competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Food Safety & Sanitation
- Demonstrate consistent sanitation practices, as outlined in the ServSafe standards
Competency Check List
- Demonstrate sanitary station set up, with: sanitation bucket/solution proper cutting board set up
- Demonstrate proper use and calibration of an instant-read thermometer
- Demonstrate a knowledge of 3-compartment sink set up
- Demonstrate a knowledge of proper receiving and storage procedures, and food labeling
- Demonstrate proper cleaning and sanitizing of surfaces
- Demonstrate proper cleaning procedures for work station and equipment used in the station
- Demonstrate knowledge of the location of fire suppression equipment and knowledge of its proper use
- Identify the location of the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) (formerly MSDSs or Material Safety Data Sheets) book
Introduction to the Culinary Industry
- Identify the basic positions in a classical brigade
Kitchen Equipment
- Demonstrate proper usage of basic equipment
- Demonstrate proper usage of hand tools
Knife Skills
- Demonstrate proper grip/use of knife, steel, and whetstone
- Demonstrate knife safety at all times, while in the kitchen
- Demonstrate knowledge and usage of the proper knife for each task, as applicable
- Demonstrate a knowledge of the classical cuts: - brunoise - bâtonnet - macédoine - tournée - paysanne - chiffonade - oblique - suprême
Kitchen Math
- Demonstrate knowledge of how to halve a given recipe
- Demonstrate how to measure a liquid item
- Demonstrate how to measure an item by weight
Stock Cookery
- Demonstrate the production of any one (1) of the four (4) basic stock types
- Demonstrate the production of flavor aid (bouquet garni or sachet)
- Demonstrate a knowledge of mirepoix
Soup Cookery
- Demonstrate a knowledge of the various types of soup: clear/broth, cream, puree, vegetable, cold, bisque and chowder
- Demonstrate the production of a soup of choice
- Demonstrate production of a consommé
- Demonstrate a knowledge of the three types of roux: - white roux - blond roux - brown roux
- Demonstrate knowledge of a liaison
- Demonstrate a knowledge of the use of cornstarch and/or arrowroot
- Demonstrate a knowledge of an herb and a spice, and the differences
- Demonstrate production of all Classical sauces - Béchamel - Velouté - Hollandaise - Tomato - Espagnole
- Demonstrate concept of derivative sauces
- Demonstrate the production of mayonnaise
- Demonstrate a knowledge of monte au beurre
Butchering & Hot Cookery
- Demonstrate the fabrication of a whole chicken into 8 smaller cuts - 2 breasts – 1 supreme, 1 airline - 2 wings - 2 Frenched legs - 2 thighs w. oyster meat attached - 1 carcass w. little to no meat remaining
- Remove the silver skin from a piece of meat
- Demonstrate the production of a scallopine cut
- Truss a whole chicken
- Demonstrate the production of a medium rare piece of grilled meat
- Demonstrate the production of a medium piece of seared meat
- Demonstrate the production of a well-done piece of meat
- Demonstrate knowledge of how to clean the beard off shellfish
- Demonstrate knowledge how to devein shrimp
- Demonstrate a knowledge between: shellfish, cephalopods, and crustaceans
- Demonstrate how to fabricate and portion a round fish
- Demonstrate how to fabricate and portion a flat fish
- Demonstrate a knowledge of the best cuts of meat for each of the following cooking methods: - Broiling - Grilling - Stewing - Braising - Roasting - Sautéing
- Demonstrate production of clarified butter
- Demonstrate a knowledge of smoke point in fats
- Demonstrate the production of a steamed item of choice
- Demonstrate the production of a fish (any cut)
- Demonstrate how to cook 5 oz. of dried pasta
- Demonstrate a knowledge of meat, vegetable & starch cookery: - Broiling - Grilling - Stewing - Braising - Roasting - Sautéing
- Demonstrate the concepts of a balanced plate
- Demonstrate the production of hot sandwiches - Club Sandwich - Grilled meat and cheese sandwich
- Demonstrate proper carving of meat and poultry
- Demonstrate the production and pan-frying of a breaded item using the standard breading procedure
- Demonstrate the production and deep-frying of a battered item
- Demonstrate the production of a shallow- poached item and a pan sauce from the poaching liquid
Breakfast Cookery
- Demonstrate proper handling of eggs
- Prepare the various types of eggs (2ea eggs): - 2 ea. over easy - 2 ea. over medium - 2 ea. over hard - 2 ea. Sunnyside up - 2 ea. scrambled eggs - 2 ea. poached eggs - 2 ea. Hard cooked eggs - 2 ea. egg omelet w. filling of choice - 2 ea. Eggs Benedict
- Demonstrate production of breakfast potatoes
- Demonstrate knowledge of pancake batter
- Demonstrate production of cooked bacon and sausage
- Demonstrate the production of French Toast
Basic Baking
- Demonstrate a knowledge of gluten
- Demonstrate production of a yeasted product
- Demonstrate the production of a non-yeast leavened product
- Demonstrate a knowledge of proper filling and usage of a piping bag
- Demonstrate knowledge to safely perform the necessary tasks in a professional kitchen
- Demonstrate knowledge of a basic vinaigrette
- Demonstrate knowledge of pate brisée
- Demonstrate a knowledge of basic hot and cold sandwich cookery
- Demonstrate the proper preparation and production of fruit and vegetables
- Demonstrate the proper use of a slicing machine to slice deli meat and cheese
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):

Technology Basics
Document, Productivity, Information, Virtual Productivity, & Social Networking
Communication Skills, Listening Techniques, Verbal Communication, non- verbal communication, Working in teams
Workplace Behavior
Harassment, Safety orientation, Workplace ethics
Problem Solving
Time Management, FDIC Assessment, Six- Step Problem solving, Problem Solving Strategies, conflict resolutions
Job Prep
Setting career path, applications, resume writing, interviewing
Work Keys
Test (minimum skill level 3)
To maintain a healthy and safe work environment, OSHA recommends employees in various industries participate in workplace safety training. OSHA Education Center addresses specific regulations as they apply to the General Industry and help you meet your workplace training requirements. OSHA 10 is designed to familiarize workers with OSHA standards as well as safety and health hazards common to the workplace. This training is to educate workers on identifying, avoiding, controlling, and preventing jobsite hazards.
Basic Food Preparation
In this course students acquire fundamental knowledge and skills in preparing a variety of basic foods. Specific topics include safety, the history of food service, professional standards of conduct and ethics, credentialing, the kitchen brigade, tools, and techniques for preparing various types of food items.
Basic Food Preparation Lab
In this course students acquire fundamental knowledge and skills in preparing a variety of basic foods. Specific topics include safety, the history of food service, professional standards of conduct and ethics, credentialing, the kitchen brigade, tools, and techniques for preparing various types of food items. At the conclusion of this course students will demonstrate basic food preparation skills.
Spanish in the Workplace I
Introduction of conversational Spanish within the Restaurant & Food Services.
Accident Response
This course covers first aid and accident procedures. Learners will study about blood borne pathogens and how to prevent them, the guidelines of administering first aid, how to respond to a workplace accident, how to use an eyewash station, and how to report workplace accidents.
Serve Safe Manager
This course introduces the basic principles of sanitation and safety in food service operations. Specific topics include microbial contaminants, food allergens and food borne illness, personal hygiene, basic first aid, food management systems, and proper food selection, receiving, torage, and preparation. Special emphasis will be placed on the creation of a HAACP for the safe movement of food through the food service operation and the development of a plan for dealing with customer allergies. At the conclusion of this course students will be prepared to test for ServSafe© Manager certification and certification as an allergen specialist. This course is foundational for all culinary classes.
Fundamentals of Culinary Arts
In this course, students apply food preparation and meal management skills in all areas of food service. Emphasis is placed on management and technical skills needed to operate a restaurant. Upon completion, students will develop advanced skills in food preparation and meal management.
Food Preparation
In this course students acquire fundamental knowledge and skills in preparing a variety of basic foods. Specific topics include safety, the history of food service, professional standards of conduct and ethics, credentialing, the kitchen brigade, tools, and techniques for preparing various types of food items. At the conclusion of this course students will demonstrate basic food preparation skills.
Certified Kitchen Cook
The Certified Kitchen Cook credential recognizes that kitchen employees who are committed to high standards in everything they do. The certification is supported by the START and quick START (Skills, Tasks, and Results Training) programs. START resources present concise instructions for training new or prospective employees on how to perform key tasks correctly, along with the general hospitality knowledge and soft skills needed in the hospitality industry