competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
Expanded Learning Program Leader

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

- Understands, promotes and implements the comprehensive health and safety plan and procedures
- Addresses all incidents of intimidation and isolation between students immediately and in a culturally responsive manner.
- Creates opportunities for all students to share their voice and creates opportunities for expression during the activity where students offer feedback and/or practice public speaking skills.
- Checks in with students regarding their experience and continuously grows their ability to build trusting, nurturing and supportive relationships with participants.
- Provides positive, specific, feedback about participation, behavior, and accomplishments through a combination of approaches, such as one-on-one acknowledgments, public appreciation in front of the group, and formal awards or ceremonies.
- Creates a process for establishing group agreements that are co-created to build a sense of community.
- Holds high expectations for student performance and interpersonal behaviors during activities; apprentice explicitly explains expectations and rationale consistently.
- Implements behavioral management techniques to guide activity participation and models positive behavior and choices for the students.
- Offers several opportunities to share youth voice and guide lesson planning through surveys, and round table discussion; input is consistently solicited, and demonstrates confidence in expressing ideas, concerns, and/or opinions.
- Listens attentively and implements recommendations appropriately to include student input.
- Effectively utilizes prep time to prepare for activities and review weekly lesson plans with the program manager/supervisor prior to delivery.
- Demonstrates effective time management, provides clear instructions, and facilitates activities with fidelity.
- Assist students with questions, provides specific details and information to support students understanding
- Engages in a data-driven program quality improvement process; uses assessment and reflection data to inform academic instruction, literacy activities, and small group instruction.
- Creates, adapts, and/or modifies lessons to be appropriate and engaging for all students.
- Implements lessons aligned with the Common Core State Standards, youth development principles, and healing- centered practices.
- Encourages participants to engage in meaningful group work and collaboration throughout the activity; peer interactions are positive, and participants are respectful of one another’s contributions.
- Acknowledges program participants by name and demonstrates an ability to mediate conflict if and when it arises between program participants.
- Develops a personal work philosophy informed by knowledge of child and youth growth and development, cultural competencies, promising practices, and a professional code of ethics.
- Manages demands of personal and professional commitments.
- Demonstrates the ability to work effectively with others.
- Demonstrates ongoing self-reflection, selfassessment, and problem-solving strategies to promote professional growth.
- Builds professional network, skills, and competencies by accessing various services, resources, and opportunities.
- Participates in activities, projects, and events within the organization.
- Recognizes the importance of leadership skills, self- advocacy, and being a voice to support children, youth, and families.
- Communicates respectfully and positively with families from a variety of cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.
- Develops and contributes to relationships with appropriate school staff and community stakeholders to better meet the individual needs of children and youth.
- Creates and maintains an environment that actively promotes respect, equity, cultural diversity and value for all.
- Actively encourages and ensures all participants can engage in activities regardless of English language fluency, their physical or developmental ability, and use a variety of strategies to do so.
- Builds their ability through formal training in implicit bias, culturally responsive, traumainformed, and healing- centered approaches to child and youth development and through ongoing coaching and mentoring by supervisors.
- Understands that change, stress, and transition affect social and emotional development and behavior and responds accordingly to mitigate these effects.
- Understands how children and youth develop a sense of self.
- Supports participants in communicating their emotions and attempting to understand the emotions of others to build skills that connect them with their peers, teachers, and the community.
- Implements strategies to develop young people’s self- awareness, social awareness, selfmanagement, relationship building, and responsibility.
- Adapts cognitive and physical activities and interactions to support diverse needs, abilities, and interests.
- Implements prevention, preparedness, mindfulness, and health practices.
- Acts in partnership with youth to provide and support intentional opportunities for youth to play a meaningful role in program design, implementation, and ongoing leadership.
- Creates opportunities for students to engage, discuss, and share program/activity interests in an informal way. These opportunities are created consistently or for a majority of the participating students.
- Consistently creates opportunities for students to comfortably express their ideas, concerns, and/or opinions
- Creates age-appropriate opportunities for leadership and responsibility and builds youth leadership and critical thinking skills
- Shares an age-appropriate amount of power and leadership of activities; there is a split of responsibilities, authority, obligation, and commitment, or activities are participant initiated
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):
Child/Human Growth & Development
Sample Course: Child Growth & Development Course Description: Examines major physical, psychosocial and cognitive-language developmental milestones for children, typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. Emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying theory and research, students observe children, evaluate individual differences and characteristics of development at various stages.
Child-Family-Community / Child-Family Relations
Sample Course: Child, Family and Community Course Description: Examine the developing child in a societal context focused on inter- relationship of family, school and community, and emphasizing historical and socio- cultural factors. Topics include processes of socialization and identity development, importance of respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families, social influences on parenting, child-rearing, relationships between child, family, school.
Programs / Curriculum
Sample Course: Principles and Practices of Teaching Early Childhood and Early Primary Children Course Description: Introduction to the field of early childhood and early primary education: Historical contexts and theoretical perspectives of developmentally appropriate practice in early care and education for children birth through age eight. Explores the typical roles and expectations of early childhood educators. Identifies professional ethics, career pathways, and professional standards. Introduces best practices for developmentally appropriate learning environments, curriculum, and effective pedagogy for young children, including how play contributes to children's learning, growth, and development. Sample Course: Introduction to Teaching Children with Special Needs Course Description: Introduction to teaching children with special needs. Theories and practices; variations in development of children with special needs and resulting impact on families; definition of special needs; historical and societal influences; laws related to special education and related policies; categories of disabilities; and the identification and referral process including assessments, interventions, and learning environments for children with special needs. Sample Course: Mathematical Concepts for Teachers Course Description: Mathematical concepts for teaching. Development of quantitative reasoning skills and in-depth, integrated explorations of topics through real number systems and subsystems; comprehension and analysis of mathematical concepts and applications of logical reasoning; introduction to the mathematics domain of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks, including the strands of number sense, algebra and functions, measurement, geometry, mathematical reasoning. Sample Course: Children’s Literature Course Description: Introduction to children’s literature: Fairy tales and tale types; interpretation of children’s literature from the perspectives of children, teachers, and parents; study of books by authors such as Brown, Dahl, Juster, Rowling, Sendak, Soto, and others.
Observation, Screening, Assessment, and Documentation
Sample Course: Observation and Assessment Course Description: The appropriate use of assessment and observation tools and strategies to document young children’s development and learning. Emphasizes use of findings to inform and plan learning environments and experiences. Recording strategies, rating systems, portfolios, and multiple assessment tools will be explored, along with strategies for collaboration with families and professionals.
Health, Safety, and Nutrition
Sample Course: Health, Safety, & Nutrition Course Description: Laws, regulations, standards, policies, procedures, best practices related to health, safety, and nutrition in early childhood settings. Includes prevention strategies, nutrition, and meal planning for various ages and planning educational experiences integrated into daily routines designed to teach children positive health, safety and nutrition habits.
Culture, Diversity, and Equity
Sample Course: Teaching in a Diverse Society Course Description: Examines the impact of various societal influences on the development of children’s social identity. Covers developmentally appropriate, inclusive, and anti-bias approaches. Self-examination and reflection on issues related to social identity, stereotypes, and bias will be emphasized.
Supervised Field Experience
Sample Course: Supervised Field Experience in Education Course Description: Supervised field experience in education under guided supervision. Classroom experiences that connect theory to practical application; professional and ethical conduct in school settings; comprehensive understanding of children, adolescents, families and communities within the context of school environments; reflective practice in constructing responsive curriculum; effective implementation of cycle of inquiry and data-driven lesson planning; evidence-based approaches to evaluation, strategies, and techniques that promote development and learning.
English / Language Arts
Sample Courses: Composition, Creative Writing, Debate, English, Journalism, Language Acquisition, Language Arts, Literature, Play Production, Poetry, Speech, Theater, Writing.
Math or Science
Sample Courses: Calculus, Computer Science, Geometry, Mathematical Analysis, Probability, Statistics, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Earth Science, Ecology, Environmental Science, Geology, Health Science, Nutrition (sciencebased), Physics, Zoology.
Social Sciences
Sample Courses: Anthropology, Criminology, Economics, Ethnic Studies, Geography, Government, Health Education, History, Human Behavior, Human Relations, Human Sexuality, Law, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology.
Humanities and/or Fine Arts
Sample Courses: Architecture, Art, Art Civilization, Crafts, Culture, Dance, Design, Ethics, Ethnic Studies, Fine Arts, Foreign Language, Logic, Music, Philosophy, Sign Language.