competency in skills and knowledge through assessment tests,
but are not required to complete a specific number of hours.
Urban Institute

Work Process Content
On the Job Training

Supports Instruction
- Assists teacher toward maintaining the physical environment to ensure safety, maximize learning and facilitate student independence (e.g., classroom set-up, accessibility of learning materials to students, visual aids, etc.) and a sense of purpose to maintain a positive and challenging learning environment
- Follows written instructional plans provided by the instructional team, seeking clarification and training as needed to reinforce essential concepts
- Reinforces learning individually or with small group instruction, at the direction of the teacher, that will achieve and reinforce the short- and long-term objectives of the classroom
- Administers a variety of materials and technologies in support of assignments (e.g., tests, homework, grades papers, folders, etc.) for the purpose of assisting teacher in evaluating students' progress and meeting the needs of the student(s)
- Performs other related duties, as assigned, to ensure the efficient and effective functioning of the teaching work unit
- Assists classroom teacher or other immediate supervisor with the provision of instructional activities at the appropriate level for all students including resources that support digital equity
- Assists in preparation and organization of instructional materials (i.e., instructional activities, bulletin boards, reference materials, etc.) to provide assistance to teacher in support of lesson plans
- Proctors routine classroom assessments (following any student accommodations) as directed by the instructional team
- With support from the classroom teacher, clearly and consistently communicate how concepts connect to the big ideas and essential questions within and across disciplines
- Assists in planning, delivery and evaluation of extra-curricular learning activities under the direction of the teacher (e.g., field trips, outdoor exploration, etc.)
- Supports direct instruction to students individually, in small groups, and with whole class settings under direction of teacher
- Assists with the use of informal formative assessments to determine student understanding of specific content.
- Makes responsive adjustments, modifies pace of instruction and provides organizational cues under the guidance of the instructional team
Develops Systems of Support for Students
- Advocates for students through effective communication with school personnel and their families as best determined by the instructional team
- Supports development during transitions in students' lives through mentoring and modeling fairness, respect and problem-solving behavior
- Support the implementation of social-emotional and behavioral interventions as determined by the instructional teams
- Supports student’s independence, selfadvocacy, positive sense of identity, selfcontrol, and self-reliance under the guidance of the instructional team
- Assists in culturally responsive-sustaining education that is grounded in a view of learning and human development where multiple expressions of diversity are recognized and regarded as assets for learning.
- Supports a safe and equitable learning environment that honors diversity and inclusion by respecting the differences between culture, religion, race, gender, class, sexual orientation and abilities of students under the guidance of the instructional team
- Uses knowledge of students’ strengths and interests to encourage engagement in varied school and community activities under the guidance of the instructional team
- Assists classroom teacher or other school professionals with the creation of an environment in which students work with a sense of purpose and understand what is expected of them
- Demonstrates through words, actions and instruction, high standards, and the belief in students’ ability to meet them
- Aligns communication methods to individual’s language proficiency by providing opportunities and support for students to understand, acquire, and use verbal and nonverbal means to communicate thoughts and feelings
- Supports students to have central roles in holding self and others accountable for behavioral expectations, including roles in resolving conflict and eliminating bullying and harassment
- Promotes understanding and development of ways to respond to differences in culture, religion, race, language, class, gender, sexual orientation, and abilities of students
- Supports the use of effective and responsive instructional strategies while functioning within a multilingual, multicultural and economically diverse society
- Implements positive behavioral supports for all students outlined in a behavior support plan as determined by the instructional team
- Supports students and families through home visits
Supports Student Safety
- Administers first aid and emergency medical assistance as required for the purpose of providing appropriate care for injured students
- Understands and articulates common educational and medical terminology used in the school setting
- Monitors students during assigned periods within a variety of school environments (e.g., restrooms, playgrounds, hallways, bus loading zones, cafeteria, parking lots, etc.) for the purpose of aiding students and providing a safe and secure environment
- Uses universal precautions to assist in maintaining a safe, healthy environment in all settings
- Recognizes that psychological safety is an integral part of human development by valuing diversity, equity and inclusion by enabling students to be their whole selves where they can exhibit their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, background, family status or any other part of their identity without judgement
- Assists in teaching specific behaviors and procedures to facilitate safety and learning in a school setting as determined by the instructional team
- Works with students to safeguard their welfare, both on and off school campus as an extension of their personal social and emotional learning journey.
- Reports suspected child abuse, suicidal ideation, and dangerous behaviors as required by law, policies, and local procedures
- Assists in the administration of medication per parent / guardian / school nurse instructions as permitted
- Supervises student safety on field trips and other activities such as indoor/outdoor play, snacks and rest
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs8
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Adapts, under the direction of the teacher, classroom activities, assignments and/or materials for the purpose of providing an opportunity for all special education students to participate in classroom activities, including adapting the physical environment and modifying learning materials
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs9
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Supports students with disabilities in their use of augmentative and alternative communication devices and other assistive technology under the guidance of the instructional team
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs10
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Provides least intrusive levels of support, fade support, and fade physical proximity from students with disabilities under the guidance of the instructional team
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs11
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Provides feedback to students with disabilities regarding their performance under the guidance of the instructional team
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs12
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Confers with teacher(s) (special education and/or mainstream teacher) on a regular basis for the purpose of assisting in evaluating special education student progress and/or implementing IEP objectives
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs13
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Supports development of communication and social skills and facilitate proactive peer interactions for students with disabilities under the guidance of the instructional team
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs14
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Implements individualized reinforcement systems as determined by the instructional team
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs15
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Supports, fosters, and encourages the use of oral and written communication efforts of students with disabilities, if able, and under the guidance of the instructional team
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs1
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Confers with teachers and/or parents (e.g. phone calls, e-mails, parent-teacher meetings, recording student progress, etc.) for the purpose of providing information related to the student’s progress as established in their individual educational program
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs2
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Supports students with disabilities in their use of self-assessment, problem-solving, and other cognitive strategies under the guidance of the instructional team
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs3
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Supports students with behavioral, emotional and social development needs
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs4
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Maintains the dignity, privacy, and confidentiality of all students with disabilities, families, and school personnel as part of established communication plan
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs5
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Works with students with additional requirements to meet their personal support needs, including contributing to the transportation and care of individuals with special needs
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs17
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Assists students requiring support in addressing personal care needs due to medical condition and/or physical limitations for the purpose of allowing students to function in school environment
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs18
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Assists with supplementary work for advanced students
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs16
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Provides a sense of inclusion and belonging in schools by encouraging students to believe, experience and feel that they are accepted and respected as a valued contributor in the learning and social environment.
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs6
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Supports individuals during therapy sessions
Provides Support for Students with Special Needs7
Note: This Job Function is specific to Paraeducators assigned to support students with IEPs. All students with an IEP should be supported under supervision of the teacher of record or the case manager for that student.
- Supports students with sensory and/or physical needs
Supports Social and Behavioral Development
- Provides students with social-emotional support and implement behavioral interventions as determined by the instructional teams
- Assists instructor in teaching and demonstrating skills that undergird equity, wellness, and social emotional learning which include, but are not limited to, self-awareness, social awareness, relationship building and decision making
- Models good behavior and contribute to the prevention of challenging behavior
- Enables students to be active citizens through civic engagement
- Develops and promotes positive relationships with students
- Communicates and supports students about the benefits of improving attendance
- Promotes students’ wellbeing and resilience
- Communicates behavioral insight about students to teacher
- Responds to student actions using positive strategies to encourage good behavior and communicates the consequences of poor behavior
- Demonstrates respect and appreciation for cultural differences in verbal and written interactions with students, families (including home visits, where applicable)
- Demonstrates respect through language and behavior in all interactions with colleagues, students, and families
Develops and Models Professional Behavior
- Models professional appearance, demeanorand maintain punctuality.
- Develops and maintain positive working relationships with other practitioners by attending meetings and participating with other stakeholders in school improvement initiatives
- Conducts activities with integrity and in compliance with applicable local, state and federal standards, policies and guidelines
- Follows the chain of command established by the district to address policy questions, system level issues, and personnel practices
- Attends all training and in-service presentations (e.g., first aid, CPR, emergency procedures, etc.) for the purpose of acquiring and/or conveying information relative to job functions and professional growth
- Reflects on instructional successes and challenges and use that information; seek guidance and use feedback from licensed professionals to continually improve practice
- Maintains boundaries for relationships and communication with students and their families within the professional and ethical scope of responsibility
- Pursues understanding of special education services and students with disabilities under the guidance of the instructional team
- Establishes and maintains professional, collegial, and appropriate relationships with school personnel, students, and their families
Maintains the Instructional Environment
Note: Due to state or local regulations not all Paraeducators will be required to do these competencies. (Refer to state or local policy)
- In collaboration with assigned teacher(s) performs record keeping and educational reporting (e.g., student records, schedules, lesson plans, progress reports, attendance, classroom inventories, etc.), per school's policies and procedures
- Performs other related duties as assigned for the purpose of ensuring the efficient and effective functioning of the learning environment
- Supports instructional team by assisting in the development of tests, bibliographies, lists, notices, class materials, and other items
- Contribute to school safety by performing monitoring duties as assigned and stay apprised of all safety plans (i.e., fire, severe weather, active shooter, etc.), as determined by the school district.
- Develops an understanding of the use and maintenance of technologies and/or equipment used in the classroom or by students in order to support instructional team
- Maintains and develops engaging content for bulletin boards, display areas, and interest centers to support an engaged classroom in coordination with the instructional team
- Participates in school activities to promote the general welfare of the school and improve teaching and learning
- Leads and motivate volunteers assigned to classroom
Related Instruction Content
Training Provider(s):
Mathematics for ParaEducators (from the ParaPro PRAXIS Guidebook)
Sample learning objectives Perform basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, fractions and decimals and recognize the terms association with those functions (sum, difference, product, quotient, numerator, denominator, etc.) Recognize and interpret mathematical symbols Determine the relative position and place value of whole numbers, fractions and decimals to other whole numbers, fractions and decimals Recognize equivalent forms of a number Compute percentages Demonstrate knowledge of basic concepts of exponents Demonstrate knowledge of order of operations Use mental math to solve problems by estimation Solve word problems Solve one-step, single-variable linear equations Identify what comes next in a sequence of numbers Represent time and money in more than one way Convert between units of measures in the same system and different systems (i.e. Metric or English systems) Identify basic geometrical shapes Perform computations related to area, volume and perimeter for basic shapes Graph data on an xy-coordinate plane Interpret data from tables, charts and graphs Interpret data trends over time using charts and graphs Create basic tables, charts and graphs Compute the mean, median and mode
Reading and Writing for ParaEducators
Sample learning objectives Identify the main idea or primary purpose of a written document or excerpt Identify the supporting ideas in a written document or excerpt Identify how a reading selection is organized Determine the meanings of words or phrases in context Draw inferences or implications from directly stated content Determine whether information is presented as fact or opinion Interpret information from tables, diagrams, charts and graphs Help students use prereading strategies, such as skimming or making predictions Ask questions about a reading selection to help students understand the selection Make accurate observations about students’ ability to understand and interpret text Help students use a dictionary Interpret written directions Use of phonics, such as sounding out words (long and short vowels, consonant sounds, rhymes) and breaking down words into parts (recognize syllables, root words, prefixes, suffixes) Decode words of phrases using context clues Distinguish between synonyms, antonyms and homonyms Alphabetize words Use proper grammar and parts of speech Identify basic grammatical errors in standard written English Identify errors in word usage Identify errors in punctuation Identify parts of a sentence Identify parts of speech (nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions) Identify and correct spelling errors Use prewriting to generate and organize ideas Identify and use appropriate reference material Draft and revise written statements, documents or essays Edit written documents for clarity, grammar, sentence structure, word usage, punctuation and spelling Use appropriate language based on an audience Write a position for or against something Recognize and write in different modes (i.e., descriptive essay, persuasive essay, narrative, letter, etc.)
Early Childhood Development
Sample learning objectives List the major developmental periods between birth and adolescence and describe the cognitive and behavioral changes typical during each stage Discuss the importance of reading to students to enhance future literacy skills and cognitive development Describe activities that can enhance the physical, social and emotional development of students and help instill in students the capacity to exhibit selfcontrol, to be resilient, to demonstrate empathy and to engage in sharing Discuss the causes of harmful behaviors such as bullying, self-isolation and tantrums as well as strategies that educators and parents can employ to resolve these harmful behaviors Discuss the cause of common developmental delays, such as autism, ADHD, intellectual disabilities and trauma and describe techniques that teachers and givers can use to assist students achieve optimal development Plan activities that help students acquire language skills, employ logic and engage in discovery Discuss the importance of an involved father in the cognitive development of students and describe strategies for helping parents and other caregivers engage with students in ways that enhances their cognitive and emotional development
Adolescent Development (for middle and high school paraeducators)
Sample learning objectives List the major developmental periods or stages between adolescence and adulthood and describe the cognitive and behavioral changes typical during each stage Explain the influence of adolescent egocentrism on the way that adolescents perceive themselves, their relationship with others and how they are perceived by others Discuss the hormonal changes associated with adolescence and the behavioral changes that often accompany those hormonal changes Discuss effective strategies for helping adolescents understand the physical changes that are occurring in their bodies, the emotional challenges teenagers often experience and the changing demands and expectations regarding their ability to make good decisions, apply logic, control impulses and handle an increasing amount of independence and responsibility Describe activities that can enhance the physical, social and emotional development of adolescence, enhance their teamwork schools, and provide emotional support to others Discuss the causes of harmful behaviors such as bullying, self-isolation and self-harm and strategies that can be employed to resolve these harmful behaviors Discuss the cause of common developmental delays, such as autism, ADHD, intellectual disabilities and trauma and describe techniques that teachers and givers can use to assist students achieve optimal development through their teenage years Plan activities that help adolescents acquire more advanced language skills, employ advanced logic and solve problems independently and productively Discuss the etiology and manifestations of developmental disabilities that create challenges for adolescents in becoming independent, in using good judgement, in considering future education or career goals and in managing anger, frustration, fear, sadness and insecurity Describe signs and symptoms of alcohol or drug use and abuse in adolescents, the impact that drug and alcohol abuse has on learning and behavior and the appropriate steps to take to help students with substance use and abuse behaviors to seek professional counseling and/or appropriate medical treatment
Classroom and Behavioral Management
Sample learning objectives Describe the importance of planning effective lessons and demonstrate the ability to plan lessons, evaluate their effectiveness in teaching key concepts, make corrective changes to improve the efficacy of lesson plans, and illustrate how lesson plans address core concepts in state or district learning goals Demonstrate the use of effective classroom management techniques, including those that teach empathy, encourage all students to participate, identify students who need additional help or challenge, model equity and inclusion and teach self-control and discipline Demonstrate professional behavior in communicating with students, other teachers, administrators, parents and resource personnel Discuss the problem of bullying, the various manifestations of bullying, and effective strategies for reforming the behavior of bullies and supporting the victims of bullying, including by engaging with parents, school mental health providers, school administrators and other teachers to develop effective action plans for involved students Demonstrate effective and age-appropriate behavioral modification techniques to address inappropriate behavior such as defiant non-participation, speaking out of turn, not following directions, not paying attention, not sitting still, inappropriately expressing anger or frustration, fighting or inflicting harm or injury on others, etc. Discuss the role of the paraeducator in helping the teacher to manage the classroom and address the unique needs of students who are disruptive or display inappropriate behaviors Explain the role of the paraeducator in assisting students who need help with using the toilet, washing their hands, using assistive devices and/or who spend a part of their day receiving supplemental services, such as speech therapy, physical therapy or medical care.
Instructional Techniques and the Role of Paraeducators
Sample learning objectives Describe the role of the paraeducator as part of the instructional team, the limits to a paraeducator’s legal scope of practice and the unique relationship between paraeducators, teachers, students, school administrators and parents given the opportunity that paraeducators often have to spend more one-on-one time with a single student or a small cohort of students Demonstrate the ability to develop an age and ability-appropriate lesson plan, or to identify and use supplemental materials to help students who are struggling to learn a concept Discuss strategies for informally and regularly assessing a student’s understanding of the instructional material they are learning, the accuracy of their assumptions or preconceived notions that may impact their ability to learn or apply new material, and their need for additional assistance or challenge opportunities to keep them engaged Demonstrate the ability to write accurately and clearly, using appropriate vocabulary based on the audience receiving the written communication Select age-appropriate and topic-aligned reading materials for students to read independently or in groups, silently or out load, or to read to students to enhance their learning experience Demonstrate the ability to create succinct and informative learning objectives and to identify and select strategies and materials to use in meeting those learning objectives based on the parameters established in collaboration with others on the instructional team, relevant supplemental service providers, and the teacher of record and in accordance with the requirements of a student’s IEP Demonstrate the ability to help students develop strategies for focusing on learning, extending their attention span, avoiding distractions and increasing their ability to spend time on specific tasks Demonstrate the use of incentives and rewards to encourage and reward learning, appropriate behavior and other accomplishments Explain the importance of repetition, spiraling and other techniques in helping students build knowledge Explain effective techniques for helping students extract relevant information from written or verbal communication, extrapolate to solve unknowns, utilize context to enhance understanding, and apply knowledge appropriately to solve new problems, Describe the importance of record keeping and demonstrate the ability to organize documents, save them in an appropriate location, and securely transmit them to other members of the instructional team Explain state and federal laws regarding student privacy and demonstrate the ability to manage sensitive and protected information appropriately Describe strategies for engaging parents/guardians in supporting their child’s learning and demonstrate the ability to communicate accurately, succinctly and appropriately with parents Explain and demonstrate effective strategies for helping students manage stress, to diffuse anger, to combat insecurity, to help students build self-confidence, to develop impulse control, and to stop bullying Demonstrate the ability to calculate grades based on weighted percentages Explain state and federal laws regarding child abuse and an educator’s responsibilities for communicating to teachers and school administrators about cases of suspected abuse, and for reporting suspected abuse to the appropriate officials Explain the importance of communicating honestly with parents, upholding parental rights to make decisions on behalf of minor students, and notifying parents when a student is struggling with learning, is experiencing social or behavioral challenges, or has been the victim of bullying or other harmful behavior Describe the unique challenges and needs of students who require home or hospital-based education and explain the role of the paraeducator in supporting that student in person or in a virtual learning environment
Sample learning objectives Explain effective techniques for communicating information and demonstrate the ability to respectfully disagree, to persuade others to see your point of view, to communicate information that is likely to upset the recipient, to diffuse anger, and to demonstrate appropriate enthusiasm and encouragement Explain the importance of protecting student privacy Demonstrate the ability to use social media effectively and professionally, to maintain student privacy when using social media, and to post material that is appropriate to ensure that educators are positive role models for students Prepare written notes, emails, reports or other documents to clearly and accurately convey information Demonstrate the ability to engage in active listening Demonstrate the ability to use images, actions, expressions or other tools to communicate with others Demonstrate the ability to write effective, accurate and complete instructions on how to carry out a task or complete a process Demonstrate the ability to use basic electronic devices and standard software to communicate with others through chat, messaging, emails, message boards and cohort communication systems Demonstrate the ability to use technology, such as computers, printers, electronic white boards, classroom projection equipment and online learning platforms and tools Explain the importance of cultural and situational context in communicating with students, parents and peers Discuss strategies for communicating with students and parents who do not speak English or have limited fluency in English (ESL paraeducators will require specialized instruction to expand their skills in working with non-English or limited-English learners) Discuss strategies for communicating with individuals who are visually or hearing impaired or individuals who have limited cognitive abilities
Child Health and Wellness
Sample learning objectives Explain the importance of physical activity and appropriate diet for a student’s physical, social and emotional development and to promote learning Distinguish between nutritionally-rich and nutritionally-poor food and beverage choices, and identify components of healthy meals Explain the types of food allergies common among school-aged students as well as effective strategies for reducing the risk of exposure Demonstrate the ability to perform basic first aid to dislodge an item when an individual is choking, to administer CPR when appropriate, to apply pressure to stop bleeding, and to immobilize an individual when a neck or spine injury is suspected Describe ways to engage students in physical activities, based on their age and ability status Describe ways to assess a child’s emotional wellness and to appropriately engage a child in conversation to help them understand, articulate and solve problems; demonstrate the ability to appropriately escalate to a teacher, parent or mental health professional concerns about a child’s social, emotional or physical well-being Describe methods used to assess a child’s wellness and to seek help for a child experiencing the onset of illness while in school Describe state and federal laws regarding the treatment of students with communicable diseases, preventing the transmission of disease, and maintaining privacy regarding a child’s medical status or condition Describe the signs and symptoms of drug or alcohol use or abuse in students and the actions a paraeducator should take if alcohol or drug use is suspected in a student; describe the emergency procedures one should follow in the event of intoxication or drug overdose Describe techniques to support students who have gender dysphoria as well as legal protections afforded students who are members of the LGBTQ+ community; explain your state laws regarding the notification of parents in the event that a child decides to use a different name or gender identity than that under which the child was registered for school
Working with Exceptional Students
Sample learning objectives Describe methods used to identify exceptional students, including those who are extraordinarily capable learners, those who have learning disabilities and those whose learning might be impacted by physical or psychological limitations Describe strategies for helping students with learning deficiencies or disabilities improve their learning outcomes Describe the tools, techniques and special programs or opportunities available in the state, through the school or school system, or in the local area for students who are exceptional (such as above-average learners, those who have learning disabilities, or learners who have physical or cognitive challenges or disorders) Describe the etiology and common behaviors seen among those who have common cognitive, emotional or physical disorders such as attention deficit disorders, hyperactivity disorders, were born with fetal alcohol syndrome or fetal drug addiction, have cerebral palsy, have genetic disorders, are on the autism spectrum or have experience brain injury or other physical trauma. Describe and demonstrate the ability to develop effective lesson plans or supplemental materials and activities for students with conditions or challenges described above. Discuss challenges that occur within families or in the home that may interfere with a child’s social, emotional and learning needs and discuss strategies for supporting students dealing with challenging situations, such as the death of a parent, sibling, grandparent or other family member; witnessing or being the victim of violence; divorce or separation of parents; foster care or adoption; incarceration of a parent or caregiver; hospitalization of a parent, sibling or caregiver; and homelessness. Explain how IEP/IFSP plans are developed to support a child’s social, emotional and learning needs, the state and federal requirements for providing supplemental services based on a child’s IEP/IFSP plan, and reporting requirements associated with maintaining or changing an IEP/IFSP plan. Describe the types of accommodations that are afforded students who have an IEP/IFSP plan and discuss strategies for maintaining a student’s privacy regarding their unique learning needs.