. Acting for chef in manager meetings b. Leading work crew to task completion c. Supervising and directing food production d. Successfully completing banquet functions e. Training new employees in food production tasks 2. Planning and costing menus a. Demonstrating a working knowledge of menu selection, with emphasis on determining the use of food items on the menu that are most suitable for a particular establishment b. Portioning foods in relationship to quantity and cost c. Demonstrating a working knowledge of food-related mathematics d. Producing a complete menu with selections in a la carte breakfasts, luncheons, dinners, and desserts; generating a complete listing of food costs and profit margins of every menu item e. Laying out a menu, including design, drawings, section heading, prices, color suggestions and describing entrees f. Selling banquet parties, planning menus and special events; conferring with chef g. Calculating the food cost over a one-month period 3. Managing labor and payroll a. Designing a complete work schedule that includes workers in all sections of kitchen b. Determining the number of employees needed on duty to operate kitchen as efficiently and economically as possible; calculating payroll percentage as it relates to gross food sales and desired net profits c. Figuring labor costs over month period d. Using consistent procedure for terminating employees e. Outlining benefits offered employees and relating costs of these benefits to the company f. Explaining the concept of worker compensation g. Relating the procedure for an individual to collect unemployment insurance 4. Purchasing a. Demonstrating a working knowledge of purchasing procedures, including specifications for obtaining the best quality merchandise for the purpose at the best prices b. Taking inventory of all food items on a weekly basis c. Placing food orders for items purchased for the kitchen 5. Managing kitchen production a. Demonstrating working knowledge of all stations in kitchen b. Perform all job tasks related to each section of kitchen
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):

1. Trade Safety 2. First Aid (minimum 6.5 hours every 3 years) 3. Sexual Harassment Prevention Training – must comply with Section 201-g of the Labor Law 4. Sanitation and Food Preservation
Industrial and Labor Relations
1. History and background- 6 hours, 1st year 2. Current laws and practices-14 hours, 2nd year
Basic Mathematics
1. Food Cost Accounting 2. Purchasing
Trade Science and Theory
1. Introduction to Food Service Industry 2. Basic Food Preparation/Introductory Cooking 3. Kitchen Laboratory 4. Food and Beverage Services 5. Nutrition 6. Garde Manager 7. Menu Planning and Design 8. Baking (Basic) 9. Advanced Food Preparation 10.Supervisory Management